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White Supremacy


Modern Confederacy

White Supremacy


When were American Indians
(the true, non-immigrant Americans)
granted American citizenship?


So America is called the world's oldest Democracy;
yet, this "Democracy" didn't allow women to vote (~50%)
didn't allow African-Americans to vote (another 6% for males)
and didn't allow true Americans to vote
(% unknown since we murdered millions of them before stealing all their land).

So in conclusion, less than half the people could vote
and yet some still considered America to be a Democracy?

That is a level of dishonesty that would make even Trump Republicans envious.

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African-American mothers and their newborns
are much more likely to die than other groups ...

even if they are wealthy

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Undercover FBI agent infiltrated the KLAN in Florida,
put away some bad guys, and now ...

must live in fear

160 years after the Civil War
and we are still dealing with these racist retards.

KKK necktie for formal occasions ...

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The field of medicine uses unscientific racist methodology in evaluating ...

kidney transplant patients

From the article ...

"Kidneys are not white or Black.
There are, in fact, no genes, physiologic traits, or biological characteristics
that distinguish one race from another.

But the answer comes at the end ...

"there's a more accurate and race-blind way to test for kidney function,
it's just more expensive—$2, versus $0.02

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The NAACP is using the Ku Klux Klan Act ...

to sue Trump over the Capitol Riot (4:30)

This action also exposes all those African-American Trump supporters
who sold out their own race to support The Klan.

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A suicide bomber and domestic terrorist who is white
is treated much differently by the media than ...

a suicide bomber and terrorist who isn't white

The article made some strong good points ...
especially when they reminded us about the "Michigan Militia"

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Black-owned businesses are being wiped out ...

by the Trump administration's Covid response (5:37)

Gee, what a coinky dink, huh?

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Systemic racism built into American society ...

by government (8:35)

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Prager "University" used a black female professor to spread misinformation ...

regarding racists switching political parties

There are no limits to the depths to which conservatives will sink
to spread their lies and propaganda among the defenseless.

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In the past, we could count on the Feds to enforce equal justice
in places where it rarely exists (like in the South).
But now that White Supremicists are running the government ...

this is the kind of justice we might as well get used to

Jeff Sessions, ensuring that the superior race ... remains that way.

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Hey you guys in "Blacks for Trump":
The Donald sure did appreciate your support
in a really tight presidential race.
And just to show you how grateful he is,
his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions

has this little gift ... just for you

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How far have Americans come in the "civilizing process?"

This far

Treasury to put Harriet Tubman on $20 bill

What I would give, if it were only possible,
to dig up the graves of those slavers and traitors
and reanimate those bastards for just 15 minutes
and show them how far humans have come.

Also, in the wanted poster above, they called her "illiterate."
That's especially funny when you try to read the poster.
The spelling, grammar, and semi-coherent wording is on a par with ...

today's Tea Party people

(note: I'm a little dubious about the poster:
Even at only 2% per year * 150 years,
they were offering about 780k for her)

UPDATE 4/22/16

60 members of the KKK commit suicide over the news
that Harriet Tubman would replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill

Why did Snopes have to go and ruin the good news?

UPDATE 1/4/23 (almost 7 years later)

Tubman finally honored on U.S. currency

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Lynching: a shameful history that America cannot hide from

If I had to guess, I would say that all those white people who were lynched
probably died while trying to save African-American victims.

They probably tried to reason with all those Bible-Belt Christians
by showing them the 10 commandments;
and were rewarded by being given a great view of the event ... from a tree.

ISIS has nothing on Bible-Belt Christians

What was the greatest mass lynching in American history?

11 Italians in New Orleans

Other lynchings that soil American history

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Classic Emails (4 pages)

"Jeremy" weighs in on the Donald Sterling Affair ...

and so do I

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Why is this story so hilarious?

Because these racists are too pig-ass stupid to understand that ...
ALL humans have African DNA.

By the way, check out the young Goober in the picture above
who looks like he weighs in at, all of 135 pounds
because each combat boot weighs 10.
And the Sow trailing behind them is only missing two things:
bells around her neck and a designer sweatshirt "I'm with Stupid."
As for the useless old fart, it was nice of Slick to dress up for his photo op,
but I can't help but wonder how many fingers he has blown off while cleaning his gun.

After closer inspection of that picture,
I also think we need to start enforcing incest laws.

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The KKK (now calling themselves "Traditionalist American Knights")
attempt to use the Zimmerman-Martin trial to increase membership.

On the flyers they passed around, here is how they described themselves

Yep ... they're good ole Christian boys

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Neonazi scum has invaded the Skeptic Arena
and threatened to kill me and my family.
(this call came in during the last 5 minutes of show #206)

Lonewolf Pittsburgh

Here is the reply I posted on 5 neo-Nazi web sites

Response to neo-Nazis

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The Dred Scott Decision (U.S. Supreme Court)
is considered by most everyone to be ...

the worst decision in the Supreme Court's history

Chief Justice Roger Taney's opinion said that slaves were
"so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect. "

Taney then overturned the Missouri Compromise,
which had banned slavery in territories north of the 36th parallel.

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This is how the colonists tried to control their slaves - with a bible ...

but not the one that god gave them

Subhuman is the only word that comes to mind.
No, I'm not referring to the slaves ... but to their owners.

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Historical background of American slavery (11:51)

History doesn't get much more embarrassing than that.
However, the worship of Confederate leaders, like Lee,
by modern educated Americans ... is almost as embarrassing.

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The Star-Spangled Banner is our National Anthem ...

You should read the words to the whole thing

Facts always seem to keep getting in the way of Conservative propaganda, don't they?

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Despite being illegal worldwide, nearly 46 million humans are still held in slavery.

Which countries are the worst?

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The Modern Confederacy


Despite being defeated militarily,
the South has never stopped fighting the Civil War.
That's what they mean by the phrase "Hearts and Minds."

Had we helped the slaves more,
instead of rebuilding the wealth of the Southern traitors ...

we might be better off today

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Have you ever seen this Wikipedia article?

Thank God for Mississippi

Now it appears as though there may be a scientific explanation

Slavery made many Southern whites rich beyond their wildest dreams.
But the price they paid for those riches went far beyond what they ever imagined.

It created a living hell on Earth for its victims (the slaves).
It also became a living hell on Earth for all its inhabitants.
Hundreds of thousands were killed in battle
and the area required a decade of Reconstruction
from which it never fully recovered.
To this day the South is the most impoverished, least educated,
most violent, and most religious region in the United States.
And as this article showed, the disease brought over from Africa by slave traders
would plague many of the people of the American South for centuries.

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Confederates refuse to admit that their ancestors were fighting to defend slavery.
That proves that at least they now know that their ancestors were morally wrong.
Send this video to your Conservative friends who are still ...

"in denial" (5:51)

While you are at it, also send them these ...

U.S. Constitution: Article 3 - Section 3

Cornerstone Speech by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stevens

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How The South stacks up against the rest of the states

Well, one good thing you can say about the Confederate States is ...

at least they are consistent

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How the modern Confederacy got to where it is today

The Civil War only ended militarily. The battle for the hearts and minds
of racist people raised in subhuman conditions ... continues to this day.

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Ron Paul says that ...

Scotland's secessionist movement should inspire the U.S.

In the Bizarro world of dementia (Fox News),
seditious ass clowns like Cliven Bundy and Ron Paul are considered ...


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The Union's victory in the U.S. Civil War
ended military hostilities between the states,

but the battle to civilize the South continues to this day

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"How could it be that a highway was named after a man who made war against the United States,
all so the citizens of his region could continue to hold human beings in chains?
All so slave masters could continue to rape the women they claimed to own.
The children of these unions were usually enslaved by their own fathers,
often acting as servants to their white half brothers and sisters.

That throughout a significant swath of the nation,
men who committed treason for the sake of maintaining chattel slavery
are lauded as heroes speaks to a terrible illness in the American psyche --
one that continues to fester 145 years after the last shot was fired in the War Between the States.

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The Civil War ended 150 years ago (militarily);
but the battle for the hearts and minds
of the slave-owner's descendants ...

continues to this day

A note about their "loyalty":
They were solidly Democratic until LBJ passed
the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act.
LBJ predicted that Democrats would lose the southern white vote ...
and he was right.
Southern whites aren't loyal to a party ...
they are loyal to whomever will best promote their racism.

Damn - evolution sure is a slow process

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The Civil War continues to this day

It only ended militarily in 1865
but the fight for 'hearts and minds' still goes on.
It's time we put an end to this ...

once and for all

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Have you ever wondered why Conservative components
like The Confederacy and Bible Belt Ghost Worshipers
hate the "gubbermint" so much?

Now you know why.

The Civil War and the enforcing of integration by Federal troops,
has forced them to stop their barbaric practices (slavery and murder);
and they have never forgiven America for that interference.

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