This web site is dedicated to the eradication of irrational thinking.
Rationalists are those, whose thinking is strictly guided by the laws of logic.
Rationalists only accept as true, that which has been proven to be true,
through the application of the scientific method.
Neo's Daily Blog
(politics, religion, and science)
I only have one web site that I subscribe to:
Here is one example of why I like these folks so much ...
"New York officials considering making a 'special hotline' for threats against CEOs"
Editorial Comment (below the headline)
"It really is a little too on the nose that
we can have 323 school shootings in one year and zero action
but ONE corporate executive gets shot and all of a sudden
elected officials are springing into action to keep the CEOs safe."
The comment above was referencing this article
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Republicans work for "The Big Boys" and the Big Boys only.
Democrats are the only hope the masses have.
But 21
st century Republicans have forced Democrats toward the right.
Progressives like Alexandria Cortez are few and are viciously attacked.
To survive, modern Democrats must sacrifice and compromise.
That explains why, in a close election, Kamala Harris is forced to support ...
Sad, but that's situation we find ourselves in.
Meanwhile, while The Big Boys are enriching themselves,
the planet continues to ... heat up.
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