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Abortion: attacks against Christians
Abortion: in defense of Muslims
Contraception Government

Attacks Against Abortion


Trump's anti-abortion judge
used a biased, inaccurate "scientific" study to ...

rule against mifepristone

This is what we are up against.
The Oligarchs do not play fair ...

They play to win

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We asked young girls how they felt
about the SCOTUS after Roe V Wade was overturned.
First we got an opinion from a blond ...

Next we tried asking a brunette ...

In our divided nation, it's nice to finally see some agreement.

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Rapists across America are celebrating wildly
after SCOTUS conservative justices overturned Roe V. Wade
which now allows rapists their god-given freedom to choose ...

the mother of their child

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Texas attempts to return to The Dark Ages
by passing the most restrictive abortion law in the land ...

6 weeks

From the article:

"prohibits abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected (usually around 6 weeks)
and before most women even know they’re pregnant.

Even their own Bibles tell them that life begins with the first breath.
But whenever you point out embarrassing facts like that to Ghost Worshipers,
they go into zombie mode: their eyes stop blinking and their tiny little minds stop thinking
and they immediately and desperately try to change the subject.

Now that Trump has put the Supreme Court in the pockets of conservatives,
their chances of destroying Roe v. Wade have substantially increased.

Now let's see what science has to say about this ...

Embryos don't have heartbeats at 6 weeks

UPDATE 2/10/22

Texas abortions plunge after passage of nation's strickest anti-abortion law

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Appeals court affirms North Carolina's 20-week abortion ban is ...



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Conservatives on the Supreme Court: "No more abortion pill by mail" ...

Mifepristone singled out during pandemic

The split down party lines 6-3 (as always)
proves that one side is not following the law but politics.
Conservatives are nothing more than political hacks in robes.

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Alabama and Georgia are more restrictive on abortions than ...

most Muslim nations

How embarrassing is that?

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The U.S. stands nearly alone against the U.N. over abortion

"We do not recognize abortion as a method of family planning,
nor do we support abortion in our reproductive health assistance.

That U.S. statement can easily proven to be a lie.
Our Supreme Court has granted abortion rights to American women since 1973.
But then again ... lying is what the Trump administration does best.

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With Kavanaugh's confirmation imminent ...

the attacks on abortion have begun

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Making America Great Again

States can block federal funds for Planned Parenthood

Why don't women simply leave the Red States
and move to states that aren't living in Medieval times?
But that same argument applies to women living in Muslim nations.
And that same argument applies to African-Americans living in the South.

Obviously, it's a lot easier said ... than done

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Feminists fighting for abortion rights have been wearing these necklaces

In response, Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook:
"... So, D.C. 'feminists' who would wear this symbol of death around their neck,
who are the real women liberators? It's the pro-life sisterhood fighting to protect children.

I guess Sarah forgot about this picture taken ... of her

Christians are the last people on Earth
who have the right to criticize others
for wearing "symbols of death" around their necks.

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How much have Republicans changed in the last two generations?

This quote is from Republican President Richard Nixon ...

"It is my view that no American woman should be denied access
to family planning assistance because of her economic condition.

Republicans begin the dismantling of Planned Parenthood

The Republicans of the 21st century barely resemble human beings anymore.
The party has been hijacked by the greediest, most immoral of all Americans ...

The Oligarchs

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Study finds that the exact opposite is true of Conservative claims:
abortion does not lead to mental illness, and in fact ...

it is more likely to lead to better mental health

Here's another Conservative lie debunked by science

women regret their abortions

And if you're still in the mood, check out these pseudoscientific lies that Conservatives spread ...

Senate Abortion Hearing Reveals Junk Science Behind Women's Health Laws

Fetal pain is another Conservative lie that science has debunked

Another debunked argument:
Heart cells twitching doesn't equal life ... heart cells twitch in a petri dish.
Embryonic cells battle for survival. The ones with the most MYC protein - win.
A mouse has more complexity and autonomy ... than a human fetus.
Let's make this easy for our mentally-challenged conservative friends ...

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What is the religious right willing to do when the laws don't go their way?

There Was a Staggering Increase in Violence Against Abortion Providers in 2015

And the difference between ISIS and the American Taliban ... is?

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Every Republican attempt to attack Americans
is always disguised by rhetoric
that gives the opposite impression
of what they are really trying to do. Why?

Because if they were honest, their attempts would be rejected.
It is only by lying, that they are able to convince
low-information middle-of-the-roaders to support their causes.

In the case of abortion,
Republicans attack women's legal rights to abortions with lies
as John Oliver points out in this 16-minute video ...

"We are protecting women's health and safety"

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The Grand Jury in Texas has returned felony indictments
in the Planned Parenthood case involving the selling of fetal tissue.
But the indictments were not against anyone at Planned Parenthood ...

they were against the fraudulent video makers

Didn't you just love the way Governor Abbott squirmed
and tried to change the subject.

Now the media should fry Fiorina's ass;
and the Feds should charge her with incitement to riot
(which resulted in the deaths of 3 innocent people).

And then the media should start roasting Congress over their "investigation"
which is nothing more than a giant waste of taxpayer money
for political grandstanding (Benghazi - part 2).

Yes, I may be an atheist, but on days like today I don't mind saying ...

Thank Ya Jesus!

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This is what is possible in advanced countries
unburdened by the likes of a Conservative Supreme Court

Australia creates buffer zones around abortion clinics

You know, buffer zones ...

like the one they have around the U.S. Supreme Court

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in Saudi Arabia?

Well, wonder no more ... just move to Texas

And realize that their justification for this action
is the set of debunked video tapes
that the sane half of America has already dismissed.

UPDATE - 8/20/16

Texas now has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world

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Justice Kennedy again sides with Liberal judges ...

postponing the shutdown of Texas abortion clinics

Nearly all Supreme Court decisions are now 5-4.
You couldn't ask for stronger evidence that we don't have
9 free-thinking, fair-minded individuals enforcing our laws.
If we did, you could still see 5-4 decisions
but they wouldn't always break down along strict party lines ...

but they do

What we do have is a group of political hacks dressed in robes
who are promoting Conservative ideology
at the expense of the American people and the American Constitution.

Two of those Conservatives, Roberts and Kennedy,
have proven on multiple occasions
that they do possess some sense of integrity.
So even when they side with their Conservative cohorts,
their opinions deserve inspection.

As for the other three: Alito, Scalia, and Thomas ...
we would be better off replacing them with girl scouts.

The next president may be able to replace several Supreme Court justices.
The Koch Brothers have made it clear that they will spend
whatever it takes to buy the White House (1-2 billion dollars).

So we may not have to worry much longer about all these 5-4 decisions.
Nor will there be any more "swing" votes from those with conscience.

In a Democracy ... it is the people who are ultimately to blame

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It took 6 years after Roe v. Wade before Conservative Christians decided to fight against abortion.
So why did it take them so long to get offended, and what was the real reason for their outrage?

It was segregation

More evidence that segregation is origin of the anti-abortion movement

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Federal Judge overturns North Dakota's strict abortion law

Republican attempt to bypass our democracy
by passing an unconstitutional law through the state legislature
gets what it deserves ... the axe.

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2,000 years of horror ... brought to you by the Catholic Church

El Salvador, as medieval as any Muslim nation

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If life begins at conception, then every year God murders
about 50 million innocent fetuses through miscarriage.

I informed Jeff Geibel, the operator of the web site "We Kill Children," of this fact.
So in defense of his God, he ignored that fact, and instead,
attempted to school me on rational thinking ...

the results were not pretty

Millions of Christians believe that, 50 million times every year,
that hand above will close and kill the child before it ever has the chance to be born.
It's easy to see why so many worship Him.

If I actually believed in a monster that evil
who had the power to punish me forever ...

I would too

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Conservatives on the Supreme Court use their 5-4 majority
to overturn numerous Appellate Court decisions
and uphold the ban on partial-birth abortions.

Gonzales v. Carhart, 2007

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In Defense Of Abortion


So, how are the Republican attacks on abortion working out for women?

This report should give you an idea

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Huge numbers of women have been raped and impregnated ...

since the overturning of Roe v. Wade

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My reply to an anti-abortionist who argued that ...

the bible does not support abortion

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Jews file lawsuits against anti-abortion laws for ...

religious discrimination

Conservative "Christians" (and I use that term sarcastically)
don't even obey their own Bible
in which the god they claim to worship
even gives them instructions on how to perform abortions.
(Numbers 5:11-31)

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Argentina's Senate barely overrules its Catholic overlords (38-29) and joins the 21st century ...

by legalizing abortions up to 14 weeks

I can only imagine the backlash that the Ghost Worshipers are planning.

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The Turnaway Study (2008-2016) concludes that
women who get abortions have better outcomes ...

than those who don't

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70% of women who get abortions are ...


Notice the source of the article ... "The Christian Post"

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The "Women Betrayed" movement is organizing protests over ...

the deceptive Planned Parenthood video

They plan to attack nationwide tomorrow on 8/22/15 ...

I plan to be there

UPDATE (8/22/15)

I went to two locations with my trusty megaphone
only to be disappointed that the media had ignored my advice
that this would be an event worth covering.

Since I didn't see any point in getting beaten up by hundreds of protesters
with a long history of violence (including bombings and murders)
and not even have it recorded,
I decided instead to go home and bury my disappointment
by making a video about these anti-choice assholes instead.

(and he lives to fight another day)

Scroll down to Show #352

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Rebecca Watson from Skepchick.com
calls Conservative Douchebags exactly what they are:

Fucking Idiots

And this report from Factcheck.org is for those of you
who would like to get the straight dope ...

without the "Fucking Idiots" part

It just boggles the mind,
what Republican politicians are able to get away with.
The only explanation that comes to mind,
is that the people who form their base
and keep them in office, really are ...

Fucking Idiots

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Details about the fraudulent video used against Planned Parenthood

"An analysis of the heavily edited, 9-minute video released last week
compared to the uncut 162-minute video:
The longer video shows that a Planned Parenthood staffer said 10 different times
that Planned Parenthood would not sell tissue or profit from tissue donations.
All 10 instances were cut out and the video was edited to falsely claim she said the opposite.

If these Conservative Christian pro-lifers sincerely feel they are right,
why do they have to lie, and sink to such deceitful tactics?

By the way, that wasn't me asking that question ...

it was Jesus Christ

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Classic Emails (1 page)

To the web site: MEDICAL NEWS TODAY

Study identifies barriers to abortion services in developed countries

That was one of the most gutless, cowardly articles I have ever read.
Everyone already knows what the biggest barrier to abortion is.
Everyone already knows WHO is behind the attacks on abortion.

But neither Honor Whiteman nor the researchers
had the courage to stand up and identify religious bigots,
who murder doctors and bomb abortion clinics,
and the politicians who promote the religious agenda,
as the ones who are the biggest barriers to abortion.

Shame on you and the researchers for your cowardice.
Gutless displays like this ensure that the horror for women
will continue for a long, long time.

Nice goin'

(I can't imagine why they never wrote back)

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Let's look at one issue that Oligarchs have been able to use to rally Conservatives ... abortion.

So how do we know that anti-abortion activists are lying
when they holler and scream about abortion?

Because they do things like this ...

and give away their game

It's never been about saving fetuses.
In fact, Conservative Christians worship a God
who bragged about murdering fetuses (Hosea 13:16).

If they were so concerned about abortion in America,
they would be the biggest supporters
of the greatest answer to abortion
that humans have ever devised ...


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Progressive Christian takes The Religious Right to task ...

over abortion

Actually, she didn't so much "take them to task," but rather ...
opened up a can of Whoop Ass on those ignorant "useful idiots."

Another excellent article from May of 2010

And if we go back even further, we find little Christian resistance to either abortion or contraception ...

Abortion & Contraception in The Middle Ages

Steve Balmer exposes the early support of Roe v. Wade by Evangelicals

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Classic Emails (2 pages)

I Sent this email to Flip Benham of Operation Save America

Response to your "About" page

Yes, this is the same group of misfits who used to be called "Operation Rescue."
After all the murders and bombings, they thought they could give themselves a makeover
by changing their name to something really patriotic like "Operation Save America."

But no matter how fancy you dress up a pig ... it's still a pig.

UPDATE - 9/16/14

Classic Emails (1 page)

I was feeling a little lonely the other day
since I can't seem to find anyone who wants to play with me anymore.

So I sent this email to my old buddy, Flip Benham, over at Operation Save America

Even though we don't see "eye to eye" on that whole abortion thingy,
I still get the feeling that Flip really appreciates the work that I do,
because he has yet to complain about, or even reply to, a single one of my emails.

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Catholics throw pro-lifers under the bus!

The greatest example of religious hypocrisy you will EVER see

You can't make this stuff up.

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The 2012 election may have given Americans the impression
that the country was evenly divided on the issue of abortion.
But here is the truth.

Pew Poll 40 years after Roe v. Wade

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Even God says life (human soul) begins with ...

the first breath

Notice: that was from a Christian source.

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Classic Emails (1 page)

Rebecca Kiessling heaps guilt

upon rape victims who want to abort their fetuses

After this email she requested no further contact ...
(I can't imagine why)

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Bad Christian arguments:
"God is Pro-Life "

Pro-lifers biblical arguments shredded

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Supreme Court rules in favor of Eugenics

Buck v. Bell, 1927

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France will make condoms available for free to anyone under ...

25 years of age

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Conservative Christians are accelerating ... The War On Women

The most amazing thing to me is how Republicans are able to get women to vote for them.
These women remind me of women in Muslim nations who carry signs supporting Sharia Law.
Both are examples of women who are incapable of defending themselves from indoctrination.

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The Republican War on Women shifts into high gear after Trump's election

American women are rushing out to get birth control
faster than Iranian women were buying burkas
when the Shah got deposed in 1979.

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"Religious Freedom" (translation: "Freedom to impose religion") ...

Takes a hit in court

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What does compromising with Ghost Worshipers get you?

A slap in the face

Did you catch this part?
Attorney Kyle Duncan of the Becket Fund For Religious Liberty,
a legal defense group spearheading many of the suits,
said in a statement that the new rule does not satisfy his clients.
"Today's proposed rule does nothing to protect
the religious liberty of millions of Americans.

Ghost Worshipers will never be satisfied.
As Duncan's statement proves, they only see compromise as a weakness.
That goes for Conservative Christians every bit as much, as it does for Muslims.
They don't want compromise - they want total domination ...
and they won't rest until they achieve it.

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Free contraception greatly reduced both births and abortions

The Best Solution We Have

Yet the religiously infected will never admit they are wrong
because they have had 2,000 years of being wrong,
and have become experts at ignoring reality.

Those are known as "hockey stick" graphs
and they demonstrate exponential growth.

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What is it with Catholics and contraception?

One of the biggest battles in America in the past 40 years has been the one over abortion.
So science has a great solution - contraception!
With prevention rates above 90% that would eliminate a great many abortions.
So how do religious nutbags respond to this great solution?

"Well we just spoke with our invisible friend about that
and He said, 'Uh Uh - Ain't gonna happen'. 

What do you mean? This is a great solution -
nobody gets hurt; and as an extra added bonus ...
it will greatly reduce sexually transmitted diseases.

"Sorry, but the Cloud Commander said
that you would be preventing the birth of children ...
and that's the same as killing them.

It was at this point that I finally got the picture:
it isn't about human life. Life means nothing to those who only worship death.
It is all about control. Religion must control every aspect of a person's life;
from what you eat, to whom you can love, and whom you must hate,
to when you can work, how much you will give to the church,
and even every thought that you think.
From birth until death the Church seeks to control every aspect of your life.

And their stand on contraception ... proves it.

However, in a classic case of "one-upsmanship"
senator Constance Johnson outdid me
by trying to add this satirical amendment to the bill:

"However, any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen
anywhere but in a woman’s vagina
shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.

(I could have been that funny ... if I had had a little more time)

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Here is a picture of the dysfunctional Anderson family.

Barely out of their twenties and already they have enough kids,
if mom and dad play, to start their own baseball team.

Fundamentalist Christians, like Fundamentalist Muslims, breed like cockroaches

This Christian couple is somewhat older. I count 17 kids. For the Andersons ...

these people are role models

If Mrs. Steven Anderson would just become a little more submissive,
or pump out a few twins once in a while,
she might be able to close the gap and make Steven really proud of her.
Who knows ... he might even reward her by letting her use her own name
instead of making her call herself "Mrs. Steven Anderson."

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Scotland officially apologizes to the thousands of women ...

who have been murdered for the "crime" of witchcraft

This disgusting chapter in human history falls almost entirely on Christians.

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Poland withdraws from the European Union Convention over the issue of ...

violence against women

The Catholics ... destroying morality for the past 2,000 years

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What does the Bible say about abortion?

Sorry Conservative Christians - that didn't work out too well for you, did it?
But then again, you should be used to that by now since the Bible never agrees ...

with what you desperately need it to say

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Talk show celebrity, Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager goes out of his way to prove that religious nutbags
are far more alike ... than they are different

Yes, you read that right:
Dennis Prager, a Jew, is in complete agreement with Sharia Muslims.
I don't think anyone will be shocked to learn
that Prager has been divorced ... twice.
And don't be shocked by the similarity between Judaism and Islam.
Their holy books were both designed BY men ... FOR men.

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When you need direction as to how to think about women and their rights,
how can you do any better than ...

Answers in Genesis

They certainly sold me

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Witches are still being burned to death in the 21st century ... and not just in Africa.

Papua New Guinea

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Iowa ... the new Saudi Arabia

Dentist fired his assistant because he claimed she was a threat to his marriage (5:10)

Americans are terrified that Sharia Law may come to the U.S.,
not realizing that in Iowa ... it's already here.

Did you catch the part on the tape about the dentist getting advice from his pastor?
Where's there's smoke ... there's fire.
Where there's discrimination ... a pastor can't be far away.

So this court decided that this woman could have her 10-year career taken away from her;
her means of supporting her family taken away from her;
all because her boss got the hots for her,
and didn't think he could control himself from cheating on his wife?

And this is different from Sharia ... how?

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So what's the difference between Muslims and Christians?

Saudi Arabia held a conference of female contraception
and no women were allowed to participate
(article has been removed from the web).

American conference on female contraception ... with no women

So what's the difference?

Not much

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Muslim religious idiots try to regain control over women in Gambia
by reversing the ban on genital mutilation.

Thankfully, they failed ... this time

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Taliban stops the education of women

I don't think any additional commentary is necessary.

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India is banning 'instant divorce' for Muslim men

Muslims worldwide are being dragged, kicking and screaming ...

into the 21st century.

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In the ongoing battle between moral principles and money
even liberal socialist countries like Sweden knuckle under ...

to the almighty dollar

The silence of the Feminists is deafening.

Concentrate less on Trump's pussy-grabbing
and more on things that really matter
like standing up for, and defending, this brave principled woman.

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Gender-equality gap greatest in Islamic countries

Show of hands: How many were surprised by the findings in that article?

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UN proposal has been designed to reduce violence against women

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood say it will destroy the world

The most memorable line in the whole article was this one:
"the age of ignorance before the coming of Islam."

But before you start berating misogynistic atavistic Muslims,
read this from 'Answers in Genesis' who provide ... the Christian perspective.

Those damn women

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Where did the Republicans get their ideas for their War on Women?

The same place the Muslims got theirs: ancient "holy" books

Message to both groups: Time to grow up and join modern civilization.
Trust me ... the ancient goat herders got that one wrong.

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Steve Shives addresses a conservative women's group
portraying a Republican who is forced to ...

speak the truth (17:16)

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An obsolete, inconclusive test is still being used to ...

prosecute and imprison women

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"Red" states continue to lead the way ...

in the slaughter of their own women

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Japan: the "age of consent" for sex has been raised from 13 to 16

Welcome to the 21st century Japan. Better late than never.
Half the U.S. (the "conservative" half) is still mired in ...

medieval immoral thinking

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The U.S. is embarrassed again by a world report on the status of women ...

"With a score of 83.75, the US sits behind Mexico, Colombia, and Zimbabwe"


How embarrassing is that!

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Republicans postpone the killing of the Violence Against Women Act ...

until after the midterms

More proof that Republicans aren't stupid ... they're evil.

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Best and Worst states for women's rights

The "Red States" (Republican Party):
serving the interests of overweight, well-to-do, entitled white men ...

for almost 200 years now

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This is why Republicans (pawns of the rich)
claim they are ardent supporters of "State's Rights":

Trump defunds Planned Parenthood in Red States

"State's Rights" is a dog whistle phrase coined by the Confederacy
to allow local bully boys to brutalize their own people
without government interference (think slavery).

But they show themselves for the hypocrites that they are
when they attempt to deny State's Rights to Blue States;
as when those states attempt to make conditions better for their own people.

In other words, the 14th Amendment is their greatest enemy ...

"No state shall make or enforce any law
which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;
nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

After killing Social Security ... The 14th Amendment is their next target.

Rolling back the clock by removing all progress made by the masses,
and returning things to the way they used to be,
is what gets Republicans up in the morning.

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International Woman Suffrage Timeline

Pretty dismal. But we're gettin' there.

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Was Edith Wilson America's first female president?

You'll have to decide yourself on that one.

But what never ceases to amaze me is how utterly non-proactive humans are.
I mean, how could you NOT provide for a mechanism
to run the country in case the president became disabled?
What did they say to themselves?
"Oh that'll never happen"

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Senate passes 'violence against women act'
despite opposition by 22 male Republicans.

But the House of Representatives should be a tougher fight

In 2012 the country had a chance to throw out
the most unproductive congress in American history,
but instead, returned most of them,
insuring another 2 years of gridlock with little progress in sight.

Well, think about it - isn't that what the word 'conservative' means?

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How does America rank in the world in ...

the percentage of women in government?

What a fucking embarrassment

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Republicans don't just attack women over sexual issues,
they also attack them where it hurts ... in their wallets.

Republican Senators block Ledbetter pay equality bill

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The Subjugation Of Women


The Taliban orders hair and beauty salons to shut down

Notice the part "supreme leader Haibatullah Akhunzada,
who claimed days ago that the Taliban had
restored the status of women as "free and dignified

When people do monstrous things
they almost always defend those actions
by claiming they have done the exact opposite.
That proves that they know they are wrong
but they are determined to do it anyway.

We see the same thing in conservative traitors
who call themselves "patriots"
and fundamentalist conservatives
who prove they are fake, phony Christians.

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Depression, suicide, sexual assault, and rape are on the increase ...

among American teenage girls

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Alaska leads the nation in women murdered by men ...

for the 7th year in a row

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Study reveals that women suffer more traumatic brain injuries than ...

football players and soldiers

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Gender equality by state ...

The Bible Belt and the Mormons are at the bottom

When are "those people" ever going to join modern civilization?

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gender pay gap by state

No surprises there. Just the same old suspects.

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Fundamentalist Christians and Fundamentalist Muslims are infamous for many things;
not the least of which is the amazing depths of misogyny
to which both are willing to sink to maintain dominion over their women.

So how about Fundamentalist Jews?
Don't be surprised; after all ...

where do you think the other two religons came from?

The threat of violence by those with the minds of little children
are one of the main factors holding back the advance of modern human society.

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It is tradition in America for the bride's family to pay for the wedding ceremony.
Recently I learned of a family who refused to honor that custom,
so the groom's family had to pay the expenses.
No reason was given for the refusal, and I didn't feel it was my place to pry.
Whatever the reason, it points out yet another way
that society discriminates against women.

The average cost of an American wedding is around $25,000.
So if a couple has 3 daughters, they are facing the prospect
of having to find $75,000 in loose change lying around.
The couple with 3 sons, can just sit back and smile.
This places quite a stigma on having daughters,
in additon to all the others stigmas society has placed on women.

It's no wonder that in places like India and China,
where they are allowed to choose the sex of their children,
male babies greatly outnumber female babies
(by the way, that stategy is going to backfire on them quite badly when their kids grow up;
that's when they will learn that the girl babies will be highly valued, as any rare commodity is,
while many boys who are out-competed will have to settle for miserable lives).

Many bad ideas continue because of "tradition."
This custom of making the woman's parents responsible for all the wedding expenses,
is a tradition that needs to be put to rest.
One idea would be to have both families split the cost equally.
But whatever solution is selected, this is one stigma
that needs to be removed from a sex that is already overloaded with them.

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The War On Women

I can't help but think: if it is at epidemic proportions now ...
how bad was it before?

As Pinker's book, The Better Angels Of Our Nature proves,
all forms of violence and discrimination were far worse in the past.

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The history of women's rights in early America (13:11)

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Destroying the life of an innocent girl ... what's that worth?

Apparently ... 2 years of free room and board

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Religious freedom

This quote is by Charles Napier,
Commander of the British army in India, in the early 1800's

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well.
We also have a custom:
when men burn a woman alive,
we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them.
Build your funeral pyre;
beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows.
You may follow your custom.
And then we will follow ours.

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