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Evolution Denial

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Evolution Denial


In America, acceptance of evolution is slowly on the rise ...

with a stark division between Republicans and Democrats

Damn, those ignorant superstitious Conservatives
are such a constant source of embarrassment,
not only for America, but for the human race in general.

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Scientists will concede the evolution debate to Creationists
when Creationists can find this ...

Well? Where is it?
Come on ... Chop Chop!

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It takes a big, big man to admit when he's been wrong.

As you might guess from that intro ... I screwed up

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Bad Christian arguments:
"I didn't come from no monkey! "

It's actually a lot worse than that

Also, if you are determined to push the argument that "I didn't come from no monkey!"
It might carry a lot more weight if you didn't act like this ...

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Soren Kierkegaard wrote:

There are two ways to be fooled.
One is to believe what isn't true;
the other is to refuse to believe what is true.

Where does that leave evolution deniers?

They nailed foolishness ...

from both sides

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Attention Young Earth Creationists ...

Scientists discover that they have been wrong about the age of the Earth!

It's actually 60 million years older than previously thought

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Function found, for some of the human genome's "dark matter"

Creationists will go nuts.

They have been fighting the existence of junk DNA for many decades.
If the non-coding sections of the human genome do have other functions,
this discovery will help free them from the burden of trying to explain
why their God would create beings with useless genomic material.

While this will add nothing to their evidence for the existence of their God,
even relief from one powerful argument will allow them some breathing room,
and force their adversaries to concentrate on other arguments.

However, if the entire genome does have purpose,
then this discovery also brings up some other familiar and difficult questions,
like "Why did your God use this genomic material to create diseases?"
and "If this is part of God's curse,
why didn't He remove it after Jesus paid for our sins?"

But the crucial part of the article is
"However, they are difficult to detect
and no one knows exactly what they all are doing or why they are there.
Now at least we know that they are real, and not just 'noise' or 'junk.'
Of course, the next step is to answer the question,
'what, in fact, do they do?'  

So function has NOT yet been found.
Do you think Creationists will notice that part?
(see first sentence above)

UPDATE - 7/23/14

Evolution-deniers jumped on the interpretation by some ENCODE scientists
that most of our DNA was functional.
But as always, their joy was short-lived
when other scientists pointed out that their hope was based
on a vague interpretation of the word "functional."

Now scientists clarify DNA functionality ...

and it didn't go too well for the evolution-deniers

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Creationists try to convince people that T-Rexes were gentle plant-eaters.
They do this because they can't have any killing before "The Fall."
As always, the scientific facts NEVER fall ... on their side of the debate.

Proof that T-Rex was a hunter not a scavenger

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Biblical beginnings presented by Aron Ra

"Evolution of Genesis" (32:15)

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The Universe has been fine-tuned for life by God?

In order for carbon-based life to exist,
a star must produce a sufficient amount of carbon and oxygen.
This can only happen inside of giant red stars.
If quark parameters varied more than 2-3% from what they are,
the amount of carbon and oxygen produced would be too low.

There is no evidence that the weight of quarks was assigned to them
by an invisible ghost with magical powers.
We only know that this is what they weigh, and as a result,
carbon-based life could have arisen in such star systems.

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According to the Bible:

"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth."

According to Stanley Miller (1930-2007):

"In the beginning were simple chemicals;
these chemicals combined into chains of amino acids
which eventually evolved into lifeforms.

Okay ... I'm going to have to go with Miller on this one.

Overview of the history of life on Earth (11 pages)

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Creationist excitement hits fever pitch as researchers discover evidence
that the age of the Grand Canyon may be drastically different than previously thought.

Age of the Grand Canyon

I know. That was pretty mean.
But the schadenfreude I derived from watching
the further demolition of Creationist hope was almost ...

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Creationists demand, "Show us evolution happening right now."

Evolution of new genes

Note to Creationists: "Be careful what you ask for - you just may get it."

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Creationists can't stand the fact that humans evolved from monkey-like creatures.
After reading this story, one could argue that ... we still are monkey-like creatures.

Capuchin monkeys

Now I see why it is so important to Creationists that evolution be false ...

"The Truth Hurts"

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Bad Christian arguments:
"But there are no transitional species."

"Where are all the transitional species? "

"Show us transitional species. If you can't ... then God did it."

If humans keep breeding this dog much longer ... it'll be a snake.

Gee, I wonder where all the transitional species are?

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Bad Christian arguments:
Paley's Watchmaker - "A watch needs a watchmaker."

True. But an organism only needs ... parents.

Another version of Paley's apologetic argument
is that the universe needed to be created ...

it could not have arisen by itself

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Bad Christian arguments:
"The Christian God is the intelligent designer of all things "

Well, if that's true, then I think God has some explaining to do.

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Video series exposing the falsehoods of creationism (~10 minutes each)

After each video ends, the next one in the series will appear in the bottom left corner.

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Other Science


Liberty University shut down by Covid

They prayed for protection as hard as they could. The result?

Their imaginary friend just laughed at them.
A microscopic virus shut down the favorite university
of the world's most powerful invisible ghost,
proving once again that ...

When science and reality face-off against god (ANY god)
the Ghost Worshipers ALWAYS lose.

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When Ghost worshipers in the United Arab Emirates
finally gave up on asking their invisible ghost for rain
they turned to science and ...


Don't worry, the Imams will figure out a way to take credit for it,
just like Christians here in America always do.

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Bill O'Reilly should have listened to the advice:

"When you're in a hole ... QUIT digging!" (1:27)

(he doesn't know Mars has moons)

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A talking elephant ... big deal

That elephant isn't anything special.
I'll be impressed when he can speak as well as Balaam's donkey did in the Bible:

"What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?"
(Numbers 22:28)
"Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden
ever since I was thine unto this day?
Was I ever wont to do so unto thee? And he said, Nay.
(Numbers 22:30)

And don't forget about the talking snake.

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Animals don't feel pain?


If you don't believe animals feel pain,
start twisting your dog's paw and see what happens.
It's hard to imagine how anyone could be that stupid.
But you have to remember - we are talking about William Lane Craig here;
a man who regularly takes the meaning of the word "stupid" to a whole new level.

This desperate attempt shows how wacky and insane, some Christians are willing to be
in order to provide excuses for their invisible monster.

Rational people can only shake their heads in disbelief.

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This is what happens when you jump the gun
because you desperately want your fantasies to be true

Vox Day and Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos

Remember Teddy Roosevelt's famous admonition?
"Speak softly, but carry a big stick"

Apparently, Vox Day got that one backwards, too:
"Brag incessantly, then back down when confronted"

Another Rat Flees the Arena in Disgrace (3 pages)

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If a picture is worth a thousand words
then I need say nothing ... but I will anyway.

The title for this picture should be:
"90% of all creationist arguments

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Christian Conservatives look at scientific discoveries
in the opposite way that rational people look at them:
they see every achievement as proof that science had been "wrong."

Well technically speaking, science is always wrong ...
but not in the same way that the Ghost Worshipers mean wrong.

When science makes a discovery, it's like adding another digit to pi:
sure the previous number for pi was wrong, and so is the new number;
it will always be wrong, but ...

Every discovery science makes, like every digit that gets added to pi,
brings humanity closer to the truth.

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Bad Christian arguments:
Christian apologists whose arguments abuse logic (25:00)

I now realize how silly my title, above, was.
It implies that there exist Christian arguments ... that don't abuse logic.

All Christian apologetic 'logic' arguments are fatally flawed
because logic "IS NOT" evidence, as they try to assert.
Logic can only be applied "TO" evidence.

Logic is the system we use to apply reason to evidence
in order to arrive at a sound and valid conclusion.

So without any evidence, and since logic is not evidence,
they are back to square one - blind faith;
and ironically ... that was the only honest position they ever had.

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