This web site is dedicated to the eradication of irrational thinking.
Rationalists are those, whose thinking is strictly guided by the laws of logic.
Rationalists only accept as true, that which has been proven to be true,
through the application of the scientific method.

Neo's Daily Blog
(politics, religion, and science)


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
which has been a Republican target
since the Great Recession in 2008 ...

has now been neutralized by the Trump regime

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Following the Fascist playbook,
the Oligarchy (led by Trump)
begins the process of
controlling information and ...

shutting down dissent

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Scientists develop a material that captures the sun's rays ...

and can keep people warm in freezing weather

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Denver has provided shelter for EVERY homeless veteran ...

proving that it can be done

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The "Blame Game" after the disastrous L.A. fires
ignored one of the most important villains of all ...

Big Equity

So what else has Big Equity been up to?

Glad you asked

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Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo

Ortega is putting the finishing touches on his destruction of ...

Democracy in Nicaragua

You can view this the same way as "Project 2025" in the U.S.
It is the Oligarch's worldwide playbook
to return the world back to the time of Kings.
This is how the 1%, always has,
and will continue to control,
the people that make up the other 99%.

Here's a google search revealing Ortega's history of Fascism

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Trump begins dismantling the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
that has been a thorn in the side of Big Business since ...

its inception in the Great Recession of 2008

America voted for this ... now suck it up morons.

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Trump's economic warfare threats force Columbia to its knees ...

they are now allowing deportation flights from the U.S.

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The fastest winds in the solar system are found on Neptune (1,100 mph).
But they are dwarfed by the winds on a nearby exoplanet where the winds reach ...

20,000 mph

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Belarus president Lukashenko ... with his master

Belarus goes through the motions of pretending the people have a choice

Get ready ... this is what is coming to America

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There isn't an ounce of Jesus Christ in the entire Maga Cult.
Proof? (I was hoping you would ask)

Below is a perfect example of what it means to be a conservative ... "Christian"

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Here's what can happen if you ingest unsafe levels of flouride

Conspiracy theorists (morons) attack water flouridation
by misinterpreting stories like these.
It's not the flouride ... but the size of the dose that matters.
Like most other things in life (including water),
almost anything in excess can bring trouble.

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So, how is the 10,000 year-old war against the Oligarchy going?

Billionaire wealth is growing exponentially

Of all the animals from which god had to choose,
he chose to bestow intelligence on ... a monkey.
(which might explain why we are on the verge of disaster)

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The FDA wants to force tobacco companies
to make their product less addictive ...

Trump & Kennedy will decide

Any bets on how this will play out? (/s)

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With poverty skyrocketing in America,
and Republicans looking to cut Social Security, Medicare, etc.,
where do our leaders agree to spend billions of dollars?


We never pass up a chance to get in and make money
off the suffering and deaths of others;
and if that hurts poor Americans ... that's a BONUS!

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Republicans attempt to steal an election in North Carolina ...

after losing again in the recount

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Zuckerberg now down on both knees
as Meta eliminates fact-checking ...

2 weeks before Trump returns to power

Democracy dies in darkness ... and silence

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Los Angeles Daily News writer
bends the knee and kisses the ring
2 days before the inauguration

Here is my reply (6 pages)

First the Washington Post, then the L.A. Times, and now ...
the rest are falling like dominoes.

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What is the strongest predictor of carrying out extremist violence in America?

U.S. military service

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Moon weather ...

Temps range from -207 to +250F VS. Earth -129 to +134F)

(note: inconsistent stats in the article)

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Here's a preview of what the next 4 years holds for America ...
and remember - we did this to ourselves.

Colorado "Magat" attacks reporter

These "Magats" are everywhere
and we have to live with them.

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Trump's cult begins the removal process of Americans ...

who refuse to submit to the MAGA cult

America is doomed ... and we did it to ourselves.

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Cipolla's "The Basic Laws Of Human Stupidity" (9:10)

Never has a video been proven more accurate
than this video was ... after the 11/5/24 election.

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The Oligarchy is making its third attempt to take over America ...

will we survive this third strike or is Democracy dead?

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Researchers are divided on the question of ...

whether humans and neanderthals represent different species

Stay tuned: it ain't over til it's over ...
and it ain't over yet.

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