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2016 Election Aftermath Incompetence
Trump's Associates Pathological Lying
Trump's Base Mental Instability
Pillaging America Revenge

Election Aftermath (until inauguration)


As I have been predicting for well over a year now,
the Conservatives have taken over
total control of the American government.

America meet your new president, Donald J. Trump ...

The only piece of the puzzle that Conservatives were missing
was the presidency of the United States,
and last night Donald Trump captured that piece for them.

Conservatives will now regain control of the Supreme Court
and all important decisions will again be 5-4 votes.
Assuming Ginsberg retires within the next 4 years (she is 83)
Conservatives will increase their stranglehold on the Judicial branch of government.

Conservatives also maintained control of both houses of Congress.

And they have increased their number of state governors from 31 to 33
which represents their strongest control since 1922
(only a few years before The Great Depression).

The Conservative governors were the ones responsible
for the refusal to expand Medicaid;
costing the lives of thousands of Americans every year
(those living in their own states).

When Obama leaves in January,
the last impediment to the pillaging of America will be removed.
The Roaring Twenties from the 20th century will return
as The Roaring Twenties of the 21st century.

How was I able to predict this?

When the Supreme Court decided the Citizens United case in 2010 (5-4),
they turned over control of our political system to the Oligarchs.
The 5 Conservative judges sold our Democracy for 30 pieces of silver.

Thereafter, the House of Representatives fell at the end of 2010,
followed by the Senate in 2014, and finally the Presidency in 2016.

In a nation of predominantly rational thinkers
Conservative money would lose its power to influence.
Our only hope to reverse the pillage which is sure to follow
is to train up the populace and give them the tools to learn to think logically.
This will be much harder to accomplish now that Conservatives control everything.

Conservatives will undoubtedly redouble their efforts to stifle education
by making it even more expensive (thus limiting its access mainly to the wealthy)
and by continuing to transfer as much money as possible out of the public school system
and into Charter and Voucher Schools (code words for religious schools).

America, consider yourself officially screwed
(and the worst part is ... you did it to yourselves)

I think our old buddy H.L. Mencken put it best ...

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How strong was the Evangelical support for Donald Trump?

Proving that for Conservative Christians,
God comes in a distant second to ...


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If there is a silver lining in the disaster that was the American presidential election
it is the hilarious fact that Trump, Gingrich, et al, are now laughing in the faces of their supporters.
They are openly ridiculing the Rural Rubes who gave them their votes
by admitting that most of their campaign rhetoric was nothing more than lies to get their votes.
Why would they confess that now?

Because there was one thing Trump said during his campaign that was true:
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody
and I wouldn't lose any voters.

He was basically telling them how incredibly stupid they were (and right to their faces)
and they still elected him just like he said they would.
That's why the Trump team knows they can laugh right in their faces like this,
knowing that the Rubes will still be too stupid to realize ...

that they have been played

No matter how many times this scenario plays out,
the Rubes never figure it out ... and we all pay for it.


Here is a beautiful explanation of what the "Rural Rubes" just did to America ...

and why they did it

Another UPDATE

Do you remember these euphemisms for lying?

"I misspoke," "disinformation," "distortion,"
"fabrication," "inaccuracy," and "misrepresentation."

Here's the latest one "campaign rhetoric "

It doesn't matter how many centuries go by,
the Rural Rubes never figure it out.
They fall for it ... Every. Single. Time.

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John Oliver demonstrates the kind of attitude
that rational people need to develop (29:00)

For warriors ... 2016 could not have been a better year:

Battle Stations!

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It turns out that the political polls, predicting the election, weren't so wrong after all.
Going into the election, Clinton held about at 2-point lead over Trump on average.
How much did Clinton win the popular vote by?

About 2 points

Where they miscalculated was in predicting
the electoral results in swing states.

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Ben Carson says he's not qualified to serve in Trump's cabinet.
Yet a few months ago, Carson felt he was  qualified
to run for president of the United States of America.

How many of you are buyin' that one?

Trump's cabinet and everyone around him
looks like they just got off the plane from Oslo, Norway.
I've been trapped in snowstorms that weren't as white
as the crowd at a Trump rally.
In 2 weeks, the KKK will be holding a parade in Trump's honor.

You do the math

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Autopsy of the American presidential election:

The power of "fake news"

Had this been simply a chaotic, random Facebook event
the fake news would have been nearly evenly divided.
The only reasonable explanation for the great disparity
is that it was intentionally being driven by one side.

So, who is playing the morons?
Who benefits by controlling them?

This quote from the story gives us the answer:

"The trend accelerated as Election Day drew near,
and all but 3 of the 20 top performers
were pro-Trump or anti-Clinton stories.

It's the same group that has always been behind every human disaster ...

The Plutocracy

They have perfected yet another way to control and milk the masses.

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Donald Trump's grandparents

The story of Friedrich Trump
(our president's grandfather)

reveals how difficult it is to escape one's DNA

I just have a few comments about parts of the story ...

"The 1905 decree that banished Donald Trump's grandfather from Germany."

Okay, so the family isn't off to a great start.
Not many people get banished from their own country.
How did he manage such a huge fuckup?

"... done in by his having not performed mandatory military service."

Avoid military service - check.

History would prove that the genes for avoiding service,
did in fact, get passed down to The Donald.

"It wasn't gold, but a restaurant/brothel that brought him riches."

Yep, that certainly would be our Donald. If it were possible to go back in time,
Donald probably would have swindled the business out from under his grandpa,
and then sampled all the merchandise personally, before passing it out.

"The February 1905 decree gave Trump eight weeks
to leave the Kingdom of Bavaria or else face deportation.

So that's why Donald seems so obsessed with immigration.
It's a case of "psychological displacement"
(for example: kicking the dog after your boss fired you)
Donald is attacking the most helpless and vulnerable in America
in a misplaced, twisted sense of justice,
to make himself feel like he got revenge
for his grandpa's expulsion from Germany.

"On July 1, 1905, a three-months-pregnant Elisabeth,
Trump, and their daughter sailed for New York.
That unborn child would be Fred, Donald Trump's father.

America's only regret is that the Trump's didn't wait 7 more years

and book passage on the Titanic

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Are you finally recovering from the devastating presidential election?
Starting to feel better and more hopeful?

Then you had better not read this ...

A billionaire Creationist who said she believes
that education reform will advance God's kingdom,
has found success by transferring tax money away from public education
and into private and religious schools.
Betsy DeVos has been chosen by Trump to head ...

The Department of Education

I thought election night was America's low point.
But every day since - has only gotten worse
as the horror of what the dumbass half of America has brought to all of us
is now becoming apparent.

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Half of Americans are slowly waking up to the reality
that the other half tried to warn them about (7:30)

The dumbass half of America let the wolves back in.
Now we are all going to pay ... big time

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El Chapo

Donald Trump chooses "El Chapo"

to head the Drug Enforcement Administration

After Trump chose a Creationist to lead the Department of Education
and a climate-denier to lead the EPA transition team ...

"El Chapo" isn't all that much of a stretch, is he?

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And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse ...

Trump chooses a leading Obamacare critic for Health Secretary

Price said Trump would deliver a 'real health solution'

Yet, in all this time ... where is it?
In the 6 years of Obamacare,
where is any  promised Republican replacement?

The reason you can't find it is because ... there is none.
It is obvious that they have no intention of replacing it.

"we want a system that is affordable for everybody,
that is accessible for everybody,
that is of the highest quality and provides choices for patients—
all of those things have been destroyed by Obamacare.

Then why, in 6 years, haven't they been able to propose a better plan ... or any plan?

They don't want any of that. They want it gone.
Then they'll start working on their real target ...

Social Security

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Trump continues to "drain the swamp" by appointing to Treasury Secretary,
a former exec who worked 17 years for Goldman Sachs.

As we've been told, those weren't lies - just "campaign rhetoric."

But here is the only part that really matters:

"Mnuchin has said his aim is to cut business taxes "

And then he provides the classic excuse for cutting taxes for the rich:

"to make sure that US corporations are competitive around the world."

Haven't we already made sure?
Aren't we already the richest nation on Earth ... by a mile?
(the answers to those two questions are "yes" and "yes")

And here is the line that we've all come to expect since the election:

"Mnuchin has no government experience."

So he will fit in perfectly.
Come January our government will contain two types of leaders:            
1) unqualified, inexperienced rich people, and                                           
2) plenty of swamp-things who know how to transfer wealth from us ...

to them

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Trump resorts to Socialism and big government to keep campaign promise ...

with the benefits going only to Mike Pence's Indiana

"state incentives were part of the package "

Trump voters are too stupid to even realize
that these jobs aren't being saved by Trump ...
but by taxpayers.

"Carrier's parent company, United Technologies
did not want to jeopardize its government contracts

Translation for Trump voters:
"Extortion works just as well today ... as it ever did "

Trump hasn't even taken office yet and already the signs of the 4th Reich ...

are everywhere

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Trump's picks remain consistent ...

meet Secretary of Defense - James "mad dog" Mattis

"He speaks truth to everyone
and would certainly speak truth
to this new commander in chief.

I see a problem already ...
he and Trump don't even speak the same language.

"It's fun to shoot some people."
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

Yeah, this guy definitely has the kind of maturity you need
when considering whom to put in charge of the launch codes.

"Mattis would require a special waiver from Congress before being confirmed
because he's been a civilian for less than 7 years.

Well, why start following rules now?

Like I said at the top ... Trump is just being consistent

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Trump finally selects one of the most important posts in his cabinet ...

The "Token Negro" post

We all knew this one was coming.
With a cabinet whiter than the sheets at a Klan rally
Trump had to pick one "black guy."
Personally, I was leaning toward an African-American
who was very light-skinned (so as not to offend his other picks),
completely unqualified (so as not to offend his other picks),
and sexy, (to take their minds off her race); someone like ...

Halle Berry

But Carson is the next best choice for the Trump cabinet
which will have to be sent en masse (before the inauguration) to
anti-lynching Rehab to ensure Carson survives his role as "The Token."
How do I know he's the next best choice?

"[Carson] wrote an op-ed last year criticizing an anti-segregation rule
and comparing it unfavorably to federal busing.

Is this guy too perfect, or what?
Criticizing anti-segregation will probably save his life on cabinet family outings;
provided he keeps the appropriate distance between himsef and the others ...
especially Steve Bannon.

That quote reminded me of the story about
African-American Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
who voted against gay marriage
while texting his very white  wife at home;
totally oblivious to the fact that advances in human morality
had allowed him to marry the woman he loved,
while he voted to deny that same right to others.

Keep voting Republican ...
the rich sure do appreciate your support

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The White House is due to be renamed on inauguration day to ...

The Nut House

You did it to yourself America


Trump told Flynn's son ... "You're Fired!"
(but he kept Flynn's old man)

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This will give you a good idea of what we are up against ...

The military-industrial complex
(the enforcement arm of the plutocracy)

Did you notice how they tried to cover it all up
to hide their pillaging of America?

And Trump has made it clear that he plans to pour tons of more money into ...
"rebuilding our military "

We already spend more on the military than the next 7 countries in the world ...


There is no nation on Earth that is even remotely competitive.
Yet Conservatives have convinced the dumbass half of America to fork over even more
so that we can prevent an invasion by the always dangerous ... Equador.

America is being played.
But the warnings from those who understand that,
are being ignored by those who don't.
We have no choice. As Trump's election proves:
We must  find a way to convince the morons to stop being ...


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Trump is beginning to look a little like
a fly in the Republican ointment

Let's analyze this one ...

McCarthy said that lowering corporate tax rates
would be a much better way to stop companies leaving the country.

How McCarthy is deceiving you ...
He is not telling you that when tax incentives and other tax loopholes are considered,
America's effective tax rate on corporations is not high at all.

And more importantly, companies aren't leaving because of high taxes,
they are leaving to take advantage of the giant wage gap.
Therefore, lowering corporate taxes won't have any effect on companies leaving

and they know that

"We've got to have a level playing field,
that companies in America can compete
on a level playing field across the world,
and right now we do not have one.

Well that certainly explains why so many countries
are so much wealthier than we are, huh?

By the way Kevin, can you name ... one?

No. You can't. Because you are lying through your teeth.
America is not only the richest nation on Earth,
but the richest by a mile.

"McCarthy said it was healthy for a president to get involved in saving American jobs—
but he believes in the free market, not picking winners and losers.

If Republicans believed in a free market
they would not have passed legislation
that allowed the creation of the biggest monopolies in American history.
Nor would they have opposed legislation that attempted to weaken monopolies
so that smaller businesses could compete.

But they did

This guy McCarthy is the same guy
who just recently lost all credibility as an honest human being
when he admitted that Republicans had manufactured the Benghazi scandal
for the purpose of discrediting Hillary Clinton.
That admission cost him Speaker of the House -
a position he was favored to win.

House Speaker Paul Ryan ... "We can get at the goal here,
which is to keep American businesses American,
build things in America, and sell them overseas—
that can be properly addressed with comprehensive tax reform.

How could that possibly be the Republican goal
when they have done everything in their power
to make moving operations overseas as lucrative as possible?

Understand that when Ryan says "comprehensive tax reform,"
that is a euphemism for lowering taxes on the big corporations and the rich.
That won't bring jobs back.
History has already shown us that it will only drive more jobs away;
something America is going to learn the hard way
now that Republicans have complete control of the government.

"Trump's tariff plan, which is likely to need congressional approval,
may have more fans among Democrats.
Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer said
'Trump won in part by campaigning against
the Republican establishment on many economic issues.
If he wants to get something done for working families in this country,
he'll have to stand up to them when it comes time to govern, too.

If Trump doesn't dance to the tune of the Republican establishment,
he will be impeached faster than Richard Nixon
(except that Trump won't be given the chance to resign).
Democrats do not have the power to save him.
Trump doesn't own Congress - they own him ...

and they are Republican

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Trump appoints an arsonist to lead the Fire Department.
Scott Pruitt, a climate-denier and the best friend that Big Oil ever had ...

tapped by Trump to lead the Environmental Protection Agency

Even election night wasn't this dismal. Why not?

Because we didn't know then, just how bad it was going to get.
But our worst nightmares are all coming true.

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This was simply too good not to share (9:22)

What's the difference between this video
and what comes from the Conservative side?

You'll have a hard time trying to prove that anything he said was ...


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Republicans let Trump know who is really running things:

Hey Trump supporters ... how's that hopey-changey thing workin' out for ya?

(That shows how low I've sunk ... I'm now quoting Sarah Palin)

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Trump appoints one of the key figures responsible for the 2008 recession
to be the new National Economic Council Director.

Meet Goldman Sachs president and COO, Gary Cohn

Trump drained the swamp and is now filling it with alligators.

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Russia actively worked to elect Trump

So what?

Lots of factors combined to make Trump's election possible.
But none of those factors (money, media bias, foreign meddling, etc.)
excuses the fact that Trump is now our president
because nearly half the voters in America
are dumber than a pile of steaming Dog Shit.

THAT'S the problem

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At this point, America can best be described as being in complete "Free Fall."
Rex Tillerson (Exxon CEO) will be our next Secretary of State.
(4th in line to the presidency)

Big Oil won - and we all lost

And we can thank the legions of Rural Rubes for making this all possible.

Thanks morons ... you really showed us

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Here's another Republican "slip of the tongue"

"And with 52 seats in the US Senate,
we are excited for Republicans to confirm
a conservative Supreme Court justice
and begin working with President-elect Trump
to pass an agenda of change for the American people.

Do you see where Republicans screwed up?

The judicial branch is not supposed to work
with the President or Congress to pass any agenda.
Per the Constitution, they are supposed to function
as a check and balance on the other 2 branches
by interpreting  the Constitution.

But thanks Republicans, for making clear,
what the Supreme Court has become ...

the arm of the Republican party that legalizes theft

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Government attacks big business

From the article:

"But it still sends a pretty significant message."

Starting on inauguration day, America will be sending out a new "significant message":

"We've got your back, Big Business.
You no longer have to operate in fear.
Leave those pesky regulations that stifle productivity to us.
Our new government is dedicated to your success.


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The wolves are lining up outside the rabbit farm ...

It's suppertime!

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We now have one-party rule and likely will have for a long, long time to come.

Paul Krugman's insightful essay

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Our Democracy was lost in 2010 in the 'Citizens United' Supreme Court case.
The Oligarchs know that Democracy has the power to regain control
if they do not maintain an iron-fisted control over the government.
Oligarchs also know that one of the keys to maintaining that control is ...

control of the press (13:13)

We are sooooooo screwed

Thanks Rural Rubes ... you really showed us

And now, a related story ...

The Conservative octopus begins to spread its tentacles thoughout the media

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This is one of the clearest, most accurate descriptions
of what just happened to America ... and why (7:35)

You small town Rubes brought this down upon yourselves.
The damage you have done to America is worse
than the damage any foreign enemy has ever done.
Hope you enjoyed your election night celebrations
because this is going to hurt you Rubes far more ...

than anyone else

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And here is what the 2016 election was REALLY about:

Trump might be gone in 4 years
and the same could be true for Conservative control of Congress;
but the real prize was control of the judiciary
which will now be under Conservative control for decades.
And they have a "different" way of interpreting the English language ...

than we do

You might recall this recent example:

Conservative judges didn't just rule
that corporations contained  people
but that they actually are  people.

English words will mean whatever Conservative judges say the words mean.
And as the corporation example just proved,
Conservative judges will decide that the words mean ...

whatever the rich need the words to mean

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To all you millions of old people
who thought that Trump was your savior,
you were correct: he is saving you ...

to be used as "fresh meat" for the rich guys

Congratulations all you old folks ... you really showed us

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Prosperity Gospel preacher to deliver invocation at inauguration

Is she the perfect choice for this administration, or what?

And the goobers just keep lining up for their fleecing

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The hungry wolves are all lining up at the gates
anxiously awaiting the arrival of Inauguration Day
when they will be unleashed into the rabbit farm
(which no longer has a black guy with a shotgun to defend it).

Republicans make no attempt to hide their plans.
They have made it clear that they plan to transfer as much wealth as they possibly can
from the wallets of the masses into the offshore accounts of the rich.

They are not going to let this rare opportunity
(total control of the government)
pass them by without taking full advantage.

The North Carolina power grab was just the beginning
of their attempts to cement the new totalitarian state ...

you won't believe what the wolves are doing now


Realizing that they were giving away their game a little too early
Republicans have backed off their plan to gut the Ethics Office ...

for now

The wolves got a little too anxious and had to be restrained.
But rest assured, they'll bide their time until the spotlight is pointed elsewhere ...

and then it's suppertime

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You asked for this America

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Trump's cult begins the removal process of Americans ...

who refuse to submit to the MAGA cult

America is doomed ... and we did it to ourselves.

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Trump stooge, Louis DeJoy,
who was put in charge of the postal service
with instructions to destroy it ...

is now paying dividends to republicans

The Biden administration should have never allowed this cancer cell to remain.
But they did, and now we are all paying the price.

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Mitch McConnell is out with his new tell-all book ...

and we thought we hated Trump!

Quote from the article:

"Trump was also holding up a coronavirus aid package at the time, despite bipartisan support.
This despicable human being ... is sitting on this package of relief
that the American people desperately need.

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This is Tucker Carlson, who runs second (only to Trump)
in the race to be America's "Most Dishonest Man"

Tucker Carlson, burned by the exposing of facts,
resorts to a desperate song-and-dance that ...

only MAGA Morons would fall for

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South Carolina Republicans censure congressman Tom Rice
for finally deserting a lying demagogue (Trump)
and doing something none of them had the moral integrity to do ...

choose country over party

The cult punishes anyone who gets out of line.
We saw that during the insurrection
when Maga Morons wanted to lynch Mike Pence
for admitting that he didn't have the power to overturn the election.

UPDATE 2/1/21 ...

Republican Congressman who voted to impeach Trump, has been ...

disowned by his own family (4:17)

Like the Jim Jones cult, Maga cult members are just as sick.
They will disown and even kill their own loved ones
to prove their loyalty to the cult.

Behold the awesome power of brainwashing

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Georgia's Secretary of State has been threatened with death
if he doesn't arrange for Republicans to win the Georgia senate runoffs.
I'll never understand why the person who sent the threatening email ...

isn't in jail right now

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Trump's tweets affect the stock market

The amount of money Trump is making for his friends and supporters is probably ...


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Warning of approaching dictatorship

Only time will tell if this article was prescient or simply an overreaction.
But that outcome may depend on how Americans respond to the threat.
It should have been handled by Republicans during his impeachment
but they rolled over and betrayed our nation for political power.

Now the nation's future ... rests on us

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As deaths increase, Pence says he might disband ...

the Pandemic Response Team (4:31)

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Republican Congressman (and Trump lapdog) ... Devin Nunes

Devin Nunes puts people at risk by pimping for the rich ...

even during a pandemic

Money quote:
"Let’s not hurt the working people in this country
that are relying on wages and tips
to keep their small business going."

He gave himself away when he tried to claim
that small business owners rely on wages and tips.

See what he did there?

He wanted to make it sound like he's for the people,
but he carelessly gave away his true motivation.

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The Fed uses the corona virus as excuse to drop interest rates,
allowing Trump and the Oligarchs to borrow enough money ...

to keep the economy running through the 2020 election

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Historian Timothy Snyder discusses the U.S. descent into tyranny ...

under Trump (19:46)

We are in deep ... deep ... shit

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GOP tries to pretend that all of a sudden ...

they now care about protecting the Constitution

"and Congress is very protective of that constitutional authority."

Yeah, we all just saw how protective you Republicans were of your constitutional authority
when Trump overruled the military aid to Ukraine that you authorized.
Instead of holding him accountable for defecating on your constitutional authority,
you Republicans rolled over belly-up and protected him.

You would be better advised
to keep brazen lies like that one
restricted to Fox "News"
where the audience has been trained to swallow ...

every lie you promote

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President Trump with his Education Secretary Betsy DeVos

Betsy DeVos refuses to obey court orders (3:57)

More evidence (as if any more were needed)
that the rule of law has nearly been eliminated in the U.S.

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Ivanka, Donald Junior, and Eric Trump
appearing in the order that Trump respects them.

Trump’s kids forced to attend classes on how NOT to defraud a charity (4:09)

Waste ... Of ... Time

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You can only bite the hand that feeds you so many times ...
before it bites you back

Neil Cavuto of Fox "News" turns on Trump

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Boris Johnson, Britain's new P.M. changes his tune and knuckles under to Trump

Here is the quote from Johnson when he was being honest and had no reason to lie:
in 2015 Johnson called the Republican candidate for president ...
"unfit for office and betraying a quite stupefying ignorance. "

Now Johnson does a 180 and does his best impersonation
of an American Republican congressman by groveling in Trump's presence.
And you can rest assured he won't be making any more honest evaluations ...

any time soon

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Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska with "Pootie"

Republicans lift sanctions on Russian Oligarch

What I would give to see them exhume the remains
of the infamous Commie-hunter Joe McCarthy
(Republican Senator in the 1950's)
and animate his worthless old corpse just long enough
for him to see that his beloved Republican party
has sold its soul to the very enemy
that McCarthy dedicated his life to defeating.


We used to hang traitors ...

now we elect them to the most powerful positions in America.

UPDATE 2/9/19

And just in case you were worried that the Russians would not be grateful ...

they thanked the Republican traitors, I mean congressmen, who made it all possible

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This is almost too funny to be true:
Michael Cohen and Mike Flynn were taunting Hillary about ...

going to jail

You can't make this stuff up!

It's pretty hard to feel sorry for slimeballs like these two.

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Trump will nominate Dr. Oz for a position on ...

the President’s Council on Sport, Fitness, and Nutrition

You can't make this stuff up.
2 of America's top con men link up in a "perfect storm" of idiocy.

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Trump won't enforce his own administration's sanctions on Russia

And still, his Commie-Pinko conservative base remains quiet and loyal.

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Vanessa is divorcing Donald Trump Junior.
Where the Trumps are concerned ...

nothing is ever the way it appears

Like the Conservative Christians who adore them,
the Trumps will sacrifice the sanctity of marriage in a heartbeat ...

for money

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Another classic quote from John Fugelsang ...

" Do not congratulate Vladamir Putin for getting Donald Trump
to wear lipstick & a skirt, because he hasn't.
Congratulate him because he could.

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Icahn dumps millions of shares of steel days before Trump announces trade war
(oh yeah ... Icahn used to be a Trump "special advisor")

Draining the Swamp

If you really want to believe this was just a coincidence,
far be it from me to shatter your delusions.


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Trump's spiritual advisor Paula White

She threatens God's retribution on those who do not pay up

It's hard to believe that tens of millions of Americans could be THAT stupid ...

but they are

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One of the greatest takedowns in journalism this year ...

Trump ambassador totally humiliates himself

The reporter couldn't believe what he was hearing.
But in America, reporters now expect this on a daily basis.

Sports Fans ... we are in deep, deep shit

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How far will a rotten apple fall from the tree?

You decide

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You can't make this stuff up:
Michael Flynn, disgraced former National Security Advisor,
said about a Clinton staffer who had been granted immunity ...

“When you are given immunity that probably means you’ve committed a crime."

I'll bet Flynn wishes he could have those words back

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2 months ago, before Trump and his pack of wolves took over the White House,
House Republicans tried to gain control over the Ethics Committee
(which pretty much gave away their game plan from the get-go).
The outcry forced them to back off and wait until everyone's attention
is directed elsewhere (like Russia or "Mezicans").

Here is an example of why they tried to take control of the committee ...

and why it is only a matter of time, before they do

Hang on tight America, the rollercoaster is just leaving the starting gate.

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Despite a late start, getting into the political arena,
I must really be catching on. How do I know?

Because I already had this one figured out:

Republicans will dump Trump for Pence in a heartbeat
if he doesn't dance to their tune

If you go up to the menu and click "Podcasts & Videos" and select #385
you will see that, before Christmas, I predicted the same thing.

Democrats won't be able to save him.
They have been rendered powerless by our brilliant electorate.

And why would they want to save Trump anyway?

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Trump's Base


If you are still desperately searching for an explanation
for what happened to America on election day a month ago,
search no further, I found this on the web …

Do you know your blood type?
There’s a good chance that you don’t
" ...

More Americans know their horoscope sign (66 percent)
than their blood type (51 percent)


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@JoJoFromJerz on “X” wrote:

"How sad it must be believing that
doctors, scientists, scholars, historians, economists, & journalists

are all lying to you, but ...

a criminal conman, business cheat, and reality TV game show host
with a lifelong history of blatant, unapologetic, nonstop lying,

is telling you the truth

People that gullible are exactly the kinds of marks
that cults (like maga) specialize in finding and controlling.

RELATED 9/8/24

An ex-"Moonie" and now a mental health professional
Doctor Steven Hassan gives an interview
explaining the powerful mind-control techniques
that wreak havoc on humans worldwide ...

including MAGA (18:06)

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Want proof that MAGA is a cult?
Trump's base actually cheered when this billionaire admitted that ...

he hated paying overtime (1:04)

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New poll shows just how powerful the maga cult is,
in getting modern, educated humans to ...

reject reality (8:23)

That is called "gaslighting"

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Vulgar Trump merchandise tells us very little about Trump ...

but it tells us everything we need to know about his cult members

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On "Super Tuesday" Trump rolled to an easy victory in the Republican primaries.
Here is a lesson from America's past about dealing with a large number of ...

brainwashed, moronic followers

With all the advances in literacy, education, and IQ,
one might think that this would no longer be a problem.
The fact that it still is, points us in another direction
in the hunt for finding a solution.
The answer lies not only in education,
but even more importantly in ...


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This short Jimmy Kimmel video of Trump supporters ...

gives us a good idea of what we are up against (3:59)

The dishonesty of those people was ... off the chart.

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For those of you who still aren't convinced
that nearly all of Trump's base (over 70 million adults)
are severely mentally disabled, here's the proof that they are ...

If convicted of election fraud - he's still fit for office

People whose minds are completely under the control of a cult
are unable to defend themselves, and destroy not only themselves,
but take the rest of us down with them.

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An interesting view on how Trump's base came into existence and ...

why it is unlikely to dissipate any time soon

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Stew Peters calls for the execution of ...

Hunter Biden and Dr. Fauci

I understand Stew Peters and his ilk.
He is manipulating the morons.
What I have a harder time understanding is
who ARE these morons and why are there so many of them?

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Donations to defend Trump skyrocket after indictments

In the entire history of planet Earth
you would be hard-pressed to find
such a large group of people
who are as incredibly stupid as ...

MAGA tards

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Republicans in The House of Representatives
have censured Adam Schiff.

All of these childish little acts of revenge
that Republicans constantly engage in, have a purpose:
to keep their base distracted
and antagonized against the "enemy" (Democrats) ...

while Republicans steal them blind

Sadly, it works only too well (and too easily).

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A neuroscientist gives an explanation
for the inexplicable loyalty
that MAGA morons show for their cult leader ...

Donald Trump

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Trump's MAGA base continues to terrorize Americans

Republicans are killing far more Americans than ANY foreign enemy.
Keep voting Republican ... they appreciate your support!

UPDATE 5/23/23

Trump's base continues to increase the terrorism as 2024 election looms

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Trump's legions of morons sent in their hard earned money to "build the wall" ...

only to get grifted again (as they always do)

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The Trump "base" reaches new depths of gullibility and stupidity ...

$4 million raised in the first 24 hours for his criminal defense

Even housepets aren't that stupid.

UPDATE 4/6/23

Now his base of violent morons is threatening the judge and his family

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Trump knew that taking secret documents was wrong ...

so why did he do it?

Remember who we are dealing with here:
tens of millions of brainwashed morons
who have zero defense against primitive mind-control techniques.

Trump and his advisors knew that they would be able to use this
to rile up the violent little boo-boos.
They are playing the idiots as easily as a master plays a violin.

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Studies reveal what most of us already knew ...

Maga Morons aren't the sharpest tools in the box

The big question is ... What can we do about it?

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Republicans are killing their base with Covid propaganda ...

and few, if any, seem to understand why (3:44)

We know Republicans are killing their base
because we are watching it happen.
So the big question that remains is ...
why would anyone employ such an insane tactic?

They wouldn't be doing it
if the gain for doing so did not exceed the loss.
So what compensates them for the lost votes?

The answer is that their strategy of divide and conquer
will more than make up for their losses.
How do we know that is correct?
The polls prove it is correct.
Indications are strong that they will ...
regain control of congress in the midterms
and that Trump will easily defeat Biden in 2024.

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Member of the House of Representatives from Wyoming - Liz Cheney (R)

Wyoming GOP votes to no longer consider Liz Cheney a Republican

This is EXACTLY how a cult works.
She may not realize just how much danger she is in.
Cults will kill at the drop of a hat
if anyone dares to get ... out of line.

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Trump's base is beginning to break apart

The "rational" portion of the Republican Party is so small,
that if they break away, it is unlikely they could win anything.

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Trump ripped off his own base of donors for over $100 million dollars ...

and lost in court as usual

I can't say I feel sorry for those gullible, brainwashed little freaks.
If I were the judge I wouldn't even give them their money back.

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Franklin Graham's base rebels against him ...

when he makes the rare mistake of displaying common sense

Trump will be dead soon,
but his massive base of mentally feeble and dangerous zombies
will be with us for a long, long time to come.

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Trump's base remains solid through pandemic and treason

These people have been thouroughly brainwashed
and will never, under ANY circumstances ...
admit that they are wrong.

Now you know what you are up against

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A 'Scary' survey finding ...

4 in 10 Republicans say that political violence may be necessary

Trump may be gone but his base is still there ...
and nuttier and more dangerous than ever.

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In case you got your hopes up
that getting rid of Trump
would solve most of America's problems,
better sit down before reading this ...

Trumptards shut down major vaccination site in Los Angeles

Money Quote from the article:

"A post on social media described the demonstration as the 'SCAMDEMIC PROTEST/MARCH.'
It advised participants to 'please refrain from wearing Trump/MAGA attire ....

Even if Trump died tomorrow
the damage he has done to America, and to the world,
(especially to our court system)
will be with us for a long, long time to come.

Trump didn't create Trumptards,
he just revealed them to the world
and emboldened and empowered them.

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Rampant mental illness is the problem in America and it needs fixing ...

NOW (3:30)

As extremely difficult as fixing them will be,
our survival depends on our ability ... to do the nearly impossible.

Battle Stations!

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Terrorism alert gets it wrong ("anti-government")

Were these treasonous Trumptards
anti-government before Trump lost the election?
(hint: I would go with "No" on that one)
So they aren't "anti-government" ...

they are fascist traitors

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A huge portion of Trump's cult base is
both mentally ill and very dangerous.

Trump's base threatening Congress over impeachment (3:35)

I agree they are in desperate need of mental help
but I don't have a problem with locking the dangerous ones up ...

for good

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David Pakman analyzes a conference interview of 12 Trumptards ...

that was conducted by Frank Luntz (15:41)

As I've said many times before, and to which Pakman agrees ...

We are in deep deep trouble

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The emboldened Trump base
is planning more insurrection and sedition ...

and Republicans are doing virtually nothing to stop them

There can be no unification in America.
Just as you can't mix oil and water ...
you can't mix morons with normal rational people.
They simply refuse to assimilate.

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Hordes of Maga Morons storm the capital after Trump ...

tells them to

January 6, 2021 - Truly one of the darkest days in American history.

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Trump is the black light that exposed
the semen stains on the motel couch.
Trump's legacy is his base:
almost half of all voting age Americans who were willing ...

to betray their own country and enable the destruction of our Democracy

If you've ever wondered how Hitler was able to pull it off ... now you know.

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The Jonestown Massacre - 11/18/78

The Maga similarities are striking (2 pages)

Here are Maga Morons doing their best imitation of ...
the Jim Jones death cult

And here are people who are fighting for the lives of ...
the children of the Maga Morons

UPDATE - 11/19/20

Former Jim Jones cult member ... verifies my comparison

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Neuroscientist (Bobby Azarian) explains why Christian evangelicals ...

are wired to believe Trump's gaslighting lies

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Trump is still pushing that discredited Covid cure (hydroxychloroquine) on Twitter ...

and continues to attack Dr. Anthony Fauci for doing his job

But none of that bothers me nearly as much as the fact
that conservatives (by the tens-of-millions) don't care
that an insane pathological liar has killed more Americans in 5 months ...

than Vietnam did in 10 years.

They are even willing to sacrifice their own kids
in support of this severely mentally ill man.

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Twitter punishes Trump Jr. for posting misinformation that ...

could get Americans killed (hydroxychloroquine)

Conservatives remain loyal to the very people willing to kill them for political gain
and they will viciously attack anyone who tries to help them ... like Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Even plants aren't that stupid

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Trump's confederate base exposed for the traitors that they really are (3:03)

Like Trump, himself, once said
(and this is one of the few times I have ever agreed with him):

"You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart, right?
The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.

Execute traitors? As long as Trump is the first to be hung by the neck until he is dead ...

I have no problem with it

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Want to attend a Trump rally?
Then you'll have to sign a waiver ...

not to sue Trump if you catch Covid-19

Trump has convinced his MAGA people that the Covid pandemic
is no worse than the flu and is nothing more than a hoax to prevent his reelection.
That’s why they don’t wear masks or practice social distancing.
Trump is going to hold his first rally (since the outbreak began) in Oklahoma on 6/20/20.

But even though it’s all a hoax that is no worse than the flu, fans wishing to attend
must sign an agreement that they will not sue Trump if they catch the virus.
But in all his previous years of campaigning, Trump never required waivers for the flu.

I own goldfish that are smarter than these people

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The intelligence of many people falls far below that of ...

house pets (3:01)

I don't think I really need to add any commentary to this one.
It pretty much speaks for itself.
I can see why many people might believe that
these were all actors being paid to appear incredibly stupid.

I can't tell you how much I wish ... that were true.

(note: While this was taped in Alabama,
sadly, you could get similar responses almost anywhere)

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Trump's base proves itself to be indistinguishable from ...

a group of rabid dogs (3:36)

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Ex-marine and author, Frank Schaeffer,
calls Trump out for treason ...

for supporting armed thugs who threatened Michigan's governor (6:22)

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A comedian imitates a Trump supporter ...

refusing to wear a mask (3:22)

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Anti-lockdown protests are thinly-disguised Trump rallies (5:15)

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Pastor who claimed Covid-19 ‘Hysteria’ was just a plot against Trump ...

dies from the virus

And on a related note ...

Mississippi Governor refuses to act on Coronavirus, offers prayer instead

This will help put that last story in perspective

"Thank God for Mississippi!"

The price of stupidity can sometimes be ... very steep

UPDATE 10/26/21

Breaking News! This just in! ...

Mississippi skyrockets to #49 in one category

Whether you are documenting economics, education, crime, religiosity, or whatever;
you always find the "Blue" states at the top and the "Red" states at the bottom;
yet the morons never figure it out; and that's why they will remain "Red" states.

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Psychiatrist explains how Trump is manipulating his base (4:12)

If we are to stand any chance of turning our country around
it is extremely important that we figure out how to free our fellow Americans
from the brainwashing cult that controls them.

This video provided the information necessary to understand the problem.
This video also admitted that ... no one yet has figured out a solution.

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Trump supporter charged with threatening to kill Adam Schiff

These quotes from the suspect should give you a crystal clear picture
of what passes for "thinking" in the minds of Trump supporters ...

"I want to kill you with my bare hands
and smash your sick little round fat lying face in

Phelps admitted sending the message, but ...
"did not see the message as threatening."

These people are certifiable.
This guy provides a perfect example
why it is next to impossible to try to reason with them.

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Trump crowds cheer the death of fellow Americans ...

who aren't conservative (6:07)

When nearly half the voting adults in a country sink to this moral level ...

you know we are in deep deep shit

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If you have some spare time
and want to do a little reading, try this ...

What Fox "News" won't tell you

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My soliloquy on "conservative mind control"

Many people have been baffled
by how easily Republicans have been able
to convince conservative Christians
to abandon their own God (Jesus)
and become greedy, selfish, bigoted pricks.
(the exact opposite of everything Jesus stood for)

But what is just as interesting,
is how easily Republicans have been able to fight for Isreal,
while maintaining tight control over their large base of white supremacists
(if there is one group that racists hate more than blacks ... it's Jews)

Those 2 sad facts above, put on full display, the awesome power of ...


We saw it in 1930’s Germany
and we are watching it happen again in 2020’s America.
If the free half of America cannot liberate, and soon,
the dumbass half of America from their controllers ...
we are doomed to relive the terror of the 1940’s.

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Trump also screws his base ...

farm bailouts only going to the rich (4:21)

Farm debt and bankruptcies reach record high in 2019

The most ironic part of this whole sad, pathetic story is that ...

these idiots will still vote Trump in 2020 ... and he knows it

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Members of Trump's base threaten Civil War if he's not reelected (6:38)

I couldn't watch the whole video.
I wanted to get my hands around those little chicken necks so bad ...

I could almost taste it

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The Cult of Trump by Chris Hedges

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ....

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Sean Illing interviews Steven Hassan: Is Trumpism a cult?

The interviewer was trying so hard to be impartial
that he basically ignored or challenged all of Hassan's points
without providing any rebuttal to those points.

9/8/24 - Here's a better interview of Steven Hassan by ...

David Pakman (18:06)

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Trump supporters threaten a second Civil War if Trump is impeached (5:07)

Is anyone surprised?

For over 3 years we've been watching these loonies
embarrass the hell out of America.
Trump will be dead soon.
But these fools will be with us until we die ...

and they vote

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Trump wants Socialism for the rich ...

and harsh Capitalism for the rest of us

Without Socialism, the rich ... wouldn't be nearly as rich.

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An explanation for the bizarre support of Trump ... by evangelicals

Evangelicals are among the most immoral Americans existing
outside of prison walls and congress.

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Many evangelicals believe that Trump was sent by God (4:57)

It's pretty scary when you realize just how many Americans are actually ...

off their rockers

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This poll tells you everything you need to know about Trump supporters:

Trump more popular than ... Lincoln

One of the most honest men in history vs.
one who lies every time he takes a breath;
and for Republicans ... the choice was obvious.

Now you know what you are up against

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Proof that most Republicans live in ...

an alternate universe (5:08)

These people (Trumpers) are seriously mentally ill
and they are bringing all of us down with them.

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Trump supporters (farmers) get scorched by his trade wars
resulting in a huge increase in suicides and bankruptcies;
and it would have been far worse if not for taxpayers
bailing them out with billions in socialism.

Make America Great Again! (4:56)

Well, to paraphrase the Bible in a way that farmers can understand ...

"You reap what you sow."

(how much you wanna bet they will still vote for him?)

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White supremacists rally in support of Israel.
Yes, you read that right.
Behold the power of brainwashing ...

Trump's white supremacist base rallies for ... Israel

Trump's base is even dumber than we thought.
Almost a century after the lessons of 1930's Germany,
these simple brainwashing techniques still work on ...

simple minds

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Trump FINALLY condemns white supremacy after El Paso & Dayton mass killings

Why did Trump risk alienating his base?
Think back to the only true statement Trump has ever made:
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody
and wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?

He wasn't risking losing any neo-Nazis.
He has done more for them than any politician in history.
They held a victory parade in his honor in 2016 in North Carolina.

How they will rationalize his comment in their little peanut heads, is like this:
"Trump was forced to say that to appease the Snow Flakes and Libtards."
That is how they will rationalize his perceived betrayal.
They all know that Trump didn't really mean it, and that ...

he is still the best friend they have ever had

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In 2018, ALL extremist killings in America were committed by ...

right-wing extremists

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Trump is just a symptom of ...

deeper, more disturbing issues within the electorate (8:05)

Trump, an obese septuagenarian, will be dead soon.
But we will be stuck with the tens of millions of gullible minions
whose minds are owned by the Oligarchs ...

for a long long time to come

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Trump continues to support his white supremacist base any way he can:

Trump blocks the U.S. from nominating anyone to the U.N. racism committee

Who could have predicted the return of the KKK, even just a few decades ago?
America has sunk to a very very dark place.


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Fox "News" viewers are the dumbest of the dumb (4:11)

Most of us already had this one figured out.

Need more proof of how crazy Fox Fanatics are?

Trumptards attack Republicans who complain about ...

Trump's attacks on McCain (5:41)

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Trump's base cheers when a "patriotic" American praises the idea of ...

a Trump dictatorship (3:28)

Just when you think it is impossible for Republicans
to sink any lower into the septic tank,
someone like this piece of human shit comes along
and proves that they haven't hit bottom yet.

But don't miss the main point: the thing to fear isn't just her ...

but the throngs of idiots who cheered her

UPDATE 3/22/19

Who would have ever dreamed that Americans would be discussing this ...

a second U.S. Civil War (11:56)

This demonstrates how far Republicans have dragged down America.

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Show of hands ...
How many of you could have predicted a few years ago,
the depths to which America has sunk?

Coast Guard officer plans massive terror attack on Democrats ... to "whiten" America

If you ever wondered what many German citizens must have felt
as they watched their nation descend into Nazism and barbarism,
you should now have a pretty good idea.

They couldn't stop it and history recorded the results.

Will we do any better?

I guess we'll find out soon enough

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The election of Donald Trump has emboldened his base,
and exposed for all the world to see ...

the sick cancer that is still festering in the United States

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While Republicans and Democrats score similarly on a compassion test ...

Trump supporters exhibit little compassion (3:36)

So, is there anyone out there who did not already have that one figured out?

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You'll never believe what I found on the internet ...

Trump stole his "Make America Great Again" from Ronald Reagan 36 years earlier.

Well, the morons fell for it the first time ... so why not try it again?
But knowing how much conservatives have been dumbed down,
Republicans were smart enough to shorten it to "#MAGA!"

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Trump passes out more taxpayer money (Socialism) to his loyal farmers ...

for not planting (doing nothing)

Let's do the math: To enrich the wealthy, Trump imposes tariffs.
But the money doesn't come from those who should be paying (the farmers) ...

it comes from us

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Guess which group of wackos, the Republicans are courting now?


Republicans pick from the very bottom of the intellectual barrel:
White Supremacists, Evangelicals, the Least Educated, and loonies like Anti-Vaxxers.
Republicans don't care ... all they want is their vote;
and all those groups I listed above are sitting ducks for conservative propaganda.

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Remember how Trump pandered to all those coal miners?
You'll never believe what I just dug up from a few years ago ...

Republican Lawmakers Seek To Block Funding On Black Lung Regulation

Republicans were counting on coal miners having Alzheimers ... and they were right.
So I guess black lung disease isn't the only health issue that miners have to worry about.

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Trump has been caught lying thousands of times.
Many of these lies are easy to detect.
So why does his base continue to believe him? How does he do it?

Here is scientific evidence that points to an answer

"It is also related to how many ASD traits
people in the general population have --
the more traits, the poorer the deception detection ability.

Our country is going down the toilet
because the rich have learned how to control
the large number of Americans with autistic traits.
And the numbers are far, far larger than anyone imagined.

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Here is some excellent research that provides insight into ...

why Evangelicals supported, and continue to support, Donald Trump

The American Taliban is an enemy that we cannot take lightly.
Their idea of America is far, far away from the one we got from our Founding Fathers.
It's a lot more like Saudi Arabia ... only with a different CEO.

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Here is a great example of the sheep mentality
that conservatives require of all members of their flock ...

Speaker booed and escorted out by security for criticizing Trump

These sheep will defend misogony, treason, and theft
in order to remain loyal to their team.
And the fact that this conservative woman required 3 security guards
to ensure her safety from Trump's zombies
tells you everything you need to know about these people.

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If you ever needed just one picture
that sums up Trump's base perfectly ...

This is it

Is there really any need for me to add anything to that?

Wait - I just realized something ...

You might be thinking "Yeah, but that's just one guy."

But to truly understand Trump's base you have to ask yourself
how come no one in the crowd of Trump supporters noticed the misspelling ...

of a 5-letter word?

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The heat on Trump is becoming almost unbearable. How do we know?

Because they are actually threatening violence if Trump is impeached

Presidential Succession (top 10 in order)

vice president
speaker of the house
president pro tempore of the senate
secretary of state
secretary of the treasury
secretary of defense
attorney general
secretary of the interior
secretary of agriculture
secretary of commerce

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Just how big is Trump's neo-Nazi base?

Waaaaay bigger than most people realized

As the quote above points out,
Trump didn't make these 'people' that way,
he just enabled them to come out into the open ...

where we can count them

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Want to make a Trump-supporter's head explode?

Try this one (2 pages)

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Nothing makes me madder than when I have to come to the defense
of either Trump, or Republicans in general.
But when I do, I take it out on those who put me in that position.
In this case, I'm talking about the Dumber-than-Dogshit Trump voters.

Trump and nearly all Republicans ran on the promise to repeal Obamacare.
They have been doing everything in their power to accomplish just that.
But their constituents are going nuts in town halls across the country.

Well, boo-hoo. What the Hell did you morons think they were going to do?
They are trying desperately to do exactly what they promised to do.
They are trying to accomplish exactly what "you people" told them
that you wanted them to do.

There was no "bait-and-switch."
Trump and the Republicans are trying to live up to their part of the bargain.
So where do their crazy supporters get off, trying to blame them
for doing exactly what they promised to do?

If this doesn't prove that Conservatives are "certifiable" ...

I don't know what does

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After 100 days of accomplishing nothing
Trump's base is thrilled with the job he is doing.

They refuse to admit that they got played

This poll is extremely important because it shows us where the real problem lies ...
it lies with the tens of millions of "useful idiots"
upon whom the Plutocracy relies in order to remain in power.

This points us in the direction we must go
if we are ever to have any hope of defeating The Plutocracy.

The Plutocracy has complete control over the minds of millions of people.
That is why they don't even have to hide their intentions.
Trump can lie 24/7, and as the poll showed, many will still consider him honest.
You don't even have to expose Trump's never-ending stream of lies.
Every time he contradicts himself, he exposes his own lies.
He is provably  one of the most dishonest men who has ever lived.

And if you ask all those puppets what Trump has accomplished,
the fact that they can't reply with anything
has no effect on their belief that he is succeeding.

Now you should begin to see just how big a problem we have.
How do you fix psychologically broken people?

These people are being played by experts (The Oligarchs)
who know how to appeal to their emotions and egos,
effectively bypassing their rational defenses.
The Oligarchs know that these people will never, EVER, admit they are wrong.
That is why they don't even have to make a pretense of hiding their agenda.

The Oligarchs own them and can make them do whatever they want them to do.
Even after killing thousands of their own people
when Republican governors refused the Medicaid expansion in the Red States,
The Oligarchs were rewarded in the election with total control over the U.S. government.

We are in deep - DEEP shit.


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Trump reverses position on NATO

Trump reverses position on 3 policies in one interview

Is there ANYTHING Trump has not contradicted himself on?

Actually, there is one thing Trump got right during his campaign:
He bragged about being able to shoot someone on 5th Avenue
and not having to worry about losing a single vote.

In the election he got 46% of the popular vote
yet his approval ratings only dropped to a little below 40%
proving that the biggest impediment to saving the human race
is fixing the large number of people
who refuse to admit they are ever wrong
no matter how evident it becomes that they screwed up ...
even when the evidence comes in on a daily basis.

I found this great and amazingly accurate observation in the comment section:

"Running the US government like a business means:
hostile take over, fire all the upper management, loot it for cash,
sell off the assets, buy foundering debt, go bankrupt and walk away.

Yep, that guy/gal pretty much nailed it right on the head.

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Montana went for Trump in a big way (by 20 points)

Then Trump selected Tom Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency
for the sole purpose of eliminating that agency's enforcement powers
so that the big corporations won't have to worry about
all those pesky regulations cutting into their profits.

So I'm not shedding any tears over the dilemma Montanans now face

You asked for this America ... and now you're going to get it

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KKK holds victory parade for Trump in North Carolina on 12/3/16 (0:55)

Nothing stains a presidency like support from the most hated group in America.

So how do neo-Nazis feel about Trump's performance so far?

I'd say they sound ... pretty satisfied

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Do you want an idea how nutty and immoral a good-sized chunk of Trump supporters are?

Then read this ...

Nearly 20% of Trump fans think freeing the slaves was a bad idea

If ever there was proof that a person was not mentally qualified to vote ...

This would be it

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Trump insults crowd right to their face ... and they cheered him!

People that stupid should not be allowed out in public ... without guards.

For those of you who still don't get it, I will explain:
He tricked them by acting like he was praising their loyalty,
but in reality, he was telling them that they were so incredibly stupid,
that he could do anything he wanted (even shoot someone) ...
and they would still support him.

And sadly ... time would prove him right

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Pillaging America


Trump's grifting reaches unimaginable level ...

as Magatards continue to fall for every grift

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So how much did Trump's businesses rake in while he was president? ...

try $2.4 BILLION dollars

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Even after being booted out of office,
Trump is still soaking taxpayers ...

and sucking as hard as he can on that government tit

But it's not as bad as it was when Trump was in office (over a $Billion dollars)

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Trump's base is not spared from his pillaging.
In fact, he is targeting them specifically ...

and they are emptying their pockets

Conservatives are God's Gift ... to the rich

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For Trump and his cronies, the Pandemic has been ...

a gift from Heaven

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Below are billionaires Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos

Under Trump, the Oligarchy is committing genocide ...

while enriching themselves beyond their wildest dreams

Meanwhile, the hive remains defenseless.

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Republicans continue to use Covid as an excuse ...

to pump taxpayer money to business owners

So if nearly all the money is going to business,
why are the hospitals getting anything at all?

As an excuse to justify more theft.

Out of $450 billion, only $100 billion is for Covid,
nothing at all is for the poor, and the rest is for ...

Business and Profits

Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ...


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The Stimulus Bill gave poor and middle class Americans $1,200 each ...

it gave over 40,000 millionaires an average of $1.6 million each

The fact that the pitchforks haven't come out yet
is a testament to the awesome power of drugs, alcohol, opioids, and ...


UPDATE - 4/19/20

Farron Cousins weighs in (4:43)

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Here's a story that you will NEVER hear on Fox "News" ...

The Trump administration allows banks to steal your stimulus check

The Trump administration never misses an opportunity ...

to steal us blind

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For those of you keeping score at home -
here's a summary explaining why
the Covid disaster falls squarely on the shoulders of ...

Donald Trump

At a time when America desperately needed its greatest leader,
or even a mildly competent Commander-in-Chief
to face a deadly worldwide pandemic,
our nation failed worse than all others on Earth because, we had ...


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The Oligarch's attacks on our government continues unabated ...

as Trump fights to kill the USPS

You elected a wolf to guard the hen house ...

What did you expect?

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FEMA, under Jared Kushner, is confiscating medical supplies from ...

"blue" states and sending them to "swing" states (4:02)

Now, to put that into perspective, remember this?

Kushner says national stockpile is not for the states

The longer this Mafia crime family maintains control over the American government
the longer the American people will suffer and die in ever larger numbers.

But wait, it gets even better ...

The Feds, under Kushner, confiscate millions of masks meant for veterans (3:43)

Veterans - Keep voting Republican ... because they care about you Goddammit

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Trump doesn't let a little thing
like a deadly worldwide pandemic ...

interfere with him enriching himself (4:06)

In fact, not only does he not let it interfere,
he actually uses it to enrich himself even more.

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Trump and his cronies are taking good care of the churches during the Pandemic ...

at the expense of the rest of us

This is one of the reasons why Americans are getting a measley $1,200 check
while Canadians are getting $2,000 a month ... for 4 months.

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Trump fired Obama-appointed pandemic experts in 2018 and ...

never replaced them

But dig a little deeper ...

and it gets even worse

And here's how we compare to a much poorer country ...

South Korea (4:38)

Now let's see how it should have been handled ...

Taiwan (4:21)

Half of America saw this train coming
and tried to warn the other half.
But brainwashed people ...

cannot be warned

UPDATE 8/23/20
South Korea is learning the hard way
what so many other countries have been learning ...
Don't be in a rush to open up too soon

Like so many others, they celebrated their touchdown at the 1-yard-line ...

and we all know how that ends

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Trump brags about the economy
and then cuts Federal employee raises because of ...

“national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare”

No matter how many thousands of lies Trump tells ...

conservative Clapping Seals never figure it out

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Trump's "trade war" will cost the average American family about ...

$1,277 this year (3:19)

Oddly, you never hear anyone talk about the effects in China.
These "wars" have to be hurting Chinese families as well.
It seems pretty obvious that the Oligarchs in both countries
are working together to fleece the masses and enrich themselves.

But the hive remains submissive and defenseless

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Whenever Republicans try to snow you
with that line about being huge "State's Rights" supporters,
just show them this ...

The EPA, under Trump, attacks California's attempts to defend itself

The EPA, since Trump took charge, has attacked Americans constantly
rolling back all our protections for clean air, water, etc.
so that "The Big Boys" can make more profits.

Let's watch Miss Betty Bowers
(self-proclaimed "America's Best Christian")
explain how Republicans view ...

"State's Rights" (3:12)

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Trump administration dropping Obama-era "Clean Water Rule"

They've taken most of our money, shipped our jobs overseas,
and now they want to take away our drinkable water and breathable air.

Wouldn't it be a lot easier just to kill us quickly?

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So Trump and his cronies looked around at the carnage
and thought "So what is left for us to steal?"

Capital Gains taxes

They will take everything that isn't nailed down
and then they'll return with a claw hammer ...

and take that too

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California goes around Trump's corrupt EPA and makes a deal with automakers

Among the many lies that Republicans push
is that they are huge "state's rights" supporters.
As this article proves ...

that is only true when it is in their financial interest to do so.

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Americans are dying while being unable to access drugs
whose prices have been hiked by thousands of percent.
Diabetics are rationing their insulin and some don't make it.
Has Congress helped these poorer Americans?

But look how fast Trump's administration moves
when the profits of Big Business are threatened:
Trump: "We'll retaliate against Macron's foolishness"
And here is the last part ... that he left out:

for trying to tax the big corporations

Nothing new to see here folks ... move along.

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The Trump administration finds a new way to pillage the poor (5:11)

Redefine poverty and like magic ... it's gone!
So now they can use all that money for important things ...

like more bombs

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Thom Hartmann video (11:59)
on the destruction of public education ...

by charter schools under Betsy DeVos

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The deficit explained by Robert Reich

"Of all 35 advanced economies, America’s spending on social programs
like Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid is among the lowest ....
Also, Americans pay into Social Security and Medicare throughout their entire working lives.
The biggest reason America has the highest deficit relative to our total economy
among all 35 advanced economies is because of a shortage of tax revenue.
Of all these countries, we’re bringing in the fifth-lowest total revenue as a share of GDP.

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Trump administration sells off California's lands to his rich cronies ...

in the logging industry (3:43)

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So what has America's top crime family been up to lately?

Ivanka Trump’s business wins approval for 16 new Chinese trademarks despite shutting down.
But ... it gets better ...

China just granted Ivanka a trademark on voting machines

After all, what fashion ensemble would be complete ...
without a matching voting machine to go along?

UPDATE - 10/9/19

Snopes weighs in (apparently true but they were unable to give any meaning to it)

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The media is snowing Americans about the state of our economy.

Robert Reich video - 2:31

Who owns the Media?

Big corporations and ... rich dudes.

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Look at this and then realize ...
that Trump's base is still loyal.

Are Trumptards the greatest or what?
You can beat them, bend them, stretch them, jackhammer them, nuke them ...
and then like "Gumby" they just look at you and say Winning !!!

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The Trump administration continues to flex its muscles
and bully the rest of the world into economic submission.

The U.S. is trying to shut down the World Trade Organization’s supreme court

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Trump and the rich are at it again.
They took everything that wasn't nailed down.
Now they are returning with claw hammers
to take whatever is nailed down.

They plan to cut the Capital Gains tax (2:39)

Amazingly, the dumbest among us still support the thieves who are robbing them blind.
Now you can understand the true power of ... brainwashing.

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Betsy DeVos removes restrictions on predatory for-profit colleges (4:04)

Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... your support!

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Trump is trying to 'reorganize' the government in order to ...

attack the safety nets

You voted for this America. Keep voting Republican.
The rich sure do appreciate ... your support.

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For-Profit scam schools are back in business thanks to ...

Betsy DeVos (5:13)


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Trump completely fooled his poor, white, older supporters
by first promising them he would combat Big Pharma ...

and then selling them out

No matter how many times this story plays out ...

the morons never figure it out

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has come to a complete standstill ...

since Trump took over and appointed Mick Mulvaney to kill it

You asked for this America ... so bend over and quit complaining

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Trump's tax giveaway to the rich was spun
to give the impression that the big corporations
were going to shower America with lots of jobs and better wages.

Here is where all that money really went

Yep ... same place it always goes

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Red-state Democratic Senators sell out Americans ...

to keep their jobs

I feel sorry for the brave, honest Senators who are trying to help Americans.
Sadly, they are badly outnumbered.

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Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is selling off America's lands to the rich

From the sound of it, his rich friends have experienced a cornucopia of riches ... at our expense.


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To pay for all the gifts to the rich,
Trump has to take it from everyone else.
The Centers for Disease Control has had their budget
for global epidemic programs slashed.
That means we'll have to fight these epidemics ...

right here in America


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With the tax giveaway to the rich complete,
Trump's goons (like Paul Ryan) turn their attention to the poor.
No, I didn't mean they turned their attention to the poor
with the intention of helping them.
I meant that they are turning their attention to the poor
in order to pay for all the gifts that they have lavished on the wealthy.

You asked for this America ... so bend over

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Starbucks, Disney, and other beneficiaries of the Republican sellout of America
are using their best public relations tactics to try to distract everyone from their windfall.

Raises & Stock Options promised to employees

Stock options cost the companies nothing:
If the stock goes up, they all share in the profits.
If it goes down, the companies gave them nothing.

As for the raises ("the check is in the mail"):
The companies have stolen a dollar from taxpayers
and are now screaming and jumping up and down
as they throw a nickel back to them.
(the saddest part is - they always find a way to get that nickel back)

The article downplayed (one tiny little reference near the end) the main point:
"One financial analyst tells the Orlando Sentinel the bonuses are a "drop in the bucket"
compared to the hundreds of millions Disney will save in the tax cut.

That was the point of my diatribe above;
and I didn't have to be a financial analyst to figure that one out.

Jaime Dimon is doing his best imitation of Trump.
He knows full well that his promise will never happen. Why?

Because it never has

Trickle-Down Economics has never worked, anywhere, any time.
You have been raped Conservatives ... and you did this to yourselves.
Half of America screamed at you, begging you not to do it.
But you sure showed us all right.

Now you can just bend over and grab your ankles like everyone else ...

You are going to get exactly what you asked for

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Bank of America begins sticking it to the poor

The only thing that surprises me is that they waited a whole year after Trump's election.
Either they didn't want to appear too obvious and greedy,
or the Trump administration may have asked them to wait until attention was diverted elsewhere.

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Trump said that now that he's President, we can say "Merry Christmas!" again.
So how did Trump wish Merry Christmas to elderly, disabled Americans?

By lifting penalties against big corporations who abuse them

Making America Great Again!

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Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy (The VP with House leaders);
celebrating one of the biggest tax transfers of wealth in history.
Merry Christmas America!

I usually don't post "opinion" pages, but damn,
this one put the arrow right in the bullseye:
Trump just pulled off one of the greatest cons in history.
But he wasn't the architect of the tax plan ...

these guys were

Let the slaughter begin.
American voters let the wolves into the rabbit farm.
Now it's ... dinnertime

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Trump is Making America Great Again!

for the rich

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Here's a quote from entertainer John Fugelsang ...

"Can't decide if the tax bill should be called
Evil Motherfuckers Fleece The Suckers Who Voted Them Into Office bill
or the Billionaire & Heiress Relief Act of 2017

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Trump pockets a cool million after allowing Dow Chemical to resume using ...

a banned insecticide

This is a perfect example of why we are being fed a steady diet of emotional distractions.
But look on the bright side: you get all this free entertainment, and ...
so what if some of our food gets poisoned?

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Trump's wolves continue to run amok.
Now they're stifling small businesses, specifically farmers ...

so Big Agriculture can get even richer

Nothing new to see here folks ... move along.

This is a perfect example of why you are all being fed
a steady diet of transgenders who need to use the bathroom and ...

puerile butt squeezers

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What was the leading worldwide killer in 2015?


It's a good thing that Trump is getting rid of all those pesky regulations that stifle profits;
otherwise we would have to contend with an insurmountable overpopulation problem.
We are so lucky to have someone who is always lookin' out for us.

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Trump stands to reap over a BILLION dollars from his new tax reform proposal.
But according to him, his plan would not help him at all - it's all about ...

the little guy

And remember this one from 6 months ago?

China approves Donald Trump-branded spas, escort services, hotels, and massage parlours ...

without US Congress permission

(but first let's make sure that we take care of our president)

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This article does an excellent job of explaining "The Great Distraction," aka ...

The Trump Administration

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For those of you who refuse to see the totalitarian police state coming into view ...

Jeff Sessions makes it a little easier for you

I often get a kick from reading the comments that follow these news articles.
Here is one that pulls no punches ...

"Sessions is taking his playbook straight from the Gestapo.
This little Goebbels clone is a OBVIOUS threat to our civil liberties.
So when does he start taking assets from Trump and Kushner?
This must be stopped. It is a clear attack on our freedom.
Confiscation of private property without due process is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
F this racist creep HARD! And NOW! 

(I couldn't have said it better myself)

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90% of the things that Trump and the Republicans do
are designed to distract the masses while they pick our pockets clean.

Here is one of the reasons for those distractions


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No matter how far back you go in history,
no matter where in the world you look,
whenever the Oligarchs are preparing to strip away
as much wealth as they can from the people,
they almost always do so
by distracting everyone's attention to foreign enemies.

As everyone's attention is being diverted towards North Korea

here is the kind of thing Republicans are really after

State's Rights? State's Rights?

They are only for State's Rights
when they are discriminating against their own citizens for financial gain.
As this story proves, they will trample State's Rights in a heartbeat
when they interfere with the pillaging.

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Trump is transferring money from science into the military.

Because you never know when Ecuador might attack

Here's the money quote from the article:
"The administration has asked the Commerce Department,
of which NOAA is a part, how much it would cost to lay off employees,
dump leases, and dispose of government property.

For those of you who might be a little slow on the uptake
or any Conservatives who accidentally found your way here,
let me explain what that last part means.
It means that all that land that used to belong to us (the taxpayers)
is going to be sold at blowout prices to all Trump's rich buddies and cronies.

Quit complaining America - it's not like you didn't see this one coming.

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Even before the inauguration,
House Republicans were barely able to contain themselves
knowing that they were about to be unleashed on the gullible
and very wealthy American public.
Sensing the pillaging that was about to begin
they tried to take control of the Ethics Committee
but had to postpone that after a loud outcry.
(don't worry - they just put that on the backburner for now)

Now, with an eye to protecting themselves legally as the pillaging begins

they attempt to shield themselves from prosecution ahead of time

This explains why speculation is driving the Stock Market to record highs.
80% of all stock is owned by the rich. They know what's coming.
Now that Democrats are out of the way and Obama is gone,
there is no one left to stand in their way.

Let the pillaging begin!

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All the focus over gays, transgenders, Muslims, Mexicans,
other undesirables, pussy-grabbing, and white supremacy,
has been remarkably successful in keeping Americans distracted
while they pick our pockets clean.

In case you were wondering what happened
to all those CEO's after Trump "drained the swamp,"
many of them were named in that story.

Only a complete fool would believe that regulations are driving jobs away.
Jobs have left the country because Big Business
can pay Indians, Chinese, Filipinos, Mexicans, etc.
a fraction of what they have to pay Americans.
Add to that, the huge tax breaks and ability to hide profits from taxation,
and it should be clear why jobs have been flooding out of the U.S.

And NO ... they are not coming back.

The only way that will happen is if Americans wake up
and boot Conservatives out of power.

Republicans work for the rich ... and ONLY for the rich

Here is a well-written article explaining what is really going on

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You asked for this America ...

Draining the swamp ... is expensive

The amount New York City has to pay every day for security ($500,000)
is more than Trump's salary as president for the whole year.
So even if Trump does refuse his salary, as he promised,

it still wouldn't cover 1 day of security for Melania

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Here's Trump ...

Draining The Swamp

As American voters are finding out
Trump is draining the swamp of snakes
and refilling it with crocodiles

Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support

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All distractions aside (like Melania, crazy Flynn, and Kellyanne Conway) ...

here's what's really going on

What do you people need transparency for?
You know you can trust Big Oil to do what's best for you.
So what is really going on?

It's all about the money. That is all it has ever been about.
Everything else is just distraction.
Now that the Plutocracy controls the government
they will transfer as much money as they can
from the pockets of the masses into the offshore bank accounts of the rich.

Bend over America - this is exactly what you asked for.
And be sure to keep voting Republican - the rich sure do appreciate your support

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I hope all you Trump voters are bending over
(it's a lot less painful that way)

Wall Street cheers their new hero

"Trump also signed a memorandum instructing the Labor Department
to delay an Obama-era rule
that requires financial professionals who charge commissions
to put their clients' best interests first
when giving advice on retirement investments.

You asked for this America.
So start squealin' like a pig and don't complain.

But wait - it gets better:

"Trump's presidential memorandum on financial advisers
delayed implementation of the past administration's 'fiduciary rule',
aimed at blocking consultants from steering clients
toward investments with higher commissions and fees
that can eat away at retirement savings.

How's that hopey-changey thing workin' out for all you small-town Rubes now?

But look at the bright side:
now you don't have to worry about what to do
with all that extra retirement money lying around.

Now it will be put to much better use by the rich,
collecting tax-free interest in an offshore bank account.

Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support

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It's only the second week of Trump's administration
and every day has seen another attack against Americans by the rich.

Republicans repeal 2 protections

"A regulation aimed at preventing coal mining debris
from being dumped into nearby streams.

Rescind a separate rule requiring companies to disclose payments
made to foreign governments relating to mining and drilling.

Hell, you people didn't need those protections anyway, didja?
I think clean air and water are both vastly overrated.
Especially if they stand in the way of making America great again.

It's true that Trump is well on his way to becoming
the greatest president in American history ... for the rich.

Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support


India and China have the world's worst air pollution

Unfortunately, the article failed to take into account
the new conservative government in the U.S.
which is removing regulations so that the big oil boys can become ...

even bigger

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On Friday, Jan 20th, the wolves heard the starter's pistol
and rushed onto the rabbit farm for 4 years of uninterrupted dining.
They couldn't even wait until Monday morning to begin the plundering.
On Saturday, Trump struck the first blow against Americans ...

axing a middle class tax cut

Bend over America and drop'em. Grab your ankles real tight.
It's going to be a long, long 4 years.
And in the next 4 years, you are going to get ...

exactly what you asked for


Remember when Trump rewarded Mike Pence's home state of Indiana
by trying to save some jobs at a factory located there?

Well, this just came in from Snopes

Which state does Trump hate the most?
Which state rejected him by an overwhelming 2-1 margin?

I believe the answer is ... California

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Robert Reich destroys Trump's image as a successful businessman with ...


Money quote:

"Multiple analyses show that
if Trump had simply invested
his multi-million-dollar inheritance
in an index fund and didn’t touch it,
he’d be a lot richer than he is now.

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Trump is responsible for thousands of needless American deaths ...

during the pandemic (6:05)

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"Doctor" Mehmet Oz wants to be a Senator for Pennsylvania

Here is Donald Trump's endorsement of Oz

"Dr. Oz is Pro-Life, very strong on Crime, the Border,
Election Fraud, our Great Military, and our Vets, Tax Cuts,
and will always fight for and support our under-siege Second Amendment.

And here is my 2 cents on each claim:

Oz is Republican. That means his concern for life ends once the fetus is born.
Then it is every baby/child/adult ... for themselves.

Strong on crime?
Oz runs a close second to Trump as the top conman in America.
Both of them should be sitting in jail cells.

The Border?
Are you talking about the wall fiasco that, in 4 years, never got built?

Election Fraud?
It's crystal clear to all but the highly mentally impaired
that the only election fraud involved the attempted destruction of our democracy ...
by the Republican party.

Great military?
You mean the military that is in a constant state of war around the globe,
killing countless people and enabling the theft of anything those people had of value (mainly oil)?

Are you serious? Republicans fight tooth-and-nail against veteran benefits - EVERY TIME.
How any veteran could vote Republican is a testament to the power of PTSD.

Tax Cuts?
Didn't you leave out something?
Here, let me show everyone what you left out:
"Tax Cuts - but only for the rich ... the very very rich."
There, fixed that for ya.

And last but not least, your beloved Second Amendment.
The red herring that you use to keep the country divided
while countless people are murdered
and the rest of the civilized world looks on in disbelief.

I agree Trump should endorse Oz ...

Even twins could not be more alike

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Studies support the conclusion
that Trump's incompetency resulted in ...

hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths

And 74 million Americans wanted 4 more years
of the most disastrous presidency in American history.

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Trump's disastrous Coronavirus response (7:26)

It's hard to imagine how Trump could even have 1% support
much less nearly half the voting-age population.
This, more than anything, demonstrates the amazing power of ...


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Trump's first term summarized (6:35)

Why more than 1% of Americans (the richest)
still support this inhuman bag of pus ...

is beyond my ability to comprehend

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South Korea demonstrates what could have happened with the Pandemic ...

had the U.S. had a competent government

And, as mentioned near the end, South Korea wasn't the only nation that has done well.

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6 months into a pandemic that we had ample warning was coming,
the death toll continues to skyrocket.

Meanwhile in Wuhan (where they had no warning) life has returned almost to normal

China (and Wuhan in particular) puts on public display for the world to see
the horrendous results of the disaster that Americans brought upon themselves
when they made the mistake of electing as their president ...

Donald J. Trump

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Trump's lack of job performance, as president ...

is without precedent

No - Hoover didn't even come close.

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Why is America failing worse than any country on Earth during the pandemic?

Robert Reich explains

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The U.K. and some other European nations are on lockdown ...

but aren't suffering economically like in the U.S. (5:38)

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The Trump administration lets millions of pounds of food rot ...

as food banks beg for more food (4:26)

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Trump imitates Dr. Oz by giving dangerous pseudo medical advice, and is defended by ...

Dr. Birx (6:34)

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President Donald J. Trump

Let’s do some math!

Earth's population ~ 7.8 billion

worldwide COVID deaths ~200 thousand

This equals 1 death for every 39,000 people (or ~ 25 per 1 million)

Based on worldwide averages,
the U.S. should have 25 * 330 = 8,250 deaths

Current U.S. death toll (as of 4/24/20) ~50,000


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In case you are looking for reasons why America's response to the pandemic
was the worse response on the planet, resulting in an incalculable loss of life,
this may give you a hint ...

The Trump administration hired a dog breeder to run its Coronavirus Task Force

But this guy was removed:

"vaccine expert Dr. Rick Bright was removed from his post
after he pressed for rigorous vetting of hydroxychloroquine,
an anti-malaria drug embraced by President Trump as a coronavirus treatment
(which an early trial showed may actually lead to increased deaths of coronavirus patients).

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Trump's son-in-law (Jared Kushner) ... is the one on your right

Medical group says FEMA confiscated masks and left them ...

sitting in a shipping container (4:30)

At a time when America desperately needed its greatest leader,
or even a mildly competent Commander-in-Chief
to face a deadly worldwide pandemic,
our nation failed worse than all others on Earth because, we had ...


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Trump handed all of these lives to COVID-19 (7:04)

At a time when America desperately needed its greatest leader,
or even a mildly competent Commander-in-Chief
to face a deadly worldwide pandemic,
our nation failed worse than all others on Earth
because, we elected ...


UPDATE 5/21/20

Scientists compute the number of lives that were lost due to ...

Trump's delays and denials

It took 10 years for the Vietnam War
to do the damage to America
that Trump did to it ...
in just a matter of months.

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Trump is not only willing, but anxious, to let Americans die ...

in order to get the money rolling in again

When your family and friends die long, drawn-out agonizing deaths
just remember whom you conservatives elected to protect you
and whom you still support nearly 100%.

You are getting exactly what you paid for

Coronavirus deaths by country as they happened (3:17)

The richest nation on Earth (the U.S.) had a HUGE headstart
and our government pissed it all away.

It couldn't be any clearer where the blame lies.
And we will never know how many lives were unnecessarily lost
by the most incompetent government in American history.

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Pathological Lying

From "pathological liar":
"A person who tells lies frequently, with no rational motive for doing so."

(actually, they could have saved a lot of space by simply posting Trump's picture)


Trump "Meet the Press" interview summarized by ...


And this is whom tens of millions of braindead American voters chose
to return and finish the destruction of American Democracy ... RIP.

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Trump constantly riles his base with stories of China.

Guess who is supplying 120,000 Trump bibles?

Trump sells them for $60.
So why does Trump have them produced in China?

Because they only charge Trump $3 to make each bible

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This short video will quickly bring you up to speed on political definitions ...

Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, etc. (4:31)

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Trump finally indicted ...

2.5 years after the insurrection

UPDATE 8/6/23

Jen Psaki points out that the "Witchhunt" doesn't involve ...

Democrats (3:35)

UPDATE 8/21/23

5 "facts" about Trump's indictments ...

that Conservatives refuse to admit

Behold the awesome power of primitive but highly effective ...

brainwashing techniques

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Trump leads imprisoned January 6 rioters in a musical tribute ...

trying to portray them as patriots instead of traitors

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A clear review of Trump's lies to the American public ...

regarding the danger posed by Covid-19 (6:00)

Trump has killed 4 times as many Americans in just 6 months
as Vietnam killed in 10 years of brutal warfare.

And yes, as this video proves ...

Trump is directly responsible

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Robert Reich lists 40 of Trump's broken promises

Or you could just call them (broken promises) what they really are ...

Brazen Lies

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Democratic Congressman destroys Republicans
for trying to cover up Trump's botched handling of ...

the Coronavirus epidemic (6:09)

Here is another, much shorter video ...

that exposes Trump's incompetency and dishonesty (0:30)

Bonus video: Trump isn't the only Republican idiot endangering American lives.
Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing Congressman ...

Devin Nunes (4:28)

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Trump reverses the truth and claims that ...

HE is the one responsible for protecting American's "pre-existing conditions" (6:12)

Advice: Google "Bizzaro World" and you will discover that ...

We are living there

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Trump now over 15,000 lies ...

His base simply doesn't care (3:50)

Who could have ever predicted
that America would be having this discussion?
And who the hell are these people ... who trust him?
I own housepets smarter than them.

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Trump has a long history of pathological lying (4:27)

It's not the fact that pathological liars like Donald Trump exist
or even that he has been granted a wealthy existence by his daddy;
what bothers me far more is that tens of millions of American voters
can completely ignore all the moral training they received in their lives

to support such a sick and dangerous man

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Well, Trump did it again.
He lied for the (what is it up to now?)
10,000th time in just the last 2 years:

Trump falsely takes credit for McCain's legislation

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Trump's "charity" foundation is shutting down ...

but the New York state lawsuit continues

It's hard to believe that tens of millions of Americans can still be this stupid.
If you have ever wondered how Hitler pulled off what he did in 1930's Germany,
just watch Trump and you'll see how easy it is.

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This video delves deeply into the psychology
behind the Orwellian mind-control techniques
that have gripped not only the U.S. -
but most of the industrialized world as well.

Why obvious lies make great propaganda (9:01)

It's all about power.
As long as they can continue to successfully employ these tactics
on the weakest and most vulnerable among us ...

They will keep it

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It's not only Trump who lies; everyone connected to him is also forced to lie.

It turns out that Trump dictated the health report that his doctor reported

Sarah Sanders is probably the most obvious example
of someone who trashes her own integrity on a regular basis.
There have always been, and probably always will be,
those who will do anything for power.

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The NRA reels Trump in ...

after Trump made a brief public relations show after the Parkland School Massacre

Show of hands: How many of you fell for Trump's little show?

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What happened to the $1.5 Trillion that Trump promised America
to rebuild deteriorating infrastructure?

Well, let us get back to you guys on that one ...
we're pretty busy right now with The Wall and everything

Show of hands: how many of you fell for that promise?

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Trump promised to bring back jobs to America!

Only 1 out of 145 jobs went to an American.
Boy ... she must have really been good!

UPDATE - 7/6/18

He's doing it again!

UPDATE - 4/26/10

Documentation of Trump's refusal to hire Americans

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Public Policy Polling just released the results of a 61-question survey

The only result you need to read is the one to ... question #5

37% believe Trump is honest? Seriously?
Who are these people and how quickly can we get them deported?
Mental incompetents do not have the right to vote.
Anyone in America who answered "honest" to question 5
has provided written proof of mental incompetency.

This guy hasn't just been caught telling one little white lie

And that is why America is in far deeper shit than we realize.
Donald Trump is an obese 70-year-old man who will be dead soon.
But we have a far greater enemy that is destroying America from within
and will continue to do so for the forseeable future.

Either we figure out how to free people
who are being controlled by the Plutocracy
or their vast numbers will enable Oligarchs to put an end
to our great, but brief, experiment in Democracy.

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In his interview with Megyn Kelly, Putin said ...

"Have you all lost your senses over there?"

I wish that Kelly had the courage to answer that question the way I would have ...

"Well Vladi, nearly half of America's voters
actually thought Trump was presidential material.
So I think that pretty much answers your question."

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Trump has lied so many times since last summer (2016)
that you might think it would be impossible
to pick the "Biggest Whopper."

My vote might go to this one ...

"We’re going to have insurance for everybody"

And then again, my vote could go to host of other great contenders.

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Hey you small town Rubes and Hicks who elected Trump,
guess who's gonna be payin' for that wall?

(hint: it ain't Mexico)

Aren't the Rubes precious?

Republicans play the small town Rubes
the same way we tease cats with laser pens.

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Trump is so crooked ... he has to screw his socks on.

Trump Taj Mahal fined for money laundering

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So whom do the Trumps owe their success to?

Big government socialist handouts

Not quite the way old Donny portrays himself, is it?

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Mental Instability

From "demagogue":
"A political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to
or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience
rather than by using rational argument.

(I used wiktionary because I thought its definition was better than the one at;
and once again, they could have saved space simply by using Trump's picture)


Will the media ever question Trump's mental feebleness ...

as they did Biden's?

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This Wikipedia article about Leona Helmsley
paints a portrait of a female version of ...

Donald Trump

"... only the little people pay taxes."

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After the 2020 election, General Mark Milley was working hard behind the scenes ...

to keep Trump from attacking China

And nearly half of voting age adults in America
wanted this severely mentally ill violent psycopath
to get another 4 years in office.

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Mary L. Trump - the President's niece (and a clinical psychologist) is publishing a book that ...

the president tried to block by lawsuit

Quote: "Today, Donald is much as he was at 3 years old:
incapable of growing, learning, or evolving,
unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses,
or take in and synthesize information

I'm not trying to put Mary down here, but ...

I had all that figured out a long time ago

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Trump tries to stop Michigan's "vote-by-mail" and ...

humiliates himself again

No one in Trump’s base has ever figured out
when to use “your” and when to use “you’re.”
No one in Trump’s base has ever figured out
when to use “their” and when to use “there.”
The story above should help explain why
the most ignorant collection of humans
ever gathered together under one banner ...

idolize this man

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U.S. President Donald Trump

This insane psychopath has just cut off funding to the W.H.O. during a worldwide pandemic ...

in order to distract everyone from his own screwups

I've never seen anyone push the psychological tactic of "projection" as far as Trump has.
He will sacrifice as many human lives as it takes to protect himself.
He is truly one of the most evil men who has ever lived,
and the fact that tens of millions of voting-age adults
still worship this subhuman piece of garbage
should give you a chilling understanding
about the brain cancer that is infecting America.
It is far more deadly than Covid-19.

We are in deep ... deep ... deep shit

UPDATE 7/7/20

It wasn't just an idle threat ... Trump pulled the trigger

For doing something that evil during a worldwide pandemic ...

hanging would not be good enough

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Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee describes Trump as "anti-human."
Not trying to brag here, but ...

I didn't need a doctorate to figure that one out (3:57)

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Trump's incompetency in handling the Coronavirus pandemic ...

will result in thousands of unnecessary deaths

That article provided excellent data
explaining why the U.S. shot up to the top of the list of infected nations.
When we needed our greatest president, or even a mildly competent one,
instead we got ...

Donald Trump

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The plague of Donald Trump

And in addition, what in the world can we do about ... Trump's base?

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Evidence of Trump's sociopathy (5:17)

And this sick little freak is now the most powerful person on Earth.

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Can Trump fire Mueller?

Richard Nixon already tried to go down that path

Trump has already tried to fire Mueller twice
but his attempts were thwarted by ... Republicans.

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John Fugelsang comes up with another gem.
This one is about the results of Trump's physical exam:

What Dr. Ronny Jackson said:
"I have absolutely no concern about his cognitive ability or neurological function."

What Trump's lawyers heard:
"Well, there goes the insanity defense."

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Wherever criminals find themselves in trouble;
whether in the hot sands of Arizona or the faraway shores of China,
they know they can count on their president to come to the aid ...

of one of his own

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Even Republicans know that Trump is mentally unstable and dangerous
and are calling for limits on the president's ability to launch nuclear weapons.

As it stands now, Trump could launch a nuclear strike as easily as posting a Tweet

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Play with snakes ...

and you are bound to get bit
(make sure you read the ending)

James Comey already learned this lesson the hard way.
Hillary Clinton admitted that Comey may have handed the election to Trump.
But Comey didn't get to bask in his victory very long before the snake bit him.
Now Comey has to email his resume to Wal-Mart's security department
as he hunts for a new employer.

CNN raked in huge sums of money with their coverage of Trump
and probably thought they had bought themselves an ally.
Now, like Comey, they too are in the emergency room waiting for ...


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Conservative political commentator George Will warns Republicans about Trump (7:02)

UPDATE 8/9/18

Since that video was made, everything George Will said has been magnified a hundred times.
Yet Republicans continue to sell out their country ... for power.

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As America is showing all the early signs of a descent into totalitarianism ...

it might be a good time to read this

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CIA analyst who worked under both
Republican President Bush and Democratic President Obama ...

quits because of Trump

This agent just doesn't understand
that only by ignoring intelligence reports
can our new President keep America safe.

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Zuckerberg is the latest to "Kneel and Kiss the Ring"

The line of frightened people, with knee pads, just keeps getting ...

longer and longer

UPDATE 11/28 (the next day)

Conservatives celebrate the subjugation of their opponents

UPDATE 11/29 (the next day)

This video captured my feelings to Maga's celebration (1:01)

UPDATE 12/12

Bending the knee and kissing the ring wasn't enough.
Just to be on the safe side ...

Zuckerberg donates $1 MILLION dollars to Trump's Inauguration Fund

Inauguration fund?

I'm guessing the money is to be used
to pay enough people to attend
so Trump doesn't have to go through the embarrassment
of another poorly attended ceremony - like last time.

UPDATE 12/13 (the next day)

Not to be outdone and left behind, Bezos drops to his knees and ...

also donates $1 MILLION dollars to Trump's Inauguration Fund (0:29)

UPDATE 12/16

Trump's threats continue to increase the size of the line of those waiting to ...

kiss the ring


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Project 2025 is Trump's revenge plan
in which he details the complete takeover of America ...

that he barely missed doing in 2021

And the brainwashed half of America
continues to march all of us down the same path
that Hitler led Germans ... less than a century ago.

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Trump, who rules by executive order, grants himself the right ...

to fire anyone disloyal to him (like Dr. Fauci)

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In a rare denial, Trump rejects California's request for ...

disaster relief for wildfires

Trump continues to punish California for being a "Democrat-run" state
and voting overwhelmingly against him in 2016.
Yet there is no state in America with more Republican voters:

Registered voters by state

Trump doesn't care how many millions of Republicans get punished
because he knows one thing above everything else ...

Once you OWN them ... they are yours for good.

Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... YOUR SUPPORT!

UPDATE (same day)

Trump backs down and gives in

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Trump threatens to override governors if churches aren't opened

This is how Democracy dies.
When half the nation is willing to hurl their integrity into a dumpster
and support a tyrannical leader who obeys no law but his own,
the other half of the nation either fights ... or surrenders.

I doubt that even Republicans in the second half of the 20th century
could have predicted the depths ... to which they would sink.

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This is like a bad science-fiction movie that just won't end ...

Trump moves to replace watchdog who reported medical shortages

Understand that half the voters in America are okay with that.
Behold the awesome power of ... brainwashing.

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Trump fires whistleblower responsible for his impeachment even though ...

the whistleblower was following the law

Here is Atkinson's response

Following the law and doing your job doesn't cut it ... in Trumptopia

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Captain is removed (fired) from command of his ship after asking that ...

his Corona patients be moved off the ship and into a hospital

Whistleblowers are falling like dominoes under Trump.
The Oligarchs don't like it when their corruption and incompetence is publicized.

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Deputy Director of the FBI fired 2 days before his retirement

Trump may be the pettiest, most vindictive asshole who has ever walked the Earth.

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Trump using office to exact personal revenge on opponents at the people's expense.

Trump denies funding for the NY-NJ infrastructure rail project


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In the election, California voted against Trump by a 2-1 margin.
California's earthquake early warning system has been cut from Trump's budget.

Payback is a bitch

This could have saved many lives.
But then again, so could health care.
Republicans simply don't care.

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California rejected Trump by a whopping 2-1 margin (over 4 million votes).

Now it's payback time

California's own representatives (Republicans) sold out their own state;
and yet conservatives in California will probably reelect them.
In fact, they know the fools will reelect them - otherwise they wouldn't do it.

How can you help people who won't help themselves?
How is there any hope, when people are brainwashed to such a degree
that they will choose leaders who deliberately work against them?

Believe me, if I knew the answer, I would tell you in a heartbeat.

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