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Delusion Past Democratic Presidents
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Muslim Apologists Liberal Contributions



The U.S. Supreme Court 2023
led by chief justice John Roberts (middle)

Ranking the individual justices on the SCOTUS

Chief Justice John Roberts
tempers his subservience to the Oligarchs
out of fear for his legacy.
We learned that in 2012 when ...

Roberts saved Obamacare

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"Red" states continue to lead the way ...

in the slaughter of their own women

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SCOTUS strikes down "Affirmative Action"

2 wrongs have never made a right; they still don't; and they never will.
Discrimination against African-Americans is one of the great shames
that has haunted, and still haunts, American culture to this day.

Affirmative Action says ...
"I know: we'll do the same thing to caucasian Americans and then we can call it even."

Instead of taking the time and expense, and making the effort
to actually figure out how to combat the problem,
politicians took the easy, quick route
and tried to put a bandaid on a gushing wound.

Absolutely fucking brilliant. Pure genius.

But what really makes me mad is that
I have been forced to side with conservatives over liberals
and with Clarence Thomas over Ketanji Brown Jackson.

This case is an example of why,
as much as I hate conservatives,
I cannot call myself a liberal.
I will remain an independent thinker,
not owned or bought by either party.


Progressive California was almost 30 years ahead of the curve ...

in dealing with the problem of Affirmative Action

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BLM bails out a man who attempted to murder ...

a candidate for mayor of Louisville, KY

I'm white. Up until today, I have seen no reason not  to support the BLM movement.
If anyone asks me now, why I no longer support the movement, I will direct them to the story above.
To be clear, I still support what BLM is fighting for: equal treatment for African-Americans,
but I cannot support a movement that would do what they just did ... we're done.

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Reparations bill has been introduced in The House of Representatives

You will rarely find stories where I side with Conservatives.
But, as much as I despise congressman Jim Jordan,
he stated the issue exactly right ...

" Democrats have essentially decided to take money from people
who were never involved in the evil of slavery
and give it to people who were never subject to the evil of slavery.

What annoys me even more,
is that the money would be coming from the U.S. government.
That would be the same government
that lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers
in the Civil War that freed them from slavery.

Recently, a story emerged of reparations being paid to African-American families
based on laws and practices that were designed to limit their ability
to own homes and build even a semblance of economic success.

I have no problem with those reparations.

Evanston, Illinois

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USC professor loses his job for the most absurd reason I have ever heard ...

a Chinese word sounded similar to "nigger"

As much as I hate conservatives,
stories like this one are the reason why
I would NEVER identify myself as a Liberal.
I feel bad for this professor.
I think he should sue them
and try to get one of USC's buildings named for him.

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African-American woman teacher tries to play the race card on Melania Trump
and gets her ass handed to her by her employer and an embarrassing historical fact ...

The Obamas were big Dr. Seuss fans too

The only racist in this story was the disgraced teacher.

Does it get any better than that?

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I sent the following email to German Lopez,
(a resident race-baitor at VOX online)
His comments are in italics - my replies follow his comments:

"Real Time host Bill Maher, who is very much white,
on Friday crossed one of those lines that should never be crossed:
He dropped the N-word on live television.

German, if you want to have the mind of a little child, that is your right.
But don't try forcing your childish beliefs on the rest of us.
There are no such things as "Magic Words" too horrible to even utter.
To believe that there are, indicates that your intelligence is still mired in kindergarten.

Sasse said, “Here’s what I wish I’d been quick enough to say in the moment:
'Hold up, why would you think it’s OK to use that word? …
The history of the n-word is an attack on universal human dignity.
It’s therefore an attack on the American Creed. Don’t use it.’

Had he said that, then Bill Maher should have told him to grow up.
How can it be an attack on universal human dignity
when so many black people can't even finish a sentence without using it?
Are we going to have white-only and black-only words now?
(You know, just like we used to do with bathrooms and drinking fountains).

It is not an attack on human dignity unless it is used AS an attack on human dignity.
I see racism here, but it is not coming from Maher ... but from you, German.

You are the racist

But that is what we have come to expect from ... The Regressive Left

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Classic Emails (3 pages)

My replies to ...

Ta-Nehisi Coates' case for reparations

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2 black women shut down Bernie Sanders' rally

Bernie Sanders marched with Martin Luther King
before either one of those two little creeps was even born.
They lacked the courage to attack the Republicans
who are their actual enemies.
What do you think would have happened
if they had tried this stunt at a Tea Party rally?
They knew what would have happened
so they picked on Sanders instead.


See definition #3

Psychological Displacement: the choice of ...

bullies and cowards

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Here is an excellent analysis of the Michael Brown shooting
written in, what I would call, an unbiased manner.

The audio recording contradicts Wilson's version of events

Based on this article, the audio contradicts Wilson.
Other forensic evidence contradicted the witnesses, and,
they contradicted each other.

What a friggin' mess.

But this next case is straightforward

Skip ahead to 7:00 ... or you'll fall asleep and miss the whole thing

The driver, a 46-year-old veteran officer, is responding to a call of a 'guy' pointing a gun at people.
The dispatcher failed to notify the officers that the gun might be a fake,
so they had to assume that the suspect was pointing a real gun. So what does this veteran officer do?

Dumbshit drives to within two feet of the suspect
where his rookie partner finds himself staring at a suspect who might kill him any second.

What department in the country would train an officer
to approach an armed suspect like that?
(not one)

Even the lamest officer on the planet would have had better sense, than to do what he did.
That little kid is dead because of this veteran officer's incredibly stupid decision.

Between these two shootings ... I would be protesting the second one

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"Lyz" from the Secular News Daily had some things to say about Ferguson.

And so did I

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How dishonest are "The Daily KOS" writers willing to be
in order to promote their ideology?
Well ... let's find out

Nearly a dozen of KOS' top writers humiliate themselves

And here is one example of the dishonest, illogical, herd mentality
representative of many of those who write for "The Daily KOS"

If I were black in America
there's a decent chance I'd already be dead

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This painting is by artist Michael D'Antuono.

Classic Emails (1 page)

And now ... it's clobberin' time!

Anyone can question the authority of those outside their circle.
That usually requires nothing more than arrogance.
But to question the authority of leaders within your own church, political party,
or internet community (for example, the Skeptical community),

that takes courage. If you don't believe me ...

try it

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Even Atheist leaders sometimes speak before thinking.
PZ Myers (from the web site of Pharyngula) wrote:
"America is still a racist nation.
Photo taken at a Shell station in Tampa, Florida.

My reply
Cruel acts by hateful, bigoted individuals do not make us a racist nation
any more than our murderers make us a nation of killers.

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Republicans work for "The Big Boys" and the Big Boys only.
Democrats are the only hope the masses have.
But 21st century Republicans have forced Democrats toward the right.
Progressives like Alexandria Cortez are few and are viciously attacked.
To survive, modern Democrats must sacrifice and compromise.
That explains why, in a close election, Kamala Harris is forced to support ...


Sad, but that's situation we find ourselves in.
Meanwhile, while The Big Boys are enriching themselves,
the planet continues to ... heat up.

UPDATE 12/28/24

Robert Reich explains why democrats are losing

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Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)

Sinema kills bill after being bribed by "The Big Boys"

Republicans aren't the only ones controlled by the Oligarchs.

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Dennis McCarthy, journalist at the Los Angeles Daily News

Liberal columnist takes blatant nationalism to the Trump level (7 pages)

Some people have just never figured out that,
when you find yourself in a hole ...

Quit Digging!

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Former Vice-President Joe Biden

Joe Biden is open to accepting a Republican running mate as Vice-President

In case you've been confused by the term "Corporate Democrat" ...
no need to be confused any longer; this is what one looks like.

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Awhile back, Markos Zuniga (Kos)
made the eternally hilarious claim:
"The Daily Kos is a reality-based community"

Then The Daily Kos posted this by Kerry Eleveld

Charlie Cook says what everyone except the GOP knows:
Republicans are the party of the past

Kerry obviously lives in an alternate universe
where Republicans don't control BOTH houses of Congress.
She lives in a fairy tale land
where Conservatives don't control the Supreme Court.
She floats through fantasyland
where Conservatives don't control most state governors,
most state legislatures, and most state attorneys general.
The America that Kerry believes she lives in,
is not the same one, that rational people have to endure.
It must be nice to pretend that reality
is whatever you wish it to be ...

Sounds like church

She wrote:
"It [sic] some ways, it's hard to believe
that Republicans live in a such a massive bubble of self deception
that they haven't caught on yet.

I think the word "ironic" is appropriate here.
Kerry has no clue that she has just described herself.

She continued:
"Then again, they were convinced based on internal polling
that Mittens was going to win in 2012.

In 2012, the Koch Brothers learned the hard way
that the White House costs a lot more than 400 million dollars.
That's why they've pledged 1-2 BILLION this time.
The Presidency is the last piece of the puzzle
that Conservatives need to gain complete control of government.
But Kerry just floats in her little "bubble of self-deception"
because she hasn't "caught on yet."

She concludes by writing:
"Perhaps, gerrymandering has misled them into believing
that their ideas actually have broad appeal.

Kerry is seriously underestimating her opponents, and that ...

is never a wise thing to do

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The Daily KOS promotes GMO pseudoscience, then, laughably,
calls itself a "reality-based" community.

Here is a picture of Kos holding all the scientific evidence he has ... against GMO's

My 1-page email to The Daily Kos

UPDATE - 8/19/15

The Skeptical Raptor compares these "Regressive" Liberals to

Conservative climate-deniers

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Freedom of Speech


Rebekah Jones accused Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of underreporting Covid stats
and then more recently, of ordering her son arrested for posting memes.
Liberals fell for it because it fit their beliefs about the fascist governor.
Now, Jones' fraud has been exposed.
Here is a great example of how a rationalist (Rebecca Watson) ...

admits their mistake (12:10)

That's how you do it.

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Milo Yiannopoulos

The Regressive Left embarrasses itself again

Look at the amazing mental gymnastics
that they employ to rationalize their actions:

"We believe in their right to free speech as well,
but we believe we can get our message across louder,
and there are certainly more of us.

The purpose of that opening phrase was to deflect the obvious criticism
that what they are doing is wrong. Having inserted that disingenuous disclaimer
she then expresses her true belief, in all its childishness: we will outshout them.

That is what passes for thinking in ... The Regressive Left

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The "Regressive Left" has been resorting to violence
in an attempt to shut down Conservative speech.

They are called the "Regressive Left"
because they betray the very principles they claim to stand for.
(see the definition of the word "hypocrite")

A lawyer tried to defend them with this article ...

That was a huge mistake (4 pages)

I included a dozen people from his law firm when I sent out my reply.
Not one came to his defense ... not even the writer himself.

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And here, in all its glory, is the embarrassment known as ...

The Regressive Left (click this link)

The Regressive Left includes those Liberals who hypocritically betray
the very principles they claim to stand for ... such as free speech.


Congratulations Regressives - you won! (click this link)

Your bullying and threats have paid off for you.
Enjoy your celebrations while you can.
Only when it is done to you
will you begin to understand what you have really done.

(These morons remind me of Trump supporters going nuts when they won,
only to cry their little eyes out a few months later when Trump and Ryan
did exactly what they said they were going to do - kill Obamacare).

Be careful what you ask for ... you may just get it

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Muslim Apologists


Muslims scream bloody murder over billboard in Indiana

I sent these emails to some of the complainers

Yep - dead silence. Why?

Because the billboard was dead on

UPDATE - 6/22/17

SNOPES' credibility takes a hard blow to the midsection
after one of their fact-checkers writes one of the most biased reports ...

in internet history

For those of us who rely on sites like SNOPES to separate fact from fiction,
reading stuff like this is a bitter blow; which is why we need to nip it in the bud.
Allowing cancer to spread instead of fighting it ...

is how you end up with Donald Trump

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Classic Emails (5 pages)

The Regressive Left (Muslim Apologists) over at The Daily Kos
got their little feelings hurt when they received a link to a video
that they misinterpreted as an attack on Muslims, not realizing that ...

it was MADE by Muslims

Sometimes these ideologues make this waaaaay too easy.

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Want to see some "moderate" Muslims?

video (3:48)

This does not mean that "all" Muslims agree with those boneheads in the video.
The point is that the Muslims in the video consider themselves moderate,
yet their beliefs prove ... that they are not.

So what do most Muslims believe?

(it should be noted that some of the most backward nations, like Saudi Arabia, were not included)

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Muslim Apologists (Liberals) take note ...

Al Mutar's friend tries to explain why American Liberals
betray the very principles they claim to hold dear ...

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Salman Rushdie exposes Liberal Muslim Apologists perfectly ...

It is fear ... disguised as respect

In other words, Liberal defenders of Islam
are gutless cowards trying to save face,
while attacking those who do have the courage
to stand up against the scourge of radical Islam.

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This video gives a great explanation
for understanding how Liberals have misused the word ...

"Islamophobia" (16:59)

The author is obviously not anti-Liberal,
but merely points out exactly how they are going wrong in this case.

This author, Amir Taheri, puts Liberals in their place ... with historical facts


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Liberals have begun the attack on the victims of Sunday's terrorist attack

in Garland, Texas (14:04)

I sent this email to Muslim apologists (4 pages)

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This guy tells you how to handle the arguments from ...

Muslim Apologists

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The Daily KOS couldn't take it. So ...

They banned me (1 page)

This was no different (nor any more difficult)
than beating up on defenseless Creationists

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What Islam must do, to join the modern world ...

as explained by one of the world's bravest women

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So, how moderate is moderate Islam?

FYI - a few centuries ago, Christians wouldn't have done much better.

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Brigitte Gabriel shows us how to deal with those who resort to the tactic,
"Not all Muslims are violent - most are peaceful" (4:51)


Now let's take a look at the other side ...

Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks questioned Gabriel's claims and sources (8:47)

So, who's got their facts straight?
And who's playing loose with the data?

(Evaluation of this data by J.T. Eberhard)

It looks like Gabriel is the one who knows what she is talking about.

Cenk Uygur managed to demonstrate just about every logical fallacy in Wikipedia
in that 9-minute hack job. His best line was:

"It's amazing what happens when facts run up against prejudice."

That was a classic example of being completely oblivious to the fact that,
Cenk wasn't describing Gabriel ... he was describing himself.

Elliot Spitzer also took Gabriel to task (11:54)

When Spitzer asked, where Gabriel got her information
about radical Muslim infiltration in the U.S.,
Gabriel gave him a detailed answer, including several names.
Spitzer ignored the names she gave,
and then tried to make it appear as though she had evaded the question.
So Gabriel then gave him another name,
and all Spitzer could do was say "we will follow up on that."

So, all that line of questioning got Spitzer was egg on his face,
since Gabriel provided a name and he had no reply.

Next Spitzer shows tape of Gabriel speaking.
He then takes her words out of context
and spouts the usual "are you saying all Muslims are evil? " Straw Man argument.
Gabriel immediately set him straight about whom she was referring to
(and it wasn't all Muslims).

Her reply to Spitzer about the Arab Spring events proved prophetic
as the Egyptian military would soon have to remove
the democratically-elected Muslim Brotherhood leaders
when they tried to destroy Egypt's fledgling democracy
and replace it with a Muslim theocracy.
I loved it when Spitzer said "history will tell us 10 years from now who is right."

Well Mr. Spitzer we only had to wait 2 years to get the answer ...
and it was Gabriel who was right - not you.

Gabriel then specifically differentiated between radical Muslims and moderates,
making it clear to everyone (except those like Spitzer)
that she does not consider all Muslims terrorists.

Since this contradicted the picture that Spitzer was trying to paint of Gabriel,
he defended his mischaracterizations of Gabriel's comments
by claiming that he was judging her by "the entirety of her comments."
So since Spitzer couldn't defeat her on an actual point-by-point basis,
and her replies disproved his Straw Man argument,
Spitzer was forced to throw his hands up and refer to a vague generalization
in a desperate attempt to save face.

Spitzer closes by again accusing Gabriel
of painting all Muslims with one broad brush,
basically ignoring her detailed explanations to the contrary.

So Spitzer has failed as a governor
(forced out over a prostitution scandal while married)
and now he has failed as an objective journalist.
Hopefully, Elliot will someday find ...

something that he is good at


I feel the need to clarify something.
Bridget Gabriel is a Conservative.
I disagree with almost all of her positions.
I identify as a Rationalist. As a Rationalist,
I am not allowed to choose sides based on ideology
but only on the facts and the application of logic.

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New video game: ProphetQuest (6:00)

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The extremely poor people of Palestine find lots of money to spend on ...


I know those things aren't cheap.

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The Curse of Progressive Feminism by Pat Condell (7:03)

Main point "Why isn't every woman on Earth fighting this?"

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ABC news attempts to whitewash Islam
but gets slammed by this Christian, whose excellent research
exposed ABC's shoddy work and obvious agenda (26:07)

It's unfortunate that the rational skills
that David Wood so aptly applies to other religions,
desert him when examining his own.

Yes, this is the same David Wood whom I massacred awhile back

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Islamic apostate makes the connection that most of us missed:

Maryam Namazie (~50 minutes)

The Christian Inquisition lives on today ... in modern radical Islam.

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Since 1964, James Randi has offered a prize of 1 million dollars
to anyone who could demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal ability.
Despite attempts by more than a thousand challengers over a 50-year period,
the prize has never been won.

Here is another challenge where the prize has never been won

This one offers $50,000 to anyone who can prove (based on Islamic texts)
that the following statement is false ...

"Muhammad is a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer,
a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman,
a rapist, a torturer, an assassin, and a looter.

And here is a link to the original challenger Ali Sina

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Past Democratic Presidents


Lame duck president Joe Biden
continues to fight for the non-rich
against the big corporations for ...

price-gouging (6:46)

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Robert Reich proves that Biden has been
one of the most effective recent American presidents ...

for the masses (4:20)

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America, the most powerful nuclear military power on the planet,
was humiliated on the world stage in Afghanistan ...

by lightly-armed, religious killing machines

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Biden misrepresented by the media (4:57)

It sounds like conservatives are increasing their control over the media.
If this continues, it will be hard to know whom to trust anymore.

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Biden rejects Iran's offer to restart the nuclear agreement (3:22)

There may be something to that famous phrase ...

the lesser of two evils

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Like Trump, Biden bends the rules when it is expedient ...

and gets a "waiver" to appoint the new Secretary of Defense

Not off to a particularly good start, is he?

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When Republicans control the White House, they have little need for violence.
But as the chart below shows, when they lose control of the Presidency ...

it's time to unleash the hounds

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Despite the most concerted partisan obstruction in modern American political history ...

Obama was still able to log some impressive achievements

If we had a government that worked for the people as it was designed,
rather than one that more closely resembles a cold civil war between the parties,
that list of accomplishments could have been much longer.

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Republicans attack Obama over vacation days.
What are the facts?

And the next Republican president (Trump)
might as well have moved The White House
onto his golf course at Mar-a-Lago in Florida
since that is where he spent most of his time.

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Canada has "Obama-envy"

Canada pleads with America on the day before the Midterm Elections

So what did the brilliant American electorate do?

Well, in 2012 they handed the House of Representatives over to the wolves;
the day after this was written, they handed the Senate over to the wolves;
and in just 2 more years, they would give the wolves the last piece of the puzzle ...

the Presidency

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Is Obama a dictator?

List of executive orders by President

If calculated on a yearly basis (the proper way to do it)
none of those guys would have beaten Obama.

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To piss off the right-wing nutjobs, some guy did a comparison of Obama v. Reagan

and sent it out on Reagan's birthday

Here's another one that would have ruined their celebration ...

Actually, if he wanted to REALLY piss them off,
he should have sent them this one ...

10 reasons why Ronald Reagan would be persona non grata in today's Republican party

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These facts about Bill Clinton's presidency helped reshuffle my worldview.
I now understand that Oligarchs, who have historically worked mainly through the Republican party,
have been forced to work with Democrats as well, in order to maintain their control over the masses.

The Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994

The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999

And it gets even worse.
I would have thought this could only come from someone as inhuman as Paul Ryan,
but it is Bill Clinton doing his best impersonation of a Tea Party Republican.

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Act of 1999

However, do not fall into the logical mistake of committing a false equivalency.
Democrats, as flawed as they may be, are the only one of the two parties in the 21st century
who EVER do anything for the masses at the expense of the Oligarchs.

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Pope Francis


The U.S. continues to go it alone against the rest of the world.
This time, American Catholic Bishops elect a Trump-like leader ...

another slap in the face of Pope Francis

American Conservatives hate Pope Francis because he follows the teachings of Jesus Christ
and the only person Conservative Catholics hate more than Pope Francis ... is Jesus Christ.

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The Pope continues to royally piss off American Evangelicals ...

by declaring "No more death penalty"

You know, just like it says in The Ten Commandments.

As we continue to see, over and over and over,
there is no one less Christian than ... American Conservative Christians

RELATED 1/25/24

Recent worldwide death penalty stats

Based on the chart, 2015 saw a spike in executions
followed by a return to the downward trend
immediately after the Pope's plea.
So maybe the Pope had an effect after all?

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Fox News has already turned against the Pope
for shaming their Conservative Christian base with facts.

So guess who just joined the 'War on Christmas'?

For Conservatives ... this Pope is very bad for business

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As if we needed any more proof that Conservatives only thump their Bibles
to rally the ignorant masses to support their cause (money), this pretty much settles it.

When forced out into the open and made to choose between religion and money

they will go for the money ... every single time

Conservatives are going nuts doing damage control
as the Pope becomes the latest threat to their "profits."

This also clarifies what the true Conservative "cause" really is:
the transfer of wealth from the masses ...

to themselves

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Pope Francis tries to school Conservative Christians on what it means to be a "Christian."

Churches should help the needy if they want to retain their tax exemptions

At this rate, Conservative Christians will have to assassinate this guy
before too many other Christians start realizing that he is right ...

and he ruins the world's most lucrative, longest running scam.


Here is what these guys are costing us ... over 70 "B"illion dollars a year

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The Pope calls out the NRA and the U.S. military-industrial complex ...

"They aren't Christians ... they are hypocrites"

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There are two very different types of Christians in America.
You have heard that from me (an atheist) many times ...

Now you can see it explained in detail ... by a progressive Christian

And if you would like still more evidence
that there are two very different types of Christians in America:
the reaction to the positions of Pope Francis
(which are basically the same as those of Jesus)
has made that claim even stronger

Conservatives hate him

If Jesus came back to Earth tomorrow
He would line up every Conservative Christian in America
and then proceed, slowly down the line,
kicking every single one of them, as hard as He could ...

right in the groin

UPDATE - 9/5/19

Now American Conservatives publish a book attacking The Pope

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Here is a good argument for why
Catholic clergy should be allowed to have families.

Pope attacks euthanasia

Maybe if the Pope had been allowed to have a family,
and was forced to suffer through the pain
of having to watch one of his own children die slowly in agony,
as so many millions of other parents have had to do;
he might have developed that ounce of humanity
that his horrid religion has removed from his being.

permanent link
(click here first, then copy from address bar above)

Liberal Contributions To America