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Polls Buddhists
Mental Disorders Orthodox Jews
Terrorism Other Religions



Christian nationalism's support is strongest in ...

rural, conservative states

To add specificity to the article:
Conservatives are mostly found in the rural areas of ALL states
versus the much more densely populated cities.

The best way to see this is to find a voting map of ... counties (not states).
Then you can see that the Blue State - Red State dichotomy is a misnomer.
A good example is California; a notoriously "Blue" state.
But because of its population, it contains more conservatives than anywhere else,
and these conservatives can be found in the same place they are found nationwide ...

Out in the sticks
(where everyone knows your name and where you live)

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Largest Christian denominations in America

RELATED (from 2/16/23) ...

World's largest religions

Judaism spawned Christianity which spawned Islam.
Christianity and Islam combined,
now control half the world's population.

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Religion continues to fall rapidly in the U.S.

It can't fall fast enough.
If we could eliminate ghost worship
and get these people the mental help
that they so desperately need ...

the world would be a far, far better place.

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During a worldwide pandemic that has killed millions
and brought the world's economy to its knees,
I thought I would share this little snippet of good news ...

Church attendance in America drops below 50% for the first time


Religious beliefs continue to decline in America ...

but they still make up the majority

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Atheists are no longer the least electable candidates ...

Socialists are

Looking deeper ...

I have exposed Gallup in the past
for its biased pro-Christian interpretations ...

when polls didn't go the way they had hoped

The first poll above (about Socialists)
is from an organization which has no credibility (in my opinion)
and makes me realize that they don't just have a Christian bias,
but a Conservative Christian bias.

The greatest enemy the Oligarchs face are Socialists.
Socialism is society's attempt to defend itself against the Oligarchs.
I believe that Socialists were added to this list
(in a deliberate attempt to smear them)
by an organization (Gallup) which has repeatedly proven itself to be
nothing more than a tool of the Oligarchy.

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The Top 20 most-and-least religious countries

IQ by country

If you don't see the correlation ... it's because you don't want to.

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1,400 years ago, all 3 Christian Gods ganged up on Allah ... the result?

Christianity is falling worldwide while Islam is growing.
Islam is projected to surpass Christianity ...

before the end of the 21st century

If the 3 Stooges can't even beat up on one God,
it's a good thing They didn't try to take on the Hindus.

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The Pew Research Center releases the latest data on the extent of ghost worship.

Worldwide Religiosity

Summary from the article:
"As of 2010, the demographic study based on analysis of
more than 2,500 censuses, surveys and population registers finds:

Belief                  Number         Pct.
Christians           2.2 billion     32%
Muslims              1.6 billion     23%
Nonreligious      1.1 billion     16%
Hindus                1.0 billion     15%
Buddhists           0.5 billion       7%
Miscellaneous    0.5 billion       7%
Jews                   14 million      .2%

As dismal as it may first appear, it is important to remember
that as far as we know, it's the best shape the civilized world has ever been in.
(Additionally, it should be noted that Buddhists don't worship Gods.
That bumps the religiously rational crowd up to about 23%).

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Gallup Polls Americans on Religiosity

The small print in the picture shows
that Islam is the second largest religion in 20 states;
Judaism is second in 15 and Buddhism is second in 13.

Almost every ultra religious state is in the South;
that's why they call it "The Bible Belt."

What an embarrassment.
Maybe we should have let the South secede when they wanted to:
our national I.Q. would have jumped 20 points in one day.
But if that had happened, who would have freed the slaves? God?
Not likely. He was all for it.

Pat Robertson said that God sent an earthquake to Haiti in retaliation, 200 years later,
for Haitians becoming the only nation to successfully revolt
and free itself from its slave owners.
Robertson said they succeeded because they made a pact with the Devil.
So by Robertson's own admission,
the Devil freed the slaves, and God punished them for it.

Did I get a little off track?

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What trait do all gods share?

Every single one of them is terrified of humans,
and will go to great lengths not to be seen by us.

Yet even in the 21st century, most humans still cling to their gods.
To what degree, depends on where you live ...

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Where you grow up will likely determine which god you believe in

                                            Christian = 80% ;
                                            Nonreligious = 13%Canada:
                                            Catholic = 45% ; 
                                            United Church = 12%United States:
                                            Protestant = 49% ; 
                                            Catholic = 21%Latin America:
                                            Catholic = 93%Europe:
                                            Christian = 76% ;
                                            Nonreligious = 18%Africa:
                                            Christian = 46% ;
                                            Muslim = 40%Asia:
                                            Muslim = 23% ; Hindu = 22% ;
                                            Nonreligious = 19%Australia:
                                            Protestant = 50% ;
                                            Catholic = 26%

To see the major religions of each continent,
hover your mouse over the area of interest.
Clicking on the area will bring up a detailed spreadsheet.

To see religious statistics by country
Click here

To see current (or recent) religious wars
Click here

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Mental Disorders


Study shows that Religious Fundamentalism damages ...

the prefrontal cortex of the brain

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What religion does to your brain ...

based on experiments in neuroscience

"Religious belief can increase our lifespan
and help us better cope with disease.

Considering the brutal history documenting
how Ghost Worshipers treat those
who refuse to submit to their domination,
I don't find it particularly surprising
that Ghost Worshipers live longer and healthier lives.

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Tell me if this definition taken from Wikipedia
reminds you of any particular group of people:

"Schizophrenia is a mental disorder
often characterized by abnormal social behavior
and failure to recognize what is real.
Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking,
auditory hallucinations, lack of motivation,
and reduced social engagement and emotional expression.
Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the person's reported experiences.

Let's analyze that definition and see how it fits religious believers.

Schizophrenia (2 pages)


So, about 90% of the human race is schizophrenic ... by definition.
But if you dare to point that out,
you might become acquainted with the definition of another word ...


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Here is evidence to support the accusation ...

that indoctrinating children with religion is child abuse

However, it should be noted that not all child abuse is equivalent.
These parents are not intending to abuse their children
and that is a huge difference between this, and other forms of abuse.

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Christian Projection

That essay provided an exellent example of what religion does to the brain.
Religion renders it little more than a pile of superstitious, psychotic mush.

From "psychosis":
"A mental disorder characterized by symptoms,
such as delusions or hallucinations,
that indicate impaired contact with reality.

Yep ... nailed it

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Christian girl finds out that her imaginary friends aren't real.

"But they told me I could live forever "

So when people ask "What's the harm? "

Here's just one more piece of evidence to throw on the pile.

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According to the host of "The Atheist Experience" cable TV show,
religion is "not" a mental disorder.

Let's see what Mr. Webster has to say about that (5 pages)

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Afterlife (9:45)

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Study finds that thinking can undermine religious faith

Something ... many of us already knew.

You know what else can undermine religious faith?

Reality ...

Oh ye, of little faith

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"Dust That Sings" by philhellenes (12:37)

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At the end, she cuts though all the bullshit and delivers ...
the coup de grace (1:16)

Kate Smurthwaite

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Prayer (talking to yourself)

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Bill Maher's powerful ending message in his movie "Religulous" (3:30)

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Worldwide study reveals that intelligence (as measured by IQ) ...

is inversely related to religious belief

Didn't everybody already know this?

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We are in the 21st century.
So what are the Ghost Worshippers up to?
Well, since you asked ...

Here are some Muslims ... stoning a woman to death (0:59)

The Christian god was also real big on stoning people to death.

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This video shows the history of modern religions (2:35)

It's like watching cancer metastasizing

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Wherever you go in the world (say, like India) ...

Religious nutjobs are still killing people

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Hindus prove that Christianity and Islam aren't the only religions
willing to use violence in order to gain political control
to ensure control over the resources and power.

Hindus riot when Nepal votes to keep government secular

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Uganda will pass "Kill the Gays" law, effective 2013

American gays are fighting for equal marriage rights.
Ugandan gays would be thrilled ... not to be killed.

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This is how it's done

Women put a halt to witch-hunting

Now, quit feeling helpless and start changing the world ... like they did.

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Now compare that advice to 90% of what the bible teaches.

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A deeper dive into Buddhism
and whether it is better defined as ...

a religion or as a philosophy?

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Just when I think that there is no possible way
that religious idiots could surprise me any more,
I read something like this ...

Mummified monk not dead - he's in a rare meditative state

China is also well-known for promoting credulous acupuncture studies
so delusion is just as common there ... as it is here in the States

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I used to think that Buddhism was above all those other religions;

then they had to go out of their way to prove ... that they aren't

Well okay, Buddhism is certainly far more moral than the Abrahamic religions,
but stories like that one demonstrate the weaknesses inherent in all religions.

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Buddhists attack Muslim minority in Myanmar

There are 2 ways to look at this ...
1) Either religious extremism can appear in any religion (even Buddhism)
no matter how peaceful it claims to be, or
2) Muslims are capable of pissing off just about anyone in the world.

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Myanmar's majority Buddhists accused of killing minority Muslims

Time to put on our critical thinking caps:

Yes, it's true that majority religions usually attack minority religions.
But before accepting this story as unbiased or accurate,
there are a few other factors to consider.

Remember the recent attack by Palestinians on Jerusalem?
Remember the deafening silence from critics of Israel that followed?
And then when Israel finally fired back,
the world's anti-Semites howled in indignation
that the Israelis would fire missiles into Gaza.
In other words, sometimes reporters conveniently leave out the beginning,
because it may show that the people they are trying to portray as victims,
are actually the instigators

I don't know. What I do have to go on is:
this report, combined with my knowledge of Buddhists and Muslims.
This report reads backwards from the way I would expect,
based on my knowledge of those two religions.
That causes me to see a big red flag.
Maybe the report is true. But personally, I plan to reserve judgment
until more facts come forth.

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Orthodox Jews


To Christians, Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

So why do Jews celebrate Hanukkah?

Let's find out

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Even though they are surrounded and outnumbered by Muslim nations
dedicated to their annhilation, Ultra Orthodox Jews refuse to serve their country ...

but they continue to suck its meager resources dry by demanding handouts

In the case of these worthless pieces of shit ... I am anti-Semitic.

My guess is that Jews hate these bastards as much as I do.

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Students from an orthodox Jewish school scream racism
when their bad behavior gets them kicked off a plane.
But did they learn their lesson?

It doesn't sound like it (5 pages)

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The Abrahamic religions have carried out a war of domination
against women for thousands of years.
Now, secularists and modern religious believers
are joining forces to combat fundamentalists.

Israelis Rally in Support of Threatened Schoolchildren

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Other Religions


Bangladesh is seeing an increase in religious violence; especially ...

Muslims attacking Hindus

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In order to lock up his reelection,
Modi, Prime Minister of India,
uses the time-tested-and-proven fascist tactic
of attacking the religious minority ...

in this case Muslims

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Hindus bring their "caste system" to America

Money Quote:
"There has been strong pushback to anti-discrimination laws and policies that target caste
from groups such as the Hindu American Foundation and the Coalition of Hindus of North America.

Intolerant, entitled, conceited religious freaks seem to prevail in virtually all major religions.
This article is proof that Hinduism ... is no exception.

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The Satanic Temple and The Church of Satan are not devil worshippers but ... atheists

The Satanic Temple

The Church of Satan

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Hindus risk their health to fulfill their religious obligations

A large percentage of Ghost Worshippers are certifiable ...
and it doesn't really matter which ghost(s) they worship.
You can find these bizarre little freaks in every religion.

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Zoroastrianism formed the foundation for the later Abrahamic religions

They had no idea of the horror that they were setting in motion.

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Hinduism shares a lot in common with the Abrahamic religions ...

and that is NOT a good thing

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Murderous cult leader Charles Manson

If you ever wanted to know more about Scientology,
I think this sums it up better than anything I have ever read:
Scientology was "too crazy" ...

even for Charles Manson

So how crazy is Scientology?

This should give you a rough idea (2:39)

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An insider's opinion on Jainism contradicts Sam Harris' opinion

But reading the comments proves
that the issue is more complicated
than merely two opposing opinions.

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It's easy to find fault with most of the world's religions.
The list of atrocities connected to Christianity, Islam, etc. seems endless.
The Jain religion, practiced mainly in India, on the other hand,
seems far more benevolent by comparison.

But now, the horror of religion
strikes even the gentle Jain community

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This handsome devil is Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh.
He has 50 million followers and is a millionaire, many times over.
He is known as "The Guru in Bling"

Guess what he talked 400 morons into doing?

Darwin Awards are given to those individuals who contribute most to humanity
by removing themselves from the gene pool in the most stupid ways imaginable.
This year they have announced that there is a tie for the award ...

to be shared equally among the 400 winners

UPDATE (8/28/17)

As if this piece of crap hasn't already stunk up the joint bad enough,
now 38 people are dead after rioting, because ...

their hero got convicted of rape

These people are India's version of America's Fox News Fanatics.
What tiny analytical skills they do possess
are completely overwhelmed by their emotions
which are controlled by those who are manipulating them.

Time to print out more Darwin Awards

UPDATE (1/18/19)

Indian guru jailed for life over journalist's murder

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King Tut

Even in ancient Egypt, before anyone ever imagined inventing Christianity or Islam ...

religion was still screwing up the place and ruining lives

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Satanic abusers freed after 21 years

It is astounding that crap like this is still happening in America

UPDATE (8/24/17)

They got over 3 million dollars - and deserve every penny

Hopefully, they'll be able to enjoy what life they have left ... in peace.

One commenter wrote:
"Salem witch hunts. It happened in So Cal years ago.
The McMartin family was falsely accused,
drummed out of business and shunned by the community.
Even after being cleared. The media was ruthless towards the family.

The McMartin Preschool Molestation Case

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Tom Cruise

A look at Scientology and its "survival tactics"

Belgium to prosecute Scientology as a criminal organization

My guess is, after one visit from Tom Cruise, and a little "green" grease,
Scientology will be back in business and none the worse for wear.

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The Reverend Moon

Another clown has been called away ...

to perform in that great circus in the sky

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It's basically Scientology ... without Tom Cruise

Urantia (~25 pages - but in large print so it goes fast)

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