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Who are the "Big Boys (Oligarchs)"?

Here are some of them

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Boeing is simply one example of many
that demonstrates the horrors that Americans face ....

as a result of the corporate takeover of America

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Excellent explanation by Josh Fox
detailing how Big Oil is controlling our world:

video 31:08 (Fox interview begins at 15:30)

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Big Banks win a big reprieve worth billions
as House Republicans continue to fight for the rights of the Oligarchs to ...

steal the people blind

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The Big Boys (Oligarchs) are getting a stranglehold on
the most valuable treasure on Earth ...

our water (11:52)

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Big corporations continue to destroy the planet and countless lives ...

in pursuit of profits for the "Big Boys"

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Republicans fight for big boy profits
at the expense of life and limb for us ...

“little people”

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Lead is making a comeback

Quote from the article showing the absolute heartlessness of big business:

"Companies have proven adept at migrating their operations to less restrictive jurisdictions."

Another story about lead poisoning from 10/25/23

Ghirardelli is your best bet at the moment

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Big Oil is fighting back against investors who ...

want them to stop destroying the planet

For rational people, it seems insane
that anyone would be against fighting to save the planet.
For conservative people, they have been trained - not to care.
The Big Boys will sacrifice as many humans as necessary to increase profits.
To call this insanity ... would be an understatement.

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Here is yet another way that "The Big Boys" put it to the people ...

the hospital lobby is fighting fiercely to maintain enormous profits

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A popular water bottle is made with lead ...

to help maintain its huge profits

Before the French Revolution,
famous author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
first used the phrase "Let them eat cake."
Now the Oligarchs say "Just let them die"
as they reach for some caviar.

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The Attorney General of the U.S. is attempting to block ...

the Kroger-Albertson's merger

Just wait till Trump gets back.
When, and if, the Donald returns,
the "Big Boys" won't have to put up with
this annoying government interference.

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Heartless corporations kill their own members ...

to preserve profits

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Here is one of the best examples of the corporate takeover of America ...

Amazon (4:28)

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Corporate greed is exacerbating inflation as the Oligarchs continue to ...

tighten the noose

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Biden is trying to do what Americans have wanted for centuries ...

he's trying to get the lead out

The "Big Boys" (the Oligarchs) have resisted for centuries
and the American people seem
no more capable of making them fix it now
than they did over the past couple of centuries.

The Oligarchs will continue to kill Americans in huge numbers
and ruin countless lives in the process
in their relentless pursuit of profits.

MORE BIDEN/EPA (12/2/23)

Biden is also tasking the EPA on methane

I can guarantee you that the "Big Boys" are preparing for war (2024 elections)
after Biden's attempts to get the EPA to reduce methane emissions.


Chemical company ignores FDA inspectors

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While Americans struggle to make ends meet,
the "Big Boys" are dividing up their amazing wealth in celebration

Morgan Stanley CEO and his competitors rake in gigantic bonuses

This quote from the article bears repeating ...

Morgan Stanley said: "... the grants are in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders ...."

Yeah, I'm sure the shareholders are thrilled to dole out 60 million dollars that they didn't need,
to these ultra rich white collars in addition to the obscene amount of money they already make.

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Big Oil is becoming even bigger ...

Chevron and Exxon Mobil gobble up competitors

Don't get your hopes up about climate change.
The "Big Boys" show no signs of controlling their greed.

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Owners flaunt the law to preserve profits ...

while killing their employees in the process

The Oligarchs simply don't care how many people they kill
as long as they can slip between their silk sheets every night.

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All the progress made in the 20th century on behalf of the masses
is being taken away by the Oligarchy ...

how we got weekends

It is beyond stunning how the feeble half (Conservatives)
can be so easily manipulated, even while being mistreated.

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The monopolization of all industries continues at a blistering pace ...

JetBlue trying to buy Spirit Airlines

Here is my favorite part of the article
(a quote from the JetBlue lawyers):

"We are confident that our merger with Spirit
will give a much-needed boost to airline competition in the US
and result in more low fares and higher-quality service for customers.

If you believe that, then you are beyond hope.
Any Econ 101 student could see through that one.

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"Charitable Giving" is down for only the third time in 40 years

What really stands out in that story
is that during a time when the Big Corporatons
are raking in record profits,
they sacrificed some CEO bonuses
and gave their desperate fellow citizens a whopping ... 6%.

Who said they don't have a heart?
(if you needed a "/s" - then you are probably a conservative)

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Bed, Bath & Beyond has been driven into bankruptcy by stock buybacks ...

and they aren't the only ones

This was not a mistake by the "Big Boys."
They raided a fortune and then stuck the rest of us with the bill
(bankruptcy means that WE pay THEIR bills
and then they can go back out and do it again).

Stock buybacks were illegal until 1982 (Reagan strikes again).

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The EPA is trying to protect citizens,
but the expense of removing "forever chemicals" (PFAS) from water is ...


Money quote:

"will save thousands of lives and prevent serious illnesses, including cancer.
The plan would limit toxic PFAS chemicals to the lowest level that tests can detect.
PFAS ... are a group of compounds that are widespread, dangerous,
and expensive to remove from water.

Focus on that last line.
The "Big Boys" are more than willing to sacrifice thousands of lives
and ruin the lives of millions of others
if it will protect their investor's profits.
This is why Republican administrations (like Trump)
did everything in their power to weaken the EPA.

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Monopolization is continuing at a blistering pace.

Now Kroger is trying to buy Albertson's

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The big corporations use the Supreme Court
to create yet another way to separate the weak ...

from their money

It's disappointing that some liberal judges joined the conservative judges in ...

"skinning the weak" for the rich

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Meet Katie Porter (D-CA), U.S. House of Representatives

I got this Katie Porter quote off the Twitter page of comedian John Fugelsang:

The nation’s largest egg producer
saw profits rise by 600% last year—a record high.
Meanwhile, California families
are paying over 3x more for eggs.

It seems as though the “Big Boys” (the Oligarchs)
forgot to include this fact
when trying to explain the skyrocketing price of eggs.
Instead they resorted to excuses (lies)
in an attempt to cover up their stealing.

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Auto insurance is rising far faster than inflation ...

as the big corporations scoop up as much cash as they can

DeSantis does was DeSantis always does ... protect the Big Boy's profits.

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Disneyland is slashing 7,000 jobs so that "The Big Boys" ...

can increase their already enormous bank accounts

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Like most big corporations,
ExxonMobil is raking in record profits ...

while the people suffer

And ...

Shell is right behind them

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In order to keep their profits in the stratosphere ...

the BBC sticks it to the poor

"To reduce costs"

Translation: "To maintain skyrocketing profits."

"The BBC blames rising production costs
and battles over funding with the British government
for its need to cut $617 million per year from its spending budget.

Translation: "The government won't subsidize us enough
so we are going to stick it to the little guy"
(note: they are a public corporation)

"Poor people, especially, will be affected."

No translation necessary ... they got that part right.

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Egg prices are soaring,
producing massive profits for "The Big Boys."
A closer inspection reveals the real cause is ...


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Gas bills are skyrocketing,
but don't blame the government ...

blame the greedy corporations

Nothing new to see here folks ... move along.

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Since the ascent of Reagan in 1980, this is how corporations have fared in the U.S.

Money Quote:

"We’re left with a system where costs are socialized, profits are privatized."

Which is exactly the way that the rich want it.

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Stock Market had its worst year since 2008 (when the economy crashed)

Remember the horrendous crashes of 1929 and 2008?
Remember whom the rich came after to recoup their losses?
That's right ... the rest of us.

Buckle up ... this ain't gonna be pretty

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Corporations kill more Americans
than all of America's criminals combined ...

with almost no repercussions (9:33)

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Big Pharma (specifically Pfizer) steals Americans blind,
charging 10,000% more for a Covid vaccine ...

than it costs to make (2:40)

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Since 1996, the cost of insulin has skyrocketed ...

680% (4:02)

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The Oligarchy suffers a rare (and probably temporary) defeat ...

largest book merger in history prevented (for now)

I view this the same way I view Trump's failure to destroy our democracy:
for the Oligarchs, these are just temporary bumps in the road.

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Jury hits Bayer with $275 million verdict for ...

poisoning education center (3:49)

Between life and money, the Oligarchs will choose money ... every time.

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Big corporations stole billions that were meant to keep Pandemic victims working ...

and they were assisted by the Trump regime (3:55)

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The monopolization of the American economy continues unabated ...

Kroger and Albertsons will rival #1 Walmart

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When The Big Boys takeover, people die ...

for the sake of profits

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Richard Wolff interviews former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson.
In the first 15 minutes, Wolff discusses various topics in economics.
The interview begins at 15:00 and lasts about 15 minutes.
I think the second 15 minutes ... is time well spent.

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Comparison of the price gouging
for a family outing of 4 ...

baseball game v. movie v. Disneyland

Living under corporate rule can be lots of fun ...

provided that you are wealthy

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Richard Wolff interviews Krystal Ball ...
who knocks it out of the park (29:55 - interview begins at 15:00)

Class Warfare (specifically: the Oligarchs Vs. the rest of us).
Everything else is distraction designed to "Divide and Conquer"
and it is working just as well now as it did 10,000 years ago
when the Oligarchy first began forming.

Here's another video of Krystal Ball ...

totally annihilating Bill Maher (8:35)

Bill Maher didn't remember the stock market plunging
from 30,000 to below 20,000 just 2 years ago!
(Bill, you might want to cut down on that ... weed)

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Corporate price-gouging hits a level not seen in ...

70 years (4:12)

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Robert Reich explains how corporate greed is greatly increasing ...

economic inequality in America

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Here are the top 10 most highly compensated CEO's in America

This is all happening while huge numbers of Americans struggle to survive

Income inequality keeps getting worse and polls indicate
that Americans are about to return control of the government ...

back over to Republicans

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Democrats try to pass a bill in the House
that attempted to fight the gouging of Americans by Big Oil.

Guess who came to the rescue of Big Oil?

Republicans (4:52)

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This is what can happen to those who challenge the Oligarchy ...

Chevron uses its political might to get revenge (5:58)

Now you see what we are up against.

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Big Oil laughs in the face of congressional democrats ...

they refuse to quit gouging Americans

Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ...

your support!

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Los Angeles has America's worst air pollution

Worldwide, the big corporations are making the planet unbreathable.

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What is the real reason for the inflation we are experiencing?

Corporate greed

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Inflation skyrocketed to 7.9% in 2021

Gee, I wonder what could have triggered that?
The Pandemic wasn't new (2020).
Putin hadn't invaded Ukraine yet (2022).
The main thing that was new was that
the Oligarch's man (Trump) got booted out of office (2021).


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I was unable to control my temper after watching this video.
Hopefully, my wrist will heal soon and be as good as new.

Big Pharma blocks Covid vaccines in South Africa (2:33)

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One organization that the Oligarchy relies on heavily
to run its vast network of corporations, is ...

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce (6:58)

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What's the real cause of pandemic inflation?

Corporate monopolization and greed

This bears repeating:
"The Fed" is not a governmental agency ...
"The Fed" is how the rich control the government.

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Is there a corporation so big
that one could make the argument that ...
they own the world?

Blackrock (14:51)

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While the world's masses suffer through dire economic times ...

the rich keep filling their pockets with insane profits

We all know money doesn't grow on trees.
It has to be coming from somewhere.
All those incalculable riches are coming ...

from us

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Corporations kill citizens while raking in huge profits,
then share some of those profits with the politicians it controls,
who then allow the cycle to continue.

The 2021 Texas Power Grid disaster

And half the voters (conservatives) fall for it ...

Every. Single. Time.

(it's hard to find plants that are THAT stupid)

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Recent history of the demise of the American worker

It didn't have to be this way,
but the Oligarchy was simply too powerful ...

for the easily-duped American public

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Big Pharma is out of control.
They are raising prices astronomically
and simultaneously killing Americans ...

in huge numbers (2:38)

Yet the people remain unable to defend themselves.

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The world's richest democracies make an attempt to help the masses
by ending the practice of corporations being allowed to avoid paying taxes ...

by stashing their profits overseas

You can bet your last dollar
that the Oligarchs aren't going to take this lying down.
Prepare for the counterattack.

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While Americans struggled desperately in 2020 due to the Pandemic,
CEO's across America were busy stealing everything that wasn't nailed down.
Companies' boards enabled theft on a grand scale ...

Average CEO pay skyrocketed to 12.7 million

The greatest enemy of humanity comes from within ...

The Oligarchs

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Corporate control over politicians: most notably ...


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In bankruptcy court: Republicans side with Oxycontin maker against victims

"with nearly all Republicans in favor of Purdue's plans and nearly all Democrats opposed."

Republicans ALWAYS side with big business against the people, and yet ...

half the voters never seem to figure it out

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Gold Miners are moving in on Death Valley, California,
while Congress debates whether or not ...

to allow them to steal Americans blind

It's worth watching this one to see how it plays out.
We already know which side Republicans will be on.
The question is: Will Democrats fight for the people ... or not?

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Car safety in the U.S. went from best to ...


Profits over lives.
If there is one thing that stands out about the Oligarchy
(in addition to pure evil),
it is that they are amazingly ...


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Kroger closes stores rather than pay its workers hazard pay ...

amid record-setting pandemic profits

The Mount Everest size pile of proof gets even larger
that corporations will sacrifice their own people
if they threaten the profits of ...

the Big Boys

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Biden threatens to slash oil subsidies (3:54)

I'll believe it when I see it.
The important information in this video
is the unbelievable increase in subsidies (socialism)
that Big Oil was able to rake in, in recent years.

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Oligarchs tried to increase sales during opioid crisis

Whether a worldwide pandemic or an opioid crisis,
the Oligarchs will intentionally kill millions of victims for money ...

every chance they get

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Under the Trump administration,
lobbyists continue to defeat scientists at every turn ...

USDA rejects idea to further cut alcohol and sugar intake

Here is the quote from the Trump official:
" new evidence is not substantial enough
to support changes to quantitative recommendations
for either added sugars or alcohol.

Now here is the "money quote" from the article:
" Given the impact on school lunches and decisions by food manufacturers, big money is at stake.
As a result, food industry groups lobbied hard against
the alcohol and sugar recommendations that surfaced over the summer.

Hint: "lobbied" (when translated) means ... "spent big bucks"

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Restaurant Oligarchs give raises to workers by ...

taking the money from other workers

Merry Christmas!
And don't spend that tip money all in one place
until those huge, life-saving $600 checks arrive ...

from the Trump Administration

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The 5 mega publishers will soon be cut down to 4 ...

as Penguin buys out Simon & Schuster

And then there was ... 1

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The Big Corporations are poisoning our drinking water ...

and our government refuses to stop them (4:44)

Why won't government help us?

Because the Big Corporations OWN our government.

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Banks are laundering trillions for the bad guys

Here is a more detailed BBC report on the leak

Get ready for conservatives to start yelling "Fake News!"

What is ironic is that all the loonies who talk about a "Deep State" are right.
But the loonies are too stupid to realize who the Deep State is
and that they, themselves, are the ones enabling the Deep State.

Until our brainwashed brothers and sisters can be freed from the matrix,
the Deep State will continue to use them against us ... in order to maintain control.

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Milton Friedman was right about it being the government's responsibility to protect its citizens ...

but he failed to anticipate the corporate takeover of government

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The Healthcare industry provides another example
of Oligarchs sacrificing their workers for riches

Denver Health pays $3.6 million in bonuses to executives after asking workers to consider pay cuts

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Trump continues the takeover of the U.S. government

The Oligarch's goal is to privatize as much of the government as possible.
That will remove control from the people and give it to the Oligarchs.
This is the inevitable result of electing a wolf to guard the hen house.

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The Coronavirus pandemic is being used by corporations to pillage America

And half the people (MAGA morons) are the ones making all of this possible.

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J.P. Morgan CEO - Jamie Diamond

CEO's are destroying America

The Oligarchs now have a stranglehold on the richest nation on Earth (America).
They have taken over, and now control, nearly the whole government.
Undoing the damage will be a monumental task, that unfortunately ...

may not succeed

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Who's benefitting from the Coronavirus pandemic
at the expense of so many lives?

Who else ...

the Oligarchs through America's "for-profit" medical system

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Big Oil wins Keystone XL Pipeline case
and immediately puts workers in jeopardy during Corona pandemic ...

to get those profits flowing asap

Human life has no meaning for Oligarchs.
Their ONLY concern is ... money.
You think I'm exaggerating?

Democratic governor tries to limit deaths in Wisconsin, but ...

Republican-controlled court and legislature choose political power over lives

UPDATE 4/27/20

Judge rules against the pipeline (1:50)

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Trump promises that there will be no oversight
to companies taking bailout money;
virtually guaranteeing ...

rampant corruption (3:44)

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The Big Corporationss moved their headquarters overseas
to take advantage of low wages and tax breaks
and now they are having trouble getting medical equipment ...

back into the U.S. during the pandemic

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The Senate passes a bill which throws Americans to the wolves during the pandemic
but rewards corporations with a huge windfall (5:18) ...

In the comments below the video
some people pointed out that,
while we will get a one-time payment of $1,200
Canada (not as rich as the U.S.)
is giving their people $2,000 per month for ... 4 months.

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Flight attendant's union opposes huge gift to airlines during Covid pandemic (3:10)

Trump and his cronies are taking care of the Big Boys first.
Then if there is any left over for us ...
they will find a way to give that to the Big Boys as well.

Remember what happened back in 2008 and 2009? (I do)

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Healthcare companies start price gouging ...

as demand surges during pandemic (3:31)

I agree with what was said at the end:
lock the bastards up and throw away the key.

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As the stock market crashes
Trump and his cronies pour $1.5 TRILLION into it
in a desperate scramble to save ...

the rich (5:50)

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T-Mobile to devour Sprint

And then there was ... one

"T-Mobile launched its bid for Sprint in 2018,
after having been rebuffed by Obama-era regulators.
T-Mobile CEO John Legere had seen President Trump's election and his appointed regulators
as a good opportunity to try again to combine, according to evidence during the trial.

We've been sold out. It couldn't be any clearer.
Brainwashed Republican Clapping Seals ...

simply don't care

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Feds try to stop merger of Shick and Harry's

Under the current administration (Trump) ...
I doubt that they will make much of an effort to stop it.

And then there was one

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The 2017 tax cuts never delivered as promised ...

except to the rich (5:32)

Conservatives are still in denial over this and refuse to discuss it.

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Amazon demonstrates what life will be like under a corporate-ocracy ...

People's lives come in a distant second place ... to profits

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Charles Schwab will buy smaller rival TD Ameritrade ...

gaining even greater control over online investing

The monopolization of America continues abated.
This quote from the article exposes the motivation:

"the brokerage industry has for years been coping with a price war
in the fight for retail investors’ dollars,
who are increasingly leaning away from picking and owning individual stocks
and more toward low-cost index funds and services that incorporate investment advice.

This will end the price war and investors will no longer benefit
from the competition that capitalism claims to supply.
But that competition only exists when backed by strong government regulation.
In our current economic climate, regulations and protections
are being stripped from the people by a government controlled by the wealthy.

Get your wallets out, boys

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Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin

The Treasury Department wants to make it easier to hide money offshore (4:18)

The rich are stealing everything they can get their hands on ...

while they can

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Vox video (10:07) on Stock buybacks

The masses had better wise up soon ...
or the consequences will be catastrophic.

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Big Tobacco wags the dog ...

sending Trump after vapers

I knew something was fishy
when Trump came to the aid of the people
after 6 had died from vaping.
Trump getting upset and wanting to help people?

Trump NEVER does anything for the people.
Trump ALWAYS works in the best interests of the Oligarchs.
When I read that Big Tobacco has been fighting vaping for years, suddenly ...

it all came into focus

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The Oligarchs put out a statement saying that
they "intend" to start sharing some of the wealth ...

and they really really mean it this time

"We know that many Americans are struggling.
Too often hard work is not rewarded,
and not enough is being done for workers
to adjust to the rapid pace of change in the economy.
If companies fail to recognize that the success of our system
is dependent on inclusive long-term growth,
many will raise legitimate questions
about the role of large employers in our society.

Lip service

They are starting to fear
that the pitch forks may be coming out soon;
so they give us ... lip service.

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The monopolization of America continues unabated ...

Monster company will control more newspapers than any other

Control over communications is crucial to the Oligarch's success

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US regulators approve T-Mobile's $26.5 billion takeover of rival Sprint ...

despite fears of higher prices and job cuts

Fears? Fears?
We've been through this a thousand times.
We already know what will happen ...

Higher prices and fewer jobs

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Corporate welfare explained

They are stealing us blind.
And nearly all of the politicians who convince you
to vote for them because they are on your side ...

are lying to you

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The US lags behind the European Union, Brazil, and China in banning ...

harmful pesticides

Oligarchs kill humans (in large numbers) for nothing more than profit.
Always have ... still do ... and will continue to do so ...

until humans learn to fight back

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The recent scandal involving rich parents,
paying to get their kids into prestigious schools,
is only a distraction to disguise a far, far bigger scandal ...

Corporations charge as much for online education
as schools do for classroom education

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H&R Block and Intuit (TurboTax's parent) use 'bought' Congressmen ...

to block the IRS from providing free tax services

The wolves are running the hen house.
Quit your bitchin' America: this couldn't be happening ...

without your support

UPDATE 11/4/19

Companies hide the free option from consumers (5:34)

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Which corporation dwarfs all others?

Saudi Aramco

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Amazon's record profit: $11 billion in 2018 after $6 billion in 2017 ...

and they only paid $1 billion in taxes ($0 to the Federal government)

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Google is gobbling up land all across America.

The New World Order is here

The belief that Ford would never let this happen is so naive ...

that it is almost quaint

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The destruction of the gullible middle class continues unabated.

Foxconn reneges on promise after conning taxpayers out of billions

And wherever you see the masses being devoured by the rich ...
the smell of Trump is always in the air nearby.

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Here is the inevitable result of allowing monopolies ...

Airlines in collusion (6:47)

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Drug companies to raise prices ...

without explanation

Are we winning yet?

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Trump is selling you out America ...

EPA moves to weaken limits on toxic mercury emissions

It almost sounds like a science fiction story:
The most powerful nation on Earth is brought to its knees
by a tiny group of Oligarchs
who are willing to kill huge numbers of their own people
because they want more money ...

but it is all too real

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Trump administration plans to cut subsidies for renewable energy ...

but still keep giving billions of dollars to the fossil fuel industry (3:36)

Can you spell "K-O-C-H"

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Google follows Amazon into New York

"Tech companies are coming to the realization that the Bay Area,
which has traditionally been the major center of tech activity in the US,
is getting expensive and crowded

So to get away from the expensive and crowded environment, they chose ...

(These bullshit artists are soooooooo easy to expose)

"A lot of vendors are coming to the realization
that we can probably find top talent elsewhere at a more affordable costs

That’s why they’ve moved so many of their operations and jobs ... overseas.

What they aren’t telling you is, that like Amazon,
they are getting huge tax breaks to bring their businesses to New York.
It is the taxpayers who are paying to keep these jobs in America.

California didn’t fall for it.
That’s why they have to move out to where the suckers are.

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Generic drug-makers sued for price-fixing.

It's the largest cartel in American history

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Monopolization: Chart displaying the % of industry controlled by the top 2 companies ...

And it is only getting worse

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The Founding Fathers tried to warn us about the dangers posed by corporations.

History of the corporate takeover of America

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In the midst of a horrible opioid crisis in America,
the FDA puts pharmaceutical profits above human life
by approving Dsuvia, a drug 1,000 times more powerful than ...


Here's a peak inside the legislative process that approved it

" the agency did not include the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee,
a group created to evaluate the public health risks of these kinds of medications, in the decision.

So what was the big rush, boys?

Gotta keep those profits rolling in and those stockholders happy.

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StarKist, Chicken of the Sea, and Bumblebee Foods
were found guilty of price-fixing ...

as monopolies become ever more powerful

(I'm guessing they'll get a presidential pardon)

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Robert Reich explains the return of ...

The Gilded Age

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Did Amazon (the world's first TRILLION dollar company)
pay zero dollars in federal income tax in 2017?

Confirmed TRUE by Snopes

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Snopes investigates the attacks against Nike ...

regarding the working conditions of their Vietnamese employees

But the story never questions why Nike sold out American workers
and shipped all those jobs over to Viet Nam in the first place ...

that's the REAL story

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The big corporations are trying to privatize everything ...

even the military

"Blackwater founder Erik Prince, brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos,
has been trying to get the Trump administration to adopt a plan
to replace many US troops in Afghanistan with private contractors.

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The Big Corporations have taken over the government (including the EPA)
and are now legally killing 1,400 Americans a year ...


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Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama protections,
allowing for-profit scam schools (like Trump University) ...

to pillage again

Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... your support!

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Apple just became the first Trillion-dollar company.
How did they do it?

By selling out Americans

Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... your support!

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EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, did a lot of damage to America in a very short time

His successor, Andrew Wheeler, is expected to continue giving away the farm to the rich.

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The Trump administration continues to bully world organizations
which are engaged in efforts to help people ...

wherever those efforts threaten corporate profits

"the US position aligned with infant formula manufacturers."

Right/Wrong no longer has any meaning in modern-day America.

There is only ... greed

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EPA to rollback Obama's clean emission standards

These guys don't work for you America ... they work for the "Big Boys."
UPDATE - 7/23/19
Air pollution lowing life expectancy in U.S.

They are killing you ... for profits
Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... your support!

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Republicans in Congress reduced the restrictions of Dodd-Frank

Grab onto your seat belts ... here we go again

The rich are preparing another attack on America

UPDATE - 6/1/18

Volcker rule under attack

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Republicans continue to undo decades of progress.
This time they scrapped safeguards ...

that had prevented auto lenders from discriminating against people based on race

Now that Trump is president - hoods are once again ... acceptable fashion wear.

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Harley-Davidson took its tax cut, closed a factory, and rewarded its shareholders.

Harley-Davidson is also expanding overseas


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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
has been one of the main targets of the Trump administration.
Here is one example why ...

Wells Fargo fined a BILLION dollars

I'm guessing that $Billion was just a fraction of what they've stolen.
The CFPB is one of the few defenders that the people have against their overlords ...

and the overlords want it gone ... yesterday

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Richard Wolff explains China's economic boom (14:35)

Remember all those conservative commenters on the internet
who used to point to poor Communist countries
and use them as proof that Capitalism is the best system?
Remember those guys? Where'd they all go?

They are hiding under their rocks,
trembling like ants confronted by an anteater,
as American Plutocrats ship all their jobs to China.

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Big Pharma is grabbing all the cash it can and ...

running like hell

Has the Republican-controlled government made any attempt to stop the pillaging?

Well, if any of them tried, they would find out how quickly they could be replaced.

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Republicans tried to sell America on the lie
that if we gave our money to the big corporations (tax breaks)
it would trickle-down and jobs would spring up everwhere.

Show of hands ... how many of you bought into that one?

You should be ashamed

It has never trickled down:
at no time in history, nor in any place on Earth.
And if by some magic some did trickle down,
the Oligarchs would find a way to get it back.

UPDATE 8/2/18

A primer on Stock Buybacks

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California Republicans sell out their own state, putting party over state;
the same way Republicans in Washington constantly put party over country.
And Conservative voters simply ... don't care.

California Democrats defy FCC by approving Net Neutrality law

Same old story. Nothing new to see here folks ... move along.

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Republicans are always screaming "Capitalism!" "Let the market decide!" "Get government out of Business!"
But like conservative Christians who pretend to worship Jesus but reject all of His teachings,
Republicans prove to everyone that everything they say is a lie, by doing things like this ...

Trump regime taxes solar energy with tariffs while subsidizing Big Oil

It doesn't matter how obvious they make it. They know their base simply doesn't care.
That's why they keep doing it. All the rhetorical examples above were simply ...

propaganda for the morons

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Big Apple Announcement Is Show of Faith in America!

Not all of us see it that way (3 pages)

I can't believe how the media is cowering under Trump.
(Do you think it might have something to do with the fact
that it's because the media are owned by the big corporations?)

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Wal-Mart was given a massive infusion of taxpayer money thanks to the Republican tax bill.
How much they will reap is probably beyond my ability to count that high.
So in a classic public relations display, they give small bonuses and raises to their employees.
Translation: after stealing a dollar ... they throw a nickel back to their workers
and then jump up and down screaming for everyone to look at how generous they are.
But even that wasn't enough for the Oligarchs.
The Waltons are closing dozens of stores all over America ...

to get their nickel back

UPDATE - 5/25/18

Very little going to employees

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Nearly every single action taken by Republicans
sacrifices American lives on the altar of profits ...

for Big Business

You asked for this America - and now you are getting it ...

in spades

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Despite a gruesome, mounting death toll,
Tobacco Companies do everything in their power ...

to keep the profits rolling in ...

Replace the words "Tobacco Companies" with "Big Oil"
and it should become clear that the oil companies
have ripped the playbook right out of the hands of the tobacco industry.
No number of deaths will stop them from raking in profits
even while though know, full well, that they are destroying the planet.

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In light of Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook's founder) being called on the carpet in front of Congress,
this TED TALK (22:55) by Zeynep Tufekci on the selling of personal data by big corps is extremely pertinent and timely.

In the eternal arms race between predator and prey ...

we (the prey) are losing

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Pence breaks Senate tie and gives huge gift to Big Business

This is a great example of why Trump keeps Americans distracted with emotional issues.
It is so the Oligarchs can slip these things quietly by the voters with as little fanfare as possible.

Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support

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Big Tobacco at war with humanity

Oligarchs kill humans for money.
It's what they do.
It's what they've always done.
And likely what they will always do ...

Unless humans figure out how to protect themselves

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A brilliant observation from John Fugelsang‏ ...

"Trump, who just signed a bill
allowing mining co's to dump coal waste into US waterways,
is outraged that Assad would poison his own ppl.

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And while everyone is being distracted by Trump's antics,
Republicans continue working away furiously
on the only thing that really matters to them ...


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Oligarchs (through the Republican party) kill Americans for profit by the boatload.

Coal alone, is responsible for over 50,000 deaths a year

But keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support

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This is why we can't have nice things America

And this is just one lucky success story.
Imagine how much is really going on that we'll never know about.

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Oligarchs kill their own people ... for money

It's what they do - it's all they do.
And not one of them will ever lose a minute's sleep over it.

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Our Founding Fathers tried to warn us about banks:

John Adams
Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity,
and even wealth of the nation than they can have done or ever will do good.

Thomas Jefferson
"I believe that banking institutions
are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy
that has set the government at defiance.
The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks
and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.

James Madison
History records that the money changers
have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible
to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance.

Unfortunately, their warnings fell upon deaf ears.
The Oligarchs will continue to control the masses
by convincing them not to heed the warnings
of those who are trying to help them.

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The attack on science heats up for the sake of ...


This page has been ripped from the playbook
of climate-deniers and the tobacco industry,
both of whom, have been able to find scientists
who are willing to sell out their integrity.

But I would like to point out how incredibly few scientists
are willing to betray their principles and their honor,
compared to say, politicians, lawyers, clergy, and car salesmen.

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More government action to help the struggling Big Corporations
who are being brutalized by college students.

Devos rescinds Obama memos

Thank God for Republicans.
What would we do without them to make sure our corporations survive?

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Scott Pruitt (EPA chief) comes to the rescue of Big Business ...

by rejecting Obama's proposal to ban a dangerous pesticide

"EPA scientists determined that exposure to the pesticide
through drinking water and other sources
could lead to memory and learning problems.

Now we see the real strategy behind the GOP: it's to make everyone ...


The article mentions 3 sources:
New York Times
Washington Post
Mother Jones

What a shock that Fox News (the only trustworthy non-fake news source)
isn't among them. Who would've guessed?

Pruitt said:
"The public record lays out serious scientific concerns
and substantive process gaps in the proposal.
By reversing the previous administration’s steps
to ban one of the most widely used pesticides in the world,
we are returning to using sound science in decision-making—
rather than predetermined results.

Sound science is science
that doesn't interfere with corporate profits.
Everything else is just fake science.

If you ever needed proof that we have travelled into an alternate universe,
Pruitt just provided it for you.

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Republicans sell out Americans to big business ...


You didn't really need all that privacy stuff anyway, did you?
I think we can all agree that privacy is vastly overrated;
especially when it gets in the way of corporate profits.

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You people don't need all that clean air and clean water anyway, do ya?

I think both are vastly overrated

Before Obama left office, he tried to do whatever he could to help Americans.
And he must have known that Republicans would undo all the progress
and restore things to the way the rich wanted it.
And yet he tried anyway.

For all you Trump voters: it's a little late to cry now.
You let the wolves onto the rabbit farm
and the black guy with the shotgun has left.

You're on your own now ... good luck.


Republicans kill Americans for profit.
I have provided evidence to support that claim many times
including the Harvard study that estimated
that the Medicaid Refusal would cost about 12,000 lives per year.

The story above about Trump stripping the E.P.A. protections from Americans
is going to kill another 12,000 Americans per year.

Here's the science behind that claim

And here's more evidence

Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support

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The wolves are ravaging America ... exactly as we knew they would

No more protection for consumers of drugs

You people didn't need those protections anyway, did you?
You know the Big Corporations would never put profits ahead of your health, right?
Besides, like they said, after some die or become deformed
they will know which drugs to pull off the shelves ... when they get around to it.

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You guys didn't need any of those environmental protections
that Trump has taken away and will continue to take away, did you?

Kids being killed by the millions worldwide ... for profits

Who needs clean, safe air and water anyway?
Especially when it hurts Big Corporation profits.

Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support

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Opioid companies following Tobacco's lead by moving operations overseas

Killing humans in droves for profits ... it's what they do

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Apple settles hazardous waste case for half a million.

Why it pays to cheat

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In a world where we are constantly being bombarded with bad news ...

here's a ray of sunshine

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If this story doesn't make you puke
then you might want to take your "moral compass" in for repair:

half a million cows slaughtered ... to increase profits

Mull that last story over in your head while realizing that
millions of people still starve to death in our modern world.

Worldwide death toll from starvation

But American corporations are guided by one motive, and one motive only ...


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The conquest of America by the Oligarchy continues unabated.

Even PBS (public broadcasting) has succumbed

Say it ain't so!

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Oligarchs tighten their stranglehold on human civilization

Global Warming and Corporate Domination
are coming at us like freight trains;
yet we seem unable to wake up the millions of useful idiots 
who are making our demise possible.
I wish I had the answer.
But I have as much trouble convincing people of the facts ...

as you do

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Do you want to know what life was like in America over a century ago
when the Oligarchy controlled America?

This should give you a good idea

But as you can see, this story occurs in the 21st century.

When the Oligarchy regained power (beginning around 1980)
America was dragged back into the pre-enlightened era.
The voters have the power ... but not the intellect to defend themselves.

We aren't all that different from a herd of powerful water buffalo
who are preyed upon by a small group of lions.
The buffalo have the power to stop being victimized.
But they still haven't figured it out yet.
Then there are times, when they get mad enough ...
that they do

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Oligarchs exposed ... 20 TRILLION dollars!

Now watch the forces of evil go to Defcon 1 ...

Expect massive distractions

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The merchants of death are doing better business than ever;
and who do you think is leading the pack?

We are ... who else?

Death has always been, still is, and likely will continue to be,
one of the biggest moneymakers that the Oligarchs possess.

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Media Consolidation Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996
has greatly aided the Oligarchy's takeover of the media ...

as 6 companies now own almost everything

Those 6 companies are: Viacom, News Corporation, Comcast, CBS, Time Warner, and Disney.

A little over a year after the article above was written ...

the Trump regime took out net neutrality as well

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Yet another monopoly is created: Dow Chemical and DuPont merge

Many jobs will be lost and taxpayers will be cheated (again)
out of billions of dollars of badly-needed revenue ...

But the "shareholders" (the rich) will be ecstatic

Weak government combined with unrestrained capitalism:
it's what keeps the rich ... rich
(and everyone else poor)

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Monopolies growing out of control as America returns to the "Gilded Age" ...

because that worked out so well

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Corporations have now managed to privatize the legal system ...

to their advantage

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Martin Shkreli

With all the writing I do about horrible human beings,
from politicians to religious leaders to criminals,
it would be pretty hard to single out one guy as the worst.

but THIS guy would certainly make the final cut

Oddly, Martin Shkreli doesn't fall into any of the categories
that I listed above (religious leader, politician, or criminal)
But what this rich, greedy little bastard is doing ...

should  be a crime

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In Missouri, the Democratic Governor vetoes new Republican laws
but Republicans override his vetoes ...

and grant police powers to corporations

They also took away the rights of local citizens to control minimum wages.

It's a good thing Missouri is controlled by Conservatives
who make sure that big government stays out of their personal lives
and protects them from predatory lenders and big corporations.

Let's recap:
So now corporations have freedom of religion just like individuals;
they have freedom of speech just like individuals;
and they have police powers (which individuals do not).

Republicans are in the midst of creating a society that,
if it were a novel about the future ...

would be sold in the "Horror" section

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Big Tobacco is still at it

This reminds me of the Big Oil companies and the global warming debate.
They too are more than willing to sacrifice countless lives in pursuit of profits.

But in a democracy, it is the people who are ultimately to blame.
As long as we keep electing the politicians of The Oligarchs ...

they will keep killing us

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Here's a solution to the Greek financial crisis
from one of the leading economists in the world.

Thomas Piketty interviewed by a German journalist (5 pages)

And here's an opinion by Economic Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman
who discusses the possibility that America may follow the path of Greece ...

if Republicans are able to have their way

The culprits always turn out to be ... The Oligarchs

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Here's another way the rich are sticking it to the most vulnerable Americans ...

Many hospitals charge 1,000% more than Medicare

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The dumbing-down of America ...

who's doing it and why

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With the passage of next year's budget,
Congress has handed over to the rich

another nail to be hammered into the coffin of Democracy (video-1:22)

We've all heard about the twin disasters:
cuts to Dodd-Frank and the deregulation of Wall Street;
but how did Science fare?

And the light for humanity just keeps getting dimmer and dimmer

There is no time in human history - that I would rather live in;
and no place I would rather be - than right here and right now.
This is what I was born for - this is where I need to be.

Set phasers to ... Vaporize

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Another example of the inevitable result of monopolization

Jet Blue CEO admits that price gouging is simply a fact of air travel

That is what monopolies always produce ... greed

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Wall Street bonuses return with a vengeance

So the money IS there.

But it doesn't "trickle down" as promised
because the Wall Street people
who are already making big salaries for producing nothing tangible
(only producing more wealth for the wealthy)
get gigantic bonuses to supplement their already bulging salaries ...
while the poor fight for survival.

And contrary to Fox News propaganda,
the poor often work multiple jobs
that actually do produce tangible products.

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The Congressional Budget Office's report on the Minimum Wage

Why the Republicans lied about it (1 page)

The CBO report finally opened my eyes, to what is really going on:

The REAL reason why Republicans are distracting us (2 pages)

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A.L.E.C. (American Legislative Exchange Council)
wants to fine homeowners who install solar panels.

A.L.E.C. calls them "freeloaders"

So what is A.L.E.C. and who is really behind it?

It's the Koch Brothers

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The Return of the 19th Century

The Oligarchs are winning.
That means everyone else (99% of humanity) ... is losing

And how is the prison business doing?
Glad you asked ...

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In 2010 and 2011, mainly German and French banks in pursuit of high profits
made massive loans to Greek firms.
When the banks recognized that this was a high risk,
they were bailed out by transferring the debt
from the banks to the public institutions
like the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Now the ECB and the IMF are trying to force the Greek government
to cut pensions, education, salaries, and health care
to pay for the bail out of the banks.


Is that not what happened to America in 2008?

The Oligarchs always find a way
to transfer wealth from the masses ... to themselves

The greatest enemies that humans have ever had, still have,
and will likely continue to have for a long, long time are ...

The Oligarchs

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The worldwide pillaging of the world by America's Oligarchs
is far beyond anything you could ever imagine

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man (~14 minutes)

On a related note, this video about a hypothetical modern-day British Empire
only emphasizes the economic domination of the planet by the United States.

Modern-day reunited British Empire (5:51)

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The Oligarchs


Chechnia gives America a preview of what life is like under an oligarch …

music must be within a certain range of beats

RELATED 4/18/24

Here is another preview of what the Oligarchs have in store for America ...


Republicans (under the direction of the Oligarchy)
try to convince the masses to dump government
and return to Feudalism ... under their control.

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This article expertly describes the propaganda techniques
that are so effectively being used by the world's oligarchs ...

to control the masses

This is happening all over the world.
We all know people (friends and family)
who have been captured by these propaganda cults.
If we don't find a powerful tactic for fighting back
and freeing most of these people ...

our short run as Earth's top predator will soon be over.

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Robert Reich gives a history lesson on ...

fascism in America (32:59)

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Coming to America (possibly as early as ... next year) ...

Russia prevents anti-Putin candidate from running

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College "legacy admissions" are yet another tactic ...

that the Oligarchs use to maintain control over the masses

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The Oligarchs saw an opportunity to cash in
and they jumped on it ...

Big earners will have fewer tax audits

Money quote:

" A nonpartisan analysis by the Congressional Budget Office
disputes the last point, finding that the IRS cuts
would hinder the agency's ability
to audit big earners and tax evaders.
That would cost at least
    $26.8 billion
in lost tax revenue.

And that last line is the key to understanding
exactly what "The Big Boys" are up to.

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Even lowly seals have figured out,
what to this day in the 21st century,
still eludes humans with our giant brains ...

how to unify against the common enemy (3:16)

Until humans figure out what bees, ants, seals,
and other "lowly" animals have figured out,
we will continue to be enslaved by the Oligarchs
as we have been for the past 10,000 years.

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Here is a perfect example of an Oligarch and how they think ...

Meet Australia's lovable real estate mogul ... Tim Gurner

In Gurner's own words:

"We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around"

I think it is time that Mr. Gurner, and his ilk, begin working for the masses, not the other way around.

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Wealthiest 10% of Americans are responsible for ...

40% of greenhouse gas emissions

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Somebody in California just won more than a Billion dollars ...

It's the third largest jackpot in Powerball history

Can you think of a better way for the Oligarchy to add loyal members?

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While the rest of the world suffers
and attempts to recover from the Pandemic,
the Oligarchs are rolling in more dough than ever.
In the first 6 months of 2023
the top 500 billionaires raked in about $14 million ...

a day

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Here's a glimpse into the future
showing what the Oligarchs have in store for us ...

Age discrimination in hiring is now affecting 35-year-olds in China

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King George of the U.K. owns ...

1/6 of the planet!

That is someone - you do NOT want to piss off.

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Here is a perfect example of how the Oligarchs are taking over everything ...

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman buys the PGA (Professional Golfers' Association of America)

And the dominoes just keep on falling.

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A look back at the beginnings of
the Oligarchs return to power in the U.S. ...


The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 completed the process
which has been gaining in strength ever since.

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Meet one of the most destructive Oligarchs in American history.
President Ronald Reagan (he's the one at your far left) ...

video 24:44 (skip the first 3:40: long advertisement)

Here's a much longer and deeper dive into the evil that was Reagan (video 1:17:49)

Reagan actually was the greatest president in American history ...

for the rich

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Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida and future American King

DeSantis orders the arrest of the 13-year-old son
(of the woman who reported Florida's Covid lies) ...

for posting a meme (5:33)

This video also explained why DeSantis was able to get reelected overwhelmingly.
As long as the Oligarchs can continue to control the minds of The Feebles (Conservatives)
America is heading down a dark and dangerous path
(just ask Germany how that path worked out for them).

UPDATE 4/7/23

Her son has been released pending a court appearance

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This is Daniel Ellsberg.
He is the hero responsible for "The Pentagon Papers"

He will die soon from pancreatic cancer

So why did I put this story in the section featuring "Oligarchs?"

Because Ellsberg was one of the greatest enemies that the Oligarchy has ever faced.
The end of the article tells you everything you need to know about this warrior ...

"I had every reason to think I would be spending the rest of my life behind bars.
It was a fate I would gladly have accepted if it meant hastening the end of the Vietnam War

When your time comes Mr. Ellsberg, rest in peace ... you've earned it.

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And you thought Trump was bad?
Meet Florida governor Ron DeSantis

Floridians could have a better life by moving to Africa ...

ANY country in Africa

Point-by-point analysis:

Allow state residents to carry concealed weapons without a permit.

Yeah, that's a great idea.
Like I said above ... "ANY country in Africa."

Make it easier to sue the news media.

The purpose of that one is to intimidate the media into shutting up
and if they dare to report on fraud or corruption ... sue their asses!

Allow a jury to impose a death sentence even if the vote is not unanimous.

Back to the Dark Ages ... as fast as we can go.

Limit lawsuits against businesses.

This is actually the most important one for the Oligarchs.
By "limit" you should translate that as "disallow."

Impose more restrictions on abortion.

Back to the Dark Ages ... as fast as we can go.
(I'm sorry - I'm repeating myself)

Further restrict how race and gender are taught in schools.
On education in general, the sizable agenda ranges from targeting school unions
to greatly expanding the use of state dollars to send children to private schools.
Lawmakers "are also gearing up to cancel diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at colleges."

This is their attempt to regain control of the youth (the future voters)
whom they have been losing at a high rate as people become more educated.

Toughen laws on immigration.

That's just meat for the morons.
They need immigrants to work for them for peanuts
so they won't be taking any substantial action against them.

And remember: just recently DeSantis was reelected governor ... overwhelmingly.

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Musk partially reverses exit from California

Let me translate that into English for you ...

The world's richest Oligarch just pressured
Governor Newsom and the state of California
to give him more taxpayer money (socialism)
in addition to the 3 billion they've already given him.

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Billionaires have found a new way to suck on the government tit ...

by pressuring politicians to bankroll their sports stadiums

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As long as I am alive
I doubt I will ever encounter a more heartless quote ...

Putin to Mother: "Be Happy Your Son Died In War, Not From Vodka"

Even I, for once, find myself speechless.

UPDATE 12/8/23

And this monster doesn't plan on leaving ... ever.

Putin demands another 6 years

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None of these men need any introduction.
Tens of millions of brainwashed zombies
were willing to die for, and kill for, each one of them.

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Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank

One of America's most powerful oligarchs warns the masses that recession is coming

Let me translate that for you:

The oligarchs ... need more money

UPDATE 1/24/24

Dimon's lies eviscerated by Reich (2:31)

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"Self-Made" billionaires aren't usually ...

what they are made out to be

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This is how the Oligarchs
use the money of the masses (taxes) ...

to maintain control over them

America is notorious for using this tactic worldwide.

(It would be humorous that Russia succeeded in using it
against the U.S. in 2016 (the election of Trump),
if it weren't so tragically sad ... that it worked)

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The Oligarchy is focusing its efforts on gaining control of ...

the judicial branch

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Robert Reich explains in the clearest possible terms ...

who is behind the culture wars and why

Every man, woman, and child in America should read this short article.

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Divide and Conquer

This is how the Oligarchy has been controlling the masses for the last 10,000 years;
and it works just as well on modern, civilized, educated humans
as it did on primitive, barbaric, uneducated humans in our distant past.

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Behold the face of evil
Senator Joe Manchin (Dem - West Virginia)

Manchin protects the massive profits of Big Oil

This is how the Oligarchs control the 99%.

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This is Elon Musk. He is currently the world's richest man.

Elon Musk announces that he is now a Republican ...

his explanation is priceless (12:01)

Webster can now remove the definition for hypocrite
and simply replace it with the picture I provided above.

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Jesus, endless war, and the rise of American fascism

I wish this guy could get through to the tens of millions
of brainwashed morons who enable the Oligarchs,
which allows the Oligarchs to continue their control over human civilization.
But sadly, in 10,000 years, no one has been able to do that.

And the "Doomsday Clock" continues to tick closer to midnight.

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So why are many tens of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians going to die?

Because Big Oil needs more money

Did I say "Big Oil?"

I meant Big Oil AND Gas

No matter how many times this narrative plays out ...

the masses never figure it out

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The Oligarchs launch a worldwide assault on humans ...

in an effort to get the profits flowing again

The masses of brainwashed zombies, whom they control,
are the ones who ensure the continued domination of the Oligarchy.

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The classic movie "It's A Wonderful Life"
was a warning of the impending dystopian Trump world ...

that we now find ourselves in

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Forbes list of the world's richest people

What should stand out is the fact
that the list is composed almost entirely of Americans.
America is ground zero for the Oligarchy.
This is where the battle must be won.

(note: being rich doesn't automatically make one an Oligarch)

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U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres

Telling like it is - time is running out

He was too diplomatic to point the finger ... but I will:
the worldwide collection of Oligarchs
working in concert with greedy corporations
are responsible for humanity's mad dash to the edge of the cliff.

But ... the Oligarchs couldn't be doing this
if it weren't for their legions of
easily-manipulated, brainwashed minions ...

who make it all possible

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Billionaire charity is not charity ...

it's public relations

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Why is this happening?

Prices are skyrocketing

This is happening because the Oligarchy wants all those profits back
that it lost during the Pandemic.

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The world's most powerful oligarchs
hide the Pandemic disaster with lies ...

and their followers don't even blink

And those followers are dropping dead like flies

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The 2 richest oligarchs on the planet:
on your left, Elon Musk, and on your right, Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk

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Dark Money is behind the SCOTUS takeover

The Oligarchs are tightening their grip around the throat of America

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The Oligarchs are only putting on a show ...

Biden will not oppose them

In the 2020 presidential election, we were allowed 2 choices:
the Republican (preferred by the Oligarchy), or
the Democrat - who will help the people ...
but only as much as the Oligarchy will allow.

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This is a long video (1:52:50) in ... Russian.
If you don't understand Russian
and you are not a speed reader
I suggest you do these things first:
1) Click on "settings"
2) Turn on English subtitles
3) Reduce playback speed

Putin exposè produced by Alexei Navalny

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German dictator Adolf Hitler

In the article below (from 2/28/17)
you could replace Hitler's name with Trump ...

and few people would notice the difference

That article should have been required reading for every American voter in 2020.
But even if it had been ... would it have made a difference to the 74 million Maga Morons?

That's doubtful.

Though the Nazis never encountered a human they didn't want to kill
(a lot like the Old Testament God whom they worshipped) - yet oddly enough ...

The Nazis were animal lovers

Just as the best human beings can be fallible and make mistakes;
this obscure fact shows that even the worst human beings
can occasionally rise up and surprise us.
It's only too bad that they didn't feel the same way about ... humans.

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The Oligarchy is intentionally using the most reliable, tried-and-true tactic ever discovered
for maintaining control over large populations (for the purpose of stealing their wealth)
by dividing the richest nation on Earth (America) into warring tribes.

This tactic is known as ... "Divide and Conquer"

This is the tactic that has allowed the Oligarchy
to control the other 99% for the past 10,000 years
(ever since humans first started living in large societies)
in every society that has existed throught Earth's history;
and humans have yet to discover ...

how to defend themselves against it

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This is the Asian Giant Hornet

In this first video, 30 hornets kill 30,000 bees in only 3 hours.

The Asian Giant Hornet (3:50)

That reminded me of a bad karate movie
where they all take turns attacking the karateka ... one at a time.
These hornets have now arrived in the U.S.
and are a threat to our own honeybees.
The media has dubbed them "Murder Hornets."
How vicious are these predators?
One of the items on their menu is the feared Praying Mantis.

Asian Giant Hornet vs. Praying Mantis (3:43)

Now let's take a break from all that violence
and learn some science (you'll understand why - after the video) ...

Life's Major Evolutionary Transitions (9:03)

Now, in this last video below, the hornets encounter a different species of bee.
This species has evolved a defense against the much larger hornets.
They work together to encase the intruder, and then using their vibrating wings ...

they cook the hornet to death

Japanese Honeybees (3:42)

See the analogy?

For 10,000 years humans have been preyed upon by cannibalistic predators (Oligarchs)
who convince humans to die in wars by the millions so that the Oligarchs can enrich themselves.
Humans are like the bees in the first video above ... we are sitting ducks.
Our survival depends upon our ability to discover how to work together (Socialism)
and rid ourselves of the predators who have been making this world ... a living hell.
That is why the Oligarchy is trying so desperately to convince you that Socialism is evil.
The last thing they want is ... for us to learn how to defend ourselves.

Like the man said ... Cooperation

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Whom do we have to thank for legalizing "Stock Buybacks?"

Ronald Reagan

Reagan is the one on your far left ...

May his grave be desecrated by rabid syphilitic worms.

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Trump is so confident of his control over millions of Maga Morons ...

that he doesn't even bother to hide his sedition anymore (4:16)

1930's Germany - deja vu.
But we have the advantage of hindsight that the Germans didn't have.

Will it make a difference?

We will find out very shortly.
But the fact that Trump has any support left at all after destroying America
is a good sign that even being forewarned won't save us.
We must discover the secret to fixing brainwashed people.
As impossible as that seems to be,
the future of civilization depends on our ability to do ...

exactly that

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Elon Musk

I first glimpsed the evil in this man when he referred to one of the rescuers
(who helped save a dozen boys who got trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand)

as ... "Pedo-Guy"

(by the way ... 2 of those rescuers died)

The Thailand cave rescue

So while the world's billions of people
are suffering through a deadly pandemic
and trying to figure out how to survive,
how are the Oligarchs doing?

Elon Musk climbs to #7 on the list of the world's richest people

UPDATE 9/12/20

During the pandemic, Musk gets even richer ...

off the backs of his dead workers

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The Trump cabal

Trump's first term is nicely summed up by Robert Reich

Nearly half of all American voters have made this possible.
They are the ones we will be stuck with ... long after Trump is gone.

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While Americans suffer through the pandemic
and beg for money to feed their families and pay their rent ...

billionaires continue to reap gigantic financial rewards (5:06)

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American oligarchs are the most powerful oligarchs in the world ...

that explains why Americans are suffering the most

We're #1! We're #1! We're #1!

(unfortunately, we're #1 in the worst way possible)

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How the Oligarchs are using "Divide-and-Conquer"

to maintain control over America and its vast resources

"Divide-and-Conquer" is the oldest, most reliable military tactic in human history.
It has enabled the Oligarchs to control the masses for over 10,000 years
(ever since humans first transitioned from "hunter-gatherers" into societies).

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During the first 2 months of the pandemic,
billionaires have added half a trillion dollars ...

to their offshore bank accounts (4:31)

Trump was right: the system IS rigged.
He just left out the part about him and his cronies being the ones ...

rigging it

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The world just hit the highest number of new Covid cases in a single day ...

as Oligarchs herd everyone back to work

The word "evil" does not even begin to describe our ...


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This is Jeff Bezos - the world's richest man

The Pandemic has been the greatest thing that ever happened to him.

Guess what he just did? (3:52)

UPDATE 7/2/20

As the world suffers through the Covid-19 pandemic ...

Bezos's wealth is skyrocketing (over 170 BILLION dollars)

The important take-away from this story is that
all the fabulous wealth flowing into Amazon coffers
isn't going to the workers (some of whom are dying)
but to Jeff and the investors who sit back drinking champagne ...

and sucking on caviar

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Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca)

Nancy Pelosi defends corporate giveaways disguised as a stimulus bill (5:15)

The Oligarchy created and maintains the 2-party system for a reason.
If they can't have their first choice (Republican)
they will accept an alternative (Democrat).
The Democrat will be better for the people than the Republican,
but as the video explained, the Democrat knows ... for whom they work.

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While Americans die by the thousands and collapse financially by the millions ...

billionaires are soaring to greater heights than ever (3:51)

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Introducing the world's richest man ... Jeff Bezos

Covid-19 has made the richest man ... a whole lot richer

So when you already have so much money
that God comes to you for a loan,
how do you show your gratitude for the workers
who are risking their lives to make more money for you?

Like this

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Wall Street bankers are pressuring Trump to reopen the economy
to get the money flowing again ...

to them (4:37)

Those people have lost any human traits they may have once had.

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The Oligarchs have brought us atomic war and climate change. Why?
There is only ONE motivation behind everything that the Oligarchs do ... money.

Now scientists haved moved the Doomsday clock,
from 2 minutes to midnight ...

to 100 seconds to midnight

Personally, I think they are being a little too optimistic.
If humans don't learn how to defend themselves, AND SOON ...

there won't be anyone left around to set the clock

UPDATES - 1/27/21 & 1/21/22

No change

(Just getting Trump out of office should have backed us up a few minutes.
He had to be one of the most dangerous fascists to ever hold office ... anywhere).

UPDATE - 1/24/23 & 1/23/24 (no change)

The Ukraine War motivates scientists to move the clock up 10 seconds ...

It now stands at 90 seconds to midnight

Here is a brief history of the Doomsday Clock through 2024

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Representatives of the world's most powerful capitalists
gather in Switzerland for their annual meeting.

Robert Reich explains "The Big Picture"

That's it in a nutshell.
Understand that ... and you've got The Big Picture.

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2020 Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg

Trump vs. Bloomberg dueling Superbowl commercials

The Oligarchy is ensuring that you will choose
one of the two Oligarchs they deem acceptable.
Their first choice (Trump) will continue to give them everything they want.
Their second choice (Bloomberg) will throw the people some peanuts
(like gay wedding cakes and discounts on their insulin shots)
while protecting as much of the gains, the Oligarchy has made, as he possibly can.

This tiny Superbowl investment ($20 million) is peanuts
compared to how much they would stand to lose
if a Socialist like Sanders or Warren wins.

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Abbey Martin interviews Chris Hedges
who displays an excellent understanding of ...

the Oligarchy and its activities (28:37)

Time is running out ... fast.

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Robert Reich explains the true  divide in America ...

All of us v. The Oligarchy

But the battle will be won or lost
depending on whether or not
we can free the brainwashed half ...

from The Matrix.

We've been to the Moon many times.
That is nowhere near as difficult as unbrainwashing people.
But our survival as a species depends on us pulling off the impossible.

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I didn't post this because of anything
that Robert Reich said about the 2020 election.
The important thing to learn from this article is that
he painted a perfect picture of how the Oligarchy ...

controls the masses

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David Koch has died (the one on your left)

Age 79 (kind of young for a rich guy) - no cause given. But if I had to guess ...

I would guess that the prostate cancer came back and finally nailed his coffin shut

One down ...

One to go

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Thom Hartmann video detailing the destruction of the middle class by ...

The Oligarchy (11:57)

This was one of the most important videos I have ever watched.

Here is a summary of the book Hartmann referred to

The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk

I had planned to read that short summary rather than the long book,
but after the first few pages, I couldn't stomach any more ...

conservative propaganda

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Boris Johnson will replace Theresa May as Prime Minister of Great Britain, and ...

Trump predicts he'll be great!

And another domino falls to the worldwide Oligarchy
(there aren't many dominoes left)

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So what have the Oligarchs been up to lately?
Watch this Thom Hartmann video (6:55)
to learn about one of their grand schemes ...

How the rich will rewrite the Constitution if Trump is reelected

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Robert Reich explains who is behind the divide in American culture ... and why:

The Oligarchs

Divide and Conquer  has always been - still is - and will likely, always be ...

the most reliable military tactic in world history

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Robert Reich video

The Oligarchy (3:30)

Another Robert Reich video
explains Trump's role in the Oligarchy ...

he is the "divider" (3:23)

This is an extremely important point that Reich is making.
In order to effectively fight against our greatest enemy (the Oligarchy)
we must first understand our enemy
and how that enemy uses our fellow citizens against us.

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In the top 1%, women make up ...

only a tiny fraction

Show of hands ... how many didn't already have that one figured out?

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What was the GOP's first bill after the shutdown?

Repeal the estate tax affecting the richest 0.2% (4:28)

They don't even try to hide their theft any more.
The only explanation for that is ...

they know that they OWN the conservative morons.

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Retiring Speaker of the House ... Paul Ryan

What lies behind those big baby-blue eyes?

Pure evil (3:27)

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Sit down before reading this.

China is cracking down on ... Communists!

Yes. You read that correctly.
Like everywhere else on Earth, the Oligarchs get real nervous
when their lies and hypocrisy are challenged.
Those students have figured out what's going on,
so the Oligarchs are making sure that they keep their mouths shut.

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JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon

Dimon admitted that another recession would be good for business.

Which business?

His business ... banking (3:15)

UPDATE - 4/13/19

Robert Reich also eviscerates Dimon

UPDATE - 1/21/22

So how badly was Dimon hurt by the Pandemic?

Not as bad as the rest of us

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President of France, Emmanuel Macron

Macron turns out to be just another Oligarch in disguise

The "Yellow Vest" protests over the fuel tax were just the last straw.
What was the first straw?

A French journalist tells us about Macron's tax giveaway to the rich (8:48)

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Billionaires increased their wealth by 20% in 2017.

And most billionaires ... are Americans

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The U.S. has dropped out of the top 20 democracies
and is now listed in the category of "flawed democracies."
I find it amazing that we are ranked that high
considering that our country was sold out to the Plutocrats in 2010
by 5 conservative judges on the Supreme Court in the Citizens United case.

Confirmed True by Snopes

At the rate Trump and the Republicans are attacking our democracy
we'll be lucky to remain in the "flawed democracies" category for much longer.

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Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump

The rich have legalized theft in thousands of different ways

How much did you pay in taxes last year?

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Snopes exposes the Koch Brothers' control over ...

George Mason University

Their tentacles are everywhere.

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This is how American government works:
After passage of the Republican tax bill ...

The Koch Brothers thank Paul Ryan with a half-million dollar "donation"

"Donation" sounds so much better than calling it what it really is.

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The 1% now control more than half of the world's wealth

And they don't show any signs of slowing down.
In their world, you can never have ... too much.

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If you need to bring yourself up to speed on how offshore accounts work
and you would like to know more about the "Paradise Papers" ...

This will do it

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Oligarchs are pure evil.
As evidence for that claim, I give you ...

Sam Walton

I have nothing to add. That story speaks for itself.

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Pakistan skirts the law ...

allowing Oligarchic thug to regain power through his wife

Sure, I believe that in an Islamic country that places such a high value on women
that they would actually elect a woman and give her power over them.
(even the U.S. hasn't evolved that far yet - but Pakistan has?)

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This is why we call them "sheep"

There are many examples that prove humans are similar to sheep. Here's one:
We allow the 0.1% to destroy the planet because we have never figured out ...

how to defend ourselves against them

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Read this list of causes for the Great Recession of 2008

One thing stands out to me above all else:
Republicans have done everything in their power since then
to ensure that it all happens again.
Think about what could possibly be behind
such seemingly suicidal actions.

There is only one answer that makes any sense
and that answer is based on the reality
that Republicans work for the rich - and ONLY - for the rich.

Think about what happened during
The Great Depression and The Great Recession.

In each case, enormous amounts of wealth were transferred
from the masses into the offshore bank accounts of the ultra rich.

The only explanation that makes sense,
is that these catastrophes are not accidents.
They are the greatest gimmick ever devised by the wealthy to get richer.
And they are preparing for another one very soon;
which is given away by the fact that they are doing everything they can
to deregulate our financial system and open the floodgates of wealth.

They don't want to fix the system because ...
it makes them too much money.

You won't even believe how much money is floating around ... in the shadows

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Fascism has been rising all over the world.

The United States


We are being prepped for war.

By whom?

By whom else ... The Oligarchs.

They kill humans for profit ... it's what they do

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Russia is suffering horribly under Putin and his band of thieves

Life expectancy in Russia plummets since 1990

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Meet Robert Mercer: he is the rightwing US computer scientist
at the heart of a multimillion-dollar propaganda network.

In the war between humanity and the Oligarchy
one of the first goals that the people must achieve is to expose the enemy.
But convincing the rest ...

that's going to be a lot harder

From the article:
"In military circles this is known as 'psyops' – psychological operations.
(Mass propaganda that works by acting on people’s emotions) 

It worked for Hitler, and 90 years later, it worked for Trump.
The masses must learn to think rationally
if they are to develop the skills necessary
to defend themselves against these psychological operations.

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Trump's election has added to the rise of fascism around the globe.
I've noticed that leaders are finally beginning to realize
that the world is moving closer to war.
Now, I have none other than Gorbachev himself in agreement with me;
not to mention the scientists who moved the "Doomsday" clock
to 2 minutes before midnight ...

the closest it's been since 1953

Where my narrative differs from everyone else's,
is that I identify, what I consider to be, the true culprits ... the Oligarchs.
Without understanding the real motivation behind the push to worldwide war,
our ability to stop it shrinks to almost nil.

It is the uncontrollable greed of Oligarchs, worldwide,
that I see driving humanity toward the cliff.
The thin line of defenders braced at the edge (the Rationalists)
cannot withstand the assault alone.
We must find a way to get the herd to understand
what is really going on, who is behind it, and why.
But even then, we still have to find a way to convince them to turn around.
And the tragic reality of that is ...

that is something that has never been done

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American Democracy is weakening

Regarding the United States,
I'll agree that Trump was not the cause - but the result.
Losing Democracy is usually a process.
Certain events contribute to that process to different degrees.
In the U.S. the biggest factor in losing our Democracy
was undoubtedly, the Citizens United Supreme Court case in 2010,
in which 5 conservative judges sold out our Democracy to the Oligarchs ...

for 30 pieces of silver

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I rail against the Oligarchy as often as I can in an attempt to warn people,
who humanity's true enemies really are.
Oligarchs have been destroying civilizations, retarding advancement,
and killing humans since we first transitioned from hunter-gatherers
until the present time, not just in America, but in every society on Earth.

China is no exception. They now need umbrellas for protection ...

when it snows

Like American Oligarchs, they have no intention of reducing profits.
That's why their people have to walk around
wearing surgical masks and carrying umbrellas.

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The attack on science and scientists by Republicans ...

is worse than we thought

As the article stated, this puppet for the rich
has been getting reelected for decades.
If the people are too stupid to protect themselves
from predators like this guy ...

then we have to do it for them

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Daily Kos writer Jon Perr was featured in podcast #377

The Bailout (7 pages)

Writer Jon Perr responded to my podcast

Here is our final email exchange (18 pages - including original)

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Russian King, Vladimir Putin

Documentary on the rise to power of Vladimir Putin

The ability of Oligarchs like Putin to control the masses
is the reason that scientists have set the "Doomsday Clock" to ...

3 minutes to midnight
(midnight is ... lights out for the human race)

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Extremely powerful argument that Reagan was our worst president ever

The comments after the article are pretty interesting and informative as well.

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Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman

If they ever make it possible to revoke Nobel Prizes
this guy should be first on the list.

The acceptance of his "trickle down" policies was most likely
the main cause of America's demise ... in only one generation.
He convinced leaders that wealth would trickle down; and he was right.
Trickle was an accurate choice of words.
He convinced leaders that government should give tax breaks and other incentives
to the rich, and that by doing so, everyone below would benefit.
Now we see that only the wealthy benefitted.

Friedman said give us a dollar and you'll be better off.
Well, we gave him a dollar and we got a nickel back.
He said, see - without us you wouldn't have that nickel
(but without him, we would still have our dollar).

and the Oligarchs constantly fight ... to get that nickel back.

They should exhume what's left of Friedman's carcass right now,
and pry that Nobel Prize out of his rigormortis fingers with a crowbar ...
and then disinfect the crowbar.

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Do you recognize either of these two bastards?

The one on the left is Rupert Murdoch (owner of Fox).
The one on the right is Charles Koch (owner of Koch Industries)

The richest 62 billionaires have half the world's wealth

One thing that both have in common is that they sacrificed everything,
worked incredibly hard, and then against insurmountable odds ...

were born into very rich families

If you want to learn how they both did it, here's the scoop ...

Murdoch's silver spoon

Koch's silver spoon

I think the key is: when your stork is flying over The Hamptons ... kick it

The Hamptons

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World History ... in one paragraph

One tribe (or country) arm themselves with flags in one hand and holy books in the other
before dispersing into a neighboring tribe (or country) to kill them and take all their stuff.
The instigaters of this constant mayhem are the sole beneficiaries of it ...

the Powerful Predators in each society (the Oligarchs).

From this one paragraph, the rest of world history can be derived.

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If you want to understand politics better than most people around you
but you have a busy life with work, family, etc. ...

this one essay by Bill Moyers is the only one you will ever need to read

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The consequences of the 2010 "Citizens United" Supreme Court case
have been devastating to American democracy.

This is now what we have become

Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" was the worst blow ever suffered by the rich.
It has taken nearly a century, but the rich have finally put things back to the way ...

that God meant for them to be

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The War on Science

Who's behind the War on Science?

The usual suspects ... The Oligarchs (the ultra rich and their enablers)

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Why can't Americans have nice things?
Why are our roads crumbling?
Our schools closing?
Hospitals going out of business?
Jobs going overseas?

Why can't the world's richest country
elevate the lifestyle of its citizens
to that of other advanced nations?

It's because of these guys

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One of the greatest enemies in America's history,
has always been, still is, and likely will continue to be,
for a long, long time to come ...

the American Conservative movement

What is it?

It is a marriage of Oligarchs and the politicians who serve them.
The tentacles of the Oligarchy extend everywhere, ensnaring through propaganda,
the useful idiots  that it needs to survive in a Democracy.

These idiots are drawn mainly from the pool of:
Conservative Christians (usually found in the Republican party).
They are Christians who follow none of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The God they really worship is called "Greed."
That is why the "Prosperity Gospel" is so successful in their sect of Christianity.
The pool also includes most Southerners, white racists,
and other Americans who are easily brainwashed by Conservative propaganda.

This is how the modern Conservative movement first got started

And this is how the modern Conservative movement has evolved

Moral Majority co-founder Paul Weyrich has acknowledged
that it was the government’s actions against segregated schools,
not the legalization of abortion, that enraged the Christian community.
(I would add to that ... the "Conservative" Christian community)

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The Oligarchs not only control the Supreme Court ...

but most of our judicial system as well

I like her remedies:
"Let’s start with nonpartisan elections,
the public financing of judicial campaigns ...
and merit-based selection of judges,
a system that can include nonpartisan screening commissions,
gubernatorial appointment, and retention elections ....

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Florida has its own version of the Koch Brothers.
However, this family doesn't specialize in oil, but in ...


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By the way - hear anything lately about the "Panama Papers?"

Told ya so

This should be one of the biggest stories of our lifetime;
but the Oligarchs control the media,
and they shut that story down as quickly as possible
after only one leader went down.
Did you hear any American names?

Neither did I

Keep the sheep screaming about bathrooms
and what outrageous things Donald Trump is saying,
and they won't even notice while their pockets
continue to be picked clean.

UPDATE - 4/7/16

The release of the Panama Papers
represents one of the most powerful strikes ever
against the forces of evil (The Oligarchs).

But as this story makes clear (in its reference to China)
they control the media (and just about everything else).
They are already cutting off the lines of communication.
In America they are trying to bury, or at least minimize, the story.

The masses simply have not advanced far enough
to stand a chance against the evil that has controlled them for ...

the past 10,000 years

Reread the text in the picture above. Now recall the last line in the story ...

"the real scandal isn't the law-breaking—
it's that so much of what Mossack Fonseca did was perfectly legal.

The Oligarchs have legalized theft.
We MUST regain control of our government
or the price for failure might be ...

another 10,000 years of Hell

UPDATE 10/16/17

The Oligarchs are getting nervous.
They murder a female investigative reporter ...

by detonating a car bomb from offshore

UPDATE 11/28/19

Keith Schembri, a multi-millionaire,
and the Maltese Prime Minister's Chief of Staff ...

has been arrested and charged with masterminding the bombing

UPDATE 3/10/20

One of the accountants involved in the Panama Papers ...

has been convicted (2:14)

One small step for man ...
And a long, long, long way to go.

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The Oligarchs have found yet another way to stick it to ...

the most vulnerable Americans

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Recently I pointed out that Republicans now control the House, the Senate,
the Supreme Court, most state governor's offices, and most state legislatures.

Now, for the first time ever, they control most state Attorneys General

There is only one prize left that the rich have yet to capture
before they obtain complete control ... the presidency.

After the amazing abandonment of Obama by the Democratic party
in the Midterm elections (which cost them everything),
it looks like a complete Conservative conquest of America is only 2 years away.

Today the House passed the spending bill to keep the government functioning.
It deregulated the banks and allowed individual campaign contributions to increase ...

10 FOLD!

And if the Senate rejects it, they will be the ones accused of shutting down the government.

The Oligarchy's victory over Democracy is virtually complete.
The only way this can happen in a Democracy, is with the help of the ignorant masses.
They are doing far, far more damage to America than any foreign enemy ever has.
We must increase our efforts to spread rational thinking skills.
Deprogramming brainwashed Americans will be an incredibly difficult task.
Anyone who has "Fox Friends" already knows this.

But it's not like we have a choice

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How successful has the assault been, on FDR's New Deal?

See for yourself


The first set of bars represents America under Truman (Dem).
The next two sets of bars should be combined because

1) there is little difference between them, and
2) both represent America under Eisenhower (Rep).

During this period, there was a slight, but unmistakable increase
in income going to the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Under presidents Kennedy and Johnson (Dems),
the advance of the rich stalled out and we experienced status quo.

Under Nixon (Rep) the rich were on the move again.
(that is only good news ... for the rich)

Carter (Dem) pretty much held the rich in check.

Then the Heavens opened up and the Lord sent the rich ... Ronald Reagan (Rep).
The graph tells the story better than any words ever could.
Bush senior (Rep) was able to keep the momentum going for the rich.

Clinton (Dem) succeeded in reversing the disaster slightly,
but with the election of Bush junior (Rep), the dam broke.
By the end of his presidency, America was in "The Great Recession."
The only things that prevented a repeat of the Great Depression
were the social programs instituted by FDR (Dem).

But Obama's election defied the consistency of the graph. Why?

For one thing, Republicans were able to prevent a recovery
by obstructing America in every way possible.
They even opened up a new tax loophole called "inversion"
to steal billions more from dwindling American tax revenues.

But that wasn't the only reason why this Democrat
was the only one who failed to stop the rich.
After the rich crashed the economy,
Obama sacrificed American taxpayers
by bailing out the giant corporations who had raided our nation's wealth.

So who is left to fight for us?

No one. We must fight for ourselves.

Democracy gives us the power to do so.
Unfortunately, many Americans have proven themselves to be
too stupid and gullible to use that power.
When any of the 99% of Americans (the non-rich) support Republicans,
they are cooperating in their own demise by voting against their own interests.
Until they develop the rational thinking skills necessary
to defend themselves from the lies of the Oligarchs,
they will continue to be ...

sitting ducks

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So how did the Bush tax cuts work out for America
when we look back and do the math?

You need to read this to get the full effect of what was done to us

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For those of you who might be having difficulty recognizing evil,
this documentary about the Koch Brothers should make things clearer (55:54)

They don't come any more rotten than these guys

And for those of you who just can't get enough of these guys,
here is another great article explaining their tactical plan for taking over the government ...

which, as of 2016, is proceeding quite well

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Here is a short video of the Koch twins (David and Bill) settling their differences.

What every kid needs to learn:
how to punch your twin brother in the back of the head while he is down.

A recipe for destroying children

Our country has paid a terrible price for the failure of Fred Koch ... to raise his kids.
Here is a man who never should have been allowed to breed:

Frederick Koch

Now that I think about it, I would like to amend my previous statement.
It was Frederick Koch's father
who never should have been allowed to breed.

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Bill Moyers and Paul Krugman discuss
the takeover of America by ...

its oligarchs (24:30)


"Capital in the Twenty-First Century" by Thomas Piketty
will likely soon become one of the main targets of ...

book-burning Republicans

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Would you like to find out if the Koch Brothers really believe
that global warming is a hoax?

Simply ask them to spend one-millionth of their fortune to purchase a ski resort

I'll wager my sister's gold-embroidered snuff box ... that they won't do it.

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Chris Hedges discusses the Oligarchy (23:37)

Want some more of Chris Hedges?

Interview with Richard Wolff (15:00)

In case you don't realize it -
you just got an education worth its weight in gold.
The target has been identified ...

Battle Stations!

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This is Kim Jong-un.
He inherited the people of North Korea from his father, so he is very rich.
He threatens America with destruction on a regular basis
hoping to restore the flow of extortion money that America used to pay his father.
He tested a missile that almost made it to Japan before crashing into the sea.

These guys are the Koch Brothers. They are the richest brothers in the world.
How do they use the fortune they inherited?
They invest hundreds of millions of dollars into Global Warming Denial
in order to protect and expand their oil empire.
They are more than willing to sacrifice the entire planet
to keep the money rolling in.
Why would anyone, who has more money than God,
be willing to destroy millions of lives just to get richer?

I don't know. You would have to ask them.
But before you do, make sure
that your acceptance into the witness protection program has been cleared.

The leaders of The Tea Party are willing to destroy the American economy
because the democratic process didn't go the way they wanted it to.

How much damage has been done to America by foreign threats like Kim Jong-Idiot?

Maybe a couple of senior citizens on the West Coast
got nervous and required respirators.

How much damage has been done to America from within
by powerful forces like the Koch Brothers and The Tea Party?


Neither the Koch Brothers nor The Tea Party have given any indication
that they intend to stop attacking America for their own gain, any time soon.

That means ... it is up to us to stop them

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The takeover of the Earth's resources by the richest humans is well underway ...

and accelerating (3:52)

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A Tale of 2 Men

One man is old; very, very old. In fact, his expiration date has long since passed.
The other man is old; but only old.
But judging by his bulbous figure, he may exit before the older man.

Both of these men are quite well-known in America,
and both command large legions of followers.
One is a religious leader and the round one is a talk show host.
Both men are ultra conservatives.

Both of these men embarrass themselves on a regular basis.
They also embarrass other Republicans,
but because of the power they wield in that party,
there is little anyone can do about it.

Two men, are different in many ways,
but so similar in the damage they have done to our country,
because of the huge numbers of simpletons they have been able to influence.
In a Democracy, large masses of ignorant voters
can have a severe detrimental effect on that society.

So without further ado, I present two men
who never should have been on the national stage to begin with,
yet not only are they on it, they've dominated it for way too long;
two men whose damage will require decades to repair. I give you ...

Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh

Pat Robertson

Rush Limbaugh

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Grover Norquist is pulling the strings behind the scenes for the Oligarchy

Greedy. There is no better word to describe Oligarchs like Norquist.
They are motivated by uncontrollable greed that is never satiated.
They represent the greatest enemy the human race has ever faced.

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The One Percent

First, let's do our homework:

Read: "The distribution of wealth"

Watch: "The One Percent" (1:16:29)

Truly one of the greatest living heroes in America today ... Jamie Johnson.

His father, Jimmy Johnson, had the potential,
and even started to make an attempt,
but did not have the courage to follow through.

But all was not lost.
He would have a son, Jamie, who would fulfil that potential;
a son who did have the courage that the father lacked;
a son who would someday influence the world.

Did you notice how economist Milton Friedman blew his cookies (at: 1:05:05),
even though Jamie Johnson was bending over backwards trying to be polite?

Recently I read a story that claimed that in America,
if you earn at least $30,000 per year, you are in the top 1% globally.
Based on per capita income per country as recorded in the World Almanac,
I have no reason to doubt that figure.
So the rich (1%) might argue that the 99% should shut up
and be grateful that we have it as well as we do, here in America.

But what they are not telling you is:
if the rich weren't stealing U.S. taxpayers blind, by legalizing theft,
all Americans could be living much better than they are now.
So their argument is a Red Herring.

The One Percent hasn't only pillaged our country
but is currently spreading like a cancer all over the world.
They create jobs ... but they keep nearly all of the profits for themselves.

Labor practices

But wait - it gets worse.
For those Americans who don't care about what happens far away,
this one might hit closer to home (they charge a small fee to watch).

The Last Mountain (1:35:09)

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Robert Reich dispells 7 lies spread by The Oligarchs (2:46)

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Bill Moyers explains the reality that so few understand:
Our greatest enemies usually come from within (5:19)

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Fearing a massive redistribution of wealth
(meaning they might be forced to give back some of what they had stolen)

Oligarchs planned a coup against FDR in 1933

Wikipedia article on the coup

Instead, the Oligarchs calmed down,
accepted the fact that they would have to settle for stealing less,
and then bide their time until the masses were again ...

ripe for plucking

(yes, I know what that rhymes with; and either word is correct)

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George Carlin was far more than just a comedian.
He was way ahead of his time in his knowledge of politics.
Here he paints a very dark, but very accurate picture of reality (3:14)

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