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Philip Goff debated Steven Novella on a "fine-tuned universe"

Naturally, I had to stick my two cents in (3 pages)

UPDATE 3/12/21

I received a reply. Not from Goff, but from his opponent ...

Steven Novella (2 pages)

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Panspermia (the theory that life began on Earth after arriving from outer space)

Another classic Novella take-down

It is definitely worth the time (great training) to watch how Novella destroys this guy's argument.
This guy wasn't some religious nut or political "useful idiot" - but a well-qualified scientist;
which is what makes this dissection all that much more impressive.

Even scientists are vulnerable to irrationality when they allow their egos to outgrow their brains.

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Classic Emails (3 pages)

The amazing crap you can find on internet comment threads

One Determinist bitch-slapping another Determinist

This was like watching Protestants and Catholics
banging each other over the head with Bible verses.

Hence, my old saying:

"A Determinist is nothing more than a Calvinist ... without a Bible."

neo, 2014

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Classic Emails (3 pages)

Roger Pearse tries to come to the defense of R. Joseph Hoffmann.

That turned out to be a big mistake

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The Conjunction Fallacy (3:44)

More on the Conjunction Fallacy 8/11/21

Conspiracy theorists and religious people are more likely to commit a Conjunction Fallacy ...

in contexts related to their worldviews

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CSICOP sent a petition to journalists
requesting that journalists restrict their use of the word "skeptic"
only to those in the skeptical community (as defined by csicop)

My email to CSICOP (1 page)

On a similar note, chiropractors are demanding
that journalists stop referring to gynecologists as "doctors."

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Critical Thinking - Shifting the Burden of Proof:
the rejection of a claim does not constitute a counterclaim (14:23)

Tracie Harris of the "Atheist Experience" explains

In debates over the existence of God,
Theists often attempt to shift the burden of proof because ...
it is a burden they cannot meet.

Their strategy relies on convincing the audience
that the Atheist's rejection of God is, in itself, a claim ...

it is not

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We've all heard the phrase "Correlation doesn't imply causation."

But that depends on which definition of "imply" one is using.
From Dictionary.com, imply:
1. to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated:
"His words implied a lack of faith."
3. to involve as a necessary circumstance:
"Speech implies a speaker."

Definition #3 is the one used in logic.
The statement "Correlation doesn't imply causation" is true
when this definition of imply is used.

But the statement is not necessarily true if definition #1 is applied.
In that case, correlation often does imply (indicate or suggest) causation.
If it didn't, humans would have almost nothing to go on,
as to where to focus their scientific efforts.

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Sigmund Freud
Neurologist and the founder of Psychoanalysis

The Id, the Ego, and the Superego

We use "ego" in the vernacular today
to mean something quite different
than how Freud intended it to be used.

Freud's model helps us understand what is likely going wrong
in the minds of those who are so easily manipulated by the Oligarchs;
and is therefore, extremely important and necessary to understand
if we are to have any hope of turning the tide of battle.


I found the diagram below and noticed the correlation between
the 3 indicated areas and Freud's 3 divisions of the psyche.

The Neocortex would be Freud's ego.
The Limbic Brain would be Freud's superego.
And the Reptilian Brain would be Freud's id.

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In an attempt to fight intentional misinformation,
reseachers are promoting ...


Great idea (on the right track);
but only time will tell
if their plan can turn the tide.

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Cognitive biases and brain biology help explain why ...

facts don’t change minds

If we are to survive as a species
this problem must be solved.

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Robert Reich admits to a whole list of things he got wrong
about the 21st century ... who convinced him?

Putin and Trump

This story is in the Rationalism category because it demonstrates
one of the most powerful weapons that Rationalists possess ...

That rare ability to admit when we are wrong.

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If you've ever wondered what the term "Gaslighting" means
you won't find a better example than ...

the "Birds Aren't Real" movement

Gaslighting is psychological manipulation that causes the victim(s) to doubt reality.
It is one of the tools that has become a favorite of American Conservatives;
and it was best exemplified by one ... Donald J. Trump.

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Mass psychosis is part of the explanation for how

the Oligarchs have been able to control humanity for 10,000 years (21:48)

But the main tactic that the Oligarchs employ to achieve control
is the age-old, most successful tactic in military history ...


And it works just as well today on modern educated humans
as it did on ancient, barbaric uneducated humans.

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Remember conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh?

Rush Limbaugh was a "tobacco denier" ...

Lung cancer took him out at only 70
(rich men usually get close to 90 years)

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Coronavirus responses highlight how humans have evolved ...

to dismiss facts that don't fit their worldview

The million-dollar question is ... "What can we do about it?"

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Here is a worldwide epidemic far more dangerous than the Corona Virus

"Never admit you're wrong" (2 pages)

Incidentally, while Trump supporters provide one of the best examples around,
this epidemic, sadly, infects WAY more people than just conservatives.
Anyone who has failed to get their ego under control (in other words, failed to "grow up")
is probably afflicted with this severe mental disorder which is nearly impossible to cure.

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Bruce Gerencser (clergy-project graduate)
wrote this excellent essay on ...

"Living in a world where facts don't matter"

Unfortunately, no one has yet discovered a cure for the disease.

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9 "Dark" personality traits are closely related

That study sounded so much like it was drawing a picture of Donald Trump
that I was tempted to move this story into the politics category.

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Researchers divide people into 4 basic personality types

The "Average" category was described thusly:

"Average people are high in neuroticism and extraversion, while low in openness.
I would expect that the typical person would be in this cluster.

So I looked up the definition of neuroticism:

"Individuals who score high on neuroticism are more likely than average
to be moody and to experience such feelings as ...
anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness.

HOUSTON !!!!!!

I think we've found the problem!

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Ghost Worshipers and atheists differ in how their minds work

So how do you explain people who renounce religion?

That requires learning how to put your analytical mind in control of your emotions.

Or in more simple terms ... growing up

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Motivated Ignorance ...


I would take that excellent analysis one step further and add
that the mental disorder of being unwilling to admit they are wrong
is an even more powerful factor than motivated ignorance
because that explains why they refuse to change their beliefs
even when confronted with overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

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Why people refuse to admit they are wrong (4 pages)

Either we fix them, and soon, or they will fix us ...


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What the Hell is going on in America anyway?

Why do delusional people spread false stories?

They use them as a litmus test, to determine friend from foe,
which makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint,
because having social support and knowing whom they can trust
is more important to them than knowing the truth.

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Psychologists are joining in the battle
to confront the insanity now gripping humanity.

The attack on enlightenment values

Whenever you are searching for an answer
the surest way to find the correct solution is to follow the money.

The masses are being manipulated,
and by the same group that has manipulated them
since the beginning of modern civilization 10,000 years ago ... the Oligarchs.

Oligarchs use well-understood techniques of brainwashing and mind control
to achieve the transfer of as much wealth as possible
from the masses, into their offshore bank accounts.

And science, logic, facts, and scientists ... are not good for business

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Repeating a lie is a powerful propaganda technique

I have been surprised (and disappointed)
that the media rarely mentions the fact
that Trump repeats nearly every word
that comes out of his mouth.

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Here is an example of just how powerful
political brainwashing cults like Fox News can be ...

(2 pages)

If you ever need an example of "cognitive dissonance"
you will never find anything better than the story you just read.

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Essay by Guy Harrison makes important points

Confronting the World’s Great Unrecognized Crisis

In the comments that followed the article,
a displeased Commenter named "Kenii" enlightened the readers.
Here are Kenii's comments on Harrison's essay ...

followed by my replies (6 pages)

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Jamy Ian Swiss explains how villians can look at themselves in the mirror (8:08)

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How to defend yourself against ...

psychological projection

The tactic of projection is learned by kids on every playground in America by the third grade.
Sadly, it is so successful, that it often gets carried into adulthood, where ...

it works just as well!

Since this tactic makes up the majority of attacks that a rationalist will experience,
it is imperative that we learn how to deal with these infantile, but very effective, attacks.

As the lady said ... "Don't let them get away with it."

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The novel "1984" by George Orwell (7:36)

POSTED 8/21/24 (only months before Trump's reelection bid)

Show of hands:
How many of you ever believed that
we here in the U.S. would find ourselves
living in a country where this book was becoming ...


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"Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude
as a means of overcoming destructive emotions;
the philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker
allows one to understand the universal reason.
A primary aspect of Stoicism involves improving
the individual's ethical and moral well-being:
'Virtue consists in a will that is in agreement with Nature.'
This principle also applies to the realm of interpersonal relationships;
'to be free from anger, envy, and jealousy,'
and to accept even slaves as equals of other men,
because all men alike are products of nature."

From its founding, Stoic doctrine was popular
with a following in Greece and throughout the Roman Empire —
including the Emperor Marcus Aurelius ...

Now, here is the pertinent part:

"until the closing of all philosophy schools in 529 AD
by order of the Emperor Justinian I,
who perceived their pagan character
as being at odds with the Christian faith.

Yep, those ideals were certainly at odds with Christian teaching all right.

The result?

The period that followed was known as "The Dark Ages"
and lasted more than 1,000 years.
It was an era of horrible oppression and unspeakable terror.

Since "The Enlightenment," religion has been viciously enforcing
its control over society in an attempt to cling to power.
With the advent of the internet,
the Enlightenment now has the most powerful weapon, it has ever had.

Stay tuned ... things are just starting to get interesting.

Read more about Stoicism

So how did such a vile worldview like Christianity, overtake and destroy Stoicism?

By combining violence, terrorism, and murder with the threat of eternal torture
against any who dared to challenge them.

They got their first big break when Emperor Constantine elevated the cult
to the status of the offical religion of the Roman Empire.
Then, as pointed out in the article above,
200 years later they cemented their power by destroying their enemies.
Rational thinking was forced into hiding for over a thousand years.
And ever since Rationalism resurfaced,
it has faced a constant battle for survival.

Human history is a shameful disgrace.
We have brought animal extinction
and human destruction wherever we have gone.
The evil religions (omitting Buddhism, for example)
have controlled the Earth for millennia.
But Stoicism lives on through the Rationalists.
The internet is the weapon we have waited for, for over 2,300 years.
We cannot afford to fail humanity again.
We cannot lose again because ...

we may not get another chance

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Correlation may indicate causation, or ...

it may not

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As America, and the world, descend into fascism and possibly war ...

this is the only real answer to ending this vicious cycle

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What is going on in the brain when you practice (4:49)

I’ve heard smart asses say that stupidity is
"doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result."
Those smart asses are people who never grasped the concept of ...


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Scientific failure can sometimes contribute as much as success,
to the advancement of human knowledge.

Scientific failures plant big red flags at the front of tunnels
warning people that this tunnel leads nowhere,
and that their time and effort would be better spent elsewhere.
One example would be the great scientist, Isaac Newton,
who explored the alchemy tunnel so we don't have to.

Lesson: Honest scientific endeavor is never in vain ... even in failure.

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If you are in the mood to enjoy one of the worst ass-whoopins in literary history,
see what happens when some dude tried to tangle with Isaac Asimov ...

The relativity of wrong

So ... is the Earth flat?

As brilliant, entertaining, and educational as Asimov's reply was,
the Earth can only be considered "flat" in some places
and even then, only when viewed from its surface.
When viewed from outer space,
which allows the whole planet to been seen in its entirety,
it is clearly not flat, but an ...

oblate spheroid

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Quacks & Frauds


Acupuncture surprises many by actually passing a scientific test ...

it helped those with sciatica

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FDA attacks Homeopathy ... specifically eyedrops

As many commenters pointed out:
the FDA should be attacking ALL areas of homeopathy.

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Anti-5G pendants turn out to be ...


This would be funny if it weren't so tragically pathetic.
Even animals can't match the utter stupidity of many humans.

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"Preferred learning styles"
(VARK: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic)
has been tested and has now been proven to be a ...

failed hypothesis (14:26)

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This story is a sign of how far America has fallen down the rabbit hole
when it comes to gullibility and critical thinking:

Psychics given credit for finding missing teen

Most agreed?
In a neighboring county?
Are you kidding me?
Is this a joke?

In the last century, IQ's in America have risen by about 30 points
and illiteracy has been reduced by a factor of 10.
Yet amazingly, many people have still found a way ...

to get even dumber

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Big Business continues its takeover of our educational system.
The University of California at Irvine has sold out its academic integrity.
How much did they get in exchange? How much was their integrity worth?

$200 million

Remember a few years back when the Koch Brothers were exposed
for doing the same thing at the economics department at Florida State University?
And then we learned that the Brothers have been very busy indeed,
taking control of collegiate economics departments all over America
by offering large donations in return for control over curriculum and personnel.

Well ... it's like that

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'Alternative Medicine' is a name coined by con artists
to add legitimacy to their fraudulent practices.
It is for the same reason that religious believers call their invisible ghosts ... gods.

The old name for Alternative Medicine was accurate enough ... quackery.

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How the cancer known as "Alternative Medicine" has metastasized in the U.S. (14:44)

How much would you give to be able to examine
Senator Harkins' offshore bank accounts?

Maybe this will give you an idea why candidates
will spend millions of dollars to win a job ...

that only pays thousands

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Finally ... a blunt, no-nonsense verdict on homeopathy

I guess the "blunt, no-nonsense" part must have given away the fact, that ...

this was outside the United States

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Dr. Oz

I've been waiting for this for a long time ...

Dr. Oz finally got his ass cooked ... in the Senate

If it were up to me, Oz would be sharing a cell and shower facilities with ...

Kevin Trudeau

So how does America reward its biggest charlatans, liars, and quacks?

With oodles and oodles of money ... and fame (2:40)

(and the show "The Doctors" isn't much better)

UPDATE - 4/21/15

Registered quack (Dr. Oz) will fight back to preserve his empire ...

and keep the flow of money from fools ... rolling in

Quote from Oz: "We provide multiple points of view, including mine
which is offered without conflict of interest.
That doesn’t sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts.”

That quote from Oz reminds me of the old story
about the wife who comes home from work unexpectedly,
and catches her husband in bed having sex with their hot young neighbor.
When the wife protests, her husband simply denies that they are having sex.

The wife says "But I just saw you - I mean, I can see you!"

Her husband continues to deny they are having sex.
Confused and befuddled, the wife leaves the room and returns to work.

THAT, my friends ... is Dr. Oz

But wait - don't leave yet ... it gets better!
You'll never believe which network Dr. Oz
is pitching his products on now, with an hour-long show ...

That's right ... Fox!

Where else can you find a bigger audience of gullible morons than on Fox?
This sounds like a match made in Heaven.

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Kevin Trudeau

The fall of Kevin Trudeau: from a mansion in Switzerland ...

to a 10-year lease on a tiny cell with "Bubba"

And here's the life Kevin left behind (11:01)

Must have been great ... while it lasted

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Of all the people in the world,
who do you think has made the most money off quantum physics?
Niels Bohr? Paul Dirac? Richard Feynman? Werner Heisenberg?
Maybe John von Neumann? Max Planck? Or even Erwin Schrodinger?

Not even close.
That honor belongs to a mind far more powerful than any of those listed above ...

Deepak Chopra

Here is a picture of him when he was young

And here is a picture of Deepak as he looks today

Oh well, I guess the anti-aging thing didn't work out so well for him,
but quantum physics has made him filthy rich,
so at least he won't go away empty-handed ...

(I just wish he would go away)

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Homeopaths in India go on hunger strike

On the plus side, if they all die of hunger,
maybe they'll reincarnate as herbs ...

and be ground up into homeopathic pills

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Psychic Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne remains the epitome of consistency ...

she hasn't gotten one right yet

Sylvia died at age 77 (11 years before the age ... she predicted)

That article made me gag. It sounded like it was written by her agent.
I don't have respect for the dead when, while alive,
they did nothing to earn that respect.

Good riddance to bad garbage ... rot in peace.

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Remember the millionaire businessman
who got even richer by selling fake bomb detectors in Iraq,
costing many people their lives?

Well ... he got convicted

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The Burzynski Cancer Clinic files a DMCA to force a video off YouTube. Why?

Watch and find out (9:39)


(It looks like they've used some of their vast resources
to also remove the video above
which would have told you why they forced a video off YouTube)

Take your pick

Whenever you are trying to figure out which side the "bad guys" are on,
look to see which side is trying desperately to shut the other side up.

That is always a dead giveaway

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No - the eyes do not tell you if a person is lying

Richard Wiseman Debunks Neuro-Linguistic Programming

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In 1987 chiropractors (and other quacks)
won a big victory over the American Medical Association,
ushering in an era of legalized quackery.

Stripped of government protection, the public was now left to fend for itself.
While this sounds bad, it could be turned into a blessing in disguise
if it forces the masses to develop the rational thinking skills necessary
to defend themselves from frauds.

Wilk vs. American Medical Association - 1987

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Following the advice of Wim Hof could cost you your life ...

not to mention spending much of your life … in misery

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Cipolla's "The Basic Laws Of Human Stupidity" (9:10)

Never has a video been proven more accurate
than this video was ... after the 11/5/24 election.

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Here is a list of conspiracy theories
(including the latest - QAnon)
that have captured the minds of ...

the most feeble among us

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Father tries to exorcise the demons out of his 6-year-old son ...

and kills him in a horrifyingly painful way

"51% of Americans actually believe in demon possession,
with 46% confident in the power of exorcism.

First I had to suffer through the horror story of what this dad did to his kid
and then I had to learn that I am living in a sea of insanity.


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If you've been involved in the skeptical movement
then you are probably familiar with the phrase:

"Correlation does not imply causation."

Here is a web site that does a fantastic job
of teaching this concept to others:

Spurious Correlations

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The amazing precision demonstrated in the building of the pyramids ...

did not require aliens

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In less than 5 minutes,
Neil Tyson bitch-slaps the holy crap
out of everyone in America
who needs the holy crap slapped out of them ...

Ya did good Neil

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The state of American education is dismal.

Here is one example

If nearly 10% of recent college grads believe
that Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court,
I would hate to find out how high the percentage is
among the rest of the population.

This one is even more depressing

If 10% believe Judge Judy sits on the Supreme Court
and 25% believe the Sun circles the Earth,
then we need to desperately hope ...
that these two groups include the same people.

This is how they go through life ...

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So just how stupid are Americans when it comes to science?

Embarrassingly stupid

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Scientists say that the Earth is being endangered
by a new strain of fact-resistant humans
By Andy Borowitz

A sobering new study reports that ...
"Scientists have discovered a powerful new strain of fact-resistant humans
who are threatening the ability of Earth to sustain life.

The research, conducted by the University of Minnesota,
identifies a virulent strain of humans
who are virtually immune to any form of verifiable knowledge,
leaving scientists at a loss as to how to combat them.

Davis Logsdon, one of the scientists who contributed to the study, said ...
"These humans appear to have all the faculties necessary
to receive and process information, and yet, somehow,
they have developed defenses that, for all intents and purposes,
have rendered those faculties totally inactive.
More worryingly, as facts have multiplied,
their defenses against those facts have only grown more powerful.

My Reply to Andy Borowitz:

Unfortunately Mr. Borowitz, it seems as though nearly every one of them ...

has been given my email address

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I sent the following email to a science writer who was reporting on a story
about a petition circulated by scientists, against ...

Brain Games (4 pages)

I wasn't defending "Brain Games."
I couldn't defend or attack them because the petition was so poorly written
that it didn't specify which claims were being challenged.

I was attacking the scientists who made general, vague accusations.
As scientists, they should have known better. Then I found this ...

One type of "brain game" that does improve mental functioning

So I sent a followup email:

"This study, published in PNAS, gives a great example of why
you should have been more specific when you were attacking "Brain Games."
You need to specify which claims were excessive or untrue,
otherwise you are simply mounting an assault on thinking."

(they didn't reply before, so I expect they'll ignore this one too)

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Do lemmings really commit mass suicide
by jumping off cliffs and drowning?

Those Disney pricks should have been the ones
who were pushed off the cliff

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6 Italian scientists sentenced to 6 years in prison for ...

not predicting an earthquake!

Why weren't any psychics convicted?
Why weren't any clergy convicted? (they claim to talk to God)
Instead, they convicted the ones who admit they can't predict earthquakes.
I vote that we all boycott Pizza until the conviction is overturned.
(On second thought, let's just boycott Roman Gladiator movies).

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Terrence McKenna on Relativism (5:43)


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HPV vaccine is preventing U.S. women from getting cervical cancer ...

RFK called it “the most dangerous vaccine ever invented”

And RFK is now in charge of America's health.
(sometimes I wonder why I even go on - this is one of those times)

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Las Vegas hosts a conference full of ...

right wing nutjobs

Even though we are well over a million dead Americans ...
these morons still don't get it.

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Here is an example of what is possible
when antivax morons are defeated ...

the eradication of smallpox

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Covid killed tens of millions of humans vs.
a few people died from getting a vaccine ...

Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT)

So after seeing the results and doing the math,
which side of the debate do the antivax geniuses choose?

You guessed it.

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With Fauci retired, antivaxxers find a new target

Why is this happening?

Because the Oligarchs must keep the people divided against each other
and therefore must always have an "enemy"
for their brainwashed legions to target.

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Republicans lied to their moronic base
about Covid vaccines and masking,
resulting in a death rate ...

TWICE that of Democrats (3:29)

So, why would Republicans do that?

They must keep the masses divided against each other,
and if they have to sacrifice a few of their own to achieve that,
then they could care less about the loss of life
(Pro-lifers? You've got to be kidding me).

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Texas antivaxxers are dropping dead from covid at an incredible rate ...

yet they continue to spread their disinformation ... and grow

That means they aren't dying fast enough.

But seriously, think how amazingly stupid you have to be
to see your loved ones dropping dead all around you ...
and still hold on to your gullible phony beliefs.

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Almost all Covid deaths are now among the unvaccinated (mostly Republicans).

Red state/Blue state comparisons July/20 - Feb/22 (2:40)

Why do Republicans continue to discourage their base from protecting themselves
even when deaths keep mounting and it is obvious that they are lying?

Because those supporters who are sacrificed are more than compensated for
by keeping the conservative base enraged and focused on hating "the other team."

If that were not true ... they wouldn't be doing it.

And polls for the midterm and presidential elections in 2022 and 2024
indicate that their stategy ... is working.

Remember which state came out the worst in the video above?

Thank god for Mississippi

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This is Aaron Rodgers.
He quarterbacks the Green Bay Packers
and is considered one of the greatest of all time.

This "genius" chose horse dewormer over vaccination

At this point, I think Rodgers best excuse would be ... CTE

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Police across America are defying orders to get vaccinated.
Since the start of the Pandemic, Covid deaths among officers ...

are 5 times higher than gun deaths

Remember, most of them strongly support gun rights
even though it costs them their own lives.

Behold the awesome power of ... brainwashing.

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If you are one of those loons who rely on the excuse
"I won't take the Covid vaccine
because it was developed using fetal stem cells
" ...

then you must renounce nearly all medicines and pharmaceuticals (3:56)

But for people whose entire existence
is one big contradiction with reality anyway ...

that should be no problem

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Anti-vaxxers are raking in big cash thanks to ...

gullible Ghost Worshipers

Take the money out of religion and the anti-vax movement
and they would both disappear ... overnight.

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How to handle antivaxxers

Had this advice been actuated near the beginning of the vaccine rollout
there is no telling how many lives could have been saved.

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Nearly everyone in America who is dying from Covid now is Republican.
So Republican leaders and the conservative media are panicking
and telling their zombies to ignore what they were being told before ...

and go out and get vaccinated

What is even sicker, is that the zombies will never put 2 and 2 together.
They will still remain loyal to the cult that has been killing them in droves.

Conservatives have all the mental firepower of a desert cactus.

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Half of Republicans are "antivax morons":

25% of congress members refuse vaccination

If 25% of Congress has refused vaccination and ~50% are Republican,
then that is about the same percentage as Republicans in general.

Trump will be dead soon. But nearly half of American adults are Maga Morons
and they will be holding us back (in service to the Oligarchy) ...

for a long, long, long time to come

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Measles cases increase in 2018 - worldwide.

Deaths climb, especially among children

Thanks antivaxxers ... nice work.

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Dozens die in Samoa (mostly children) from Measles outbreak ...

Vaccinations ordered

At least Samoa is fighting back ...
something we don't see happening in America.
In fact, in an attempt to court the most gullible people in America,
Republicans are passing bills protecting antivax idiots.

Take your pick

Thought I was joking, didn't ya?
Republicans recruit from the very bottom of the intellectual barrel.

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Stop Mandatory Vaccinations! (Administrator - Larry Cook)

Facebook is shutting down the largest anti-vax group on its platform

Personally, I think those anti-vaxxers should spend a few years in prison;
especially when you consider all the deaths they are responsible for.

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Tetanus nearly kills 6-year-old boy whose parents then refuse further treatment

These parents should be sterilized, have their children removed from their custody,
and never be allowed within 100' of any child ever again.

If they refuse to protect their child because of their ignorant arrogance ...
then the State should step in and protect him.
We do that in cases of sexual or physical abuse and neglect.
It needs to be done in cases of life or death.

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The anti-vax movement is being manipulated by Demagogues and Populists

These are the idiots responsible for many deaths and much suffering

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I had thought that,
dangerous anti-vax nonsense
stretched across both ends of the political spectrum.
But no longer ...

Apparently, in an attempt to increase their dwindling base
by appealing to the most gullible voters,
the Republicans have decided to own it.

Arizona Republicans push dangerous anti-vax bills

It's amazing how low an entire political party can sink.
But if treason didn't embarrass them ...

why would a bunch of dead kids?

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The Republican recruitment of antivaxxers

Republicans, who are trying to sell Americans on the idea
that they should give all their money to the rich,
must recruit from the bottom of the intellectual barrel.

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Last year (2017) only 37% of adults got their flu shot ...

resulting in one of the deadliest seasons since the 1970's

In my opinion, the children of anti-vax idiots
should be taken away from them and placed into protective custody.
And anti-vaxxers should never be allowed within 100' of any child ... ever again.

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Scientists zero in on the cause of autism ... and it ain't vaccines.

The mother's microbiome appears to be a major factor

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Anti-vaxxers can strike anywhere, even in the most advanced nations ...

like Japan

That story sounded like it came straight out of the U.S., didn't it?

It proves that idiocy knows no racial, gender, or national boundaries.

Battle Stations!

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People in some American states and foreign countries
are finally beginning to fight back against parents
who put their own children, and everyone else's, at risk ...

because they are too stupid and arrogant to get their kids vaccinated

If it were up to me, I would throw their asses in jail.

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In more advanced countries, like Australia,
they don't screw around with the Nut Jobs who threaten their children:

Australia won't tolerate nurses who push anti-vax nonsense

Australia stands up to anti-science morons
by refusing benefits to anti-vax parents ...

Vaccinate those little bundles of dribble and sputum ... or else

Australians show America what good government looks like;
taking action that will save many innocent lives.

Senate stomps on Anti-Vaxxers

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Classic Emails (9 pages)

My attack on anti-vaxxers
(and by mistake - one pro-vaxxer)

And just when we were all getting to know one another
and I thought I could almost feel real bonds being formed ...

they all went silent

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Jimmy Kimmel's attack on anti-vax loons
(with the help of some doctors) ...

is hysterical (4:57)

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The psychology behind the anti-vax movement

He put it a whole lot nicer than I would have.

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Liberal icon Bill Maher bitterly disappoints the skeptical community
with his anti-vax nonsense (video - 12:30)

But Orac takes down both Maher and his panel ... point by point

Now THAT ... was a beautiful read.

And if you think Maher should be flogged a little more ...

this was pretty good too

UPDATE 4/17/21

5 years later and Maher is still at it ...

Now it's Covid

This demonstrates what can happen,
even to otherwise very intelligent people, like Maher,
when they allow their egos to take over their rational thinking abilities.

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You are never going to believe this ...

Which state has the highest vaccination rate?

Remember this link?

Where shall I begin the list of cliches?
"Every dog has its day"
"Around every dark cloud there is a silver lining"
"There's a speck of light in the darkest night"

Okay, I made that last one up: but you get the point ...

Congratulations Mississippi!

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Jenny McCarthy's child didn't develop autism because of a vaccine -
that has been conclusively ruled out by scientific research.
The evidence indicates that, in most cases, autism is inherited.

However, parents do not have to be helpless bystanders.
They can have a dramatic impact on the severity of their child's autism.
But this requires a huge investment of time and love;
something that not all parents are willing, or able, to provide.

Helping kids with autism

McCarthy tried desperately to put the blame
for her son's condition on the medical profession.
Using false correlations, McCarthy could have just as well tried to blame anyone ...

But the evidence implicates, not the medical profession, but the parent's genetics;
and the study you just read heaps more blame, not on the medical field,
but on McCarthy herself, who could have done so much more,
but chose instead, to invest her time in a glamorous career.
So maybe the real motivation behind McCarthy's crusade is ... guilt?

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Chicken Pox Parties

My official statement:

Any parent who intentionally gets their child infected with chicken pox,
or any other communicable disease,
should have their children taken from them,
and those parents should be sent to Federal Prison.
After their release, they should be prohibited from ever raising children again.

(Unofficially ... you don't want to know what I really think should be done to them)

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How to go from hero to scum ... the story of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy spreading anti-vax propaganda

When I saw Kennedy's work in the movie "The Last Mountain"
I believed him to be a true American hero.
As an environmental lawyer he is quite well qualified in environmental issues.
But like so many others, Kennedy assumes that his expertise in one field
automatically makes him an expert in other fields.
By that, I mean that he overrules the scientific consensus
in a field in which he is not qualified.
That is the very definition of arrogance.
Now he spreads the pseudoscientific lies of the anti-vax movement.

There is no one sitting on Death Row, in any state,
who is responsible for more deaths than Jenny McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

And another hero has fallen
(No, I didn't mean Jenny McCarthy - I was thinking of Linus Pauling)

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Okay, I admit it.
This slam against anti-vaxxers is a blatant steal from the web site of

The Friendly Atheist

But Hemant's comment was just too funny, not to steal:

"Remember polio?
Cases of polio have decreased 99% since 1988.
It’s been eradicated in the U.S.
Do you think it’s because God was all of a sudden bored ...
with crippling young kids?

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Food & Drink


What is the psychology behind GMO denial?

Dunning-Kruger ... on steroids

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GMO opponents think they're smarter than everyone else. In reality ...

they are dumber

At least I can understand why intelligent people sometimes develop arrogance.
I've yet to figure out how stupid dumbshits, like these fools, can become so arrogant.
I guess it's just a case of the Dunning-Kruger Effect ... on steroids.

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The vitamin D craze, just like the vitamin C craze ...

fails to produce the promised results

Since we never seem to learn,
it's a good thing there are only a limited number of vitamins.

UPDATE - 10/5/18

Meta-analysis concludes that Vitamin D supplements are "largely worthless"

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"Junk Food" is a scapegoat for obesity ...
according to many scientific studies like this one (1:51)

It's time to step away from the keyboard ... and the remote

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Alternative medicine supplementation continues its unblemished record of ...


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GMO's ... explained (11:25)

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If you consume "energy drinks" ...

you should probably read this

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More powerful scientific proof in support of the position that ...

GMO's are safe

UPDATE - 1/11/16

Should there be mandatory GMO labelling?

Spoiler Alert ... No

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Neil DeGrasse Tyson tells anti-GMO freaks to "chill out"

This brief article includes a list of the scientific organizations who agree with Tyson

Tyson's most important point:

"What most people don’t know, but they should,
is that practically every food you buy in a store
for consumption by humans is genetically modified food.

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Is this the final nail in the coffin of the anti-fluoridation kooks?

Don't count on it. Kooks are like rubber duckies in a bathtub:
you can clobber them with a baseball bat as hard as you want,
but the little suckers will always float right back up to the surface.

Oh by the way,

here is an email exchange I had with some of the kooks (3 pages)

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Huge meta analysis of health studies found no evidence that "organic" is better.

Pay More ... Get Basically The Same Benefits

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Vitamins & Supplements


In a new meta-analysis, vitamin and mineral supplementation ...

fails again

It's a scam folks.

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A huge new study says that fish oil and vitamin D pills ...

are no guard against cancer or serious heart trouble

They just want your money.
Nothing new to see here folks ... move along.

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Dietary supplements are designed to relieve you of one thing,
and one thing only ...

that annoying wad of cash in your wallet

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Antioxidants and cancer

Good rule of thumb:
When deciding on whether to take the advice of scientists or salesmen ...

Go with the scientists

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Should you take vitamin supplements?

With 2/3's of Americans classified as either fat or obese,
vitamin deficiencies are extremely rare.

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Science vs. Pseudoscience

And the winner remains ... Pseudoscience

Who was the main proponent behind the current multi-vitamin craze?

"Joseph Fortunato, chief executive of General Nutrition Centers said
"The thing to do with these reports is just ride them out.
We see no impact on our business.

UPDATE - 5/28/18

Multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin C (the most common supplements)
showed no advantage or added risk in the prevention of
cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, or premature death.

They are simply taking you to the cleaners

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The Dietary Supplement Health And Education Act Of 1994

A great example of your government looking out for you
and not caving in to Big Business and all their money.

(at this point, sarcasm is about all I have left)

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