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Alcohol Cancer Obesity Body Aging
Drugs Genetic Diseases Sleep Mind Aging
Marijuana Infectious Diseases Tanning Technology
Tobacco Other Diseases Vision Other Health Issues



Study delves into what happens to those who ...

quit heavy drinking

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Attempts to educate and protect the public
run afoul of "The Big Boys" ...

Health warnings (including cancer) on alcohol spark furious backlash

Definition of the word ... poison

"The Big Boys" will kill as many people as necessary ...

to keep their profits up

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Ireland becomes one of the first nations
courageous enough to take on the powerful ...

alcohol industry

definition of the word ... poison

"a substance with an inherent property
that tends to destroy life or impair health.

That definition of "poison" fits "alcohol" ... like a glove.

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Alcohol is poison.
Along with smoking, war, etc.,
it is one of the nastiest calamities ever ...

to infect humans

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Canada advises its citizens to reduce alcohol consumption
from about a dozen drinks a week ...

down to 2

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The myth that "a little alcohol is healthy for you" ...

receives a blow from a large medical study

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ANY amount of alcohol (of any kind) has been linked to ...

brain damage

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For what it's worth:

List of countries by alcohol consumption (per capita)

The Muslim nations are clustered at the bottom (easy to explain)
So perhaps we have found a benefit of religion after all.

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Alcohol abuse is on the rise in America (includes historical analysis)

This article is good ammunition to use against those morons
who try to claim that Prohibition didn't work.

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Who would you guess bears most of the costs of alcohol abuse?


And we won't even get into the non-financial costs.

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Another study demolishes the "moderate drinking is good for you" myth ...

it isn't

UPDATE 6/15/20

Another study supports the one above

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According to the World Health Organization ...

Booze Killed 3 Million People in 2016

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Cirrhosis of the liver (due to alcohol abuse) is skyrocketing.

It began with The Great Recession

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Reduce alcohol consumption or face an increased ...

cancer risk

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Drinking while pregnant can not only affect your offspring ...

but their offspring as well

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Those who like to drink will probably ignore this study ...

but hopefully, not all of them

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What's the best way to fight alcohol abuse?

Show people these ads

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For those of you who like to drink
(I'm not talking about Dr. Pepper)

the news ...

is not good

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So many studies come out, urging me to take up drinking if I want to live longer.

That advice is now being re-evaluated

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Adolescent binge drinkers screw themselves up for life.

But hope may be on the way, that the damage can be undone

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A popular claim is that moderate drinkers live longer.

Effect of moderate drinking on the fetus

Maybe they do live longer ... but their kids are dumber.

Actually ... they don't live longer either

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Long-term, heavy coffee consumption (over 6 cups a day) ...

can significantly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease

UPDATE 7/23/21 - it gets worse ...

it can take your brain down too

UPDATE 9/26/24 - but ...

3 cups a day reduces heart and stroke risk

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Have low-back pain?
Think Tylenol is the answer?

Think again

There are millions of people who lead active lives, free of back pain.
They do not have magical back genes;
they have learned to use their backs properly.
Some humans are capable of remarkable feats of strength that involve the back.
But if you bend over to lift something heavy, and you fail to bend your legs,
you are likely to injure your back.

So stop blaming evolution ... for your mistakes.

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The amygdala releases cannabinoid molecules ...

to calm the mind

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Marijuana damages the lungs more than tobacco because ...

of the way it is normally smoked

I hope you didn't miss the part about emphysema:
about 70% for marijuana and tobacco smokers vs.
about 5% for non-smokers.


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Marijuana surpasses tobacco in popularity ...

but both fall far short of alcohol

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Long-term cannabis use damages lungs ...

but in a different way than tobacco

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CBD (cannabidiol) in marijuana may worsen glaucoma ...

by raising eye pressure

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Schizophrenia and cannabis use were the disorders most correlated with ...

accelerated brain aging

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Marijuana farming hurts the environment

As if all the personal drawbacks weren't enough,
now we can add societal drawbacks to the habit.

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Here's a report out of Israel that shows promise
for actually being able to reverse dementia.

THC reverses cognitive decline in rats

This study seems to contradict previous work on the topic of cannabis.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see which side screwed up.
One thing is for sure ... they can't both be right.

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An in-depth report on the pros and cons of ...

marijuana use

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Cannabis: no evidence that it provides the benefits claimed by its proponents ...

and plenty of evidence that its adverse effects are real and serious

People will believe what they want to believe
and will disregard evidence to the contrary (confirmation bias).
Thankfully, for those of us who prefer truth and reality ...

there is science

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Marijuana linked to memory problems and schizophrenia

Reading the comments section following the article is entertaining,
as all the potheads came to the defense of their favorite drug ...
and attacked the study.

What is the A.M.A.'s position on marijuana?

Not good for those who like to smoke

And now for a word from the

American Psychological Association

Liberals and skeptics (usually the same people)
are among the biggest supporters of marijuana use.
These people are the same ones who ridicule religious and conservative people
for denying science when science doesn't go the way they want it to
as in the cases of evolution and global warming.

But when it comes to GMO's and marijuana,
Liberals and skeptics prove they are just as willing to deny science ...
when the results don't come out the way they had hoped.

Those people should have their "I'm a skeptic" hats confiscated

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The FDA wants to force tobacco companies
to make their product less addictive ...

Trump & Kennedy will decide

Any bets on how this will play out? (/s)

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Tobacco use is decreasing but not as much as hoped for ...

Useage is hovering around 20%

But that is still a huge improvement over the 30%
that humans were experiencing only 20 years ago.

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Canada increases the pressure on smokers

We find ourselves trapped in a world full of people
who will pay for the privilege of poisoning themselves.
Welcome to ... The Twilight Zone.

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U.S. smoking stats show a decrease
from a peak of ~45% in the mid-twentieth century down to ...

~11% in 2023

Despite government warnings in the early 1960's
rates didn't start dropping significantly until the late 1970's.

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U.S. begins to follow New Zealand's lead ...

with legislation to make tobacco illegal

The "Big Boys" aren't going to like this.
Expect strong pushback from the big corporations
who make tons of profits off the killing of millions of people.
They are not going to give that Golden Goose up without a fight.

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New Zealand bans anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 2009, from buying tobacco ...

They are the first in the world to do so

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How's the war against tobacco going?

Pretty good actually

It's obvious that the tobacco industry preys upon
the poorest and least educated among us.

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Think it's okay to smoke socially as long as you don't do it every day?

Think again

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Your smoking can affect your grandchildren ...

and not in a good way

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We know the cost tobacco extracts in human life.
So what is the cost to the planet in dollars?

If you guessed a "T"rillion dollars ...

you were right

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Actor Michael Douglas blamed his throat cancer,
not on his heavy drinking and smoking ...
but on oral sex.

So what are the facts?

While it can't be said for certain,
the odds weigh heavily in favor of the drinking and smoking

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How safe is water-pipe smoking?

Not as safe as advertised

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Researchers report significant progress in the battle against ...


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Deadliest cancers ranked by 5-year survivability percentage ...

1) pancreatic 12.5% 2) liver 21.6% 3) esophageal 21.7%

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After decades of death,
America finally overcomes corporate resistance ...

and bans asbestos

The Oligarchs kill their fellow citizens for profit.
It's what they do - it's what they've always done
and it's what they will continue to do
as long as humans fail to unite ...
against their common enemy.

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Surprisingly for many people (those with "non high-risk" tumors),
simply monitoring prostate cancer closely ...

is just as effective as surgery or radiation treatment

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Malignant cancer has been found for the first time in ...

a dinosaur

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Major breakthrough in the fight against ...

the deadliest form of breast cancer

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Researchers stumble onto a possible cure ...

for ALL cancers (7:13)

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One-third of cancer patients use complementary and alternative medicine

Quacks wait like vultures on a fence for desperate people to weaken.

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The US cancer death rate has been falling for at least 25 years.

Mainly attributed to lower smoking rates

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Why are taller people more susceptible to all types of cancer?

Simply because they have more cells

More cells = more chances for things to go wrong.

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Killing humans for profit. It's what Big Business does.

Why they don't make bacon non-carcinogenic

Nothing new to see here folks ... move along.
You are holding up the line to the slaughterhouse.

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Nanorobots seek out and destroy tumors ...

without side effects

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Promising cancer vaccine in rats. That means ...

we're next (6:56)

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Researchers have discovered that unaffected neighbor cells

helping to fight the cancer cells

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Medical researchers discover the key to cancer's success ... evolution.

How cancer works

"Cancer is a target with many bullseyes that shift position whenever struck."

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What is the primary cause of cancer?

Nearly two-thirds can be traced to DNA mutations

So quit getting older ... it's bad for your health

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The theory that any radiation is harmful has been debunked.

Medical imaging is safe for patients

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Melanoma has finally been figured out. Hang in there ...

help is on the way

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Killer T-cells armed with special cancer-fighting molecules ...

are finally turning the tide of battle

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Using viruses to deliver payloads to targeted cells to fight cancer ...

is getting closer and closer

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Researchers may have found a way to predict cancer

It almost sounds like cancer is the body's response
to telomeres that are aging too fast.
By stalling the destruction of telomeres for a few years,
it buys the victim time;
but eventually the cancer itself overtakes the victim.

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Scientists discover super antibody to target tumor cells.

Where did they find it?

In camels

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Mutations in the KRAS protein successfully targeted by RNA

resulting in huge reductions in tumor size and metastasis

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"Hey cancer cells ... yeah, I'm talkin' to you!"

"You're goin' down!"

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All you couch potatoes out there ...

Atten - hut!

UPDATE 6/18/20

They were right

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The measles virus has been engineered to fight bone marrow cancer ...

and it worked

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Colonoscopies reduce colorectal cancer mortality rates

(I hope you all appreciate the fact that I did not include a picture with this story)

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So you quit smoking (firsthand smoke);
and you stay away from smokers (secondhand smoke);
so now you're safe from nicotine, right?

Thirdhand smoke causes DNA damage

No matter where you go, or what you do on this planet;
there is always something out there ... that is out to get you.

Cheer up. If you are reading this then you were born human, which means ...
you already won the lottery.

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Combination drug therapy may fight both cancer and bacteria

Researchers create right-handed anti-microbial peptides

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One secret to tissue regeneration discovered

Tadpoles prevented from regrowing tails

Here is the article referenced above that features DNA discoverer James Watson
who adds another attack against the misuse of antioxidants

Antioxidants may be hindering the war on cancer

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Genetic Diseases


The world's most incredible dad saves his son's life, and then ...

the lives of other unfortunate children

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Science proves itself to be stranger than fiction once again:
Baby girl is born (yay!) ...

pregnant with 2 fetuses (uh, say what?)

UPDATE 7/29/21

It happened again

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Things can get pretty dangerous in the womb.

A boy ate his twin ... sort of

So if life begins at conception, why did God allow this murder?
In the Bible God does threaten to make family members eat each other
if they don't worship Him (Ezekiel 5:10).
But this kid didn't even get a chance for Christ's sake.

Come on God, a fetus?

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Infectious Diseases


After more than 40 years, there has finally been a HUGE breakthrough in ...

the fight against AIDS

Notice the death toll ... over 40 million!

UPDATE 12/12/24 ...

It's working!

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33% of humans are infected with tuberculosis.
It becomes active in 3% of us.
It was the deadliest infectious disease in the world until ...

covid appeared


Fact Sheet


Tuberculosis is the deadliest disease in human history (49:56)

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Researchers make huge advance
in the worldwide battle against malaria ...

a vaccine is coming

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Covid has wiped out all the longevity gains
made by the U.S. during the entire ...

twentieth century

This saves the Oligarchs a ton of money in unpaid Social Security benefits.
They want you collecting benefits for as short a time as possible ...
which is why they keep raising the retirement age.

UPDATE 3/12/24

The rest of the world handled the Covid Pandemic
much better than we did here in the U.S.

Worldwide, life expectancy only dropped 1.6 years

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Reactivation of varicella zoster and herpes viruses linked to ...


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Non-ventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia ...

can be reduced by regular tooth brushing

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Researchers zero-in on the origins of The Black Death in ...

present-day Kyrgyzstan

The science behind the Bubonic Plague ...

Meet Yersinia Pestis

7/10/24 So what has Bubonic Plague been up to lately?

Welcome to Colorado

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It appears as though kids under 5 will soon be approved for Covid vaccines ...

which is a little late for 442 of them

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The World Health Organization puts the Covid death toll at about ...

15 million (5.4 million confirmed)

This is what "social distancing" can accomplish ...

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U.S. life expectancy takes another hit ...

it dropped 1.9% in 2020 and another 0.4% in 2021

The title is poorly written and misleading:
("Vaccines Didn't Reverse US Drop in Life Expectancy ").
Since nearly all deaths now involve unvaccinated morons
it is clear that vaccines did reverse the drop in life expectancy ...

for non-morons

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The cause of multiple sclerosis may have been discovered.
The culprit?

Epstein-Barr Virus

Quote from the article:

"Currently there is no way to effectively prevent or treat EBV infection,
but an EBV vaccine (or targeting the virus with EBV-specific antiviral drugs)
could ultimately prevent or cure MS.

UPDATE 2/29/24

video (7:35)

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Risk of Covid-related hospitalization or death
has been cut 89% by new Pfizer pill "Paxlovid" ...

Pfizer is now awaiting approval

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HPV vaccine slashed cases of cervical cancer by up to 87% and ...

also reduced STD's in boys

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Tuberculosis, like Covid, is mainly spread by ...

aerosol particles expelled by breathing and coughing

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More than half of Covid survivors become "Long-haulers"

Remember all those idiots who said Covid was just like the flu?
Well don't worry. They still believe that. Why?

Because you can't fix stupid

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Fully-vaccinated, middle-aged make-up artist with no underlying conditions ...

dies from Covid

This story is a stark reminder
that in the middle of a worldwide pandemic
that has killed millions of people ...

even vaccinated people need to keep their guard up
(social distancing and masking)

There isn't, nor has there ever been,
a vaccine that is 100% guaranteed effective.

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Which is the most deadly infectious disease?


But, as this story proves, the most deadly disease of all is ...


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India is severely undercounting Covid deaths.
The official count of around 400,000 is probably more like ...

2 million

Based on population, that total would be far more consistent with the U.S. toll.

UPDATE 7/20/21

Make that 4 million

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A recount by the World Health Organization
determines that Covid is killing Peruvians ...

at nearly TWICE the rate of the next deadliest country

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Vaccination is a big step in the battle against Covid,
but don't get complacent ...

it's not a guarantee

Masks ... up!

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Just when it appeared as though America
might have the market cornered on morons,
India comes to the rescue and provides a level of idiocy
that even America would have a hard time matching:

Crowds flock to Ganges as COVID soars in India

Let me get this straight: of all the creatures on Earth ...

humans are the smart ones?

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A Covid-infected zookeeper in a Pakistani zoo
is likely the one responsible
for passing the disease to white tiger cubs ...

which killed 2 of them

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A truer picture of the Coronavirus devastation is given by examining ...

"excess deaths"

Those people didn't die from a secret rattlesnake invasion.
Many of the deaths could be attributed to
Corona victims who weren't tested and confirmed.
This supports a previous study in New York
which came up with an additional 20% of excess deaths.

UPDATE 5/7/21

A new worldwide study concludes that excess deaths may be far more than 20%.
In America, the death toll of approximately 600,000 looks to be closer to 900,000
and worldwide, the toll of 3.3 million may be a lot closer to ...

7 million

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Covid has just been found in
(better sit down for this one) ...

ice cream

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Humans have been repaying the animal kingdom
by infecting some of them with Covid ...

gorillas in California infected with Covid

What goes around ... comes around.

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New bipolar ionization filtration system
neutralizes nearly all Covid particles ...

as well as other viruses and bacteria

I wish we had those when I was in school.

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COVID originated in China, but it spread to the rest of the world ...

mainly through Europe

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Bad news - you can catch Covid again ...

and the second time might be worse

Ghost worshipers and other reality deniers are learning the hard way:
Covid don't care about your invisible friends or your political propaganda.
Covid knows only one thing ... how to kick ass and put people in the ground.
So play all the delusional little games you want - Covid simply doesn't care.

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9 COVID myths that refuse to fade away

The stubborn refusal to fade away
can be explained by understanding
that there are people who would rather commit hari-kiri ...

than admit they were wrong or were fooled.

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Remember all those conservative "brain surgeons"
who said that Covid was just like a cold or a flu?

Even after mild cases of COVID, heart damage persists

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During a raging pandemic that is worsening rapidly,
Trump endangers millions of Americans
by trying to restore the appearance of normalcy before the election.

Florida kids are now falling prey to the virus that ...

DeVos said couldn't spread the disease

And millionaire professional athletes are risking their lives

to keep all that money rolling in for ... the Big Boys

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Smallpox is a lot older than we thought ...

the Vikings had it over 1,000 years ago

Here's a quote from the story about smallpox
which killed about 300 MILLION people just in the 20th century alone:

"it was the biggest killer of all known pathogens."

We beat smallpox.
Now if we could just get the Covidiots to wear masks
we might be able to knock out another one.

(and don't forget about the other millions of idiots ... anti-vaxxers)

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The Coronavirus has mutated and the new version is now dominant

Meet G614

Thankfully, there is no evidence that it is more deadly per individual,
however, the fact that it is more infectious - makes it more deadly.

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41-year-old Broadway star (and Covid victim) Nick Cordero

What the media rarely mentions, is that ...

even the survivors of Covid-19 can face a bleak future

Here's another celebrity who has learned that Covid-19
isn't like catching a cold or a flu ...

3 months later and Prince Charles still can't taste or smell

UPDATE 7/5/20

Nick Cordero passed away after losing his battle against the Coronavirus.

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The spread of Covid-19 is strongly linked to ...

professional sporting events

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Covid-19 tears up the whole body; not just the lungs.

Here's a report linking Covid to increased risk of stroke death

This isn't like a cold or a flu where you return to normal in a couple of weeks.
If the alarmingly high kill-rate doesn't get you (13% in the U.S.)
(by comparison, yearly influenza mortality runs about 0.1%),
surviving it may come with lots of nasty, long-lasting reminders of what you went through.

U.S. Covid deaths by state

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Corona survivors aren't in the same boat as
common cold or influenza survivors ...

This virus is a far more dangerous beast (3:43)

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For all those MAGA idiots
who think that they have immunity to the Covid virus
after they recover from it ...
reality has a message for you:

5 sailors catch Coronavirus ... a second time

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This is a dangerous article that could cost many lives, and ...

it is factually incorrect

2 minutes on a cheap calculator would have revealed to the editors
that 400 deaths out of 10 million people is TRIPLE the average world death rate.

Anyone who uses this dangerous article to let their guard down
(especially those idiots in Sweden)
are going to get exactly what they deserve.

UPDATE 5/6/20

For people who refuse to face reality ...

the price can be very very steep (1:48)

Trying to imitate American conservatives
was not a smart move by the Swedes.
Will American conservatives learn their lesson from Sweden?

I wouldn't bet a nickel on it

UPDATE 7/21/20

The results are in, and ... Sweden lost

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To quote one commenter below the video ...

"Many morons still think this is a democratic hoax "

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Here is a comparison of the age distributions of Covid-19 cases
in Italy, where they are only testing people who show symptoms,
and South Korea, which has broad testing.
It shows that there are a whole lot of adults (aged 20-29)
who feel fine but are very contagious.

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Sepsis (an inflammatory immune response triggered by an infection)
is associated with 1 in 5 deaths globally ...

doubling the previous estimate

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New vaccine shows great promise
against the world's deadliest infectious disease ...


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Visceral leishmaniasis (spread by sandflies)
is one of the world's major neglected diseases.

We may soon have a cure

Just curious - is there anything out there ... that ISN'T out to get us?

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We've used chlorine bleach to fight germs for years ...

but our immune system has been using it far longer

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When Europeans invaded the New World
tens of millions of natives were slaughtered;
not so much by the Conquistadores, as by plagues.

So why didn't the Europeans get decimated by American germs?

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It turns out that our media hasn't been telling us everything about ebola, like ...

It stays in the semen 3 months after it has been cleared from the blood

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Brain-dead anti-vaxxers continue to be responsible
for thousands of American deaths each year.

Behind AIDS, HPV is the second most deadly sexually transmitted disease

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When your immune system jumps into action against an invader,
a sleeping virus (like herpes) just may take advantage of the commotion ...

and begin replicating again

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Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are threatening humanity.

Science to the rescue

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Can you catch a cold ... from cold weather?

Centuries of observations by everyone on Earth
led us to the belief that colds were caused by cold
which is why we called them "colds."

Then we learned that colds were caused by viruses.
But many people, in their zeal to bang everyone over the head
with their newly-found knowledge,
claimed that colds were not affected by temperature,
which contradicted centuries of observations.

Now researchers have shown that the observations were correct,
and that, while it is true that colds are caused by viruses,
it is also true that temperature does play a role
in whether or not we succumb to the viruses (1:04)

A few years ago I discovered,
that when a viral infection first began to irritate my throat,
if I donned a surgical mask before bedtime,
I had a good chance of preventing the cold by morning.
The mask worked better than aspirin.

I surmised that it might have something to do with the fact,
that by slowing down my breathing,
that might be enabling my immune system to better defend against the virus
which was trying to speed up my heart rate, etc.
(similar to how hyperventilating people slow their respiratory rates
by breathing into a paper bag)

Well, it seemed plausible anyway.

But as the video showed,
science explains what the real mechanism is behind the mask's success ...

Rhinoviruses prefer cold noses

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Viruses hijack bacterial immune system before killing it

New weapon against cholera

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Other Diseases


The main cause of type-2 diabetes has been determined to be from ...

poor dietary habits

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Common dry cleaning chemical (trichloroethylene) linked to ...

Parkinson’s disease

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Daily Fasting may be effective because of lower caloric intake rather than ...

meal timing

By scrunching your meals into a small time frame (say 6 hours)
it becomes very difficult to eat 3 full meals;
so lunch is usually replaced by a small snack.
This results in a reduction of total calorie intake
and explains the weight loss better than meal timing does.

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chronic traumatic encephalopathy
was found in more than 90% of the brains of ...

deceased football players

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Due to "forever chemicals,"
eating one freshwater fish
is like drinking contaminated water ...

for a month

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U.S. life expectancy continues its plunge, driven mainly by ...

Covid and Opioids

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Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Alan Gordon

Completed study supports claims of dramatic pain reduction:

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Here's a link to the book ...

The Way Out

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98.6 no longer seems to be the average human body temperature ...

it may be as much as a full degree lower

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Researchers calculate that air pollution
shortens worldwide longevity by almost 3 years ...

That's even more than smoking

The main culprit?

Fossil Fuels

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Researchers now understand the world's #1 killer much better

Heart attacks and strokes caused by atherosclerosis

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Dopamine cells (from embryonic stem cells)

have been transplanted into the brain to fight Parkinson's

But ...

placebo worked just as well

Why does everything have to be so difficult?

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A compound called D-PDMP blocked the synthesis of the glycosphingolipid molecule ...

thereby preventing the development of heart disease in mice and rabbits

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Researchers link Parkinsons to heart disease

Defective mitochondria

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Explanation of how our skin fights off harmful bacteria

Special proteins

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Live vaccines combine into new viruses in chickens

Anti-vaxers will, of course, attempt to use this in their misinformation campaign.
In reality, a place they have never visited,
it only means that scientists have learned more about how viruses function.
Medical professionals will simply have to take recombination into consideration
when administering multiple vaccines.

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Weight loss drug cuts diabetes risk by 94% in 3-year trial ...

Average weight loss was 23%

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Obesity has spread to ...

the military

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The majority of humans are expected to be overweight ...

in only 12 years (2035)

I believe that the reason their attempts have backfired
is because they have been focusing on the food aspect
rather than on the sedentary lifestyle aspect.
In other words ...


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One possible drawback to fasting:
monocytes that flood the system after a meal
may cause inflamation ...

thereby weakening immunity

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How "intermittant fasting" influences gut microbiota, resulting in ...

lowered blood pressure

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The average American is leaving the "fat" category and beginning to enter ...

the "obese" category

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The Mediterranean Diet works great ...

but only if you are rich or well-educated

In other words: it isn't the diet.

UPDATE - 6/14/18

Study retracted with a new conclusion: correlation not causation

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Fasting v. Calorie Restriction (12:49)

I lack the expertise to summarize the conclusions in that video.
But with an obesity epidemic occurring in the U.S. and elsewhere
even the lesser of the two methods would be a step in the right direction.

UPDATE 4/21/22

Study attributes weight loss to calorie restriction only; regardless of time periods

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As any bodybuilder can tell you (like the guy in this picture)

the ubiquitous BMI score (body mass index)
is not a very accurate way to judge obesity.

Here's a much better measurement for determining obesity

UPDATE 2/24/23

Researcher discovers that BMI data has been interpreted incorrectly.

Mortality is much higher for the obese than previously believed

UPDATE 7/13/23

The body composition test (includes multiple tests) is now considered ...

the "Gold Standard" for determining obesity

UPDATE 1/15/25

Global experts agree on ...

a new standard for defining obesity

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Childhood Fitness:
America humiliated again

Thank God for Mexico

"We're #47" "We're #47" "We're #47"

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Previous study that said being overweight didn't reduce life expectancy ...

has been contradicted by a more robust study

So get your fat ass back on that treadmill, and when you are done ...
get down on the floor and give me 20

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Be sure to read the article carefully

If you read it carefully, you should have noticed that,
buried in all the anti-red meat hoopla
was the fact that people who lived healthy lifestyles
(defined as exercising; not smoking, drinking, or overeating) ...

were unaffected

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Treadmill performance predicts mortality

Notice that scoring over 100 didn't make all that much difference,
compared to those who also scored positive, but less than 100 (1%).
But, dropping below and going negative made a HUGE difference.
So one conclusion is: you don't have to run marathons to be fit and healthy ...

Just get off your ass once in a while

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Which is the major culprit in the obesity epidemic ...

Lack of exercise ... or diet?

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When you lose weight ... where does the fat go?

The mathematics & chemistry of weight loss (21:25)

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AMA now classifies obesity as a disease

Since 1/3 of Americans are obese, 1/3 are 'only' fat, and 1/3 are healthy ... fat is the new normal.

But it gets worse

80% of Americans, not only believe in, but actually worship invisible ghosts,
making us the butt of jokes among advanced nations.

But it gets worse

Making fun of the fat, dumb kid isn't really such a good idea though.
America also happens to be the most powerful country on Earth,
and is constantly at war somewhere in the world.

Before it gets any worse

Those who benefit from keeping Americans fat, dumb, and aggressive,
accuse anyone who would change it as "America haters."
In a way they are right;
I hate what America has become: a fat, dumb, killing machine.
But what I hate more are the ones who have reduced America to what it has become ...

and some of us are trying to do something about it

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The brain's "glymphatic system" helps wash away metabolic waste in the brain ...

as we sleep

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A regular sleep schedule may be even more important than ...

the amount of sleep you get

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Based on successful animal experiments,
researchers are preparing to try inducing hibernation in ...


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Short-sleepers die sooner than those who get ...

a normal amount of sleep

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Poor-quality sleep could prime the brain for an anxious day and ...

less emotional control

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Sleeping on your left side increases your heart rate, compared to ...

sleeping supine

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Evening exercise resulted in improved sleep, but ...

don't do it too vigorously and not right before bedtime

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Another helpful hint about sleep ...

put your Smartphone away at bedtime

Surely you can think of something better to do at bedtime, right?

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How to improve your teenager's life ...

let them sleep

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Are you a "Night Owl" ... or a "Morning Person?"

They have different personality traits

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Why is the U.S. lagging behind other countries ...

that have better sunscreens?

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Over-doing sun exposure can lead to many serious problems, but ...

you do need to get some sun

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Australia once again demonstrates that its leaders have about
10 times the common sense possessed by American leaders ...

They ban tanning beds

So, how do Americans respond?
Do they wise up and take the courageous steps necessary to save lives?
Or do they allow unrestrained Capitalism to continue to deal agony and death
to the weakest members of our society ... for profit?

We took option #2

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While it is true that overexposure to the sun's rays can be harmful,
the importance of getting enough sunshine cannot be overstated.
In addition to providing needed vitamin D (to avoid Rickets),
it is also necessary to prevent the myopic future of ...

the human race

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The title sounds like Astrology nonsense,
but it is actually some pretty good science:

Solar activity at birth predicted infant survival and women's fertility

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New treatment for "lazy eye" ...

works best in children

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Declining eyesight improved by looking at deep red light for only ...

3 minutes a day

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New eye drops could prevent vision loss after retinal vein occlusion ...

a major cause of blindness for millions of adults

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The Nearsightedness Epidemic (8:58)

Conclusion: don't live your whole life indoors.

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Body Aging


Researchers find that Interleukin-11
is not beneficial (as previously thought) but ...

actually detrimental to the aging process

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Naked mole rats have genes ...

that lengthened the lifespan of mice and improved their health

Scientists are hoping these genes will also help humans.

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Our lymph nodes help the body fight infection and disease.
As we age, our lymph nodes are replaced by ...

fat (lipomatosis)

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Researchers flesh out the details explaining how and when ...

metabolism changes with age

I got a kick out of their opening statement:

"Most of us remember a time when we could eat
anything we wanted and not gain weight.

"Most of us?"


"Most of us?"

Well, that line tells us one thing for sure ...
they aren't talking about Americans.

They should change that "most of us" to "some of us."

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Huge study concludes that heredity plays a smaller role in longevity than previously thought.

From 30% down into the single digits

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Life expectancy in the U.S. drops for the second year in a row.
That hasn't happened since 1963.
2017 is on track to be the third year in a row ...

That hasn't happened since WW1 (Spanish Flu)

UPDATE - 7/9/19

U.S. Life expectancy drops for the third year in a row

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Since the Oligarchs returned to power in 1980
(after being deposed for almost 50 years)
the life expectancy gap in the U.S. has gotten a whole lot worse.

And those who suffer the most are those people trapped in the "Red States"

I know it's tempting to say those people deserve it
for being stupid enough to keep in power, the same people who are killing them.
But we must find a way to help these people, in spite of themselves.
They don't possess the rational thinking skills to protect themselves ... but we do.

Battle Stations!

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The last person born in the 19th century has died (age 117)

My favorite part of the story came at the very end:

"Her longtime doctor says Morano subsisted on
two raw eggs in the morning, an omelette for lunch, and chicken for dinner—
almost never consuming fruits or vegetables.

I wanted to send that article to these people, and ask them ...

How much longer would she have lived?

The only way I could eat 10 pieces of fruit a day, is if they were ...


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Scientists are learning how calorie restriction extends life ...

Ribosomes get time to make repairs and perform better

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Life expectancy in U.S. dropped in 2015
for the first time in almost a quarter century.
If Republicans take away health care from 30 million Americans,
as they have threatened, life expectancy will fall even more.
When Republicans blocked the Medicaid Expansion in their states
about 12,000 additional American deaths occurred every year in those states.
9/11 was nothing by comparison to Republican governance.
I guess you could look at the bright side, and be grateful to Republicans

for helping us in the fight against overpopulation

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"Pomegranate Juice extends lifespan"

This story had all the classic signs of pseudoscience.

But it may be for real

We'll find out after the human trials complete

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Yet another candidate for "The Fountain of Youth"

In the picture above: Images of cells in the brain's hippocampus
show that the growth factor TGF-beta1 (stained red)
is barely present in young tissue but ubiquitous in old tissue,
where it suppresses stem cell regeneration
and contributes to inflammation and aging.

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Advance in "aging" research

From what I can tell,
scientists are working wonders on increasing the life span ...

of flies

If I were self-centered, I might almost conclude
that scientists were waiting until my death ...
before moving on to human trials.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger

Scientists make old muscles young again.

I think "The Terminator" might be interested in this one

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Biologist Michael Rose extends the lifespan of fruit flies ... fourfold.

Watch all 3 parts (~10 minutes each)

Now, a new study on longevity offers an explanation of how delayed reproduction works.

Older dads produce longer-living offspring

Now, what did you learn?
If you said that the children of older dads live longer - hang your head
(don't feel bad, I had to hang my head too).

Steven Novella of the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe
pointed out that the headline was nothing more than journalistic sensationalism.
If you read the article carefully, it only said
that the greater telomere length, inherited by children with older fathers,
"may" give them a chance to live longer.
But other factors (mentioned at the very end of the article)
may nullify the advantage of the longer telomeres.

Just a thought: another way to verify this theory
would be for Rose to test his flies for telomere length.

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Mind Aging


Latest dementia study accounts for racial and educational differences.

It rarely occurs under age 65 (Less than 3%)

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2 of 3 mental processes can actually improve with age ...

"orienting" and "executive inhibition" (but not alerting)

Never give up; keep fighting.
There'll be plenty of time to rest ...

when you're dead

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Scientists Find Another Kind of Dementia.
It's called "LATE" (limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy) ...

and it erodes memory

Great. Something else to look forward to when we get old.

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Scientists obtain evidence that memories lost to Alzheimer's
are not necessarily "lost" ...

they are merely difficult to retrieve

In Podcast #339

that is exactly what I said (2:15)

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           A life leading nowhere       Somewhere to go ...
      the direction has been chosen

Those who find a purpose in life ... live longer

I would like to take a moment to thank all my enemies,
without whom, I would be standing at the end of that pier

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Simple, cheap food dye makes skin transparent ...

to give doctors a ‘window’ into the body

Be patient, human trials are coming soon.

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2 teens invent a device
that removes microplastics
using ultrasound waves ...

winning $50k

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Researchers have created 3D-printed human brain tissue ...

that works like the real thing

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Meet David Liu ... chemist extraordinaire

He just developed a new tool that edits DNA to repair ...

genetic diseases

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Wireless earphones ("buds") can substitute for hearing aids ...

at a much reduced cost

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Move over CRISPR; there is a new sheriff in town ...


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CRISPR technology advances from merely genetic alteration into ...

epigenetic alteration

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CRISPR used to restore vision in lab rats suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa ...

by editing gene mutations

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Snakebite antidotes may soon be a thing of the past ...

after a huge breakthrough by chemists

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CRISPR explained (11:00)

Science ... beating the snot out of the gods for about 500 years now

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PHD student thinks "outside the box" and makes a stunning breakthrough ...

in the fight against anti-biotic-resistant superbugs

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Have you ever met a person who can barely feel pain?
How about a mouse?

Researchers discover key to eliminating chronic pain

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Natural gas may, or may not, be better for the environment than coal.

It all depends on how it's handled

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And this study comes from Massachusetts General Hospital
"a national leader in patient safety
[which] had already implemented approaches
to improve safety in the operating room ....

Medication errors and adverse drug events occurred in nearly half of all surgeries

We've come an long, long way ... but we've still got an awfully long way to go.

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Your viral history can now be read from a single drop of your blood

I sent an email to one of the scientists, Jim Keeley, and asked him:

I have a question about the article:
What is the difference between these 2 sentences from the article?

"VirScan works by screening the blood for antibodies
against any of the 206 species of viruses known to infect humans."

"As a group, the bacteriophage displayed all of the protein sequences found
in the more than 1,000 known strains of human viruses.

What is the difference between strains of human viruses
and species of viruses known to infect humans?

Are there strains of human viruses that don't "infect" humans?
Or, are there multiple strains within a "species" of virus?

Thank you for your patience with my ignorance.

His reply affirmed my second guess:

"There can be multiple subtypes (strains) of viruses in a viral species.
So while there are 206 species, most of those species have multiple strains;
hence the '1,000 known' number.

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The end of humans using animals for their meat ...

would seem to finally be coming into view

Now for a reality check:
When their livelihood and profits were threatened ...
Remember how the tobacco companies responded in the 1980's?
Remember how the oil, coal, and power companies responded in the 2000's?
Remember all the stories about drug traffickers protecting their business?

There is no limit to the depths that people will stoop to ...

to keep the money rolling in

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The world's first successful penis transplant

No, I am not going to provide a picture with this story.

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This double-arm amputee is not someone ...

whom you would want to armwrestle (4:32)

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Cloaking devices and nano robots fighting disease inside the body:
it sounds like science fiction, doesn't it?

Well ... it isn't science fiction any longer

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Scientists make breakthrough in fight against world hunger.

Cellulose has been converted into starch

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Other Health News


Here's what can happen if you ingest unsafe levels of flouride

Conspiracy theorists (morons) attack water flouridation
by misinterpreting stories like these.
It's not the flouride ... but the size of the dose that matters.
Like most other things in life (including water),
almost anything in excess can bring trouble.

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Study reveals the main reason behind
the needless diarrhea deaths of 500,000 children a year ...

and it was quite a surprise

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Toxic chemicals used in manufacturing plastic ...

defeat recycling efforts

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California is famous for it's great weather and infamous for its ...

dirty air

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Chocolate (especially 'dark' chocolate) has been shown to reduce ...


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This video is a lot more important than you might imagine.
It's well worth 10 minutes of your time.

What will happen to your body if you walk every day (10:08)

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What is the real #1 killer in the world today?

People unable to access life-saving surgeries

I don't see that one on the C.D.C.'s list of top causes of death.

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The World Health Organization advises people to be aware of activities ...

that may aggravate hearing loss

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Yes, it's that time again ...
time to check your gag reflex to make sure it is working properly.
(contains a 10-second video - can you watch the whole 10 seconds?)


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Is sunlight the best disinfectant?

Only for water

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The message is clear:

Get off your ass

RELATED 6/17/22

Excessive sitting is almost as deadly as ...


UPDATE 10/20/22

WHO warns about sedentary lifestyle

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The #3 cause of death in the U.S. is not even listed at all
on the C.D.C.'s list of top killers.

I wonder why not?

You need to think very carefully before resorting to any surgery.
After you have weighed the risks and benefits with your doctor(s),
then you can make an informed decision ... and take your chances.


Classic Emails (1 page)

I recently emailed the C.D.C.
regarding their list of the top causes of death in the U.S.

C.D.C. Leading Causes of Death

Look what they left out

Deaths From Medical Accidents

They left out the #3 cause of death!

I can understand omitting a minor cause - but #3?
It's also suspicious that the cause they omitted,
just happens to be the one that reflects negatively on their profession.

I then had the following email exchange with the C.D.C.

My email exchange with the C.D.C.

The C.D.C. replied to my email by claiming I wasn't clear enough
(even though I supplied them with the link above).
When I pointed out that I could not have been any clearer,
and that many people besides myself, have to be wondering
why the C.D.C. is ignoring one of the major causes of death ...
they chose to stop further communications.

Spreading joy and making friends ... it's what I do.

About a year later - the fight resumes ...

Classic Emails (1 page)

I sent the following email to the editors at Medical News Today:

There is an error in Hannah Nichols' article

What are the top 10 leading causes of death in the US?

The #3 cause of death should be "In-Hospital Medical Errors"
with almost 200,000 per year (and that figure was from 10 years ago).

Here is the link to the article, containing supporting data
on deaths due to in-hospital medical errors

That link is from your own web site.

Last year I sent that link to the CDC,
asking them why they did not include "medical errors" on their list,
as it gives the impression that the medical profession is trying to hide something.

They responded that they did not understand me!
They said I needed to "elaborate further."

I replied that I could not have made it any clearer, and repeated the question:
Why did they refuse to include the #3 cause of death on their list?

The CDC then stopped communication.

The ball is in your court MNT.

You can either deal with this embarrassment or ignore it like the CDC ...
the choice is yours.

(I'm predicting they will hide under their rock just like the CDC did;
but this is one time ... I wish I were wrong)

Here's what I got the next day:

Take a look at this bullshit, "go-away kid - you bother me" email
that they sent back to me

I took enough of that evasive crap last year from the CDC. Now it's time to ...

Let the games begin!

By the way, I found recent data - and it only makes my case ... stronger.

Recent data

UPDATE (another year later)

Well, Well. Looky what happened here ...

2 years ago the C.D.C. ignored me.
Let's see if they ignore Scott Pelley of CBS news.

After that show aired, I sent the C.D.C. the following email ...

To: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(I included the link to the CBS Special here)

"So my question is ...
when are you going to add this in at #3
on your list of leading causes of death?

(it doesn't even appear in your top 50)

You wouldn't do it 2 years ago when I contacted you.
Is it safe to assume that you will do it now?


(I won't be holding my breath for a reply)

UPDATE - 5/3/16

More reinforcements arrive ... on my side

UPDATE 2/4/19

More reinforcements arrive, but ... NOT on my side

That last link was devastatingly powerful. I had been fooled just like many others.
This is where the ability to admit when you have been wrong, comes in handy.
Without that ability ... intellectual growth becomes nearly impossible.

permanent link
(click here first, then copy from address bar above)