This web site is dedicated to the eradication of irrational thinking.
Rationalists are those, whose thinking is strictly guided by the laws of logic.
Rationalists only accept as true, that which has been proven to be true,
through the application of the scientific method.
Neo's Daily Blog
(politics, religion, and science)
How are we (Homo Sapiens) related to Neanderthals?
That depends ...
Based on the current "consensus"
(or the closest thing to a consensus)
Homo Neanderthalenis evolved from Homo Heidelbergensis.
Some time later ... so did we.
After we evolved from Homo Heidelbergensis, they went extinct.
The answer depends on whether:
we separated from Heidelbergensis who then went extinct;
which would make us the younger sibling of Neanderthals
(this is likely the current, most popular understanding).
Or: after Neanderthals evolved into a separate human species,
Heidelbergensis went extinct ...
when the rest of them evolved into Homo Sapiens.
The second scenario would make US the ancestor (parent) of Neanderthals.
Something to think about when you are bored.
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The minds of cult members (like MAGA)
are under the almost complete control of the cult;
and have been programmed, never to doubt or betray the cult ...
under ANY circumstances
That explains why, throughout history, cults have been so hard to defeat;
and modern, educated humans are just as easy to prey upon
as ancient, illiterate humans were thousands of years ago.
If education were the key - that is not what we would see.
So while education is important, history proves that a more important factor must be in play.
Since we are talking about mental processes, that narrows the target down to ...
The Oligarchs have controlled every civilization on Earth for 10,000 years
through a combination of force (violence) and psychology (Divide-and-Conquer).
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Warren Buffet
and Bill Gates
The "Giving Pledge"
Most of us are very familiar with these 2 philanthropists.
Here is a great article in Wikipedia
that can bring you up to speed on ...
George Soros
Now you know why the Maga Oligarchy tries so hard
to convince Americans that these 3 men are evil.
It's because it's true ... they are evil ... in the eyes of the Oligarchs.
But they are far more Christlike than ANY Magat in America.
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Apple is suddenly "bullish" on America
We are bullish on the future of American innovation,
and we’re proud to build on our long-standing U.S. investments
with this $500 billion commitment to our country’s future"
He was too stupid to realize that he admitted
that in 2018 he wasn't bullish on America.
Funny how all that changed when the threat of tariffs became real.
Excuse me while I go vomit.
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Whenever I run out of news stories, it's time for ...
author: Mark Twain - writer
"Faith is believing what you know ain't so."
Rural people are less educated and live shorter, unhealthier lives than ...
Urban people
The Red State/Blue State dichotomy is false.
If you want to see the real divide in America
get an election map by "County" not "State."
It will prove that it is the rural areas that are red
and the urban & metropolitan areas that are blue.
The fact that rural people are less educated
and live unhealthier, shorter lives
should come as no surprise to those of us ...
outside the cult.
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