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Bad Guys


What is the strongest predictor of carrying out extremist violence in America?

U.S. military service

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World War 1 casualties

Humanity's worst pandemics

I am going to address the Coronavirus and other Pandemics.
That means I am going to anthropomorphize them
(treat them as if they were humans standing right in front of me) ...

You have hunted humans from the beginning.
You have slaughtered us by the millions.

In the 14th century, The Black Death may have killed up to 200 million humans.

In 1918, the H1N1 Influenza outbreak killed about as many people as WW1 did.
The reason it is often misnamed “The Spanish Flu”
is because Spain was neutral during the war,
and therefore, one of the few countries
that was honest about the death toll.
The warring nations kept the truth from their soldiers
in order to keep their morale up and keep them fighting.

You killed another 36 million of us with HIV/AIDS.

Now Corona appears.
But something is different.
For the first time in history, humans are fighting back.
The entire world is on lockdown
and our scientists are feverishly at work - studying you;
searching for any chinks in your armor.

The Hive is awakening.

You may be lucky to get 1 million this time.
But you will be back.
You always come back to hunt humans.
But the next time you return ...

we will be hunting you

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Hernan Cortez travelled from Europe to faraway lands in Mexico
where he brought the gospel of Jesus Christ to peaceful natives ...

and killed 10% of them in one day

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Planning on celebrating Christopher Columbus today?

Read this first

UPDATE - 8/16/17

"Adam Ruins Everything" (5:43)


Some Christopher Columbus accusations debunked ....

by a rationalist called "knowing better" (28:51)


This video clarifies his previous position (15:55)

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Until Hitler came along, this guy probably held the title of ...

World's Greatest Villain

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Historical Worldwide Violence


Do you recognize this man?

He is one of the greatest heroes in American history.

That is a picture of John Brown.
He was the first American to ever be executed for ...


So, let's see how far America has come in 160 years:
We executed a brave American
who was instrumental in freeing
millions of human slaves;
while 160+ years later,
a man who was caught on tape actually committing treason
and who tried to overthrow our 250 year-old democracy ...
stands a good chance of returning to the presidency in 2024.

It's things like this that make me understand
why so many people have given up.
With a population of morons as large as America's,
it sometimes seems as though our efforts are futile.
But we must continue to fight because ...

quitting is not an option

UPDATE 3/2/24

His son Owen also got a monument

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January 6, 2021 wasn't the first time
that fascists from within
tried to overthrow our American Democracy ...

They also tried and failed - before and during WW2

The similarities between those traitors 80 years ago
and Trump with his legion of Maga Morons is ...


What Maddow didn't mention (but she may have in her book)
is that there was an attempted coup of the U.S. government
right before the one Maddow discusses:

The Oligarchs tried to overthrow FDR right after he got elected

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Americans have been trained to accept traffic deaths as casually as ...

they accept all other forms of slaughter

The "Big Boys" (the Oligarchs)
slaughter Americans in huge numbers on a daily basis
all in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

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Colorado's 1864 order to kill native Americans has finally been voided ...

Mount Evans to be renamed

It's about time, doncha think?

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When California achieved statehood, we celebrated by instituting ...

a bounty for Indian scalps

$5 in 1860 is equivalent to about $165 in 2021

It wasn't just California ... the genocide of true Americans was carried out by ...

invading hordes of white European Christians

When I read about our American history,
I can just feel myself filling ... with the love of Jesus.

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Mount Rushmore

Here's another historical nugget in America's long and shameful treatment of ...

the true original Americans

After hordes of invading Christians
stole 2 continents from the overmatched natives
and killed them by the millions,
they showed their human side by allowing the survivors
to live in the most desolate, unwanted areas in America ...

unless they later discovered gold there.

Then the land (and the gold) was no longer theirs ... but ours.

The more I learn about American history
the more I want to vomit my guts out.

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Cortez conquered the numerically superior Aztecs
by utilizing the oldest, most reliable tactic in military history;
one that still works today, just as well as it always has ...

"divide and conquer"

"Outnumbered by Aztec warriors,
Cortes allied with other indigenous groups
and conquered the Aztecs in 1521.

Some things never change

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Western Imperialism

To be fair, those countries that were made out to be victims
are not without their own internal evil (dictators, thieves, etc.)
but none of that internal evil
justifies the horrors perpetrated upon them by The West.

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Aron Ra debunks the Christian lie about ...

atheist states (12:30)

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What is the most dangerous job in America?

The Presidency

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"Germs, Guns, and Steel" by Jared Diamond
looks a some of the reasons that made the Americas ...

a sitting duck for European invasion

Just a thought: Could germs also have been mainly responsible
for the disappearance of the Neandertals?

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The American Civil War


Jennie Wade was the only civilian casuality at the battle of Gettysburg

My, how times have changed.
Life means nothing to the Oligarchs.
They will kill as many innocent victims as necessary ...

in order to enrich themselves

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This is the flag of traitors
who killed hundreds of thousands of American soldiers
so they could keep humans as slaves.

Finally, America begins to mount a counter-offensive against ...

Trump's 21st  century KKK resurgence

This is how my dog celebrates Confederate Pride ...

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The American political Civil War

Our most dangerous enemies nearly always come ...

from within

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Football star refuses to stand for the National Anthem.

It sounds to me like he has a point

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Confederates who make up a large portion of Conservative America ...

have been lying to us for years

1860 U.S. Census

Make sure you click on the link below the national averages
Show the 1860 Census for all States on a Single Page
The national average is misleading since slavery existed almost exclusively in the South.

Another dishonest myth that confederates spread is that secession was legal ...

It wasn't

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Why are Conservatives so desperate to rewrite American history when it comes to the Civil War?
Why are they willing to tell easily disprovable lies in order to convince you ...

that the Civil War was not fought over slavery?

Here is the reason ...

Modern humans find slavery to be one of the most repugnant,
disgusting activities ever practiced by mankind.
It is now illegal in every country in the world.

In order to escape the stigma that goes with having a history
of fighting and dying to keep humans in bondage,
Conservatives do everything in their power
to try to distract your attention away from that embarrassment,
and get you to believe instead,
that it was really an honorable war to protect state's rights.

As the article above proved ... the facts say otherwise.

Refuting other phony Civil War causes

Confederate VP Stephens' "Cornerstone Speech"

Confederate Constitution (Article 1 Section 9.4)

Refuting other phony Civil War causes

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This writer makes a beautiful connection.

It is one of the most impressive insights I have ever read

Yes, sadly the United States Civil War is in its 153rd year.

If you recall the map displaying the red states,
you'll notice how the Confederacy now moves up through the midwest. Why?
Because these states are sparsely populated.
Religion exerts most of its control in sparsely populated areas
where everyone knows who you are, where you work, and where your family lives.
Its power to intimidate and control, weakens in more densely populated areas
where anonymity grants a greater degree of safety
to nonbelievers and people of minority religions.

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The History Of Wars

The only hope we have,
of ending this neverending horror,
is if we humans can overthrow
our Oligarchical Overlords.

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Here is a very different perspective on the Vietnam War,
than the one I was given when ...

I was shipped overseas to fight "commies" (18:49)

Before shipping out, I had a training cruise on the U.S.S. Maddox (DD-731)

On that training cruise we were told that we were on a historic vessel:
"The ship that started the Vietnam War"
It would be over 50 years later when I would finally learn the truth.

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The lines are being drawn as the Oligarchs prepare the world for ...


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Richard Wolff interviews Norman Solomon
who explains the real motivation behind
the eternal warfare that humans are subjected to ...

Video (29:30 - interview begins at 15:00)

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Nuclear war becoming more and more likely ...

with each bomb that is built

How many countries have nuclear weapons?


the world has come close to annihilation ... many times

There is no question that this is the very definition of insanity;
yet no one on Earth has been able to stop
humanity's inexorable race ... to the cliff.

UPDATE 10/25/23

Russia drops nuclear treaty

Time to move up the Doomsday Clock

UPDATE 3/10/24

The movie Oppenheimer wins "Best Picture"

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Portrait of a dying American hero ...

Daniel Ellsberg

Democracy is being destroyed all over the world
as the inevitable approach of nuclear holocaust nears.

Our only hope is finding more warriors ... like this guy.

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America is militarizing at an alarming rate ...

Video 30:25 (interview begins ~15:50)

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China is swiftly catching up to the U.S. in the number of nuclear weapons

It's looks like it is time for scientists to move the "Doomsday Clock" once again.
Last time I looked, it was set at ...

100 seconds to midnight

BTW, midnight is ... LIGHTS OUT

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America is constantly in a state of perpetual war ...

defending ourselves (9:18)

As an American I can say that it truly is frightening
to be constantly bullied by all these little countries.
I sometimes stay awake worrying about an invasion from ...


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Ben Norton and Brian Becker review American war history ...

through the lense of capitalism (51:35)

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This will be true on the day that ...

the worldwide Oligarchy is overthrown

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Since 9/11, 4 times as many soldiers have committed suicide ...

as have been killed in combat

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Albert Einstein, physicist

Einstein made a contribution (in the form of a quote)
that is every bit, if not more important, than his scientific discoveries.

"As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power,
war is inevitable.
Only the creation of a world government
can prevent the impending self-destruction of mankind.

Sadly, we have failed to heed his warning.

MORE ...


By the way, another of the world's greatest philosophers agreed with Einstein ...

Bertrand Russell

"decided he would 'welcome with enthusiasm' world government."

But the few people who have listened to Russell and Einstein
have been too greatly outnumbered
(by the vast armies of morons inhabiting the planet)
to have an impact at this point in time.

and time ... is running out

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Vietnam War: agent orange destroyed innocent lives ...

for generations

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Researchers estimate the effects of a limited nuclear war

We MUST find a way to bring the Oligarchs under control.
Scientists have recently moved the "Doomsday Clock"
from 2 minutes before midnight - up to 100 seconds before midnight.

Personally, I think they are being too optimistic.

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How many years of peace (no wars)
has the United States of America experienced
in its 244-year history?


It's not our fault!
We are constantly being forced to defend ourselves
from all these tiny, non-nuclear countries who bully us.
Why can't they just give us their oil and leave us in peace?

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We are edging ever closer to nuclear war:

U.S. and Russia abandon nuclear arms control pact

Wars are very profitable for the Oligarchs.
For the rest of us ...

not so much

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More evidence (as if it were needed) that we are being prepared for ...


It wouldn't be happening constantly ... if it weren't profitable for the wealthy.

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Since WW2, America has been responsible for ...

20-30 MILLION deaths

I used to be proud to be an American.
Education has changed that.
But rather than be ashamed of being fooled,
I have chosen instead ... to do something about it.


UPDATE 2/11/20

C.I.A. tricked governments into giving away their secrets

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We are being prepped for war

"World military spending has more than doubled
in inflation-adjusted dollars since the end of the Cold War,
and international transfers of major weapons
have steadily climbed since the early 2000s

So why are we being prepped for war?

Because it is extremely lucrative ... for the Oligarchs

UPDATE - 6/14/18

U.S. military spending (video - 4:20)

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WW2 deaths by country (2:40)

For those of you who are interested in going farther back in time:

WW1 deaths by country (2:32)

Humans ... we have to talk

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The US has 800 military bases around the world (3:59)

I can answer their question (why?):
It has almost nothing to do with defense.
It has everything to do with domination.
And what is the point of the domination?

Economic Enrichment

We wouldn't be investing such enormous amounts of money
if we weren't getting one hell of a return on our investment.

By the way, for those of you who do not yet "get the picture":
those "returns on investment" go almost entirely to the Oligarchs.

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It turns out that not everything we learned in school and on TV westerns was accurate.
In fact, the truth is the exact opposite ...

of what we have been led to believe

Didn't reading that, just make you feel so proud to be an American?

Here's a list of American-Indian Wars

Those REAL Americans were nearly exterminated by invading hordes of Christians.
Where were all those 10 Commandment monuments with the rule "Thou shalt not kill?"

However, to be fair, they weren't murdered for religious reasons;
true Americans were slaughtered by millions of invading Christians ...

mainly because of greed

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The largest Christian nation on Earth is the only nation
that is in a constant state of warfare with other nations.
Jesus would be so proud.

List of U.S. wars

The Big One

Timeline of World War 2

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How many years of peace has civilization experienced in the last 3,400 years?


I believe that the "268" more likely represents
the number of years that no war was recorded
rather than the number of years that no war occurred.

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Child Brides


The U.N. states that
at the rate progress is being made ...

it will take another 300 years to eliminate child marriage

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West Virginian Republicans
finally allow the state to take baby steps
toward becoming modern and civilized ...

16 is now the minimum age to marry

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The "age of consent" in the Philippines has been raised to 16.
What was it before they raised it?


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Child "grooms" (while far less prevalent than child brides):

Over 100 million underage males, worldwide, forced into marriage

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Child marriages are flourishing in America

Tell me again how America is NOT a banana republic.

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Idaho Republicans vote to keep their state in the Dark Ages.

They prevent progressives from outlawing child marriages

I'm guessin' those congressmen have a few little girl brides of their own.

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An 11-year-old girl was forced to marry her 20-year-old rapist.
No. This didn't happen in Saudi Arabia, but in ...


In the article, the Confederate states took all the top spots ... is anyone surprised?
Are those banjos I hear playing in the background?

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Governor Chris Christie refuses to protect children
from abominable religious practices.

And this guy wanted to be our president

Republicans will sacrifice their own people:
the poor, the sick, the elderly, and even their own children,
in an effort to maintain the support of Conservative Christians
(Conservative Christians are "Old Testament" Christians)

UPDATE - 6/22/18

New governor Phil Murphy overturns Christie's veto and protects children

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The mummy of Amenhotep 1 who ruled Egypt around 1,500 B.C.E. was ...


It seems that almost every idea claimed by Christianity ...

was pilfered

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Australian Medical Association comes out strongly against male circumcision ...

except in rare instances

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Alleged medical benefits of circumcision

Flimsy medical excuses provided by Ghost Worshipers
are ripped apart in this article by medical professionals.

Gee ... I wonder which group I should go with?

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Doctors in Denmark work to end the practice of ...

Male Gential Mutilation

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Will everyone please bow your heads
while I read from the book of Galatians, chapter 5:2-4:

"Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law;
ye are fallen from grace.

Hey, don't look at me; those were Paul's words ... not mine

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A mother is arrested after fleeing Florida with her 4-year-old son ...
to protect him from circumcision

Here's the pertinent part ...

"After a long legal battle, a judge in February ordered Hironimus
to bring Chase to court and turn him over to his father
to have the procedure done.

I thought that the child's welfare
was supposed to outweigh the desires of its parents?
Not in Florida?

Why is it so important that this non-emergency "medical" procedure
be performed now?

Since this is a non-emergency procedure,
why don't they let the kid choose
when he is old enough to decide for himself?

What's the rush ... is God running low on foreskins?

She finally caved in to get out of jail

America ... the Saudi Arabia of the West

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It looks like the tide has turned in the debate over circumcision.
It is now supported by both the ...


and the ...


For thousands of years, circumcision had nothing to do with preventative health.
It was purely a religious ceremony.
Then when science began replacing religion as the path to knowledge,
believers desperately searched for a medical justification
for their ancient, barbaric practice.
But the science did not fall on their side of the debate
(when it comes to religion - the science never  does)

Circumcision rates have been falling in recent decades.
Other than for medical necessity, circumcision is not recommended
in any of the advanced nations outside the U.S.

So why did the U.S. do an about-face?

I find this sudden reversal by the C.D.C. and the A.M.A. very suspicious.
My guess is that religious pressure has once again succeeded.

But until my suspicions are confirmed ...
I have no choice but to lower my sword

UPDATE - 4/9/15

As you might recall, I recently featured a story about the turnaround
by the C.D.C. and the A.M.A. on the issue of circumcision.
As I rationalist I was forced to accept their conclusions,
however, I did express my suspicion that Christian pressure
may have been the major contributing factor to the turnaround.

Here is just one, of many examples, why those organizations
had previously taken the position that the risks outweighed the benefits

Penis transplant required to fix botched circumcision

(You men should be very grateful that I did not include any pictures)

and here is an even sadder story

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Another Jewish infant contracts herpes during circumcision

As the story said, the pain may not be the worst part; it can get a lot worse.

How much longer will modern nations refuse to protect children
from the barbaric religious practices of Ghost Worshiping parents?

(probably as long as they remain in the majority)

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Religious extremists mount counteroffensive
against efforts by Europe to end barbaric practice of genital mutilation.

Your religious freedom ends where your baby's penis begins

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Circumcisions likely to be banned in Norway
until child becomes old enough to decide for himself.

But the good news was short-lived when the report got to France

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Okay Moses, listen up: here's what I want you to do ....

Cut off what?
And suck what?

More babies stricken with herpes during circumcision

The only reason we don't see the horror in genital mutilation
is because we have become so accustomed to it.

It's high time we quit providing souvenirs for the Hebrew Ghost

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Dr. Bruce Hensel of KNBC news in Los Angeles
recently did a show where he discussed circumcision.
Perhaps I was being too generous when I said "discussed."
I think "promoted" would be the more accurate term.

He lamented that circumcisions were down 10% in recent decades.
He then did an interesting, and very sneaky thing:
he gave an example (HIV) in which the evidence showed a benefit of circumcision,
but he did not give any examples of evidence that showed the risks.
But then, to cover himself and give the "appearance" of fairness,
he told the audience they should weigh the benefits and the risks.

Is everyone going to run to the internet and do that?
Not likely. What they are going to remember is
that the trusted doctor told them a benefit
(one that would scare anyone into seriously considering it),
and then threw in a disclaimer at the end,
which most viewers would probably ignore.

Circumcision is not automatically recommended for boys
by ANY major medical organization.

We know why 1/3 of the planet's baby boys are mutilated in this fashion:
it is because of the covenant with God.
That is the reason why boys have been circumcized for thousands of years,
not because of medical science
and it was certainly not because of AIDS (which did not yet exist).
The medical excuses only recently started appearing,
and only because religious excuses no longer carry the weight they once did.
So religious people attempt to claim that science is on their side ... but it isn't.
Most major organizations agree that the risks outweigh the benefits -
something the good doctor did not want his audience to know.

Dr. Bruce Hensel used his position as a trustworthy TV doctor to promote his religious beliefs
rather than providing modern, accurate, and honest medical advice to his audience.

Genital mutilation of girls is outlawed in most nations in the world.
It's time we did the same for boys.

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Circumcision removes the most sensitive part of the penis

Original abstract

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Female Genital Mutilation


Regarding parents who genitally mutilate their daughters;
this is what should be done to every single one of those bastards ...

10 years in prison followed by deportation.

Most countries on Earth have these laws, yet few enforce them.
It's time that children's rights were given priority over
the rights of their parents to be ignorant dumb fucks.

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How well do Reza Aslan's excuses for Islam
(for example, in the area of female genital mutilation)
stand up to skeptical scrutiny?

Judge for yourself (25:45) ...

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Where is ground zero in the brutal world of female genital mutilation?

20% of the victims live here

So how is this affecting the United States?

It's not good news

UPDATE 6/5/20

Egypt still has a long, long way to go

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Activists fight against the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation (17:05)

Kurdistan, Iraq

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The U.S. continues to humiliate itself in front of the whole world ...

Illinois becomes only the fifth state to outlaw corporal punishment of children


"The World Health Organization has decreed the practice:
A violation of children’s rights to respect for physical integrity and human dignity.
In 1990, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
established an obligation to prohibit all corporal punishment of children.
The U.S. was the convention’s lone holdout.

Can you spell "Banana Republic?"

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Once again, the American Academy of Pediatrics attempts to get schools ...

to stop physically assaulting students

The Bible Belt states continue to be a worldwide embarrassment for the United States.

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Worldwide study confirms that spanking children ...

does more harm than good

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Youth violence is much lower in countries ...

that have a complete ban on corporal punishment

It looks like the Bible got that one wrong too.
But you got to give that book credit for one thing ... consistency.

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15 U.S. states still expressly permit the corporal punishment of children
in violation of the United Nations (only the U.S. and Somalia refused to ratify).
Guess which states those are ...

Yep ... the Bible Belt

Still lagging behind modern civilization ... as they always have.

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The current status of "spanking"

"On the international front, physical discipline is increasingly being viewed
as a violation of children’s human rights.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
issued a directive in 2006 calling physical punishment
'legalized violence against children'
that should be eliminated in all settings through
'legislative, administrative, social, and educational measures.'

The treaty that established the committee has been supported by 192 countries,
with only the United States and Somalia failing to ratify it.

Somalia? ... Somalia?

Jesus H. Fucking Kee-reist
Is there any limit to how much America can embarrass and humiliate itself?

(I think we can safely go with "No" on that one)

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Judge William Adams

Remember that viral YouTube video
showing a judge, belt-whipping and cussing out his daughter?

Well, in case you missed it - you can watch it now (7:34)

What do you think his punishment was?
(Remember, we're talking about Texas here) ...

That's right. In Texas they punish brutal, abusing judges
by giving them a year's vacation ... with pay.

UPDATE - 2014

He lost his bid for reelection

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Animal Cruelty


Trump claimed that Haitian immigrants were killing and eating pets (evidence? zero).
Court rules that Trump Towers in Chicago is responsible for thousands of fish deaths ...

(legal decision based on evidence)

Now, miraculously, animal deaths are no longer a big deal to MAGA Morons.

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Dead racehorses are putting pressure on the gambling industry

My money is on the industry.
They will find a way to justify the deaths
because there is too much money riding on it.

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UK makes an attempt to reduce cruelty to animals
by recognizing those animals who are considered to be ...


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China attempts to make entry into the 21st century by changing ...

its laws on dogs

What took them so long?

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Animal cruelty to become a Federal crime

Quote from the article by Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa):
"it's appropriate that the federal government
have strong animal cruelty laws and penalties
as evidence shows that the deranged individuals who harm animals
often move on to committing acts of violence against people.

Unlike global warming, Republicans are quite willing
to accept evidence and scientific studies when ...

it doesn't cost the Big Boys any money

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Trump administration attacks the Endangered Species Act

The "Big Boys" need more money
and those critters are standing in the way of profits.

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Farm Bill criminalizes the sale of dog and cat meat in the U.S.

I wish reincarnation were true, if only for one reason:
to see Iowa Representative, Steve King - reborn as a dog on a meat farm.

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World Wildlife Federation documents a 60% decline in various species worldwide ...

since 1970

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Humans aren't wiping out other species at 100 times the normal rate.

We are wiping them out at 1,000 times the normal rate

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Norway joins other "civilized" nations in ending fur farming

Other nations that have banned fur farming include:
the United Kingdom, Austria, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
Others, like France and Italy, have implemented restrictions or species-specific bans.
In the U.S., California has banned it.

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Humans continue to eat their fellow animals at ever increasing rates ...

and profit trumps morality (as usual)

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Republicans are attempting to roll back all the progress that has been made ...

to treat caged farm animals more humanely

Don't look so surprised.
These "people" (Republicans)
kill Americans by the hundreds of thousands
to preserve the profits of the "Big Boys."
So why would anyone expect them to have compassion for animals?

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Finally, in the near future, hens will once again be "cage-free"

So ... did the "Big Boys" finally find a speck of morality within?

This quote from the article should answer that question:

"And at the end of the day, we have to listen to our customers,
said Marcus Rust, CEO of Rose Acre Farms

No. Morality played no role in their decision.
Like every decision the "Big Boys" make ...

it's always guided by the almighty dollar.

RELATED 12/19/24

And just when you may have thought that
humans couldn't get any more heartless
in their pursuit for maximum profits,
you read something like this ...

350 million male chicks killed yearly

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Is anyone surprised that the humane treatment of farm animals
that Obama was trying to institute ...

would be rescinded under Trump?

I'm not

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Money is not the root of most evil ... "Greed" is.
We still have a long, long way to go
to remove from power, those whose uncontrollable greed
keeps humanity and all other creatures trapped in a living Hell.

Livestock Agriculture

If future humans don't look back on us with disgust and revulsion,
it will be because ... we failed

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Cruise ship passengers treated to a gory tradition ...

the slaughter of 80 pilot whales

People who know they are guilty of subhuman acts
almost always defend themselves by claiming they are "proud."
A classic example would be the MAGA cult.

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The hunting of elephants for their tusks
is having a devastating effect on ...

the evolution and survival of elephants

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Wayne LaPierre is the CEO of the NRA.
Here he is with his lovely wife Susan ...

NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre and wife kill elephants for fun and ...

to get that special footstool everyone will be talking about

If that story didn't turn your stomach
then you may be just as barbaric and inhuman as they are.

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Singapore becomes the first nation to put on sale ...

"No-kill, lab-grown meat"

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Humans are decimating the world's wildlife at a rate ...

not seen in millions of years

China's "one-child" policy will soon become a worldwide requirement ...

whether we like it or not

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How much does it cost to go out and kill animals with Trump Jr.?

about $10,000

Here’s the money quote from the article: Safari Club International said,
"hunting contributes significantly to conservation efforts.

They actually tried to claim that
because they contribute money to conservation efforts,
they are the good guys and we should all just ignore all the dead animals
and let them go on satisfying their sick lust for blood.

You can't make this stuff up

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Here is a top candidate for the most illogical thinking of all time ...

"Trump wildlife protection board defends trophy hunting"

If you don't see the irony in that title
or the illogic in the excuse offered,
then there is nothing that I, nor anyone else ...

can do to help you

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In case you were thinking
that Republicans can't be as inhuman as they seem to be ...

this should settle the issue

"... with the support of the National Rifle Association (NRA)
and Safari Club International ....

Now there are 2 groups of wonderful people
whose sole purpose in life is to make money
by profiting from the death of animals and people.

We are locked in a battle with pure evil ... and we're losing

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After ending 2016 with 2 months of despairing reports almost every day,
how about we start 2017 off with some news that brings us hope?

To stave off elephant extinction, China finally takes action

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Religious Animal Cruelty


Nepal takes a giant step into the 21st century.
The world's largest animal sacrifice, 500,000 animals ...

have now been spared from slaughter

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Why are endangered elephants being slaughtered?

As if I needed another reason to hate religion.

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