The Conservative Propaganda Machine
AARP has enemies!
The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC)
The "American Seniors Association" and the "60+ Association"
are 2 other groups that the Oligarchs use
to counter the AARP (which fights to help senior citizens).
So why would seniors join organizations that fight against
the very class of people that they are in?
Ask non-rich people why they fight against their fellow citizens
in servitude to the rich and powerful (the Oligarchs).
When you get the answer to either one of those questions ...
you will have the answer to both.
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Texas GOP claims Biden's election was rigged and demand ...
a vote on secession
Several thoughts come to mind:
If Biden stole the election ... why would Republicans bother voting again?
If Republicans really believe that Biden stole the election
why have they done absolutely nothing to fix the system so it doesn't happen again?
The answer is that Republicans are quite aware that Trump lost the election.
The reason they have done nothing about it is because there is nothing to fix.
They are also quite aware that their base of support (conservatives)
are certifiable nutjobs who (as Trump proved) can be lied to, thousands of times,
right to their faces ... and their eyes don't even blink.
Behold - the awesome power of brainwashing.
(and if you ask them why they are going to vote when nothing was done to fix things ...
you will simply get a blank stare, a raised fist, and a loud MAGA Shout)
UPDATE 2/5/24
1869 scotus decision (Texas V. White) rules out ... secession.
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Justin Peters makes it crystal clear
exactly what the battle in America is all about ...
divide and conquer
The most powerful Oligarchy on the planet (based in the U.S.)
is the one responsible for the cold civil war America is experiencing.
Now you know who is behind it;
we already know why this is happening,
since they only have one motive behind everything that they do ...
So let's do something about it
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Joseph Goebbels (Hitler's propaganda minister)
Wikiquote - Joseph Goebbels
This quote explains why Trump repeats nearly everything he says:
The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success
unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly -
it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
Here is a misquote of Goebbels that has been judged to be "partly true"
Almost a century later - and nearly half of voting-age Americans are falling for the same spiel.
Trump should have received only a few percentage points from the lobotomy party.
Considering that we have television, the internet, and history to learn from ...
What is our excuse?
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U.S. Vice President Mike Pence
He spoke at the Air Force Academy’s 2020 graduation
Pence told the cadets that by setting off to defend the nation, they ...
inspire confidence that we will prevail
against the invisible enemy in our time as well."
What Pence didn’t tell the cadets was that in over 200 years,
the U.S. has never been invaded, and that,
since we are by far the most powerful atomically-armed nation on the planet,
no nation would dare to try it.
What Pence also didn’t tell the cadets was that
they weren’t setting off to defend the nation (as that is unnecessary),
but that they were actually setting off to assist
in plundering less powerful nations.
As for Pence’s “invisible enemy,”
that is a delusion that he
and over a hundred million Americans
are still dealing with every day,
as ancient immoral, barbaric fairy tales
still maintain their terrorizing hold
on the majority of the population in our nation.
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Conservative radio show host fired "mid-show" ...
for deserting Trump
Controlling communications is an important military tactic.
To keep the tens of millions of brainwashed zombies in line,
it is important to restrict what information they have access to,
and to give the appearance of a united front.
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Amazing footage of Fox "News" coverage of ...
Obama (3:46)
Why would Fox risk being so obviously hypocritical?
They wouldn't ... unless they knew that their audience (Trump's base)
were completely under their control and don't care.
Unless we can find a way to free these brainwashed Americans from The Matrix ...
we are doomed
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Sinclair Broadcasting is "the top US television broadcast group"
and they actively work to promote the conservative agenda.
They are attempting to increase their influence by acquiring Tribune Media.
But in a move that has left me puzzled, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai,
who in the past has labored in the service of Sinclair Broadcasting,
surprised everyone by proposing that the matter be referred to an administrative law judge.
The move could result in a lengthy delay and could effectively kill the deal.
Sinclair - Tribune deal is dead ... for now
Time will reveal what's really going on; but my spider-senses ...
are tingling
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Fox News is now supporting collusion
Tired of banging your head against a wall, trying to reason with Trump supporters?
Wish you could smash them over the head and make it explode?
Try this one ...
Get them to admit that Bill Clinton was rightfully impeached for lying.
(that will be very easy to do)
Now point out that Trump isn't being threatened with impeachment for collusion,
he is being threatened with impeachment for lying about it
and for conspiring with others to hide the truth.
When I tried this with a "Trump Lady"
her nuclear meltdown was absolutely spectacular.
I was called every name in the book.
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Remember recently when it was announced
that Fox had bought the National Geographic?
Well, Rupert Murdoch just took over ... and it wasn't pretty
The golden nugget in that article was this:
Several people in the channel’s fact-checking department, for example, were terminated ...."
Here is a picture of Murdoch's media empire.
Here is a preview of the new first issue ...
(spoiler alert: this is intended to be a spoof)
Okay - the December 2015 issue is now on sale!
Let's contrast the front page cover stories
between October (pre-Fox) and December (post-Fox) ...
The Fox empire is attacking America on all fronts.
Religion has always been, and still is,
the main factor used in controlling the masses by The Oligarchs
Now for more on the continuing saga of
Rupert Murdoch and the National Geographic
A Snopes writer tries to come to the rescue of National Geographic
Snopes shouldn't be judged by one writer's incompetence, BUT ...
that writer needs to be taken out to the woodshed (3 pages)
UPDATE - 3/9/16
Remember back a few months ago when everyone freaked out over
Rupert Murdoch's purchase of The National Geographic?
Remember the concern over whether the magazine would retain its image
as respected science journal; an image that took decades to build?
Remember how I gave multiple pieces of evidence
that you could kiss the National Geo goodbye?
Well ... here's another piece of evidence
Like everything in Murdoch's empire
the National Geo is now nothing more than just another propaganda tool.
Another UPDATE
The National Geographic might as well rename itself ... "The 700 Club"
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Remember the story about 8 months ago
when the Senate confessed (by a vote of 98-1)
that Climate Change was real?
(and since this vote wasn't based
on any recent scientific breakthrough data,
it was an admission by Republicans
that they had been lying to the public)
And now we have Kevin McCarthy admitting on TV
that the purpose of exploiting the deaths of Americans in Benghazi
was to smear Hillary Clinton.
So, have Fox News viewer ratings slumped?
Actually they're skyrocketing
See the problem?
Our family, friends, and neighbors (who identify as Conservatives)
simply don't care about truth and Republicans know it.
They can lie to them all day long
and then tell them that they've been lying to them,
and Republicans know that at the end of the day,
that their loyal base will always be there.
If you need any more evidence
that "these people" have a severe mental disorder
then I can't help you - it couldn't be any more clear.
Rational people flee for the hills when they learn they've been lied to,
and they seek alternative sources of information that they can trust.
So why do Conservatives remain true
even after they've been told that they've been lied to?
Likely because their egos (pride)
will not allow them admit that they've been fooled and lied to,
even when they are told so ... right to their faces.
And here's an example of a tragic story
that is playing out all across America right now ...
and is tearing America apart
Our problem is much more serious than most people realize.
How do you fix tens of millions of mentally screwed-up people?
You can't force them into psychoanalysis;
and based on what I reported above,
many of them would simply refuse
to allow themselves to be helped anyway
because their egos would never allow it.
Whoever discovers the answer to this problem
and is able to apply it to put humanity back on the rails,
will deserve to be honored for eternity.
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The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are the Most Misinformed
It was an interesting article but it left me unfulfilled.
I wanted to know
why  the authoritarian personality hides in the Fox Bubble.
I believe it is because they cannot defend their positions;
and the reason they cannot, is because their positions are provably wrong.
But the ego / pride of the authoritarian personality
will never allow them to admit that they could be wrong.
So they are forced to hide in the Fox Bubble with the like-minded where they can all feel safe.
While it also involves a great deal of mental laziness,
pride (specifically - the need to feel superior)
is the overwhelming factor that spurs them to defend their nonsense against science and facts.
Sound like the religious mind?
It's not a coincidence:
the Fox Bubble is where American Evangelicals live.
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How do you know if you are living in the Fox News Bubble?
If your intestines are tied in knots over Hillary Clinton using a private email server,
that may or may not contain evidence of some unstated crime,
but you think it is no big deal that 47 seditious Senators sent a letter to Iran
that undermines peace talks and threatens to push us closer to war ...
then you are deeply embedded in "The Bubble"
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I thought I had a great story to post:
According to a court's verdict, while Fox News admitted to lying to its audience,
the court agreed with Fox's claim that it had the legal right to do so."
I bought it: hook, line, and sinker.
So I put the story in my queue.
Fortunately, before the story got to the front of the queue ...
I happened onto this
Between the time I put the story in the queue
and the time it was due to go up,
Snopes debunked it and saved me a ton of embarrassment.
Sometimes you just gotta admit: if you can't be good ... be lucky.
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Fox News exposed for what it is ... and for what it isn't.
It is not a news source; it is a propaganda outlet
for the far-right evangelical movement and for ...
the Oligarchy (2:52)
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Conservative Christians
I used to believe that religion was more powerful than politics.
Donald Trump proved how wrong I was.
Conservatives will defecate on the face of their on God
in order to remain loyal to the cult that controls their minds.
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Christian hypocrisy comes back to bite them in the ass ...
when the Bible is included on the banned book list
I'm mostly surprised by where this happened ... Utah
(a very conservative, religious state)
UPDATE 6/21/23
Bible reinstated
Well that didn't take long.
I can only imagine the violent threats that Jesus' people used
to get their propaganda back into the battle for young minds.
Since they couldn't get it reinstated on the facts, they resorted to:
significant, serious value for minors
which outweighs the violent or vulgar content it contains "
As usual, it's not about right or wrong, facts or lies, it's about power.
And in a backward, religiously-dominated area like Utah ...
Ghost Worshipers still have all the power.
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John 3:16
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Unfortunately for Conservative Christians:
John 3:16 only rewards belief with eternal life:
it doesn't stipulate ... which place.
And more bad news for you fake, phony Conservative Christians
who do the exact opposite of everything Jesus tried to teach you:
according to all these other verses that you guys ignore,
you might want to consider making sure
that your caskets are packed full of fire extinguishers ...
Conservative Christian believers may get eternal life; but likely ...
not in Heaven
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The fact that tens of millions of Americans
were willing to do this during Trump's term
should scare the hell out of you.
We are in deep deep trouble.
You thought that cartoon was a joke, didn't you?
You thought my comment was hyperbole, didn't you?
Well think again
From 11/5/22
What happens when evangelical, phony fake Christians
are confronted with the truth?
They fire the pastor (5:02)
This is what we are up against.
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Iran erupts over the death of young girl
in the custody of the "morality police" ...
who wasn't wearing her hijab
Think that can't happen in America?
Think again ...
As Christianity sinks to record low levels in America,
they resort to the governmental power
to maintain their control over the masses.
They now have control over the Supreme Court.
We have just witnessed The Court reject our laws
and institute religious laws (abortion - and soon contraception).
Currently, they are working on burning books
Here is some friendly advice:
You had better get the dust off your bibles
as that will soon be the only book ...
that you will be allowed to read.
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Political Comedian John Fugelsang
Johnny just NAILS conservatives on this one ...
As a Christian, I remind you that Jesus was a gun-loving nationalist
who opposed abortion, immigration, labor unions, gay rights & Communists.
Oh wait; did I say Jesus?
Sorry, I meant Hitler.
Jesus did none of that.
That was all Hitler’s agenda."
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Meet Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas
Ted has been congratulating himself for standing up for Americans,
saying they should not be forced to take a vaccine developed from fetal cells.
(First of all, no one is being forced to take a vaccine) But here's my question:
If that is so important to him, where was Ted when these products were developed:
Preparation H
A more complete list of products can be found here
The most interesting thing about the full list
is the inclusion of Conservative alternatives:
Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, and Ivermectin.
These phony lying bastards aren't invoking their religious beliefs ...
they are playing the morons to keep the people divided.
And they are willing to kill as many Americans as they have to
to insure that we remain divided and unable to defend ourselves.
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I found this posted on Reddit ...
Isn't it funny how none of your evangelical friends
are posting about how we should all pray for the President anymore?
Funny how eager they were to pray for the pussy grabber who never went to church,
but they won't pray for the devout Catholic."
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If Jesus really exists and He does test people,
then maybe Donald Trump was a test by Jesus
to see how many of His Christians would betray Him
if tempted with promises of riches and power?
Well, it looks like the entire Republican party has failed.
If you are on record as voting for Trump
I have some friendly advice for you:
Make sure that when you die,
they pack your casket with fire extinguishers ...
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Incumbent Republican senator Ted Cruz argued that 'removing God from the public square'
and 'losing the moral foundation of much of our society' were partly to blame for school shootings."
This claim was then challenged on Twitter:
"Ted Cruz said that school shootings take place because we removed 'God from the public square.'
Texas is 93% Christian and has a fatal school shooting every year.
Japan is 2% Christian and has never had a school shooting.
Worst theory ever.#TXSenateDebate"
Confirmed TRUE by Snopes
Present that argument to any "Evangelical"
and you won't believe how quickly they will change the subject.
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Our conservative Supreme Court justices are being picked by
a small, secretive network of extremely conservative Catholic activists
already responsible for placing three justices (Alito, Roberts, and Gorsuch) on the high court.
Leonard Leo
Trump was right about the game being rigged.
He just left out the part that ... they are the ones rigging it.
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Sometimes the internet comes up with some pretty good stuff, like this one ...
What this demonstrates is the great divide in America
between Progressive Christians (usually found in the Democratic Party)
and Conservative Christians (usually found in the Republican Party)
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I have a question for the Koch Brothers and the rest of the Oligarchs:
You claim to be the biggest supporters of God and Country.
At all Republican gatherings we can count on seeing 2 things:
American flags flying all over the place
and Bibles tucked under every armpit.
So here is my question:
Why do you ship millions of American jobs
(of which, at least 70% are held by Christians)
overseas to Communist China
where there is barely a Christian to be found?
If I had to hazard a guess, I would say
that it is to increase your profits and avoid paying taxes.
You don't worship Christians nor do you cherish America.
Money is your God ... and it commands your total loyalty.
You only play Christians and Nationalists like violins
so you can keep the money flowing into your offshore bank accounts.
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Message to Republican Christians from Jesus:
Read the fucking red print, God Dammit!
It isn't there because My Dad ran out of black ink.
That's the part I wrote ... it's the best part."
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I don't normally make predictions,
at least, not since my membership
in the "Psychic Channelers of America" expired;
but here is what I am predicting Conservatives will do
once they gain total control over U.S. government in 2017.
They will finally have the power to accomplish
what they have been trying to do for over 150 years ...
Officially declare America a "Christian Nation"
Christian Nation Amendments were attempted in
1864, 1874, 1896, 1910, & 1954.
Even ultra-conservative icon Barry Goldwater feared the Religious Right,
and correctly predicted the trap America was falling into ...
If America is a Christian Nation,
why have Christians tried so hard (and failed)
to amend our Constitution to declare America ... a Christian Nation?
Houston ... we have a problem
UPDATE - 2018
Okay, I'll admit my prognostication skills are a little rusty.
But Trump still has 3 years to go, so I am amending my original prediction.
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The Trump administration (specifically Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education)
with the assistance of the Supreme Court, continues the attack on America's
public education system
To control the people ... keep them stupid."
That strategy works just as well for Fascists today
as it has for thousands of years.
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Turkey takes a giant step backwards into the Middle Ages
by removing evolution from the teaching curriculum.
American Conservative Christians are salivating at the thought ...
and taking copious notes
This has been the goal of Conservative Christians
ever since their fairy tales got booted out of the public school system in the 1960's.
And now that they have control of the U.S. government
there is little that we can do to stop them.
Just ask Turkey
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The Official Republican Party Platform
Quoting Jesus in Matthew 25:29
For to every one that has, shall be given, and he shall have abundance:
but from him that has not, shall be taken away, even that which he has."
See, it's not their fault. They are simply following scripture.
Oddly, this is the only documented case of Republicans actually following Jesus' teachings.
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By Frank Schaeffer:
I Helped Start the Religious Right:
Here's How We Tried to Undermine Secular America --
and Build a Theocracy."
Christian home schooling is at the core of the project
The fact that I am having such a difficult time trying to decide
whether to file this under politics or religion,
should be a big hint as to just how closely the two are entertwined
(which was the main point of Schaeffer's article)
When you hear the phrase "straight from the horse's mouth" -
Frank Schaeffer is whom they are referring to.
This guy knows more about what he is talking about
than any of us ever will.
(that doesn't mean his conclusions are infallible;
but it does mean that you had better have all your ducks lined up
before you decide to challenge those conclusions)
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Approximately 25% of Americans are religiously unaffiliated.
How much are they underrepresented in Congress?
They are underrepresented by a factor of ...
more than 100
(instead of 1 - there should be over 130)
If we assume that the "don't know/refuse" members are unaffiliated,
and are simply afraid to say so,
then unaffiliated Americans are "only" underrepresented by a factor of ...
more than 10
(there are only 10 - where there should be more than 130)
But what is most telling, is that 9 out of those 10 are afraid to even admit
that they do NOT belong to a group that worships an invisible magic ghost.
(Let's hope that in the future, humans will look back at this story
and be utterly amazed that the word NOT was in there)
That gives you a pretty good idea
of where America stands in the 21st century;
pretty much the same place
where most of the other backward nations of the world stand.
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How do Republican Christians differ from Democratic Christians?
Republican Christians claim to be "the party of patriots."
Here's a popular Republican Christian bumper sticker about Obama
(from the 2012 presidential election) taken from Psalms 109:8-9:
Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."
This is how Republican Christians support their own president ...
when he's not from their party.
This is what passes for patriotism among Republican Christians.
That is why they wave the flag so furiously
and criticize others as unpatriotic.
It is to distract everyone from the fact
that they are the least patriotic of all Americans.
Why are they the least patriotic of all Americans?
Because their allegiance ... is to a higher power
Yet, as the graphic above shows ... they dishonor Jesus too.
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Useful Idiots
Maga Morons threaten the Republican in charge of the election after ...
Keri Lake loses
Did Trump cause this?
Comedian John Fugelsang put it best:
America is like an old couch.
Trump is a black light."
Trump didn't cause nearly half of American voters
to become violent, seditious, immoral human beings;
he simply exposed the fact that ...
nearly half of American voters are
violent, seditious, immoral human beings.
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I found this on the internet, written by "Bill Pfeifer."
It is an excellent description; detailing the fall of the GOP
from a conservative organization into a cult of kooks.
The Right used to be comprised of conservatives,
but as that ideology does not have enough adherents
to be politically viable in an educated populace,
they made the decision to deliberately attract the idiots and the crazies
in order to swell their ranks.
As those felt validated and became louder and louder,
a feedback loop began, where the Right felt obligated
to cater much more to them than to the conservatives.
People like Donald Trump or Tucker Carlson
are no conservatives by any stretch of the imagination;
they use misinformation and conspiracy theories
to keep the crazies in a perpetual state of anger and outrage.
Granted, there remain true conservatives in Congress,
who are deeply concerned about the monster
which the GOP has become, but they are scared.
Any deviation from the official propaganda line,
and they risk getting “primaried” by a crackpot,
who has no chance in the general election.
So, they think, 'Do I pretend to support Trump and the Big Lie,
to the consternation of my conservative constituents,
or hand my seat to a Democrat by antagonizing the crazies?'
Some of them have given up, do not seek re-election,
and thus are free to speak up against that craziness.
The January 6 violent insurrection gave the conservatives hope
that the crazies had gone so far over the line that they were done,
and many came out of their shell to speak out
against that attempt to destroy our democracy.
But the crazies are by now too numerous in the GOP,
and the conservatives had to eat their words
and pretend they didn’t mean it.
But to go back to your concern, yes I believe that as of right now,
the Right as a political movement is into conspiracy theories
and that they are its defining characteristic.”
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Actor George Clooney
Every generation in our country for more than a lifetime
has been asked to sacrifice something
for the safety of their fellow man: get shot, fight Nazis.
All that anyone’s being asked here is
to get a shot in the arm and put on a mask.
Grow up."
I only have one beef with Clooney's quote.
I would change that last line to ...
Grow the fuck up Assholes "
So a man flew from Virginia to Texas
and then ended up on a table in Oklahoma ...
waiting to get castrated
So why did I post this story in the conservative category
when it didn't say anything to indicate that it involved conservatives?
Because the conservative category
is the only category that I have
which contains a subcategory called ...
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Those who worked with Trump know that he is insane;
his tens of millions of brainwashed zombies ...
simply don't care
From the article above:
... virtually everyone around Trump—we're not talking Democrats here,
we are talking Trump aides, intimates, and supporters—
everyone believes he has gone off his rocker.
Let's not put too fine a point [on it]: They believe he is crazy."
But here is the important part:
But that doesn't mean Trump can't be elected again.
He commands a, if not a majority of the country, a very, very substantial minority
[who] comes to believe that this election is stolen and whose support for him ever hardens."
Trump, an obese septuagenarian, will be dead soon
but his zombies will be screwing up America
for a long, long time to come.
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Heavily-armed Trump thugs swarm Michigan capital ...
to protest lockdown
Conservatives often say that their Second Amendment rights
protect them from a tyrannical government.
Yet here they are, using those Second Amendment rights ...
to support and enable the most tyrannical government in U.S. history
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Here is something that Conservative Clapping Seals refuse to recognize.
Bring it up and you will see a new world's record for "changing the subject."
Stats comparing the Benghazi and Russian Collusion investigations:
The Benghazi investigation:
72 months = 0 charges & 0 indictments
The Russian Collusion investigation:
22 months = 215 charges & 38 indictments
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Classic Emails (1 page)
YUC's were passing around an old dishonest email
about Obama not attending D-Day ceremonies.
(it's a good thing we've got Snopes now)
I sent this back in response
(as you have probably guessed by now,
not one, out of more than 5 dozen Ghost Worshipers
had the courage to stand up and defend their invisible ghost)
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Republican Characteristics
Here's another trait that we can add to "Conservative Americans": most of them are ...
fat slobs
The Bible-Belt/Slave States
(euphemistically referred to as the "red" states)
swept the top 9 fattest positions.
(Also notice that, perpetual caboose Mississippi actually beat somebody)
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Talented comedian exposes the Republican party for what it is, and ...
whom it serves (14:39)
Here are a few sample comments I took from below the video:
A working man who votes republican
is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders."
Cults benefit the people who run them,
not the people who join them."
Too accurate … unfortunately the people who need to hear this won’t,
or if they do, will continue to ignore reality."
The most honest depiction of the Republican party I've seen so far.
I wish every MAGA voter would watch this.
Although, they'd have to be duct-taped to a chair
because not a single one would watch the entire video."
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Conservatives live far shorter lives than Liberals and ...
citizens of other advanced nations
Recent elections (such as 2016 Clinton-Trump and 2020 Biden-Trump)
reveal that it is far more informative to look,
not at the Red-state/Blue-state dichotomy,
but at a map showing local (county-level) voting.
Then you can clearly see the two Americas that have emerged:
(red) rural and interior America and (blue) metropolitan and coastal America.
The (
"Rubes" )
whose minds are easily controlled by the Oligarchs (mostly Republican)
are sitting ducks who are only used for the votes they provide.
It was mind-boggling to see Trump holding huge maskless rallies during the Pandemic
which became superspreader events that killed large numbers of conservatives;
and urge the faithful to pack the churches (maskless of course).
And yet they did
Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ...
your support!
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Here is a comparison (13 pages) between
the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights v.
The Republican Party platform
Human rights don't even register as an issue in the Republican party;
which is not surprising once you understand
that their singular purpose is to transfer as much wealth as possible
from the masses ... into the pockets of the rich.
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The evolution of the Republican party can be divided into 3 periods:
They began as the "Party of Lincoln" and were responsible ending slavery;
which had been supported mainly by Southern Democrats (the South was completely "Blue").
But when Democratic President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964
and the Voting Rights Act in 1965, racist elements within the Southern Democrats felt betrayed
and switched their allegiance to the Republican party (that's why the South is now "Red").
Nixon took advantage of this to win the presidency in 1968 by instituting the "Southern Strategy."
About 40 years later, the Republican party continued its voyage to "The Dark Side"
as the Oligarchs concentrated their efforts on America's most gullible and easily manipulated faction ... "Evangelicals."
Evangelicals are Christians in name only. They stand against everything that Jesus stood for ...
but they can't get enough of Jesus' Old Man: you know, the Guy who never met a living creature, animal or human ...
that He didn't want dead.
The Oligarchs molded the Republican party into a cohesive voting unit built around a party platform
that catered to its various factions: Evangelicals, Racists, and Greedy Capitalists
(those are Capitalists who are cursed with uncontrollable greed).
That was a brief, general overview of the moral degradation that has turned a once-proud political party
into an enemy of the people: the greatest enemy America has faced ... since the Civil War.
To quote President Trump ... #SAD
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This story about "Fake News" took me by surprise
The headline fooled me into thinking
that I was going to read a story
about someone like Steve Bannon.
It turns out that the victim's motives
weren't all that different from my own ...
to get people to think rationally.
Unfortunately, he severely underestimated the stupidity of his audience
and instead of becoming more critical in their thinking
they used his stories to sink to even greater depths of stupidity.
Moral: NEVER underestimate the ignorance of the Conservative mind.
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Neuroscientists at UCLA test subjects for altruism
Taken from the article ...
Participants whose dorsomedial prefrontal cortex was dampened,
tended to be more generous overall."
"But those whose dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was dampened
tended to be more generous to recipients with higher incomes —
people who appeared to be less in need of a handout."
“Normally, participants would have been expected to give according to need,
but with that area of the brain dampened,
they temporarily lost the ability for social judgments to affect their behavior ...."
They should have tested them for political affiliation.
Any bets on which group Republicans would fall into?
That result painted a perfect picture of the Republican psyche.
So now we know why Republicans are so broken ...
their dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has been dampened.
Surely they can make a pill for that?
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After the Charlie Hebdo massacres ...
the French people's opinions of Muslims actually rose
As you may have noticed in the poll,
the same thing happened in the United States after 9/11.
But notice that Muslim approval ratings in most U.S. groups only rose about 11%.
But among Conservative Republicans, approval was almost triple that ...
a whopping 29%
Why would the most xenophobic group of Americans
be the most likely to bond with their abusers?
Stockholm Syndrome
A burning question on the internet in recent years has been:
Why do Republicans vote against their own self-interests? "
Now we have a counterintuitive study and a counterintuitive burning question.
These people (Conservatives) simply don't think straight.
If I could figure out how to fix these broken people
I would certainly deserve a Nobel Prize in ... something
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American women who vote Republican
remind me of Muslim women who march in support of Sharia Law:
women so stupid that allowing them any carnal pleasure
beyond engaging in oral sex should be a felony,
as our species simply cannot afford the risk of allowing them to breed.
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George McGovern (Dem) was defeated by Richard Nixon (Rep) in 1972.
McGovern (pictured) admited that Nixon's "Southern Strategy" was the key.
Here is McGovern describing the "Southern Strategy":
What is the Southern Strategy? It is this. It says to the South:
Let the poor stay poor, let your economy trail the nation,
forget about decent homes and medical care for all your people,
choose officials who will oppose every effort to benefit the many
at the expense of the few—and in return,
we will try to overlook the rights of the black man ...."
So how did the party of Lincoln turn the Democratic South
into the bastion of Republican dominance that it is today?
As you just read above, they convinced all the racists to switch sides.
This was made possible by LBJ only a few years earlier
when he betrayed Southern Democrats
by signing the Civil Rights Act in 1964
and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
LBJ predicted that Democrats would lose the South after he signed the Acts.
And his prognostication abilities proved to be dead on.
UPDATE 6/21/19
The 'Long Southern Strategy' details how the GOP turned Southern women Republican
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Video proves Trump was lying when he claimed
that he did not know anything about ...
project 2025
So how many lies has Trump been caught in? 20,000? 30,000?
It doesn't matter. If/when it reaches a million
his mind-controlled cult base could care less.
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Bill Krohn's Facebook post describes the Republican Agenda - perfectly ...
Democrats: We’d like cops to stop killing minorities.
Republicans: Dems hate police.
Democrats: Women should have the right to choose.
Republicans: Dems want to kill babies.
Democrats: We need reasonable immigration policies.
Republicans: Dems want to open borders.
Democrats: We kneel in protest of inequality.
Republicans: Dems hate the flag, soldiers and America.
Democrats: We should wear masks to protect others.
Republicans: Dems want to take away your freedom.
Democrats: We should have background checks.
Republicans: Dems want to take your guns.
Democrats: Feds should not be policing in cities.
Republicans: Dems encourage rioting.
Democrats: People should have a living wage.
Republicans: Dems want to give everyone free stuff.
Democrats: We want religious freedom for everyone.
Republicans: Dems want Sharia Law.
Democrats: Taxes should be used for the benefit of everyone.
Republicans: Dems want socialism.
Democrats: We want people to be able to vote safely during a pandemic.
Republicans: Dems want to rig the election.
Democrats: People need more unemployment assistance.
Republicans: Dems blocked unemployment assistance.
Democrats: Listen, we just want to find ways to help people.
Republicans: Listen, we just want to find ways to misrepresent everything you say
in order to scare people into voting for us, even though we offer zero solutions.
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Some  Republicans are fed up with the blatant lies (2:27)
Joe Scarborough
The question is:
Why the hell aren't other Republicans fed up with all the lies?
The fact that most are not, tells you how difficult
the task that lies before us ... really is.
We are battling people, for whom truth has no value.
Since trying to reason with such people won't work,
and since violence is not an option in a civilized society,
that means we have to determine how these people can be removed
from positions of authority where they are doing incalculable harm.
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Texas Conservatives infect the nation
In order to save money, many smaller states rely on Texas
to provide their textbooks.
Show of hands:
how many of you prefer using single-ply toilet paper?
(you can put those smelly hands down now)
Buying textbooks from Texas is like buying single-ply toilet paper:
It's cheaper - but you
will regret it.
Look, all you smaller states,
pay a little more money and get a decent product; or make your own.
Your kids deserve better than single-ply textbooks.
But if you choose to go the cheap route and buy Texas textbooks,
it won't be your children's
hands ...
that end up full of shit
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Democrats often accuse Republicans of "Fearmongering."
In return, Republicans accuse Democrats of fearmongering
about issues like Global Warming.
So both sides play upon the fears of the people.
The difference is that Democrats are warning of a very real danger,
while Republicans are using their warnings
(of things that are not real dangers, like gay marriage)
to distract the public from the fact that they are lifting their wallets.
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Here is a Gallup Poll from 2 weeks before the 2012 election:
Romney Leads Obama by 7 Points
This poll was so far removed from all the other polls
(which basically had the election too close to call)
that many wondered what the hell was going on with Gallup.
It sounded more like a poll at Fox News, which, as most people are now aware,
is the propaganda arm of the Republican party.
Then, about a month after the election,
I happened upon this Gallup Poll:
God Is Alive and Well
No where in the article is there much mention
of the tremendous changes occurring in America
as Ghost Worship continues to disintegrate
and Secularism rises to the highest levels ever recorded.
There are almost no comparisons with previous results,
and where there are, they are carefully worded.
The book "God is alive and well" is referred to in multiple places.
The article sounds like it was written by Rick Warren,
offering hope to Christians in spite of the gloomy results.
Now I'm adding one plus one and I'm starting to make out the number two.
That whole Romney-thing was a desperate attempt
to rally the base at the last minute in a vain attempt to pull off a miracle;
and they were willing to sacrifice their credibility to make it happen.
From this point on, I no longer trust the Gallup organization.
It seems clear to me that, like Fox News,
they will view the facts in whatever context necessary to promote their ideology;
and their ideology always seem to coincide with the ideology of ...
the Republican party
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This is a long read (about an hour and a half).
Invest the time ... and you'll thank me for it.
Or you can read my brief summary
and then decide whether or not to invest the time.
Highlights from Philip Agre's treatise (2 pages)
Conservatism explained in detail (including its history in the U.S.)
That was written 16 years ago in 2004.
I wonder what this professor thinks about Trump?
The professor failed to see the resurgence that conservatism would enjoy.
But we can hardly fault him for not having psychic abilities.
I doubt if anyone (including Republicans) ever dreamed
that the U.S. would find itself under the influence
of a lying tyrant who would betray his country
and every principle that we hold sacred;
and be responsible for the deaths of countless Americans.
One change that I would make to his excellent treatise
would be to update his term "Aristocracy" to "Oligarchy."
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Florida Republicans increase taxes on consumers in order to ...
help desperate Floridians during the Pandemic
fight climate change which is drowning their coastline
replace crumbling infrastructure
in order to ...
reduce taxes for businesses (3:52)
Some things never change
(And they wouldn't be doing this unless they knew they could get away with it.
Rest assured, the brainwashed zombies they control
will  reelect them.
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That chart tells you everything you need to know
about the people who represent you.
For those of you who still haven't figured it out yet,
this comparison makes quite clear that ...
1) Democrats work for the people, and
2) Republicans represent the interests of the rich and Big Business.
As the Pandemic worsens, Americans are suffering horribly
while the wealth of the rich continues to skyrocket
thanks to their control over the U.S. government.
Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... YOUR SUPPORT!
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Over 60,000 chickens killed by greedy farmer
Mergen said ...
The longer I was there, the more disgusted and disappointed I was ...”
(At this point in his reply, I had the hope that
he was going to show some humanity and feel bad for the dead chickens
or admit that he could have kept them alive
and donated their product to the starving people around the world.
I’ll bet there would have been plenty of people willing to help him.
Then I read the rest of his reply) ...
knowing that I'm not going to see anything put back in my checkbook again."
And there you see the difference between
how greedy selfish people think vs. how caring humans think.
We are seeing the same thing on a national stage right now.
Trump and his Republican cronies play the part of the farmer ...
and we are the chickens
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Congresswoman Alexandria Cortez
laments the 2 trillion-dollar Coronavirus bill
that gave 7 times more money to corporations than to ...
hospitals (3:44)
Think about that.
During a worldwide pandemic destined to kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions,
the number one priority of Republicans is to make the rich ...
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Republicans have been burning the midnight oil for over 80 years
trying to figure out how to remove FDR's Social Security.
Paul Ryan's most recent idea was to take it away and simply call it "privatization."
With the current level of American stupidity and gullibility at an all-time high,
most Americans wouldn't even realize that it was being taken away.
While they've been working on that one,
they have been hard at work planning other ways to strip Americans of their wealth.
As always, they have their greedy little eyes on American retirement accounts.
Now that Americans have given them control of the government ...
it looks like they may be finally on their way to breaking down the gates
Bend over America and grab your ankles ... you asked for this
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This is what happens when you give control of your state over to ...
This is why Republicans blocked a record number of judicial nominations by Obama.
This is why they are now (under Trump) filling as many vacancies as quickly as they can
with very young, ultra-conservative judges
(who will interpret the law, the way the rich need it to be interpreted).
In the meantime, as the article showed,
they use the powers granted to them by ignorant voters
(who were foolish enough to believe their representatives were representing them)
to continue the transfer of wealth from the masses to the rich.
In this case, they went around the judiciary ... to give the rich what they demanded.
Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... your support.
(Note: By the way, in the Democratically-run state of California
where everything is far better than in the state of "Misery"
the minimum wage is going from $9 to $15 an hour)
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Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday
celebrated on the first Monday in September.
It honors the American labor movement
and the contributions that workers have made
to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of their country."
So I guess it's safe to assume that you Conservatives
will try to do everything in your power to eliminate Labor Day
once you win the Presidency in November ... am I right?
Hey, I've got an idea - why don't you replace it with ...
"The One Percent Day"
and then move it to April 15 to celebrate the day ...
that everyone else has to pay taxes
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What kinds of advances are possible in states
where Conservatives are not in power?
This kind
Conservatives do everything in their power
to prevent the regulation of big business.
Every bill Conservatives pass, either:              
1) panders to religious nutjobs, or                  
2) increases the profits of the wealthy            
at the expense and health of the masses
These life-saving rules would not have been possible in the Deep South ...
or any state under Conservative control
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Here are your choices ... red or blue?
Here's a gift you can get for all your Fox News friends
Here is a comment I posted on several video comment threads on YouTube:
In 1973 you Conservative morons lost abortion in the Supreme Court.
How did you respond?
By bombing clinics and murdering doctors.
In 2012 you Conservative morons lost health care in the Supreme Court.
How did you respond?
By doing something North Korea and Iran only dreamed they could do -
shutdown the American economy.
You flag-waving, Bible-thumping idiots are the greatest enemy America has ever faced.
If they ever institute IQ testing as a voting requirement ...
you'll all be screwed."
How long do you think that comment lasted
before conservatives voted it out of existence?
Good guess
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Robert Reich proves that Republicans are the exact opposite of ...
And while we are on the subject,
Republicans are also the exact opposite of Christian
and the opposite of "pro-life."
The fact that Republicans constantly claim to be - what they are not
is proof that they know exactly what they are doing:
gaslighting the morons
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Here is a list of benefits provided to the citizens of Israeli
that Republicans fight against furiously here in the U.S.:
legal and free abortions
universal healthcare
gun control
lgbt rights
labor unions
women in combat
high taxes to pay for social programs
Now ... guess which party supports Israel with every dollar they can?
Definition of "hypocrisy"
Don't worry. Republicans will not take offense.
They wear their hypocrisy like a badge of honor.
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Another one of the all-time greatest quotes by John Fugelsang
about Conservative Christian hypocrites:
Abortion isn't just legal in Israel, it's free.
So all the anti-abortion #maga people
praising Alabama and trying to kill Roe V. Wade
will probably start demanding we end all US aid to Israel ...
Am I Right?
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Republicans have been attacking FBI agents, claiming they were anti-Trump.
In response, Democratic Representative Gerry Connolly from Virginia
brilliantly uses sarcasm to expose the hypocrisy of the Republican party.
This is truly, one of the greatest Ass-Whoopins in Congressional history (5:00):
Now that's how you do it
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How much have Republicans changed in just the last 30 years?
This quote from John Fugelsang should make it clear:
If you don't like men who ...
support the assault weapons ban,
make secret deals with Iran,
grow the federal government by thousands of jobs,
sign liberal abortion laws,
ban torture,
and give Amnesty to millions of undocumented workers ...
then it's time to stop worshiping President Reagan.
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This Congressman masterfully exposes the hypocrisy of Republicans (3:30):
Republican hypocrisy exposed for the millionth time;
and for the millionth time ... Conservatives don't care.
No matter how many times we expose the hypocrisy of Trump
or the hypocrisy of Conservative Christians,
the millions of "useful idiots" who enable Oligarchs, simply don't care.
And THAT ... is the power of brainwashing
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California raises smoking age from 18 to 21
In the "So what else is new department?" the article stated:
The higher age limit, part of a package of anti-tobacco bills,
won approval despite intense lobbying from tobacco interests
and fierce opposition from many Republicans,
who said the state should butt out of people's personal health decisions,
even if they are harmful."
Gee, the tobacco industry and Republicans
are locked together in a lover's embrace.
Who would have ever guessed that one?
And just to send the "Irony Meter" into the red zone,
they say with straight faces,
that government should stay out of personal health decisions.
Aren't these the same Republican Ass-Clowns
who believe that government has the duty
to climb inside every woman's vagina?
I believe that answer would be ... yes
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If you recall, right before Trump's inauguration,
anticipating the pillaging of America's wealth,
the House of Representatives tried to bring
the Office of Government Ethics under its direct supervision.
Republicans had to scuttle that idea due to the loud public outcry.
But as the recent resignation of its director, Walter Schaub, demonstrated
Republicans haven't let that small setback slow them down
from opening the vault doors and looting America's wealth.
Corruption now running rampant in Washington
I love this line from the article:
With the United States under Trump devolving into a Putin-esque kleptocracy,
the stink of corruption has apparently become so normalized in Republican ranks
that they’ve become completely desensitized to it."
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The Republicans (working for the Oligarchy)
didn't just take over the Federal government,
they have also taken control of most state governments.
At the state level, local bullies turn their states into a living Hell for the people;
who then obediently reelect them to their positions.
Here is a classic example of people trying to defend themselves
and clean up the corruption in their government ...
only to be thwarted by their elected representatives
No matter how clear Republicans make it, that they are working only for the rich,
the ignorant masses have been trained to remain loyal and take their beatings.
If you see the similarity with domestic abuse victims ... congratulations
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In the 1950's, tobacco companies tried to keep
the money rolling in as long as possible (3:49)
Big oil is currently engaged in a fight for its survival,
and it uses the same strategy as Big Tobacco did:
lying to a gullible public, and ...
investing heavily in Republican lawmakers
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Republican-controlled states continue to sacrifice
huge numbers of lives to protect Big Boy profits ...
States that are still refusing to implement Medicaid expansion ... and why
Here's an interesting quote in which a Republican
(knowing he can't appeal to a morality and humanity that does not exist)
tries to appeal to his fellow Republicans in a way that they might understand ...
"If you can't get there because it's the right
or compassionate thing to do to help these individuals,
get there because it makes sense from a business standpoint."
Now THAT'S how you talk to people who possess no morals
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New Zealand's newly-elected conservative government
to restore profits for the tobacco industry ...
at the cost of many lives
Conservatives work for the rich ... and ONLY for the rich;
and that is true no matter where in the world you go.
They could care less how many people they kill
as long as they can keep the profits rolling in for "The Big Boys"
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Conservatives are literally killing their own people.
Death rates in conservative states are more like those in ...
the "third world"
You might think that conservatives would have figured it out
when Republicans tried to convince their cult not to protect themselves
during a worldwide pandemic that killed tens of millions of people ...
but you would be wrong.
Keep voting Republican ... because they care about you goddammit!
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Enhanced Child Tax Credit lifts 5 million Americans out of poverty
My replies to quotes from the article ...
In 1993, the US child poverty rate came in at almost 28%,
but last year, it fell to just 5.2%"
1993 marked the end of 12 consecutive years with a Republican President.
the 2021 figure also nearly halved the 2020 rate of 9.7%"
In 2020 we had a Republican President.
In 2021 we had a Democratic President.
Why the surprise?
the child tax credit, which was enhanced for 2021—
that played an especially major part in slashing the child poverty rate."
No thanks to Republicans.
My evidence? (I was hoping you would ask)
This article is from 7/21/21 ...
Republicans try to stop child tax credits
Money Quote:
The Child Tax Credit is incredibly popular, effective, and ...
was opposed by every single House Republican.
We wish them luck in explaining this one."
They won't explain it ... but I will:
Their job is to steal every penny they can from the American people,
no matter how poor, sick, or young they are,
and get it into the accounts of their masters - the Oligarchs.
That is their job ... and they are really good at it.
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A scientific study proves that modern Republicans
have started killing their own supporters ...
and that was BEFORE covid struck
We all watched when Republicans urged their base
to avoid masks, vaccines, and social distancing
and fought to keep their churches open.
There is no question that Republicans ARE killing their own.
The only question is WHY would they kill their own?
It seems so counterintuitive.
Republicans wouldn't be doing it if it weren't benefitting them.
The benefit they get from keeping the masses divided and their base infuriated
can be understood simply by looking at the 2022 & 2024 election predictions.
It IS working.
"Republicans don't just seem inhuman ... they ARE inhuman.
That's why the shooting deaths of countless kids doesn't even phase them.
It's a lot easier to understand them once you realize
that brainwashed people no longer think the way the rest of us do.
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Democrats strategize how to protect kids against ...
Republicans bent on killing them
In the Twentieth Century, if you had predicted this,
no one would have believed you.
Yet we see it happening with our own eyes.
It's almost like we are trapped in a science fiction horror movie
and cannot find our way out.
The similarities with the Jim Jones Death Cult are eerie.
Those brainwashed zombies murdered hundreds of their own children
with poisoned Kool-Aid to prove their loyalty to the cult.
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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with Donald Trump
... only two Sith Lords could exist at any given time:
a master to represent the power of the dark side of the Force,
and an apprentice to train under the master and to one day fulfill their role ...."
Florida governor threatens to withhold pay of superintendents and board members ...
who defy his ban on mask mandates
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is ready and willing to sacrifice Florida's kids ... for the cult.
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Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Some Texans are fighting back against Governor Abbott's ban on mask mandates
What is not told in the story is that conservatives still support their cult
and will willingly sacrifice their own children to prove their loyalty.
(If the name "Jim Jones" just crossed your mind - then your memory is working fine.
If you are not familiar with the name, now would be an excellent time to google it).
THAT ... demonstrates the awesome, amazing power of the brainwashing techniques used by cults.
(it's small consolation but - brainwashing only works on the "Feebles")
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A Federal Court strikes down Republican's attempt ...
to cut food stamps to Americans
There really aren't any words adequate enough
to describe the evil that America is experiencing.
Yet, in an awesome display of the incredible power of brainwashing,
the election in 2 weeks could still go either way.
When threatened, even plants try to protect themselves from predators
by secreting chemicals in a desperate attempt to survive.
Nearly half of Americans are going out of their way to prove that
they have no where near the intelligence or survival instincts of ...
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FEMA, under Republican control,
refuses to pay for PPE for public schools
after threatening to pull funding from schools ...
that did not open for in-person education
The fact that conservatives are willing
to send their own kids into these death camps
proves they are no better than the parents in the Jim Jones cult
who killed their children with Kool-Aid.
Behold the awesome power of brainwashing
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CDC issues reopening guidelines and admits that ...
they have been muzzled politically
Money Quote:
What's tough is that if we would have acted earlier
on what we knew and recommended,
we would have saved lives and money."
And that folks, is the very definition of incompetency,
unless ... it was done on purpose.
Unless lives were sacrificed at the altar of profits for The Big Boys.
Then it is not incompetence ...
but evil
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Two of the cruelest, most hated men in America
have remarkably similar "smirks"
I've long wondered if anyone else had noticed this.
A quick google search for images proved that ...
I was not alone
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For those of you who refuse to acknowledge that Republicans kill Americans
for no other reason than profit and power,
maybe this article will give you an idea of the kind of people
who now control all branches of our government
If that article didn't pull on your heartstrings
then you are probably a Republican.
Just take a close look at which organizations are on which side of the issue
and it looks like a good guys vs. bad guys action movie.
Killing is what they do. People; animals; it doesn't matter.
As long as there is money in it ... they're interested.
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Sharia Law remains intact in New Hampshire ...
thanks to Republicans
So Republicans are always the ones who are on the front lines attacking Sharia
and then they go out of their way to prove
that they have an awful lot in common with those Medieval scumbags
by sacrificing our own children to pedophiles.
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When Republicans go nuts over Obama's immigration action
you might want to keep in mind ...
this fact that Republicans are hiding from you
This is another example of the horror of the 2-party system
that the Founding Fathers tried to warn us about.
Neither side wants to see the other succeed, so they fight,
and the ones who suffer the most are ... Americans.
But as the article above made clear,
between the two parties, only one fights for the average American;
the other only has an interest in protecting and expanding ...
the profits of the rich
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Conservatives have been using their governmental power
to shut down any dissent that exposes their anti-American activities
That is the very definition of Fascism.
Quote ...
In response to the news of SIO's pullback,
Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio,
who has spearheaded efforts to discredit researchers
through his chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee,
posted on X on Friday: 'Free speech wins again!'"
That is classic Republican propaganda:
Accuse the other side of exactly what you are guilty of.
It's why they call themselves "patriots"
after betraying their country.
Sadly, conservatives lack the mental firepower
to defend themselves against these
primitive mind-control techniques.
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Republicans attempt to save the profits of the 'Big Boys' ...
at the expense of the rest of us (as always)
Here are the 'money quotes' from the article:
the federal regulation raises a list of 'statutory and constitutional concerns
and would cause great harm to the states'."
Interpretation: by "states" they mean "the big boys"
Once again, the courts have affirmed that the Biden administration’s WOTUS rule
is overreaching and harmful to America’s beef farmers and ranchers "
That statement was more honest than the first one above,
but makes it clear, exactly whom is being protected here.
President Biden days ago vetoed a congressional resolution
that would have overturned the rule."
If Republicans can't work through the legislature,
they then turn to the courts to protect Big Boy profits.
Now you see why they stack the courts (including the SCOTUS)
with corrupt people who will interpret the law -
the way the Big Boys need them to interpret the law.
the EPA rule blocked by the judge is supported by science and the law
and that the judge was misreading the purpose of the Clean Water Act."
That's what Republican judges are paid to do.
It's hard to believe that half of voting-age Americans either,
cannot see, or don't care, that 21
st century Republicans
are the greatest enemy that we have faced since the Civil War.
And to make it even more unbelievable,
Republicans know that they don't even have to hide their betrayal.
We are witnessing, on a daily basis, the awesome power of ...
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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ... R.I.P.
Ginsburg dies of pancreatic cancer at age 87
Her goal was to outlive this Republican presidency ... she almost made it.
Remember when Republicans refused to fill the Supreme Court vacancy in Obama’s last year?
Remember when Republicans said that the American people should decide?
In case you forgot, here's the quote from Senator Mitch McConnell ...
The American people are choosing their next president,
and their next president should pick this Supreme Court nominee."
Show of hands ... how many of you believe
that they will remain loyal and consistent with their previous position?
Just as I thought. No hands.
There isn’t an honest bone to be found
inside a single Republican anywhere.
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Want another example of the difference between Democrats and Republicans?
Read this
Democrats want to stop Big Business from profiting off the computer hack
that allowed half of Americans to have their personal information stolen.
But they stand little chance in a Republican-controlled Congress.
Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support
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Remember the last 8 years when you couldn't pay Congressmen to do their jobs?
Remember all the vacations?
And when they did show up, they accomplished less than any congress in U.S. history.
Remember the 60-some-odd votes to repeal Health Care?
Remember the government shutdown?
Remember them blocking more judicial appointments than all previous presidents ...
Well now look at these industrious little beavers
The sooner they unburden the rich from paying for health care
the sooner they can move on to other important things,
like eliminating taxes for the rich and the big corporations.
Now we get to see what it takes to get these guys to actually work.
But the greatest line from the story was this one from McConnell ...
and tackle the backlog of critical nominations
that have been mindlessly stalled by Democrats."
Sometimes even I ... am at a loss for words
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The 113th Congress (2013-2014) has received the lowest ratings
of any congress in history from American voters.
They seem to be perpetually on vacation,
where they accomplish just about as much
as when they are in session and "working."
Question: do they deserve the title of
"The Worst Legislature in U.S. History"
Well, about half of them do: the Republican half.
It is disturbing that many blame Congress as a whole,
when it couldn't be more obvious that the blame rests
almost entirely on Republican lawmakers.
They have spent the last 6 years doing everything in their power
to bring America to a grinding halt in a desperate attempt to regain power
by fooling ignorant Americans into believing that the blame lies elsewhere.
We elected them and paid them to provide us with government.
Instead all we got in return was
Bible-thumping, flag-waving, and obstruction of government.
Republican lawmakers actively work for the rich
against the interests of the other 99% of Americans.
The non-rich Republican base doesn't realize
that they are voting against their own self-interests
when they support Republican politicians.
Yet the polls show that brainwashed Republican voters
continue to support these seditious American politicians,
plan to reelect most of them, and vote in new ones;
possibly giving control of both houses of congress to Republicans.
This means that our long national nightmare is far from over.
The only solution I can see, is that the masses must develop
the rational thinking skills necessary to vote intelligently,
if they are to free themselves from being so easily manipulated ...
by greedy, evil people
They did take over both Houses of Congress.
Now, the only piece of the puzzle that they do not own is the Presidency
and they will likely get that in 2016
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Last year when Republicans didn't get their way
they shut down the government and threatened to destroy our economy;
all to prevent the poorest, sickest Americans from getting health care.
So how do they top that?
By inciting violence and anarchy
Now Republicans are willing to urge the country into violent chaos;
all to prevent immigration reform.
It's not like Americans didn't see this coming.
Last year Republicans gave us a sneak peak
at how far they were willing to go if not given their way.
Republicans continue to push the lie that Obama governs like a dictator
knowing full well that it is their own actions
which force him to take executive action;
and even then, when you check the facts ...
they don't support that lie
The only presidents since the 19th century
who have issued fewer executive orders than Obama
were those who served fewer years.
Per year, Obama has used his executive powers less
than any president in well over a hundred years.
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