This web site is dedicated to the eradication of irrational thinking.
Rationalists are those, whose thinking is strictly guided by the laws of logic.
Rationalists only accept as true, that which has been proven to be true,
through the application of the scientific method.

Neo's Daily Blog
(politics, religion, and science)


George Carlin paints a damn accurate picture of politics (8:13)

But seeing how we are approaching
the most important election in American history,
I don't know that I would go so far
as to agree with his advice not to vote.
It's going to be hard enough to win as it is,
with all the pre-election rigging that Republicans are doing.

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Project 2025 is Trump's revenge plan
in which he details the complete takeover of America ...

that he barely missed doing in 2021

And the brainwashed half of America
continues to march all of us down the same path
that Hitler led Germans ... less than a century ago.

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2 teens invent a device
that removes microplastics
using ultrasound waves ...

winning $50k

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This short Jimmy Kimmel video of Trump supporters ...

gives us a good idea of what we are up against (3:59)

The dishonesty of those people was ... off the chart.

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As the dominoes of Democracy have been falling all over the world
a dim ray of hope appears in Bangladesh.

The people rose up and drove out the dictator!

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So, how are the Republican attacks on abortion working out for women?

This report should give you an idea

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Who are the "Big Boys (Oligarchs)"?

Here are some of them

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The Big Boys (Oligarchs) are getting a stranglehold on
the most valuable treasure on Earth ...

our water (11:52)

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All the advances made during the 20th century
are being rolled back, including ...

child labor laws

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Video proves Trump was lying when he claimed
that he did not know anything about ...

project 2025

So how many lies has Trump been caught in? 20,000? 30,000?
It doesn't matter. If/when it reaches a million
his mind-controlled cult base could care less.

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Researchers report significant progress in the battle against ...


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Court protects Monarchy from Democracy

And the dominoes just keep on falling
as democracy gets ushered off the planet.

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The novel "1984" by George Orwell (7:36)

Show of hands:
How many of you ever believed that
we here in the U.S. would find ourselves
living in a country where this book was becoming ...


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How Trump plans to steal the 2024 presidential election (16:06)

Unlike Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, who is already in power,
Trump must find a way to first, get back into power,
before the lessons that Republicans are learning in Venezuela
can be used to hold onto that power.
But rest assured, Republicans are studying Maduro's tactics ... furiously.

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Mass psychosis is part of the explanation for how

the Oligarchs have been able to control humanity for 10,000 years (21:48)

But the main tactic that the Oligarchs employ to achieve control
is the age-old, most successful tactic in military history ...


And it works just as well today on modern educated humans
as it did on ancient, barbaric uneducated humans.

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As if the news about global warming couldn't get any worse,
scientists now warn that, due to global warming ...

brain-eating infections could become more common

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For those of you who still can't see that much of a difference
between Republicans and Democrats ...

Kamala Harris will make it easy for you (1:41)

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As homelessness in the U.S. hits a record level,
SCOTUS conservatives rule that cities can ...

ban outdoor sleeping!

I am just about ready to explode.

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