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The Supreme Court

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The Supreme Court


If Trump wins a second term, it could result in a ...

MAGA supreme court (7 of 9 justices)

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The conservative judges on the SCOTUS
have handed over our government to the Oligarchs

who now have free reign to pillage America (23:03)

And it looks like they will regain control of the executive branch soon.

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The last 2 paragraphs of this article make it clear
that conservatives on today's Supreme Court
work for the Oligarchs and ....

ONLY for the Oligarchs

With control over the Supreme Court,
the other branches of government should fall soon.
The real reason that conservatives
attack their own government
(even when they are in charge of it)
is because they want as little interference as possible
while they are stealing the masses blind.

RELATED 7/2/24

A Boston college professor weighs in (6:06)

RELATED 9/24/24

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) weighs in (5:03)

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The conservative judges on the Supreme Court
did exactly what they are being paid to do ...

protect wealthy criminals

The way America is going, we won't have to read history
to try to understand how brutal the past was ...
we will soon be reliving it.

RELATED (same day)

EPA's "Good Neighbor Plan" shot down

The conservative justices make no attempt to hide their servitude to the rich.
Afterall, they have lifetime appointments and very little accountability.

The frustration of the liberal justices must be heartbreaking
as they watch helplessly while their cohorts reinslave America
and rollback most of the advancements of the 20th century.

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This article proves definitively that
conservative judges on our Supreme Court
are nothing more than ...

political hacks in robes

They serve ONLY their masters ... the rich and powerful.

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SCOTUS barely (5-4) upholds the Constitution ...

over Texas' claim of state's rights in razorwire case

So who were the 2 Republican judges
who refused to betray their oaths?

Roberts and Barrett.

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The Oligarchs continue their assault on the U.S. government
as they attempt to remove its power over them ...

through the SCOTUS (which they now control)

Government is how the masses try to protect themselves from the Oligarchs.
That is why the Oligarchs attack it constantly and try to control as much of it as possible.

Here's an interesting quote from the article:

"The case has implications far beyond the fishing industry ...
the Gun Owners of America,
and a trade group for electronic cigarette-makers, among others.

I couldn't help but notice that the 2 examples given
are organizations that specialize in killing people for ... profit.

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Thom Hartmann traces America's worst problems back to the source:
the Supreme Court, specifically ...

Republicans on the Supreme Court (7:07)

Citizens United (2010) was the nail in the coffin.

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In servitude to the Oligarchy,
SCOTUS conservatives continue to put ...

profits over people

Quote "Justices boosted property rights over concerns about clean water ...."

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The U.S. Supreme Court 2023
led by chief justice John Roberts (middle)

Ranking the individual justices on the SCOTUS

Chief Justice John Roberts
tempers his subservience to the Oligarchs
out of fear for his legacy.
We learned that in 2012 when ...

Roberts saved Obamacare

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This is Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

Combined with the recent revelations about Judge Clarence Thomas and his wife,
this scathing political attack by Alito on the current administration
makes clear that conservatives on the supreme court are nothing more than ...

political pawns who have abandoned their oaths

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The Catholic majority on the Supreme Court (6-3)
continues to break down the Wall of Separation between ...

Church and State

The return of the Middle Ages is upon us.
We are losing ... and time is running out.

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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Legal ethics experts agree that Justice Thomas
should have recused himself in insurrection cases.
Instead, Thomas sinks to a historic judicial low
by overruling a lower court's decision that ...

Lindsey Graham must testify (9:31)

American Democracy is currently in about the same place, as was ... The Alamo

(and we all know how that ended)

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Republican-dominated Supreme Court
poised to sacrifice countless American lives ...

in order to increase corporate profits

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Conservative judges controlling the SCOTUS ...

use a "Shadow Docket" to sidestep the Constitution

Once again ... they are nothing more than political hacks in robes.
Trump may be gone (at least for now)
but the damage he did to America
by packing the courts with hacks ... is immeasurable

9/3/21 (same day) - another explanation for what the hell is going on:

Conservatives on the SCOTUS are now actively and intentionally ...

undermining the Constitution

I found this, written 2 days before the 2 stories above ...

How the SCOTUS has changed in recent decades

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Democrats attempt to take control of the SCOTUS ...

by increasing the number of justices to 13

Why 13? Because conservatives currently hold a 6-3 advantage, so liberals need 4 more seats.

This is an example of why I hated politics most of my life and wanted nothing to do with it.
Finally, I realized that politics was where the real battle was taking place
and that the political arena is where I needed to be - so I held my nose and jumped in.

One of the basic underlying principles of the American Constitution
is the division of power among the 3 brances of government.
To achieve this, we must remove the judicial branch
from under the thumb of the other 2 branches.
Judges should be selected from within the judicial system.
They should never be chosen by popular vote
but by experts in the field of law;
as free as possible from the influence of political agendas.

and definitely not for life

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Conservatives on the Supreme Court allow Ghost Worshipers ...

to ignore Covid guidelines

Chief Justice John Roberts is the one who saved Obamacare in 2012.
He refused to side with fellow conservatives, resulting in a 5-4 decision.

Now in 2020 he refused to side with fellow conservatives in a Covid case, but ...
now conservatives have enough control over the court that they can afford a defection.
So by a 5-4 decision, conservatives have overturned multiple lower court decisions
and granted religious leaders an exemption allowing them to continue to sacrifice Ghost Worshipers ...

for profit

(this is yet another disturbing example which shows that
the real prize in the 2016 election wasn't the presidency for 4 years
but control over the powerful judicial branch of government for decades to come)

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In the usual 5-4 decision (straight down party lines)
SCOTUS preserves Republican's ability to hold power

by restoring voting restrictions

With the takeover of the judicial branch nearly complete,
Republicans have ensured the death of Democracy
(which the smaller party must do, to remain in power).

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Another 5-4 SCOTUS decision (Roberts + Liberals vs. Conservatives ... again).
Kavanaugh and Gorsuch did exactly what they were put on the bench to do ...

ignore the law

When judges refuse to enforce the law
they prove themselves to be nothing more than political hacks.
That is why we need to remove political parties
from the selection process of choosing judges.

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SCOTUS (5-4) rules that churches were not discriminated against ...

when they were not allowed to congregate during the Pandemic

Roberts (a Republican) was also the one who sided with Liberals in the Obamacare decision.
But even being the Chief Justice won't be enough to stop dishonest Republican judges
once they have completed their takeover of the judicial branch of government;
and they are well on their way to accomplishing that goal.
Deceitful Trump-like decisions, like the one written by Kavanaugh above ...

will become commonplace

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The wall of separation between church and state takes yet another huge hit ...

The Christian cross ... is not really Christian

Do you remember this one: "Corporations ... are people"

Words mean whatever the rich need them to mean.
And the judges are there to ensure that the law gets interpreted
exactly the way the rich need it to be interpreted.

We are in deep ... deep ... shit

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The Conservative takeover of the judicial branch of government
continues to pay huge dividends for them
as their "political hacks in robes" interpret the law
the way the rich NEED them to interpret the law.

SCOTUS conservative judges give Trump huge gift for his wall

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Look at these 2 Supreme Court decisions that both came down today
involving Republican attempts to gain a voting advantage:

Chief Justice John Roberts joins Liberal judges in ruling that
the Trump administration's explanation of the "Census Case" isn't good enough

and ...

Conservative Judges decide that Federal judges can't play a role
in deciding if voting maps have been drawn for partisan gain

All Liberal judges voted against both of these issues.
All Conservative judges (except the Chief Justice) voted for both of these issues.
Obviously, the system is deeply partisan and badly broken.

There is no way to morally justify gerrymandering in a Democracy.
In fact, gerrymandering is specifically designed to defeat Democracy.

Since Conservative judges knew they had to protect the practice,
they made up a pathetic excuse to excuse themselves,
thus allowing the practice of gerrymandering to continue.

The interesting question is why did Roberts vote against Republicans in the Census case?
You almost get the sense that he chose to give Republicans the more important case
(the one that would best insure their continued domination
of an electorate in which they are outnumbered)
and in return, threw Liberals a bone (the less important case).

This is eerily reminiscent of 2010
when Roberts switched sides to give Americans Obamacare
but sold out our Democracy to the rich in the Citizens United case.

For the next decade Americans were so distracted fighting over healthcare
that most did not even realize that the rich had stolen our Democracy out from under us.


I just saw this great quote from John Fugelsang:
4 out of 5 SCOTUS judges
who just legalized rigging democracy via gerrymandering
were appointed by presidents ... who had lost the popular vote.

UPDATE 7/17/19

Discussion on the Supreme Court decision supporting gerrymandering (6:20)

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Newbie Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
betrays big business and sides with ...

liberal judges ... and the people

Uh oh. Someone is going to be taken out to the woodshed.
Don't count on this happening again any time soon.

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This story explains why Trump and his Republican cronies
are so desperate to put one of the worst Supreme Court candidates in history
on the bench as quickly as possible:

South Korea's Ex-President (Lee Myung-bak) gets 15 years
after being convicted on corruption charges

Conservative control of Congress has resulted in the legalization of theft;
and with control of the judiciary assured for the next few decades,
it is like a gang of hoodlums finding a town ... with no sheriff.

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Why the big rush to get Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court
after Republicans were willing to leave the seat open for years if necessary?
Here's another reason ...

Gamble v. United States

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Conservative judges on the Supreme Court
continue to legislate from the bench.
They just gave a huge gift to Big Business
to help them in their monopolization of America.

Ohio v. American Express - 2018

Just another example that proves
that the biggest prize in the 2016 election
wasn't the presidency for 4 years,
but control over the Judiciary ...

for decades to come

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Conservative judges land a crushing blow to American democracy

Supreme Court upholds Texas gerrymandering in 5-4 decision

UPDATE - 6/26/18

Supreme Court upholds Trump's travel ban in yet another 5-4 decision down party lines

Trump's first 2 travel ban versions failed,
so he created a third that added 2 non-Muslim countries (North Korea and Venezuela)
which is apparently all the conservative "political hacks in robes" needed
in order to rationalize their decision and allow his travel ban.

Even a little kid could see through that one.

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Conservative judges overturned precedent
and trashed the separation of Church and State
in the "Trinity Lutheran v. Comer" case of 2017.

Just as they did in many other cases where they overturned precedent,
they tried to claim that their decision was narrow and would not be abused.
But just like the Hobby Lobby and Citizens United cases ... they were lying.

Opponents of Church/State separation waste no time in using their newly-granted powers

America is on a path to become Saudi Arabia West ...
only with a different invisible ghost.

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The conservative judges on the Supreme Court sellout Americans yet again ...

to protect the big corporations

For those of you who haven't figured out yet,
who those political hacks in robes  work for,
there is nothing more that I can do to help you.

Now get back to your TV before you miss Sean Hannity.

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Conservative Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
tries to come up with an excuse to protect
the anti-democratic practice of gerrymandering.

After all, without it, Republicans would not be in power

Money quote from the article:

"he worried that the court itself would be seen as partisan
if it started striking down voting districts.
That would "cause very serious harm to the status and integrity
of the decisions of this court in the eyes of the country.

Roberts, it's a little late for that.
Only the most naive Americans could fail to see
that the slew of 5-4 decisions right down party lines proves
that you Conservatives are nothing more than political hacks ... in robes.

Oh, and Roberts, don't think you fooled everyone with your spin about a "partisan court"
when what you were really obfuscating, is the fact that Conservative judges are planning to justify
an anti-democratic practice to maintain power for those who put them in robes.

UPDATE 10/13/17

Like Trump and his cronies, Roberts goes on the attack against science

Roberts, and other Conservatives, owe their jobs to their political benefactors.
Gerrymandering has been instrumental in maintaining the Conservative control of government.
Roberts is giving you a preview of the kinds of justifications
that he and other judges plan to use to maintain that control.

Democracy always has been, still is, and will always be
one of the greatest enemies that Oligarchs have;
and they will continue to do everything in their power to defeat it.

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The 2016 presidential election had something more important at stake than a brief 4-year presidency:
control of the third branch of government (the judiciary) for the foreseeable future.

That control is already paying big dividends

Nice goin' rural America ... you sure showed us.

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Bob McDonnell's corruption reversal by the Supreme Court ...

is now a get-out-of-jail-free card for all the crooks

By the time Trump finishes packing the courts
we might as well just stop printing the Penal Code
since we won't be using it anymore.

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Another voter suppression law bites the dust

I got this from the comments following the story:

"This is not about voter ID.
It's about voter suppression which Republicans have taken to a new level.
For years, black congregations would vote together after Sunday services.
To stop that, NC did away with Sunday voting.
Many minorities were taking mass transportation to vote.
To stop that, Republicans moved the voting away from transportation lines (buses/trains).
Most minority voters voted before work.
To stop that, Republicans did away with early voting.
Older residents got robo calls telling them the voting location had suddenly changed.
No, it had not.
Other calls told them the dates had changed.
No, it had not.
College kids were voting on campus.
So Republicans stopped on campus voting
and also told them they could not use their college IDs to vote anymore.
We have all seen the photos of long lines stretched around the block, waiting to vote.
That's because other locations with shade were closed during the elections.
Older residents who were waiting and waiting
sometimes had someone step in for them so they could sit and rest.
Nope ... Republicans said no-can-do. They said that could cause fights.
And on and on and on.

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Want to know why Trump and his cronies chose Neil Gorsuch
to replace Scalia on the Supreme Court?

Here's why

"Before graduating, Gorsuch appended a seemingly unbecoming quote
from ex-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to his yearbook photo:

'The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer' 

Is this guy perfect, or what?

Here's another excerpt which shows that Gorsuch actually thought
that Kissinger's statement was morally acceptable:

"while lauding President Ronald Reagan
for secretly funding the right-wing Contras group in Nicaragua
despite Congress prohibiting such a move.

Before Trump was even inaugurated,
Republicans tried to take over the Ethics Committee and bring it under their control,
giving their game away prematurely.
Embarrassingly, they had to walk it back
and will have to wait until attention is centered elsewhere
before actually taking control of the committee.

I told you that the presidency wasn't the main prize.
The main prize in the 2016 election
was control of the Supreme Court for the next few decades.
Gorsuch is the youngest nominee in a quarter century and not by accident.
When judge Ginsburg croaks or retires,
Conservatives will secure domination for the foreseeable future.
Only the most naive among us believe that "Conservative" justices are impartial
and place integrity and honesty over party loyalty.
Their job is to interpret the Constitution
the way the rich need them to interpret the Constitution.
That's why corporations no longer simply contain people ...
but actually ARE people.

Hang on America - every single day since election night,
without let up, the news has only gotten worse.
The plundering has already begun and it is only going to get worse.

You asked for this America


Trump's immigration ban has been halted by the 9th Circuit Court.
Trump is vowing to appeal "See you in court! "
(Weren't we already in court? And didn't Trump lose?)

Anyway, now you should be able to understand what I told you before:
The big prize in this election wasn't the presidency for the next 4 years ...
it was control of the Supreme Court over the next few decades.

Since a divided Supreme Court would leave the 9th Circuit Court decision intact,
Republicans must rush Gorsuch through the process as quickly as possible;
hopefully in time to sit for this case.

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Here is one reason (out of many)
why Republicans refused to allow Democrats to replace Scalia:

GM heading to Supreme Court to avoid lawsuits

Republicans work for the rich ... and ONLY for the rich.
If this decision is 5-4 down party lines (not really a difficult prediction)
you'll see why they refused to give up control of the Supreme Court.

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The Supreme Court has had only 8 members since Scalia's death.
But even if Trump loses the election next month,
McConnell has vowed to block all nominations for the next 4 years.

Republicans have controlled the Supreme Court for 50 years

That coincides closely with the return of the Plutocracy
which really kicked into high gear with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

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A couple of days ago
Judge Scalia voted to block the Earth's attempt
to defend itself against global warming.
He protected the profits of the rich
at the expense of the rest of humanity.

Yesterday, Jesus called him home.
(Translation: Scalia got called on the carpet)

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One Conservative judge (Roberts) allowed Americans to keep Obamacare
and another (Kennedy) let them have Gay Marriage
in return for ... the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
and this decision from the Supreme Court ...

Another 5-4 Supreme Court decision
protecting the profits of ... The Oligarchs

You are being played Americans.
The Oligarchs are throwing you bones
while they keep all the juicy red meat for themselves.

So it has always been ...
so it is ...
and so it shall always be ...

as long as we allow it

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Supreme Court upholds Arizona's independent redistricting commission

Another 5-4 decision.
Another case of Conservatives attempting to destroy Democracy and take over the government.

Check out how the justices voted: straight down party lines ... except for one.

The 4 Liberal justices attempted to save Democracy.
4 of the Conservative judges voted to allow gerrymandering to continue
which would ensure Conservative control for years to come.
Only one man switched sides.
One man had the courage and integrity to stand up for Democracy
against his Conservative masters.

That man was Justice Anthony Kennedy

All the Conservative justices are really being paid to do,
is to come up with rationalizations
to justify what the rich want them to do.
It really is that simple.

America has no idea how close it came to disaster.
If (I mean "When") the Conservatives win the presidency next year,
and gain complete control of government,
they will replace, at least Liberal Judge Ginsburg, and maybe others,
with judges whom they can count on
to "interpret" the Constitution the way The Oligarchs want them to interpret it.

Then we will really be screwed

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Retired Supreme Court Judge John Paul Stevens ...

offers 6 upgrades to our Constitution

It's hard to believe that Stevens was a Republican.
My, how times have changed.

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The Conservatives on the Supreme Court no longer even bother
to make a pretense of upholding their oaths.
They simply defecate with impunity
on our Constitution and on our Democratic principles.

Their 5-4 decision this time, proves that the Conservative justices
will continue to use their power
to defeat Democracy whenever it rears its ugly head.

They are "judges" in name only ...
in the same way that North Korea is a "Democratic People's Republic."

Early voting in Ohio blocked by Republicans and Conservative justices

Until the thinking half of the country
can convince the non-thinking half of the country ... to start thinking;
we will continue to slide further into the abyss.

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Judge John E. Jones

In our Supreme Court, cases are now routinely, 5-4 decisions
in which the Conservative majority, in order to promote their ideology,
simply justify their desired outcome with embarrassingly flimsy rationalizations.
These judges have desecrated their sworn oaths;
trading in their integrity for political gain.
Our most cherished Constitutional concepts have been shredded in the process.

This Federal judge is a Conservative Christian Republican,
appointed to the bench by George W. Bush in 2002.

Judge John E. Jones is a role model for every judge in America

They don't come any better than this man.

If there is a Heaven ...
this Christian can walk through the gates with his head held high and proud.

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Remember my recent post where I said
that nearly all Supreme Court decisions these days
break down along party lines?

Well, they did it again.
The Conservative judges no longer even bother
to make a pretense of upholding the Constitution.
They are there to promote the Conservative agenda,
which includes Christian religious domination;
and they simply find any excuse to do so.

Open the word doc and let's look at the flimsy "reasons" they gave
for defecating on our Constitution ... again (4 pages)

Prayer now legal before government meetings

Now you know why Conservatives blocked all of Obama's judicial nominations.

2 updates:

American Humanists fight back

Huffington Post's excellent analysis, of the hit, America just took

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The Conservative Judges of The Supreme Court
(the ones who sold out our Democracy to the rich for 30 pieces of silver)

This quote below is taken from US Supreme Court Chief Justice Taney's opinion
in the 1857 Dred Scott decision, in which Taney stated that slaves were:
"so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect."

As much as we hate to admit it,
even our highest judges can be pig-ass ignorant.

Want a more modern example?

Bill Maher on Justice Scalia (4:27)

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Supreme Court overrules Congress and guts ...

The Voting Rights Act

The Oligarchs are dragging us back in time ... and we are letting them

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The Supreme Court ruled that sexual activity between consenting adults is legal,
and that state laws banning homosexual sodomy are unconstitutional.

Lawrence v. Texas, 2003

The 3 Ultra-Conservative judges dissented.

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The Supreme Court puts an end to the "Communist Witch Hunts"

Yates v. U.S.

Punishment only allowed for actions not beliefs.

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Buck v. Bell: A state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit,
including the intellectually disabled, "for the protection and health of the state"
did not violate the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

I see this as nothing less than an attempt to destroy ...
the Republican Party

Think about it - had eugenics for stupid people been implemented nationwide,
Donald Trump would never have been able to leave his TV show.

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So how did colonial Americans legally justify stealing
an entire continent from the Indians?

Glad you asked

If you have experienced any interaction with Christian "Apologists"
then you already know that there is nothing on God's Green Earth ...

that cannot be "justified"

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The Lower Courts


Republicans attempt to steal an election in North Carolina ...

after losing again in the recount

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The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas
is nothing more than a collection of political hacks ...

in robes

So much for the separation of powers
that our forefathers tried to give us.

UPDATE 9/2/21

In a 5-4 decision, SCOTUS backs the 5th Circuit Court

I knew Roberts had to be the one conservative defector.
He is the only conservative on the court who can be pushed too far
and will occasionally refuse to defy our laws in support of the Oligarchy.
The other conservatives are consistently loyal to their masters
and will betray their oaths and our Constitution without even losing a wink of sleep.

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Under Trump & McConnell,
Republicans have taken over the judiciary
as America pushes ever closer to ...


We will be screwed for decades to come,
long after Trump is in the ground (wormfood);
as our Constitution is slowly ripped to shreds.

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Republicans have pretty much taken over the court system.

Also, here's some interesting gun control history (11:03)

The big prize in the 2016 election wasn't so much the presidency for 4 years
as it was control over the judical branch for the coming ... decades.

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Trump has now appointed 25% of all ...

Federal Appeals Court judges (5:45)

We are screwed for decades.

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Republicans push through another unqualified judge
as they continue to stack the courts with ...

rubber stamp sycophants

We will be screwed for decades to come (notice how young they all are).

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The Republican takeover of the judicial branch continues at record speed ...

Trump administration seeks decertification of immigration judges' union

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Video (5:02) explaining how Trump's packing of the courts
is already affecting justice in America ...

Conservative Trump judges nearly block Flint, Michigan water poisoning case

The big prize in the 2016 election wasn't the presidency -
it was control over the Judicial branch ... for decades.

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Republicans are solidifying control over the American judiciary ...

for generations to come (5:19)

That was the real prize in the 2016 election.

UPDATE - 4/3/19

The Senate invokes the "nuclear option" to accelerate the conservative takeover ...

of the judicial branch

UPDATE - 4/25/19

Farron Cousins' video (3:39) declaring that the Republican takeover of the judiciary ...

is complete

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The real prize from the 2016 election was control of the judiciary ...

Trump is stacking the courts at a record pace

We are SO screwed

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The next time conservatives try to claim that they are huge "State's Rights" supporters

refer them to this story

Trump is selling off America to his rich cronies.

Republicans continue to stack the courts for their donors (4:56)

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Courts order North Carolina Republicans to draw new voting maps

because their gerrymandered districts are unconstitutional

Now you know why Trump is appointing judges at a record rate.
Pretty soon, the Constitution will 'say' whatever the rich want it to say.

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If you recall, I warned you that the Conservative takeover of America in 2016
gave them a much bigger prize than just the Presidency for one term.

Remember how Conservatives blocked more of Obama's judicial nominees
than all of the other presidents in history ... combined?
That was the real prize: control of the judiciary for decades to come.
As we have seen over and over, Conservative judges interpret law
the way the Oligarchs NEED it to be interpreted.
One example (out of many) - Corporations are now people.
Trump is loading the judiciary with unusually young, ultra-conservative judges;
and Americans will pay the price for that electoral mistake in 2016 ...

for a long, long time to come

UPDATE - 5/25/18

Trump's court stacking continuing at a record pace

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In a slap to the face of the March for Science
Attorney General Jeff Sessions refuses to renew ...

The Charter For The National Commission on Forensic Science

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Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama

Judge Roy Moore will probably go down
as one of the worst judges in U.S. history.
He's already been removed from office once ...

and it looks like he wants to prove that he can do it again

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Remember when I said that people are finally starting to understand
that Supreme Court judges are not objective interpreters of the Constitution
but rather, nothing more than political hacks in robes?

Well ... here's the proof

If judges were thought to be fair and honest arbiters of the law
then why would it matter which party made the choice?

(hint: it wouldn't)

The only reason why this is so important
is because both parties know that,
despite the occasional maverick who disappoints,
that their choice will most likely remain loyal to them
in the vast majority of important cases.

For those of you who still don't see the picture clearly ...

this should help

This quote from the article made it especially clear:
"I think most corporations facing class actions
regarded Justice Scalia as a friend.
He has been a thoroughly consistent vote
on their side of the equation.

And here is whom Scalia would have helped win their case:
"Dow was found liable in 2013 by a Kansas jury of
allegedly conspiring to fix prices for polyurethane,
an industrial chemical used in everything
from packaging to car interiors.

No - they weren't found liable of allegedly  conspiring to fix prices;
they were found liable of conspiring to fix prices.
(who slipped that in there, Fox News?)

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While the media went nuts
over an insignificant primary in New Hampshire,
the really huge story that they ignored
was that the Conservative majority on the Supreme Court
continued to protect the profits of the rich
at the expense of everyone else (that would be us).

Obama's coal emission regulation to fight global warming has been blocked

For years now the vast majority of Supreme Court decisions have been 5-4.
That would not be possible if the judges were objectively interpreting the law.
The only explanation that makes sense
is that one group of judges are nothing more than ...

political puppets for the rich

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Oil Baron convicted in deaths of 29 miners.

But it was only a misdemeanor

Is this going to be the new way we treat our Oil tycoons?
Is this how we show our gratitude to the "job creators?" (29 new jobs)

We must stop interferring with Oil execs and let them do their job.
Safety Regulations, as we all know, will only slow down production,
and most importantly ...

antagonize the shareholders

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Conservatives are always screaming
that Liberals are trying to take away our 2nd Amendment rights.

One of the reasons they try to distract Americans with that lie
is to cover their attempts to take away our rights, granted by ...

the 14th Amendment

That Amendment is a hundred times more important than the 2nd Amendment
and has been a thorn in the side of Conservatives ever since it became law.

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Texas town tries to protect itself from Big Oil, but ...

Big Oil controls the government - so guess who lost?

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On 9/11 we were attacked from abroad.

12 years later we face a much bigger and more dangerous enemy ...
the one from within.

The 1%

In 2010 The Oligarchs administered the Coup de grace to American Democracy

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

We now officially live in a Plutocracy (rule by the rich).
What are the chances that we can reverse it?
You would be better off investing ...

in a lottery ticket

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