This web site is dedicated to the eradication of irrational thinking.
Rationalists are those, whose thinking is strictly guided by the laws of logic.
Rationalists only accept as true, that which has been proven to be true,
through the application of the scientific method.

Neo's Daily Blog
(politics, religion, and science)


Muslim religious idiots try to regain control over women in Gambia
by reversing the ban on genital mutilation.

Thankfully, they failed ... this time

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Is there a corporation so big
that one could make the argument that ...
they own the world?

Blackrock (14:51)

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Boeing is simply one example of many
that demonstrates the horrors that Americans face ....

as a result of the corporate takeover of America

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It's just another tool that the Oligarchs use to "Divide-and-Conquer"
and we see immigration being used in this manner ... all over the world.

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Just like we saw on 1/6/21 in America ...

Fascists get violent when they lose

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After more than 40 years, there has finally been a HUGE breakthrough in ...

the fight against AIDS

Notice the death toll ... over 40 million!

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Health insurance coverage in the United States (wikipedia)

"Despite being among the top world economic powers,
the US remains the sole industrialized nation in the world
without universal health care coverage.

No further comment is necessary.

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Here is yet another way that the "Big Boys" sacrifice lives ...

for profits

Yep ... Reagan again.

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The last 2 paragraphs of this article make it clear
that conservatives on today's Supreme Court
work for the Oligarchs and ....

ONLY for the Oligarchs

With control over the Supreme Court,
the other branches of government should fall soon.
The real reason that conservatives
attack their own government
(even when they are in charge of it)
is because they want as little interference as possible
while they are stealing the masses blind.

RELATED 7/2/24

A Boston college professor weighs in (6:06)

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Republicans (still claiming that their 2020 loss was a rigged election) continue to try to ...

rig the election

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The conservative judges on the Supreme Court
did exactly what they are being paid to do ...

protect wealthy criminals

The way America is going, we won't have to read history
to try to understand how brutal the past was ...
we will soon be reliving it.

RELATED (same day)

EPA's "Good Neighbor Plan" shot down

The conservative justices make no attempt to hide their servitude to the rich.
Afterall, they have lifetime appointments and very little accountability.

The frustration of the liberal justices must be heartbreaking
as they watch helplessly while their cohorts reinslave America
and rollback most of the advancements of the 20th century.

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Study confirms previous research that linked autism to ...

rapid brain growth during early pregnancy

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Excellent explanation by Josh Fox
detailing how Big Oil is controlling our world:

video 31:08 (Fox interview begins at 15:30)

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Biden issues blanket pardon to troops expelled from the military for ...

their sexuality

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Project 2025 (8:35)

America ... we are in deep, deep, deep ____.

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Laws protecting workers from excessive heat ...

sends Republicans into battle mode


"Earlier this year, Miami-Dade County in Florida was on the cusp of proposing
a local rule to address heat risk for outdoor laborers.
But Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a state law
banning cities or counties from making their own heat rules.

And that guy DeSantis recently got reelected governor ... overwhelmingly.

RELATED 7/2/24

Feds attempt to protect American workers before Trump gets back in power

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While the EPA tries to save lives and protect Americans ...

the "Big Boys" (and Republicans who serve them) fight to keep their profits

If you've ever been confused by the definition of the word "irony"

this should clear up your confusion

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The brain's "glymphatic system" helps wash away metabolic waste in the brain ...

as we sleep

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