This web site is dedicated to the eradication of irrational thinking.
Rationalists are those, whose thinking is strictly guided by the laws of logic.
Rationalists only accept as true, that which has been proven to be true,
through the application of the scientific method.

Neo's Daily Blog
(politics, religion, and science)


Dana reviews some of Trump's greatest moments (4:10)

The fact that the election is a toss-up
rather than being 95%-5%
lends serious credence to the argument that
humans are NOT the smartest creatures on the planet.

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Mitch McConnell is out with his new tell-all book ...

and we thought we hated Trump!

Quote from the article:

"Trump was also holding up a coronavirus aid package at the time, despite bipartisan support.
This despicable human being ... is sitting on this package of relief
that the American people desperately need.

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If Trump wins a second term, it could result in a ...

MAGA supreme court (7 of 9 justices)

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Robert Reich destroys Trump's image as a successful businessman with ...


Money quote:

"Multiple analyses show that
if Trump had simply invested
his multi-million-dollar inheritance
in an index fund and didn’t touch it,
he’d be a lot richer than he is now.

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Here's a preview of what's coming if Trump triumphs ...

you can count on insulin deaths skyrocketing (4:51)

Not to mention, all the other medical deaths that will result
when Republicans finally fulfill their wetdream of removing Obamacare.
(And then they can get back to work on eliminating Medicare)

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Robert Reich explains the economic difference between
what Republicans and Democrats are offering Americans ...

in the upcoming election

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Leigh McGowan (Politics Girl) urgently warns American voters about ...

the deadly path that America is heading down (2:57)

This election is only a battle in a long, long war.
But it is a battle that we desperately need to win.

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There have been enormous gains in longevity among humans in recent years ...

global life expectancy now stands at 73 years (12:38)

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Republicans don't have a problem with debt cancellation when ...

it benefits the "Big Boys" (corporations and the rich)

If you can live with being a hypocrite and a traitor ...
you just might qualify for entry into the Republican party.

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Christianity in America is now at an all-time low of ...


That's down from 95% in the 1950's

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Trump constantly riles his base with stories of China.

Guess who is supplying 120,000 Trump bibles?

Trump sells them for $60.
So why does Trump have them produced in China?

Because they only charge Trump $3 to make each bible

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Mysterious new organism found in Mono Lake, California ...

could rewrite the history of life

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AARP has enemies!

The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC)

The "American Seniors Association" and the "60+ Association"
are 2 other groups that the Oligarchs use
to counter the AARP (which fights to help senior citizens).

So why would seniors join organizations that fight against
the very class of people that they are in?

Ask non-rich people why they fight against their fellow citizens
in servitude to the rich and powerful (the Oligarchs).

When you get the answer to either one of those questions ...
you will have the answer to both.

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Want proof that MAGA is a cult?
Trump's base actually cheered when this billionaire admitted that ...

he hated paying overtime (1:04)

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The Fox "News" YouTube Channel (1 page)

FOX is one of the main tools that the Oligarchs use
to keep the masses divided against each other.
"Divide-and-Conquer" has been working for 10,000 years.

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Leigh McGowan (Politics Girl)

summarizes the report by special counsel Jack Smith (5:09)

Old, obese Trump will be dead soon, but ...
his tens of millions of brainwashed followers
will be with us for a long, long time.


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The lines are being drawn as the Oligarchs prepare the world for ...


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Betty Bowers lists many of the schemes
that Republicans have attempted to implement ...

in order to rig the election for Trump (5:48)

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List of American presidents by greatness
(spoiler alert - Trump was dead last)

The Presidential Greatness Project 2024

This committee was composed of political science experts.
The small percentage of conservatives on the committee
concerned me at first until I remembered that
nearly all science-based committees are nearly devoid of conservatives.

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Fox "News" openly gaslights its audience proving that ...

Fox has complete control over their audience's minds

The only true statement Trump ever made, still rings true ...

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody,
and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?

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Republicans have shifted into overdrive in their efforts to ...

steal the election (4:29)

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Will the media ever question Trump's mental feebleness ...

as they did Biden's?

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New poll shows just how powerful the maga cult is,
in getting modern, educated humans to ...

reject reality (8:23)

That is called "gaslighting"

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With every electoral vote being crucial ...

Republicans attempt a last minute rule change

And these Republicans were the ones screaming about rigged elections.
Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e ?

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