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The Evidence

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The Evidence


In February 2024, for the 9th consecutive month ...

world temperature records have fallen

UPDATE 4/9/24

In March 2024, for the 10th consecutive month ...

world temperature records have fallen

UPDATE 5/14/24

April'24 keeps the streak alive (11th consecutive month)

UPDATE 6/1/24

May'24 becomes the 12th consecutive record-breaking month

UPDATE 7/8/24

June'24 becomes the 13th consecutive record-breaking month

UPDATE 8/8/24

The streak is ... over!

OOOOOPS! 8/15/24

The streak is ... back on! (14 months)

UPDATE 9/12/24

August becomes the 15th consecutive record-breaking month

UPDATE 10/12/24 - Streak ends at 15 months as ...

September 2024 can't match September 2023

The same is true for October 2024: second only to 2023.
This year WILL be the warmest year on record ... ever.
At this point, I don't think it is necessary to continue updating monthly.

UPDATE 1/10/25

2024 was the hottest year in recorded history

UPDATE 2/6/25

New year ... same old story

The Oligarchs refuse to cooperate. Their greed spells doom for humanity.
My regret is that my attempts to help fight them ... simply failed.
Our only hope is that greater warriors will come ... from somewhere.

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Water will soon be far more valuable than gold or diamonds ...

as climate change continues to dry up our water supply

10/22/24 - MORE BAD NEWS

Fresh water cycle is changing

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7/21/24 was the hottest day ever recorded in history

The end of the article says:

"The warming will continue as long as we’re dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
and we have the technology to largely stop doing that today. What we lack is political will.

Let's cut out the civil talk and say it like it is ...
The "Big Boys" (oligarchs) control the world's governments
and will sacrifice as many people as is necessary
to increase their profits and satisfy their insatiable greed.

RELATED 7/23/24 (same day)

The Colorado River is drying up ... fast

UPDATE 7/24/24 - Monday (7/22/24) sets new heat record!
The old world record lasted ...

1 day

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Carbon Dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere
has built up to the point ...

that it shattered the record in May 2024

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Coral reefs are dying off worldwide ...

just as predicted

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Global Warming is killing humpback whales
at DOUBLE the rate that whaling killed them in the 20th century.
We curtailed whaling, but sadly for the whales ...

the Oligarchs refuse to stop global warming

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Washington DC flooding (from sea-level rise)
is forcing the removal of ...

150 cherry trees

Ocean rise due to global warming forced Indonesia to move it's capital
from Jakarta to Nusantara (make sure to correct your atlas).

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Southern California snow skiers have little time left ...

to enjoy their sport

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Lack of snow is causing ski resorts, worldwide, to convert to ...

mountain bike resorts

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The Earth's temperature is going down!
July 2023 was the hottest month in history ...

and August 2023 was only the second hottest

I'm seeing some improvement here.

Strike that!

September breaks ALL records!

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Climate change is having a bigger effect on tourism than covid

Same day - similar story:

Workers are suffering in the increasing heat.
But the "Big Boys" don't really care ...

as they count their loot in their air-conditioned offices

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California waves are increasing in size ...

as predicted by scientists

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The "Big Boys" are just paying lip service to scientists ...

in reality, they are burning more fossil fuels than ever

And, I might add, making more profits than ever before.

Related story:

The shipping industry is playing the same stalling game as everyone else

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Greenland's temperatures are spiking:
ice core data shows a sharp uptick in temperatures there since 1995 ...

the warmest in more than 1,000 years

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So how is the global warming hoax going?

2022 was the fifth warmest year on record

Regarding the opening question above,
I forgot to add "/S" ... for the slow ones.

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If you love skiing or playing in the snow ...

enjoy it while you can

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Megadrought: How the current Southwestern North American megadrought is affecting ...

Earth's upper atmosphere

The Southwestern North American Megadrought

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Ski lifts are shutting down across Europe ...

as "the hoax of climate change" continues

(I probably should have added a "/S"
for those of you who didn't catch the sarcasm)

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Wildlife populations worldwide have dropped 69% in only ...

50 years

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The Maldives archipelago is goin' down for the count ...

it's just a matter of time

Remember all those brain-washed conservative idiots
who mocked scientists and called them "alarmists?"

I do ... and the idiots are still here, refusing to admit reality.

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California begins water restrictions due to worst drought in over 1,200 years

The end of the article states ...

"Researchers say that without climate change,
the Western megadrought would have ended years ago.

Researchers? Researchers? What do they know?
When I want scientific information I go to the people "in the know":
Either a clergyman or the nearest Republican Representative.

(for the "slow" ones in the audience ... "/s")

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Historic Jamestown is in big trouble ...

it's being overrun with water

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Methane levels, like carbon dioxide levels, are rising faster than ever

The Oligarchs continue to push humanity to the brink of extinction
while competing against each other to increase their wealth and power;
as the masses, who lack the power to defend themselves, watch helplessly.

It might be time to move the "Doomsday Clock" up a few more minutes

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The Great Barrier Reef off the Australian coast ...

is in serious trouble

And this is happening planet-wide.

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According to the U.N.
2021 was one of the hottest years in Earth’s recent history.
The 7 warmest years in the past 170 are ...

the last 7 years

And the "Big Boys" (the Oligarchs)
are showing no signs of trying to stop it.

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14% of the world's Coral Reefs were destroyed in only ...

the last 12 years

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Earth is dimming due to climate change ...

as measured by the Moon's reflection

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Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is now at its highest point in ...

4 million years

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The Gobi Desert is expanding rapidly, resulting in ...

widespread death and destruction

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Polar bears and Grizzley bears are being driven together by Climate change, resulting in ...

fertile hybrid offspring

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European summer droughts since 2015 are ...

unprecedented in the past two millennia

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Recent global warming has wiped out 6,500 years of cooling

The Coronavirus Pandemic is small potatoes compared to ...

what's coming

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The first ever 100-degree temperature was recorded ...

north of the Arctic Circle

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Global Warming is speeding up worldwide:

Worst coral reef bleaching event ever

Between atomic weapons, global warming, and a worldwide pandemic
hope for humanity's survival grows dimmer by the hour.
Scientists recently moved the Doomsday Clock
from 2 minutes to Midnight up to 100 seconds to midnight.
Personally, I think they are being a little too optimistic.

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CO2 hits million-year high of 416 parts per million (5:40)

As Farron pointed out: did you see this anywhere on the "mainstream news?"
(that's because they work for ... "The Big Boys")

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Global Warming is bad and getting worse ... FAST

Why would any species on any planet, drive themselves to extinction?

I don't know ... try asking them; and then let me know what they say.

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Greenland's ice sheet is melting far faster than anticipated ...

invalidating previous estimates

This would not be allowed to continue on a planet ruled by sane people.
Humanity's time is running out fast and we still haven't figured out
how to wrest control from the Oligarchs who are driving us over the cliff.

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July, 2019 was the warmest month ...

ever recorded on Earth

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Accelerating ice melt in the Himalayas
may imperil up to a billion people in South Asia
who rely on glacier runoff for drinking water and more.

Earth's "Third Pole"

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New York City is investing in a 5-mile-long seawall
to protect it from rising oceans (resulting from Climate Change)
that Republicans refuse to admit is happening.

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Our prospects for surviving global warming are dimming ...

fast (11:22)

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The oceans are heating up faster than anticipated.

The "hiatus" that deniers had hoped for ... never existed at all

It's a good thing Trump got us out of the Paris Accords.
Now we'll have nice warm oceans to swim in.

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The Sierra Nevada snowpack (in Eastern California) will be reduced by 79% ...

by the end of the century

Show of hands: How many of you think
that any rich dudes will be lining up to buy
one of the many ski resorts in that mountain range?

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Global Warming is already forcing millions to flee ...

and it's only going to get worse ... fast

"The U.S. military views climate change as a threat multiplier,
one that is likely to worsen already existing weaknesses of government and poverty.

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Climate change and air pollution are damaging health and ...

causing millions of premature deaths

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The decline in forest insects is "hyperalarming"

Their numbers are down 60-fold in parts of the Puerto Rico rainforest

It's all a Chinese hoax! ... They must be hiding them!

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Ocean rise predictions doubled

We are being herded to the cliff ... at an ever-accelerating speed.

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CO2  is at the highest level in the last ...

800,000 years

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"Ghost forests" along the East Coast of the United States ...

are another sign of impending doom

But the Oligarchs keep playing the dummies for as long as they can
in order to keep the money rolling in.

I understand the Oligarchs ... it's the dummies I can't figure out.

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Here are the facts on global warming ...

from NASA

Granted NASA isn't as reliable or knowledgable as Fox News
so you'll have to take all of that with a grain of salt.

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Another HUGE reason to end the use of fossil fuels ...


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Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM for First Time in ...

4 Million Years

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Man-made climate change isn't something that is coming;
it's been here for quite a while now
and the effects are becoming more pronounced and dangerous.

New Orleans is sinking faster and faster

And that was in an area where they keep reelecting
global warming deniers to represent them;
too stupid to realize that Republicans only represent ... the rich.

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Global Warming is happening ... right now.

Now Even You Can Sail 'Perilous' Northwest Passage On a cruise ship

And here's a map of the famous Northwest Passage

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Humans are putting carbon into the atmosphere
at 10 times the rate of any time period since ...

the disappearance of the dinosaurs

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Remember a few years ago
when the North Pole melted for the first time?

Now we move a little farther south
and Global Warming makes its presence felt again ...

at the Iditarod Sled Dog Race

Does anyone out there believe
that you could talk a global warming denying Republican Congressman
into investing his money into ... a ski resort?

(Don't count on it ... they know better)

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Global warming deniers just keep getting body-slammed ...

Scientists confirm elusive tropospheric hot spot

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The people in China walk around in surgical masks
as if they are all on a lunch break from the E.R.

NOW ... they are finally admitting that they may have a problem.

Really? Ya think?

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South Florida is going under

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So how bad are humans screwing up the planet?

Half the world's wildlife gone over last 40 years

Contraception ... it's not going to be a choice much longer

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The Earth appears to be entering its 6th global extinction event.
Guess who the culprit is this time?

Made that one too easy, didn't I?

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And the news for planet Earth just keeps getting worse and worse

Ocean acidification

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Who has the final say on the Global Warming Controversy?

There seems to be a controversy. On one side are the scientists.
On the other side are the power companies, religious nut jobs,
and the masses of ignorant voters whom they manipulate.

In actuality there is no scientific controversy.
The matter was settled many years ago
when nearly 100% of the experts in the field (climatologists)
agreed that the Earth was heating up
and that most of it was due to manmade contamination of the atmosphere.

But insurance companies are in a unique position.
They are the world's largest industry.
They are the ones who have to "put their money where their mouths are."
They cannot afford to screw around. They need to know which side is right.

Insurance companies know which side is full of crap.
They are contributing large sums of money
to combat the large sums of money being poured in by the oil companies and others,
who have a vested interest in protecting their profits,
and will do so, even at the cost of destroying the planet.

Insurance companies wade into the Global Warming battle

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The Science


Painting city roofs white
could lower the temperature in London dramatically ...

on the hottest days

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As if the news about global warming couldn't get any worse,
scientists now warn that, due to global warming ...

brain-eating infections could become more common

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Humans produce 100 times as much greenhouse gas as ...


"The runaway greenhouse effect that makes Venus uninhabitable to life as we know it on Earth
is something scientists worry about when studying the effects of climate change.
Currently humans pump out 100 times more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than volcanoes do annually.

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The Earth is significantly greener than it was only a few decades ago.

Scientists analyze what this may mean

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U.S. east coast cities are ...


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Cleaning up aerosol air pollution (a good thing) actually made global warming ...


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Humans aren't only heating up the climate above ground ...

but we're heating things up below ground as well

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Global warming takes a 3-year vacation (La Nina)

Don't get your hopes up Climate-Deniers ...
make sure you read the next-to-the-last sentence.

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Smoke from major wildfires destroys the ozone layer ...

and wildfires are increasing rapidly due to climate change

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The oceans are rising rapidly
but the increase will not be distributed evenly ...

Here's why

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Since the turn of the century about 20 years ago ...

the southwestern U.S. is experiencing its worst drought in 1,200 years

And things are only getting worse.

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The increase in wildfires has been attributed by scientists, mainly to ...

human-caused climate change

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Research which proved that human activity
is the main factor behind global warming
earns researchers ...

the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics

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Even if the world stopped all carbon dioxide emissions immediately ...

the oceans would still continue to lose oxygen for centuries

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Sea level rise revised to be worse than previously determined

Still, the rich refuse to stop the destruction of Earth.
If the people don't start fighting back soon ...

there will be nothing left to fight for

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Climate change could mean more mercury in seafood

At the rate that Republicans are stripping protections from Americans
I doubt our protections against mercury will last much longer.

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List of 15 American cities that will be desiccated by global warming

All because humans couldn't figure out how to control the Oligarchs

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By the end of the century, cities will experience the climate of cities ...

located hundreds of miles to the south

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The loss of animal or plant species to climate change

causes global "extinction domino effect"

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Permanent Arctic Sea ice in summer ...

will soon be gone

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A scientific explanation for the increase of storm severity caused by ...

climate change

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This video is aimed at global warming deniers
(which explains why it is only 6 minutes long) ...

that's more time than they are worth

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The rate of acceleration of ocean rise was masked by ...

the volcanic eruption Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991

It's worse than we thought

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Elon Musk explains global warming (11:33)

It is very simple:
Fix it now, or nature will do it for us ... the hard way

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We are so screwed

Actually ... it is our children who will suffer the brunt of our failure

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Scientists evaluate the long-term effects of climate change out to 10,000 years ...

it's quite depressing

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Natural gas is about half as bad for the climate as coal ...

unless it leaks

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What is the scientific consensus on global warming? 97%?

Actually, it is about 99.9%

The 97% figure came from a poll - the 99.9% figure was the result of a scientific study

UPDATE 10/19/21

Yep ... 99.9% still looks good

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Scientists now know when climate change first began to reveal itself.

It first appeared in the tropics where there is less temperature variance

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For those of you who may have gotten confused
by the recent announcement that scientists have discovered
that solar activity will greatly decrease in the 2030's
leading to a mini-ice age;

here is the straight dope ...

Decrease in solar activity will barely make a dent
in global warming predictions

A truthful, accurate report would have stated
that the sun, itself, will be experiencing conditions
last seen during the Earth's mini-ice age.
But how many people would bother to read that story?

Sensational, misleading headlines are also known as ...


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Climate change debate (4:26)

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The scientific mechanism behind global warming (4:44)

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While the oil, coal, and tobacco companies, and the morons who believe them,
continue to jeopardize the future of humanity,
scientists are hard at work trying to find a solution to human-induced global warming.

This one is pretty cool

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If these guys

Eat these guys

Then these guys ...

could help combat manmade global warming

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The Politics


The planet's 4 largest nations (comprising over 40% of the world's population) ...

don't even bother to pretend to care about global warming

Between this story and Trump's reelection
it feels like hope is dissipating rapidly.

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The "Big Boys" have no intention of fighting global warming.

But they do put on a "show" pretending to fight it

The Oligarchs are driving humanity to the edge of the cliffs ... all for profits.
And in 10,000 years, humanity has never figured out how to overthrow the 1%.

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In a very rare bit of good news on the Global Warming front ...

Britain’s last coal-fired electricity plant closes

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Vermont becomes the first state
to hold Big Oil corporations responsible for ...

damages caused by climate change

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The reason why the Oligarchs continue to drive civilization
to the brink of extinction is simple ...

uncontrollable greed

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Biden reverses Trump's end-of-term slew of Alaskan oil leases

Big Oil and their Republican supporters
don't give a damn that they are destroying the Earth.
They are willing to do that
in order to add to their already impressive pile of wealth.

UPDATE 11/15/23

Biden attempts to bring US into compliance with UN

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The Republican strategy on climate denial is designed to protect ...

The Big Boys (Big Oil, mainly)

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Climate deniers increase the pressure on meteorologists and scientists ...

to stop reporting the truth

There is only one group responsible for this insanity ... the Oligarchs.
Well actually, the "Feebles" (whose minds they control) are also to blame

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Plans submitted to the U.N. make clear
that "The Big Boys" have no intention of sacrificing profits ...

to save the Earth

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The Oligarchs are working overtime
to keep the "Feebles" under control ...

by taking control of the climate hoax narrative

Even animals aren't that stupid.

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Internal documents prove that ExxonMobil knew all along
what they were doing to the Earth ...

and they did it anyway

On a planet full of logical, moral people
every single one of those corporate traitors to the human race
would be sentenced to life imprisonment
in a tiny cell with a rusty toilet and a defective flusher.

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As humans attempt to fight the destruction of Earth,
the U.S. (Republicans) and the Vatican (Catholics) ...

try to prevent them

But Republicans and priests
are in good company because ...
The Congo is on their side.

UPDATE ... (1 day later)

Now it's just Republicans and priests

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An answer to the question ...

What is driving humanity to the brink of extinction?

Yup ... it's the Oligarchy

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One possible solution in the battle against climate change is ...

carbon credits

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UN issues a grim climate change warning to today's children: it's going to get worse ...

a whole lot worse

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The oil companies' promise to "Transition To Clean Energy" is mostly ...

just talk

Is anyone surprised?
We are living in the "Age of Trump"
and honesty is no longer on the menu.

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The history of global warming awareness

The Oligarchs have cost humanity an entire century
in the fight against global warming; and ...
they are still  fighting to prevent us from defending ourselves.

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The Glasgow climate summit proved that the "Big Boys"
have no plans to do anything to stop
the fast-approaching juggernaut of ...

global warming

As long as there is big money to be made, to hell with ...

"the little people"

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Climate "refugees" are becoming a big problem ...

that governments must deal with

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California to ban leaf blowers and other "small off-road engines" by ...


"One small step for man ... one giant leap for mankind."

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U.S. Military ignores America's conservative idiots and prepares for ...

the reality of climate change

And "Da Gullibles" never figure it out.

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Countries were supposed to eliminate government subsidies for Big Oil ...

that hasn't happened

The "Big Boys" suck on that government tit for everything they are worth;
and then they train their legions of brainwashed zombies to attack socialism
but only when the proceeds (taxes) go to help the sick, the elderly, or the poor.

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What happened during the 4 years
that Trump and Republicans ignored global warming? ...

It didn't ignore us

Humanity keeps digging its hole deeper and deeper
as humans remain unable to bring the Oligarchy under control.

And time is running out ...


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Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords ...

on the day after the election

With the election behind him, Trump and his Republican cohorts
aren't wasting a second, dismantling as much progress as they can
and returning things to the way "God meant them to be."

(meaning the rich get to keep everything -
while we can fight over the scraps they leave ... if any)

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Big Business is controlling the climate change dialogue ...

in both the conservative and the liberal media (5:12)

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One of the world's biggest contributers to global warming is ...

the U.S. military-industrial complex (4:24)

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4 of the biggest oil-producing nations in the world
threaten attempts by the other 200 nations to protect the Earth.

Climate conference moved to Madrid amidst Chilean government unrest

The 4 nations listed in the article above
rank #1, #2, #3, and #10 among the world's oil-producing nations.

List of the world's top oil-producing nations

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The U.N. is attempting to stop the destruction of Earth ...

but is facing huge resistance

Hundreds of years ago, who would have ever dreamed
that we would have to fight our fellow humans ...

in order to save our planet from destruction?

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A document has been discovered
that proves Big Oil was told by their own scientists
what was happening to the planet ...

over 50 years ago (4:51)

They've been knowingly destroying the planet ...

for profits

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Farron Cousins tries to rally the troops into fighting back against Big Oil ...

and their climate change denial (5:24)

He's right. The clock is ticking.
Scientists have set the Doomsday clock at 3 minutes to midnight.
Personally, I think they are being a little too ...


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The Trump administration is actively burying climate change data ...

to protect big business (4:14)

These people should be executed.
After all, that is exactly what they are doing to us.

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The global warming deniers are still fighting for Big Oil
with everything they've got. So what have they got?

Just more bullshit, propaganda, and lies

You expected anything else?
They aren't going to give up
because there is simply too much money at stake.
And they are willing to sell out humanity ...

for some of that money

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How far will Republicans go to protect the profits of Big Oil?

This far ...

Governor forced to send police after GOP lawmakers who went into hiding

Since Trump, the rule of law in America has become non-existent.
Democracy has essentially been defeated in America
just as it is being sent into full retreat all around the world.

UPDATE - 6/22/19

GOP rallies allies and threatens violence

Welcome to Trump's America ... and it's only going to get worse

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"EPA chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal industry lobbyist,
signed a replacement rule that gives states leeway in deciding
what level of emissions cuts to require at existing coal plants.

Translation ... There will be no more emission cuts required

And what does the data show?

Pollution gains in America are being reversed

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As global temperatures climb ...

the risk of armed conflict is expected to increase substantially

The Oligarchs are driving humans over the cliff ...
and the masses still can't figure out how to defend themselves.

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Some agreement has been reached on the Paris Climate Accords.
But the Big Oil tycoons are still using their influence ...

to stall and obstruct as much as they can

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Saudi Arabia, U.S., Russia, and Kuwait are fighting scientists and climate report

Oil tycoons flex their muscles and continue to drive billions of people to their doom ...

all for more money

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Behold the power of Big Oil ...

Scientists forced to back down and alter reports on Global Warming

Pretty soon, our ability to get truth will be gone
as the Oligarchs increase their control over communications.

UPDATE - 10/10/18

You thought I was kidding?
(I wish I were)

Economic Research Service being moved as Trump admin continues its clamp-down on science and truth

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All the conservative Tools who have been defending the oil companies
by helping them to deny global warming, just got thrown under the bus ...

Big Oil admits in court that it has been lying all along

The Tools just learned how it must feel to get left standing all alone at the altar.
But the most amazing thing of all is that, instead of getting mad,
they still remain loyal and continue pimping, even after the bus ran over them.

Aren't these morons the greatest?

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Syria just signed onto the Paris Accord (climate change)

America is now alone ... on the entire planet

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Here is the best example that you will ever see
of what we are up against here in America.
This guy's island is 2/3 underwater
and the other 1/3 will be gone soon.

and yet ... he's still in denial (2:25)

Never underestimate the power of brainwashing.
As this guy just proved, it can make the real world utterly vanish ...

even as his house sinks beneath the waves

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The purge of the scientists continues ...

They will be replaced by "businessmen"

"Scientists have conflicts due to government grants they're showered with."

But apparently businessmen, unlike scientists, are more trustworthy
because they are never showered with gifts and bribes from other ...



Now Trump's stooge has removed 12 scientists

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Bill Nye debates climate change with denialist William Happer on CNN (9:48)

Neither Nye nor Happer are climatologists.
Why do the networks put non-experts on to entertain their audiences
instead of putting on the experts in that field?

Because if they did - there wouldn't be any debate
and therefore ... nothing to bring in the audiences.
The actual scientific consensus isn't 97% ...

It's 99.9%

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Before the Tea Party took control of the government
how did many top Republicans feel about Global Warming?

Yeah ... I was surprised too (10:58)

Notice how Republicans started changing their tune
after the Big Oil money started rolling in
following the Citizens United ruling in 2010?

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Conservatives are always trumpeting
"Capitalism - Unrestrained Free Market Capitalism!"

So in Wyoming where coal is king
how do Republicans respond to free market capitalism
when their side is losing?

like this


Republicans don't know the meaning of the word.
Now "hypocrite" - that's a word they understand.

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The climate change debate in America could be described as
a car speeding down a sidewalk, knocking over pedestrians.

If we put the brakes on as hard as we can, right now,
the car will still travel hundreds of feet and kill many more pedestrians
before it finally comes to a stop.

But Americans are not allowed to put on the brakes.
Powerful interests are keeping the gas pedal floored,
and preventing everyone else in the car from stepping on the brake.

Not just America, but the entire world ... is in deep shit.

But then again, that's pretty much where humanity has spent most of its history.

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Nearly 200 countries move to take action on climate change

Finally, the looney climate-deniers are being ignored;
the same way scientists ignore evolution-deniers.

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The psychology behind global warming deniers ...

they tend to have authoritarian personalities

Personally, I could have summed it up much quicker:

They are ignorant, arrogant assholes who are easily manipulated by political ideologues.

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Like the Tobacco industry and the link to cancer,
Exxon Mobil knew about global warming long ago ...

and has been actively working against the public interest for decades

Oil companies had an early opportunity to acknowledge climate science and climate risks,
and to enable consumers to make informed choices.
They chose a different path. The public deserves to know why.

We already know why: both industries (tobacco and oil) will kill millions for ...


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While Conservative politicians use climate-denial nonsense
to play the fools in their base for their votes,
the Department of Defense cannot afford that luxury ...

and must deal with reality

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Conservatives spread their cancerous thinking and lies
outside the Bible Belt, all the way to California.

Science textbooks promote global warming denial

That sounded like something you would have read about in Texas.

(I really need to take a bottle of aspirin and lie down)

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Many of us already knew this (including most scientists),
but this story makes it clear ... even for the morons

Exxon has been lying to us for years
just like the tobacco industry did

The saddest part is that
we aren't even close to being rid of these people yet,
nor their legions of "useful idiots."

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Scientists: Earth endangered by new strain of fact-resistant humans


It's funny how close to the truth, good satire can get.

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Classic Emails (4 pages)

After one of the top scientists who testifies for the global warming deniers
was discovered to have taken about a million dollars from the oil industry,
I sent the following email to a bunch of global warming deniers:

Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance ... responds

Does it get any better than that?

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Remember last month when the Senate voted 98-1
that global warming was not a hoax but an actual problem?

That one nay vote was not  James Inhofe.

But watch Inhofe a month later in the Senate

So what the hell is he doing with the snowball?
Why has he gone back to climate denial?
Was he lying then ... or is he lying now?

What this does show is that these goofballs
have so little respect for their base
that they know they can lie their asses off
and freely contradict themselves
without fear of losing their jobs.

(something Fox News has already taught us)

Remember that most of their constituents don't believe in evolution,
but do believe that the sun stopped in the sky for a whole day
because an invisible man told it to.

This is what makes our task so difficult:
evil people playing morons for the fools that they are,
all for the purpose of making the rich ... richer.
Yet somehow, we have to figure out how to get through to them.

No, I wasn't talking about getting through to the evil ones ...

I meant the morons

Here are Republican congressmen in 2050
discussing how to fight the hoax of climate change ...

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Florida is sinking into the ocean

Rumor has it that Florida Governor Rick Scott (gorgeous head shot below)
has threatened to punish state employees who even utter the phrase "climate change"

Scott's people are denying it - but this guy got punished

Reality cares little for what delusional humans want to believe.
"The oceans aren't rising and Jesus is coming back."

The longer those two delusions persist ... the more humanity will suffer

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One of the leading scientists promoted by global warming deniers

goes down in a ball of flames

I love the part about this "expert" not even being an actual climatologist.
This guy is just an aerospace engineer - and a crook.
The good news is: it sounds like he may be sending out resumes soon.
I'm sure the Koch Brothers can find a nice position for him
in return for all the services he provided for them.

I like this definition from Wiktionary:
"shill": A person paid to endorse a product favourably ...

while pretending to be impartial

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Senate Republicans abandon climate denialists

Classic Emails (1 page)

I sent the following email to a long list of global warming deniers
after Senate Republicans voted to finally admit
that climate change was real and was not a hoax:

TITLE: Nearly every Republican Senator admits to lying about climate change

"Now what are you reality-deniers going to do?

Nearly 100% of scientists were against you.
Now nearly 100% of Republican senators are against you.
They abandoned ship and left all you freaks to drown in a sea of humiliation.

Now, who have you got left on your side?
Religious nutjobs? That one senator who voted nay? Sarah Palin?

Hey, I know ... how about Bill O'Reilly?
He still hasn't figured out what makes the tides go in and out.
But even he knows better than to make a complete ass of himself:

Bill O'Reilly - not a global warming denier

And when even Republican senators
don't want anything more to do with you,
and are willing to admit they've been lying to the public,
rather than continue to be associated with you ...
that pretty well tells you where you stand in society.
You people have always been, still are, and always will be ...

the biggest idiots in America"

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Classic Emails (2 pages)

After the U.N. came out with its latest report on Climate Change,
I contacted climate deniers like "The Heartland Institute" to rub their noses in it.
Joseph Bast made the mistake of replying.

Climate change deniers continue to block humanity's attempts to defend itself

Why do they do it?

For money.
99% of the time, you will likely find your answer at the end of the money trail.

Why aren't these people sitting in prison?
Because it is nearly impossible to incarcerate wealthy people.

Money ... it's always the answer
(well, almost always)

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While the Senate admitted that they've been lying about global warming
and that it is real and not a hoax ...

the House of Representatives is still holding out

Blocking the speech of scientists proves that they know they are wrong -
but they just don't care: their only concern is shilling for the rich.

And sadly, they also know that their constituents will support them
because a majority of the voters who make up their base are ...

dumber than dogshit

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This incident proves that we need to require standards
for people intending to run for Congress

Climate change denier attacks scientist (2 pages)

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Republicans actively working against planet Earth

to protect the profits of Big Oil

Keep voting Republican - the rich sure do appreciate your support

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Priceless quote:
An observation on climate change by
Scott Westerfield, Young Adult fiction writer ...

"97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis,
but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires & oil companies.

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The reality of science has been trumped ...

by the reality of power

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How far will oil companies go to protect their empire?

Whistleblower receives settlement, but loses job for not "playing ball"

As Skeptics, this is what we are up against.
Whether battling religion, or long-entrenched, greedy economic powers,
the odds are definitely stacked against us ...
which is just the way I like it.

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Remember that state that tried to "legislate away" sea level rise by passing a bill?

That was North Carolina trying to protect the big-money developers
who would lose out if people quit buying expensive shore property.

Well, they're still at it. Read this pathetic article

and note the Museum's Director who proves himself to be quite the little weasel

The controversy ended long ago. The science is settled.
What we have now, is a manufactured controversy from the side that lost
as they desperately try to hold onto every nickel ...
no matter what the cost to humanity.

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Global warming deniers continue to employ deception

When the science doesn't go your way ... what other tactics can you employ?

Whom does that remind you of?

Of course ... Creationists.

Why bring them into this?

Because, for the most part, it is the same people.
And for those climate deniers who aren't religious,
they work together for common goals.

But notice where the Culture War is being fought ...
for the minds of children.


Religion is collapsing worldwide. Climate deniers are also losing worldwide.
To survive they must gain a foothold among the next generation.
Christians are doing this with "Good News Clubs" as a way to proselytize school children.
Climate deniers are following the same playbook as Christians, as demonstrated in the story you just read.

The Culture War is in full swing.

It is the scientists and other honest people vs.
those who will go to ANY lengths
to preserve their control over humanity and its resources.

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More help is on the way in the battle against global warming.

New air-conditioning technology

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In a recent global warming debate, my opponent (a Fox News fan)
was unaware of the results of the 5 independent investigations
that all exonerated the climate scientists of any wrongdoing.
Flabbergasted that someone who had done so much research
was totally unaware of the final results, I directed her to this link:

Conservapedia: Climategate

I then pointed out that despite almost 2 years of watching Fox News constantly,
she had no knowledge of the most important part of all:
the final results of the investigation.
I pointed out that neither Conservapedia nor Fox News
(which are both under the control of America's Oligarchs)
had the honesty to even tell their audience the results.
Then I pointed her to this link:

Wikipedia: Climategate

There, in great detail, were the results of all 5 independent investigations.
This was just another piece of solid evidence
that Conservatives are the most dishonest people on the face of the Earth.
If their mouths are open ... they're lying.

So which side is really trying to trick the public by lying to them?

It doesn't get any clearer than this

Finally, some liars are caught and exposed

Let's see a show of hands:
how many think Fox News will be "Fair and Balanced" and report this last story?

Whenever you want to find out who the bad guys really are ...
look for the money (works every time).
Climate-deniers try to claim that scientists are the ones who are motivated by money (grants, etc.).
Scientists get paid about the same as firefighters, cops, and teachers.
Most grant money is used to conduct the science itself.
Those who are motivated by real money
are the ones who are making "B"illions (as identified in the stories above).

So, how much effect have climate deniers had?

N.Y. Times Poll

And what do the polls show that climate scientists believe?

Worldwide consensus by climate scientists

Notice which organization was the last in the world to withdraw their denial?

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007

What a surprise, huh?
Who would have ever guessed that the oil companies would be the last ones?
But be careful. They were forced to acknowledge the facts
in the face of a worldwide scientific consensus.
They are only moving the goal posts.
They have retreated, in the face of undeniable reality,
to a position where they will make their next stand -
"Human activity is not contributing to Global Warming."
They must take this position to protect their billion-dollar profits.
Why would they sacrifice the planet for money?

Well, they are the proof that there exist people ... who will.

Recall the tobacco industry in the 1960's
as they did everything they could to hide the truth from the public
about their deadly business so that they could continue to amass fortunes
over the emaciated bodies of the addicted ... and they still do.
It is almost impossible for government to control evil, greedy humans
who have no concern for human life and suffering
as long as these corporations continue to financially control
the governments under which they operate.

Like I've said before - "Look for the cheese ... and you'll always find the rats."

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In the global warming debate, which side is ALWAYS the side

that gets caught lying or intentionally misleading?

Yep, the global warming deniers.
George Will couldn't present the actual graph
which shows an obvious increase in fires because
1) it doesn't support the view he wants to convinice you of, and 2) that would be honest.
Instead he picks the highest year and then finds a lower year later,
to give you the false impression that the trend is going down.
They use the same dishonest trick when comparing annual temperatures.
So how can Conservatives be so easily fooled by this kind of dishonesty?

Because they want to be.

From the opening paragraph this story was nothing more than a cheerleading piece
designed to give hope to Conservatives
who are still recovering from their devastating defeat in the 2012 election.
George Will hits nearly every conservative issue.
He uses Gallup to try to rally the troops with hope
(yes, Gallup is the same Christian-run organization
that was the only one to predict a Romney landslide days before the election).
I would pity these people, if they didn't represent such a danger to America.

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One of the best comments I have ever seen on the internet:

"I am a blind man standing on the curb, needing to cross the street.
There are 100 sighted people there wanting to assist me.
97 of them say that a car is speeding my way, and that it is not safe to cross.
3 of them say they still have questions as to
the speed of the car, the make of the car, is it really a car,
cars have gone down this street for decades ... maybe I should just cross;
after all, clearly the issue is not settled,
and I can't tell if those 97 people are really trustworthy anyway.

For those of you who might be a little lost,
it refers to the 97% of climate scientists who agree on the topic of Manmade Global Warming.

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Between the Jesus freaks who claim that God would never let us destroy the Earth,
and the evil, greedy tycoons who rake in billions while destroying our planet,
it would seem as though we would have little chance of survival.
However, the warriors of science continue the fight to save us from ourselves
by working on new ways to reverse the effects of global warming.

The Battle To Save Earth ... From Humans

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North Carolina Republicans want to legislate how much the ocean can rise.

Ignore science - and buy this house

I'm tempted to say that people who go along with this nonsense deserve what they get.
Unfortunately, it's not right to stand by and let the wolves into the sheep pen to take what they want.
The sheep are too stupid to fight for themselves; so it is up to rational people to fight for them.

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