Historical Worldwide Violence
Do you recognize this man?
He is one of the greatest heroes in American history.
That is a picture of John Brown.
He was the first American to ever be executed for ...
So, let's see how far America has come in 160 years:
We executed a brave American
who was instrumental in freeing
millions of human slaves;
while 160+ years later,
a man who was caught on tape actually committing treason
and who tried to overthrow our 250 year-old democracy ...
stands a good chance of returning to the presidency in 2024.
It's things like this that make me understand
why so many people have given up.
With a population of morons as large as America's,
it sometimes seems as though our efforts are futile.
But we must continue to fight because ...
quitting is not an option
UPDATE 3/2/24
His son Owen also got a monument
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Mount Rushmore
Here's another historical nugget in America's long and shameful treatment of ...
the true original Americans
After hordes of invading Christians
stole 2 continents from the overmatched natives
and killed them by the millions,
they showed their human side by allowing the survivors
to live in the most desolate, unwanted areas in America ...
unless they later discovered gold there.
Then the land (and the gold) was no longer theirs ... but ours.
The more I learn about American history
the more I want to vomit my guts out.
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Cortez conquered the numerically superior Aztecs
by utilizing the oldest, most reliable tactic in military history;
one that still works today, just as well as it always has ...
"divide and conquer"
Outnumbered by Aztec warriors,
Cortes allied with other indigenous groups
and conquered the Aztecs in 1521."
Some things never change
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The American Civil War
This writer makes a beautiful connection.
It is one of the most impressive insights I have ever read
Yes, sadly the United States Civil War is in its 153rd year.
If you recall the map displaying the red states,
you'll notice how the Confederacy now moves up through the midwest. Why?
Because these states are sparsely populated.
Religion exerts most of its control in sparsely populated areas
where everyone knows who you are, where you work, and where your family lives.
Its power to intimidate and control, weakens in more densely populated areas
where anonymity grants a greater degree of safety
to nonbelievers and people of minority religions.
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Albert Einstein, physicist
Einstein made a contribution (in the form of a quote)
that is every bit, if not more important, than his scientific discoveries.
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power,
war is inevitable.
Only the creation of a world government
can prevent the impending self-destruction of mankind."
Sadly, we have failed to heed his warning.
MORE ...
By the way, another of the world's greatest philosophers agreed with Einstein ...
Bertrand Russell
decided he would 'welcome with enthusiasm' world government."
But the few people who have listened to Russell and Einstein
have been too greatly outnumbered
(by the vast armies of morons inhabiting the planet)
to have an impact at this point in time.
and time ... is running out
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How many years of peace (no wars)
has the United States of America experienced
in its 244-year history?
It's not our fault!
We are constantly being forced to defend ourselves
from all these tiny, non-nuclear countries who bully us.
Why can't they just give us their oil and leave us in peace?
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The US has 800 military bases around the world (3:59)
I can answer their question (why?):
It has almost nothing to do with defense.
It has everything to do with domination.
And what is the point of the domination?
Economic Enrichment
We wouldn't be investing such enormous amounts of money
if we weren't getting one hell of a return on our investment.
By the way, for those of you who do not yet "get the picture":
those "returns on investment" go almost entirely to the Oligarchs.
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It turns out that not everything we learned in school and on TV westerns was accurate.
In fact, the truth is the exact opposite ...
of what we have been led to believe
Didn't reading that, just make you feel so proud to be an American?
Here's a list of American-Indian Wars
Those REAL Americans were nearly exterminated by invading hordes of Christians.
Where were all those 10 Commandment monuments with the rule "Thou shalt not kill?"
However, to be fair, they weren't murdered for religious reasons;
true Americans were slaughtered by millions of invading Christians ...
mainly because of greed
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How many years of peace has civilization experienced in the last 3,400 years?
I believe that the "268" more likely represents
the number of years that no war was recorded
rather than the number of years that no war occurred.
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Will everyone please bow your heads
while I read from the book of Galatians, chapter 5:2-4:
Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law;
ye are fallen from grace."
Hey, don't look at me; those were Paul's words ... not mine
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It looks like the tide has turned in the debate over circumcision.
It is now supported by both the ...
and the ...
For thousands of years, circumcision had nothing to do with preventative health.
It was purely a religious ceremony.
Then when science began replacing religion as the path to knowledge,
believers desperately searched for a medical justification
for their ancient, barbaric practice.
But the science did not fall on their side of the debate
(when it comes to religion - the science
never  does)
Circumcision rates have been falling in recent decades.
Other than for medical necessity, circumcision is not recommended
in any of the advanced nations outside the U.S.
So why did the U.S. do an about-face?
I find this sudden reversal by the C.D.C. and the A.M.A. very suspicious.
My guess is that religious pressure has once again succeeded.
But until my suspicions are confirmed ...
I have no choice but to lower my sword
UPDATE - 4/9/15
As you might recall, I recently featured a story about the turnaround
by the C.D.C. and the A.M.A. on the issue of circumcision.
As I rationalist I was forced to accept their conclusions,
however, I did express my suspicion that Christian pressure
may have been the major contributing factor to the turnaround.
Here is just one, of many examples, why those organizations
had previously taken the position that the risks outweighed the benefits
Penis transplant required to fix botched circumcision
(You men should be very grateful that I did not include any pictures)
and here is an even sadder story
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Dr. Bruce Hensel of KNBC news in Los Angeles
recently did a show where he discussed circumcision.
Perhaps I was being too generous when I said "discussed."
I think "promoted" would be the more accurate term.
He lamented that circumcisions were down 10% in recent decades.
He then did an interesting, and very sneaky thing:
he gave an example (HIV) in which the evidence showed a benefit of circumcision,
but he did not give any examples of evidence that showed the risks.
But then, to cover himself and give the "appearance" of fairness,
he told the audience they should weigh the benefits and the risks.
Is everyone going to run to the internet and do that?
Not likely. What they are going to remember is
that the trusted doctor told them a benefit
(one that would scare anyone into seriously considering it),
and then threw in a disclaimer at the end,
which most viewers would probably ignore.
Circumcision is not automatically recommended for boys
by ANY major medical organization.
We know why 1/3 of the planet's baby boys are mutilated in this fashion:
it is because of the covenant with God.
That is the reason why boys have been circumcized for thousands of years,
not because of medical science
and it was certainly not because of AIDS (which did not yet exist).
The medical excuses only recently started appearing,
and only because religious excuses no longer carry the weight they once did.
So religious people attempt to claim that science is on their side ... but it isn't.
Most major organizations agree that the risks outweigh the benefits -
something the good doctor did not want his audience to know.
Dr. Bruce Hensel used his position as a trustworthy TV doctor to promote his religious beliefs
rather than providing modern, accurate, and honest medical advice to his audience.
Genital mutilation of girls is outlawed in most nations in the world.
It's time we did the same for boys.
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The current status of "spanking"
On the international front, physical discipline is increasingly being viewed
as a violation of children’s human rights.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
issued a directive in 2006 calling physical punishment
'legalized violence against children'
that should be eliminated in all settings through
'legislative, administrative, social, and educational measures.'
The treaty that established the committee has been supported by 192 countries,
with only the United States and Somalia failing to ratify it."
Somalia? ... Somalia?
Jesus H. Fucking Kee-reist
Is there any limit to how much America can embarrass and humiliate itself?
(I think we can safely go with "No" on that one)
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Money is not the root of most evil ... "Greed" is.
We still have a long, long way to go
to remove from power, those whose uncontrollable greed
keeps humanity and all other creatures trapped in a living Hell.
Livestock Agriculture
If future humans don't look back on us with disgust and revulsion,
it will be because ... we failed
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How much does it cost to go out and kill animals with Trump Jr.?
about $10,000
Here’s the money quote from the article: Safari Club International said,
hunting contributes significantly to conservation efforts.”
They actually tried to claim that
because they contribute money to conservation efforts,
they are the good guys and we should all just ignore all the dead animals
and let them go on satisfying their sick lust for blood.
You can't make this stuff up
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In case you were thinking
that Republicans can't be as inhuman as they seem to be ...
this should settle the issue
... with the support of the National Rifle Association (NRA)
and Safari Club International ...."
Now there are 2 groups of wonderful people
whose sole purpose in life is to make money
by profiting from the death of animals and people.
We are locked in a battle with pure evil ... and we're losing
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