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A New Year's Day (2024) earthquake
moved Japan's coastline more than ...
800' in some places
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New theory may explain the Grand Canyon puzzle "The Great Unconformity" ...
blame it on Rodinia
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Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you
the continental fragment, or the microcontinent,
or the submerged continent, or the continent of ...
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There are mountains in the Earth's mantle
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The "magma chamber" model of volcanism is being challenged by a new model called ...
"mush reservoirs"
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Massive impact crater from a kilometer-wide iron meteorite discovered in Greenland
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Scientists hunt down and find the volcano responsible ...
for the largest eruption in recorded history (54:02)
UPDATE 2/28/24
There is a new champion ... off the coast of Japan
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Seismologists study the architecture of buildings
from The Forbidden City in Beijing
built in the early 15
  century ...
to learn why they seem impervious to earthquakes (53:33)
But long before the Chinese architects built The Forbidden City,
architects in Istanbul, Turkey built the Hagia Sophia.
It has withstood the Earth's onslaughts for 1,500 years ...
using different secrets than those used by the Chinese (25:02)
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Scientists discover why rocks flow slowly in Earth's middle mantle
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The mechanics of mantle convection get updated
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Supercontinents ... they come and they go (9:31)
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Move over Mount Everest
(world's tallest mountain when measured from sea level).
Move over Mauna Kea
(world's tallest mountain when measured from the sea floor).
Ecuador's Chimborazo is the world's tallest mountain when measured from ...
the Earth's center
It all depends on who is keeping score.
UPDATE 1/2/20
Sea levels vary and change (5:57)
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Strong evidence links the lava flows which created the Deccan Traps in India ...
with the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs
The Shiva Crater
This 1-2 punch turned Earth into a hellhole from which no dinosaur survived.
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Mystery solved ...
The 'Sailing Stones' of Death Valley
have been seen in action for the first time
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Oxygen anomaly in earliest rocks leads to the discovery of how they formed
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Scientists discover world's largest volcano, 1,000 miles east of Japan
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The Earth ... 100 million years from now (3:19)
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Rising oceans combined with sinking land masses ...
has doubled the predictions for ocean rise in some places
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African lakes pose huge danger to millions of people and animals because ...
gas is building to an explosive level
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The world's largest freshwater lake (Baikal in Russia) is being affected by ...
global warming
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Severe drought is affecting the Panama Canal
So why do they use fresh water instead of
letting the canal fill with water
from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans?
Because the oceans have different levels
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The January 15, 2022 eruption of an undersea volcano off Tonga ...
was the most explosive event ever recorded (2:35)
Also ...
it caused the most lightning strikes ever recorded
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It appears as though scientists will soon recognize the "Southern Sea" as ...
the world's fifth ocean
(since they are all connected, in reality there is only one)
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The world's water crisis (18:42)
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Killer floods of the past (54:02)
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The Arctic Ocean was once a freshwater lake
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Understanding "rogue" waves
Second-order bound nonlinearities.
Of course ... why didn't I think of that?
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Water has memory.
Has Homeopathy been vindicated?
not quite
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How tides work (15:20)
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A new ocean has been located in our solar system ...
and it's right under our feet
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The severe drought in the western United States means that
the equivalent of a 4" deep lake over the entire western U.S. ... is missing.
With all that weight missing, guess what the land is doing?
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The theory that high oxygen levels were responsible for gigantism in dinosaurs ...
seems highly unlikely now
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