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Christian Hypocrisy


Presenting ... The richest Christian pastors on Earth:

Jesus would be so proud!

Matthew 19:24

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Southern Baptists expel one of their biggest churches ...

for appointing female pastors

So explain to me again how Conservative Christians
are different from Fundamentalist Muslims.

Verses that Conservative Christians use to combat women

What stands out (as it always does with Conservative Christians)
is that they never quote Jesus (he's bad for business).
They either quote the Old Testament, or as in this case,
that misogynistic little prick ... Paul.

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This armored truck shows how Mega Church Pastor Joel Osteen spends ...

his Monday mornings

And here's a picture of the Osteen's next home
(provided that the gullibles remain ... gullible):

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Fox "News" celebrity Sean Hannity

Despite all the Catholic child molestation accusations, attacks against gay people,
the Vatican’s accumulation of vast riches, and the many corruption scandals,
Hannity had remained a loyal Catholic.

So what made him leave the Church?

When the Catholics made Francis the Pope
(a man who emulated the teachings of Jesus Christ) ...
that was bad - but not bad enough.

But when Pope Francis started attacking the rich (Hannity’s masters)
that’s when Sean blew his cookies and stormed out of Catholicism.
He even went so far as to say (better sit down for this one) ...
that Pope Francis was an ATHEIST!

Here is a Fox interview of Hannity in 2019
where he tries to whitewash his betrayal of Catholicism ...

by trying to convince us that corruption suddenly started bothering him

Hannity is just one in a long, long line of phony Christians
who have sold out their god (Jesus) and everything he ever stood for ...

for 30 pieces of silver

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Here is a great reply to Conservative Christians who ask atheists

Why don't you stay quiet and remain in the closet?

The best part ...

"Many Christians accuse atheists of having a hidden agenda,
which I think takes a special blend of nerve and insanity,
considering that their highest priority is to convert the entire world.

Can I get an "Amen!"

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Matthew 22:21 ...
"... Then saith he unto them,
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's;
and unto God the things that are God's.

So why the hell won't Churches pay taxes?
For Christ's sake ... even their own Bible tells them to do that.

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10 of the richest pastors in America

I don't remember Jesus agreeing with ANY of these con artists.

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In 1659, the Massachusetts Bay Colony
fined those who celebrated Christmas
because, as a pagan ritual ...

it was offensive to God

Somebody get Fox News on the phone.

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Think televangelists are evil?

Well, many of them are ...

But Ken Ham could give them a run for their money

I guess Ken Ham never read the part in the Bible about

"Render unto Caesar ...."

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The hypocrisy of American Conservative Christians ...

on display for the whole world to see (6:18)

Those phony Christians even make Jesus puke.

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This has to be the most sensational ass-whoopin' in internet history.

One of the most delusional little freaks on the web
is a guy named Ken Ammi who goes by the moniker "True Freethinker."
He is an orthodox Jew, yet considers himself to be a free thinker.
(now you know why I referred to him as delusional)

When challenged as to why any moral person would worship
a brutal monster who murdered countless Egyptian babies
and then created a holiday (Passover) to celebrate the slaughter,
he decided to defend his hideous god by questioning me
as to why there was anything wrong with what his god did.

That turned out to be a major mistake.
The exchange is long (38 pages)
but pretty entertaining (at least from my end)
If you would prefer to skip the dozen exchanges
and just read the total annihilation at the end ...

go to "#11" near the beginning of page 37

It doesn't get any better than that, folks.

The moral of the story is:
If God doesn't want us to practice abortion
then maybe He should have set ...

a better example

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Believers cannot be harmed by poison (Mark 16:16-18):

"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;
but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe;
In my name shall they cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents;
and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;
they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Let's see a show of hands:
How many of you believe that Conservative Christians
who claim to believe in the literal truth of every word in the Bible ...

will put their belief to the test to prove their sincerity?

Well, actually some have.
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective),
those who did, aren't around any more to ask for a do-over.

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I challenged a Ghost Worshiper to explain why he worships a hideous monster
who bragged about murdering countless innocent Egyptian babies
and then created a holiday (Passover) to celebrate the slaughter.
When his distraction technique failed - he ran away to his "Safe Space."

Classic Emails (3 pages)

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Here is Christian Apologist and internet sensation - David Wood

And here he is when he is not taunting and trying to humiliate gay people

(Personally, I think he looked better in drag.
In street clothes he looks too much like an SS guard.
If those eyes were any closer together ... his ears would touch)

Anyway, long story short, Wood appeared on an interview with Gad Saad ...

where he made this confession (3 pages)

Ah Christianity ...
Providing a refuge for humanity's most evil monsters for nearly 2,000 years

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With all the things that the people of Corpus Christi
could have spent a million dollars on,
guess what they chose to spend it on ...

The world's second largest Christian cross

And yet they can't quite figure out why the Bible Belt leads the nation
in poverty, illiteracy, crime, and other assorted ills.

Maybe Jesus doesn't like them quite as much as they would like to believe?
After all - His Father made His feelings about idols very clear in ...

The 10 Commandments

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First read this story about "Islamophobia" in the U.S.

Now realize, that polls prove
that there is one group which Americans hate even more than Muslims ...


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Florida realized that it had better legalize adultery fast
or half a million of its citizens might find themselves ...

behind bars

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The picture on the left shows the statue of the Sea God before Christians attacked.
The picture on the right shows the statue of the Sea God after Christians attacked.

Northern Ireland still beset by Ghost Worshipers

"Those who made off with the sea god left a wooden cross in its place
with the words "You shall have no other gods before me "

I guess the pious thieves never read as far as the 8th Commandment:
"Thou shalt not steal "

Aren't Ghost Worshipers precious?

Always 100% oblivious ... to their own hypocrisy

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Christian persecution complex (4 pages)

If you find yourself getting bored with all this rationality,
and you are just looking to read something really delusional
to add some variety to your existence ...

It doesn't get much more delusional than this

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If marriage has always been between one man and one woman
why did the U.S. have to outlaw polygamy?

That should be a big hint ... that it wasn't

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"Dusty" thanks Christians for showing everyone
just how disgusting their religion really is (4:13)

The aftermath of Robin Williams' suicide in the eyes of some Christians

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What does religion have in common with drug lords and Oligarchs?

For every dollar you give them,
they throw back a shiny nickel
and then strut around trumpeting their generosity,
and point out that without them -
you wouldn't have that shiny nickel.

What you need to realize is, that without them ...

you would still have the dollar

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Guess who has the highest divorce rate?


Don't act so surprised: Evangelical is just a synonym for Hypocrite.
So what does a hypocrite look like?

Like this guy ...

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Yesterday's Westboro Baptist protests

When Westboro began their protest, kitty corner from the Catholic church,
the members led by Father Bevacqua turned their backs on Westboro and began singing hymns.
This has been a common strategy throughout America.

I saw a group of gay people counter protesting on another corner
(directly across from Westboro)

My blood was boiling so I walked out into the intersection
and hoisted my sign high: "Go back to Kansas Westboro inbreds"

They tried to ignore me.

So I used my megaphone to point out that many of their brothers and sisters
had left the family and changed their names.
I criticized them for lecturing the Catholics on family values
when their own hate was tearing their family apart.

They began to sing in order to drown me out
(the same tactic the church was using against them)

But my megaphone was working especially well ... and loud.

I then reminded them that Canada would allow lepers into their country
but had banned Westboro Baptist.
I added that England would allow people with butt cancer into their country
but had banned Westboro Baptist.
I asked "When countries will allow lepers and butt cancer in -
and keep YOU out - what does that make you?"

(Yeah ... I know.
But just the sight of these people was enough
to strip away what little maturity I had to begin with)

I said "No Baptist organization will have anything to do with you.
You are outcasts among your own religion."

They tried to sing louder.

I turned the volume on my megaphone up to "full"

I directed my next comment to their leader, Shirley Phelps-Roper,
"Why don't you tell us about your illegitimate child?
In the dictionary that is called a bastard.
Did you bring the little bastard with you today Shirley?
What happened? Did you get hot for the Sparklett's Water guy one night?
Hey Shirley, when are you going to tell the little bastard
that according to Deuteronomy 23:2
he will never be allowed into Heaven no matter what he does?"

Then the strangest thing happened:
15 minutes into their protest (barely half way in),
they all packed up and headed out. They just gave up and left!

Puzzled, I turned around and headed back to my car.
I was putting away my sign and megaphone when 2 reporters caught up to me.

One reporter said that he had been standing right next to Shirley
when I started my tirade.
He told me that when I brought up her illegitimate child,
she looked like she had been physically punched in the stomach.
He said he could see it on her face. That's when she told everyone to pack up.

These people traveled over a thousand miles to hurt innocent people,
including many children. But when someone hit them back ...
they couldn't take it.

After the protests, I sent Westboro the following email message:

"I want to take a moment to thank you all for traveling over a thousand miles
out to California to poop in my backyard.
Giving you a 'California Welcome' was the least I could do.
That was me with the megaphone at the Catholic Church in Glendale,
and at the Golden Globes in Beverly Hills.

Look forward to seeing all of you again next time you are out my way."



Oddly, none of the stories that appeared the next day
mentioned what happened at the Catholic Church.
They reported on the demonstrations at other churches and at the Golden Globes,
but barely mentioned the Catholic incident.
But in most, if not all of the stories, they quoted one minister
who said that the counterprotests proved that Love was more powerful than Hate.

Actually, their love has never been able to stop Westboro
during tens of thousands of protests.
But one Atheist stood up for the Catholics
and sent Westboro scurrying back under their rocks.

I guess that story just doesn't sell as well as "Love beats Hate."

3/7/14 - The Return

Well, it's been close to 2 months now
since Westboro Baptist Church protested in Southern California.
They have returned, this time, to picket the Oscars.
As they did 2 months earlier at the Golden Globes,
they first spent the day protesting at 4 churches.
I intercepted them at their fourth and final stop before the Oscars -
a Catholic church in Lakewood, California.

California has been experiencing one of its worst droughts on record.
But a storm arrived days before the Awards.
On the morning of the Awards, the storm was moving out.
I headed out feeling confident about the forecast and the receding clouds.
I got to the church and scouted the area.
The weather looked pretty good. At 10:35 they arrived.
I grabbed my protest sign, megaphone, and camera crew,
and hurried to confront them.
At exactly that moment ... the heavens opened up.

I was instantly drenched. But determined, I continued on.
I saw that Westboro was already picketing
and that counter-protesters were stationed across the street.
I was using my sign more like an umbrella than a sign.

The action lasted a good 40 minutes.
When they finally packed up to leave, it miraculously stopped raining - for good.
That was it: it only rained at the location where I confronted them,
and only for the duration of the demonstration. No where else.

The video was unusable because the rain had muffled my megaphone.
All my preparations (including hours spent firming and shaping my pompadour) were nullified;
I looked like a stray dog that had been hosed down by an angry homeowner.

This was the closest I have ever come to rededicating my life to Jesus.

I was saved from that mistake when I remembered
what I had learned in science classes and from videos,
which explained how weather, including storm cells, worked.

So, like the Golden Globes, I am once again without any video to show you.
You only have my word that I was even there.
But if you want to read the script
that I yelled at them through my megaphone, it's only 2 pages.

Westboro Baptist vs. neo

Yeah, I know. I was a dick ... and immature ... and ...
But those creeps really boil my onions.

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Do you remember this interview between
journalist Wolf Blitzer and an atheist tornado victim?

Do ya thank the Lord? (1:55)

I love this guy.
Especially at the end when he talks about
all those smug, selfish Ghost Worshipers eating off FEMA trucks ...


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So, how many wives did God have?
Answer: 2 (Aholah and Aholibah), and ...

He killed both of them

Do you really think this guy, God,
is in a position to be giving marital advice?

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Hobby Lobby takes hypocrisy to a whole new level.

These Christians buy their products ... from China

So it has nothing to do with Christian values after all.
As we already suspected, it's all about the money;
and where religion is concerned ... it always is.

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Classic Emails (4 pages)

Christian Nationalist David Wood learns the hard way
that sometimes you're better off ...

staying under your rock

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Christians brag about how charitable they are.

Spartansburg, South Carolina Soup Kitchen

I think this story makes it clear WHY they are being charitable.
By their own admission ... they are drumming up new business.

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Want to read a great story that demonstrates
the love and tolerance of Conservative Christians?

Iraqi war veteran and amputee, booed by Texas Christians

That story was best summed up by the saying, often attributed to Ghandi:

"I like your Christ. I don't like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

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Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council
got tired of people calling his Christian group "The American Taliban"
so like a little kid on a playground, he threw it back
and called atheists "The American Taliban."

So who is right?

Game ... set ... and match

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2 examples (out of thousands) of Christian hypocrisy. First up:

4 out of 5 Christian divorcees want gays
to stop undermining the sanctity of marriage.

And second, Christians are apparently okay
with ignoring the parts of the Bible they don't like.

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Homosexuality has been found in more than a thousand species.

Homosexual hate has only been found ...

in one

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Bill Maher expounding on Liberty University (4:58)

In case you think Bill was exaggerating ... read this

UPDATE - 8/22/18

Trump spoke at Liberty University
where they teach Young-Earth Creationism as scientific fact.
It is a university where a diploma carries less prestige
than a roll of toilet paper (and isn't anywhere near as useful).

In 2018, Forbes' list of America's Top Colleges ranked Liberty University ...

622nd out of 650 rated colleges

Here's an article on Trump's speech at Liberty

Trump said:
"America is a nation of true believers …
When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, they prayed ....

(and then they promptly went out and stole two continents from weaker people
murdering tens of millions of them in the process.
Trump kinda left that part out)

The article also said:
"The address also appeared to connect religion
to the president’s willingness to increase military action in the Middle East,
such as dropping the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan.
Falwell in particular praised Trump for
'bomb[ing] those … who were persecuting Christians,'
and the president noted during his speech that Americans will be
'hearing a lot about [military actions] next week from our generals'.

Jesus must be so proud of how well His Christians have followed His teachings.

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Just how brazen are televangelists?


There is no limit to how low they can stoop.
Sadly, there is also no limit to how gullible and stupid their followers are, either.

(Yes, that was the son of Kent Hovind, convicted felon and servant of God.
Like they say "The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.")

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Up for a test?

Who said it?

The only real difference?

One ghost rides a camel

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Christian John Fugelsang destroys literal Fundamentalists (3:07)

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Creflo Dollar, stands out as one of the slimiest of the slimeballs.

Megachurch Preacher Arrested for Attacking His Daughter

As if what he did weren't bad enough,
he makes it even worse by blaming it on her.
Apparently, she's in league with Satan.
He calls everything she said, a lie
(so I guess the sister who corroborated her story was lying too).

Boy, that Satan, what lengths he will go to.
No wonder Christians hate him so much.

But without him ...

they would actually have to take responsibility for their own actions.

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Pastor Mike Stahl is proposing a national registry for "avowed" atheists,
just like we have now for sex offenders and other convicted felons.

Like most Christians, Pastor Shithead never reads his Bible.

Leviticus 19:28 - "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead,
nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

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Kirk Cameron REALLY hates fags.
(In fact, I heard that Westboro Baptist has just approved his application)

He had better hope the church doesn't get ahold of these pictures ...

or his house might be the next target of their picket signs.


So how do Kirk's fellow "child actors" feel about him?

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Well, everything else around here is ass backwards ...
why not our money too?

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American Cancer Society rejects a half million dollars from atheists (3:02)

I think the guy got it right.
The American Cancer Society is only partly to blame.
If they take the 1/2 million - they will risk losing many times that amount
from Christian hate groups who will boycott them.
More kids will die if they take the atheist's money.
Put the blame where it belongs ...
on the Christian hate groups who would sacrifice the lives of cancer-stricken children
rather than cooperate with others who don't share their belief in invisible ghosts.

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Look what Jesus taught Kirk Cameron:
How to make fun of disabled people who have a terminal disease (Stephen Hawking)

Email reply to Cameron's agent

UPDATE 2/21/15

Last night, the actor who portrayed Stephen Hawking
in the movie "The Theory of Everything"
received the Oscar for Best Actor.

So how did Cameron and his movie "Saving Christmas" do?

Cameron slaughtered Hawking by winning 4 awards!
(1) Worst Movie               
(2) Worst Screenplay      
(3) Worst Screen Combo
(4) Worst Actor                

(Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that Cameron's awards were "Razzies")

35th annual Golden Raspberry Awards

And just to add insult to injury, the internet movie database (IMDB)
rated "Saving Christmas" as the worst movie of all time.

And here is part of Kirk's acceptance speech:

"And I would like to thank Jesus, without whom,
none of this would have been possible.

UPDATE - 12/23/20

Every 4 or 5 years, Cameron manages to humiliate himself on the national stage.
What did Jesus's favorite little asswipe do this time?

Despite the Pandemic raging to new records every day,
Cameron had the brilliant idea to protest the California lockdown by ...

leading hundreds of morons in Christmas caroling (without masks or distancing)

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1 Corinthians 11:14
"Doth not even nature itself teach you, that,
if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

That's where we got the phrase
"Do as I say ... not as I do."

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What have I always said?

To find the truth, take everything Conservative Christians say,
and turn it around 180 degrees.

You'll be amazed ... it works every time.

The Christian lie: there are no atheists in foxholes.
The truth: see picture above.

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Pat Robertson ignores The 10 Commandments ...

and overrules God by calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez

Millions of Christians still look to this piece of human excrement for guidance and advice.
But the funniest part of that article came at the end
when another Christian moral hero, Ted Haggard, was concerned about ...
"the effects Robertson's remarks would have on
'US corporate' and evangelical missionaries' interests in Venezuela.

None of them care a wink about God's Commandment against killing,
but in true American Evangelical style ...

Gotta protect those corporate profits!

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Christian Perversion


America's largest Protestant denomination (the Southern Baptist Convention) is facing ...

its biggest scandal ever

UPDATE 8/13/22

DOJ launches investigation into sexual abuse by members of the Southern Baptist Convention

It ain't just the Catholics

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Nothing displays the horror of religion quite as well as does this story
about a church leader who was sentenced to 50 years in prison ...

for the serial rape of a child

As this story proves, the rapist isn't the only monster in that little town.
In fact, he is pretty representative of the fact
that this poor little girl was raised and brutalized in a town of monsters.

Thank God (pun intended) ... for that judge

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Josh Duggar is the eldest child in the family made famous
by the reality TV show: "19 kids and counting"

But Josh had a dark side:
he sexually preyed upon his vulnerable little sisters.

His celebrity has granted him influence with powerful people;
and when powerful people have powerful connections ...

this is how the law works "differently" for them

Hey, looky what else I found on the internet:

another picture of that incestuous little freak
and his defender - the world's biggest h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e

I think this classic quote from John Fugelsang
sums up Mike Huckabee best ...

"Mike Huckabee is like a one-man atheist factory"

And science has also weighed in on
the Josh Duggar child molestation/incest tragedy.
This sad revelation has added evidence to the theory
that not all humans evolved from the same ancestors.
Some scientists now believe that the Duggars are one such example.

Despite the strong evidence in this case,
many evolutionists still consider this theory "just a theory"

But wait! Don't go away yet - there's more:

These were Poppa "Jim Bob" Duggar's true feelings on the matter ...

before he found out that his own son was jack-hammering his sisters

Here is a picture of America's most dysfunctional Christian family

And now, a couple of months after that story broke
the Devil dealt another blow to Josh Duggar:

Little Joshey was cheating on his wife

The best part of the story was this quote from Duggar's wife,
taken after the original scandal broke about Josh's incestuous activities,
but before the Ashley Madison hacking scandal:

"And when you, our sweet fans, first met me
when Josh asked me to marry him...
I was able to say, “Yes” knowing who Josh really is -
someone who had gone down a wrong path
and had humbled himself before God
and those whom he had offended.
Someone who had received the help needed
to change the direction of his life and do what is right.
I want to say thank you to those
who took time over a decade ago
to help Josh in a time of crisis.
Your investment changed his life
from going down the wrong path
to doing what is right.

(anyone care to ask her ... how she feels now?)

Aren't these Tea Party Christians a scream?

Sometimes these people make my job ...

Waaaaay too easy


Another Update: Josh is like the gift that just keeps on giving ...

Hardened prostitute says she was terrified by Duggar's rough sex
which occurred while his wife was pregnant with their 4th child

Whatever happened to the good old days
of good old Christian family values?

(They never existed)

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The World's Creepiest Preacher (5:42)

My first thought was that it would not be possible to pick the world's creepiest preacher
out of a pool of candidates so large and so strong.
But after watching this video, this is one guy who is definitely ...

somewhere near the top

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