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Africa (Sahel Region)


The Sahel Region of Africa (just south of the Sahara Desert)
which includes 6 nations ...

has fallen into the hands of Oligarchs

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Meet Argentina's new president ... Javier Milei
(he may resemble the late comedian Robin Williams;
but the big difference is ... there is nothing funny about this guy)

Argentina goes "Trump"

UPDATE 11/20/23

How were the Oligarchs able to persuade Argentina's youth to join their cause? ...

By increasing inflation to extremely painful levels

"Give us back the power and we won't hurt you ... as much."

UPDATE 12/11/23

Milei is warning the people that the rich will be coming for ...

whatever they have left


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As the dominoes of Democracy have been falling all over the world
a dim ray of hope appears in Bangladesh.

The people rose up and drove out the dictator!

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This is Alexsander Lukashenko
He has been the dictator of Belarus since 1994

Lukashenko continues his reign as dictator for life ...

after a clearly-rigged election

Democracy is being wiped from the face of the Earth, worldwide,
by Oligarchs who are rapidly driving civilization back to The Middle Ages.

They couldn't be accomplishing this without the help of ...
their legions of brainwashed morons
(in the U.S. they are called "Maga").

UPDATE 8/13/20

This is what fascism looks like under a dictator:

They will kill their own people in a heartbeat ... to maintain power

Pay very close attention U.S. ...
you are moving dangerously close to this scenario.
Your "wannabe" dictator has already killed close to 200,000 Americans
and Trump gives no indication of letting up any time soon.

UPDATE 8/15/20

Putin to the rescue!

Come November, after Trump rigs and tries to steal another election in the U.S.,
Putin is going to be a very busy little Oligarch indeed.

UPDATE 5/23/21

Lukashenko forces jet to land in order to arrest a journalist

Fascism's victory over Democracy appears to be right around the corner
as Democracy retreats worldwide at an ever-accelerating pace.

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JAIR BOLSONARO, president of Brazil (aka "The Trump of Brazil")

Bolsonaro's fascist tactics presage Brazil's ominous future

UPDATE 10/30/22 (4 years later) - Bolsonaro booted out

The fact that it was a tight election shows how powerful the Oligarchy is in Brazil

UPDATE 3/16/24

Bolsonaro tried to get the military to support his coup

Bolsonaro is a clone of Trump and these guys are springing up all over the world.

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Dictator for Life, Xi Jinping of China

The Oligarchy continues its worldwide crackdown on Democracy

UPDATE 3/10/23

Xi Jinping ... cements his power

UPDATE 7/1/23

China is now hunting down pro-democracy activists

This is a preview of what is coming to America.
All over the world, Democracy is in full retreat
as the Oligarchy tightens its stranglehold on the masses.

UPDATE 11/19/24

Activists are given long prison sentences for "speaking out"

2 weeks ago America reelected Donald Trump.
The end of worldwide Democracy
is speeding to a brutal conclusion.

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As Democracy continues to rapidly fade from the world stage,
the latest domino to fall is ...


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European Union


Fascists are making huge gains as democracy fades into the sunset ...

Nazis returning to power throughout Europe

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Democracy continues to get slaughtered worldwide as the Oligarchy consolidates power.

This time it's the former Soviet republic of Georgia losing its democracy

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This man needs no introduction

Hitler and Democracy (7:52)

UPDATE 1/21/24

Many Germans are attempting to stop the return of Fascism

UPDATE 9/1/24

It isn't going well

So why are Germans ignoring the lessons learned almost a century ago
when Nazis led the country down the path of total ruin?

The answer might lie in this quote from the article:
"A new party founded by a prominent leftist also made an immediate impact"

I smell ... "Divide and Conquer";
and when you smell that,
you can bet the Oligarchs are behind it.

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Guatamala, like most of the rest of the world ...

is firmly under the control of its Oligarchs

UPDATE 9/30/23

Guatemala is fighting to save its democracy

You can be sure that Donald J. Trump
is keeping a very close eye on this one ...

and taking notes

UPDATE 11/1/23

The Oligarchs are now going after Guatamala
as their relentless attacks against Democracy ...

continue worldwide

UPDATE 1/15/24

Arevalo is finally sworn-in

Anyone wanna bet on how long he lives before the Oligarchs kill him?

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Ariel Henry is the president of Haiti

yet another, in a long line of Haitian Oligarchs

Like a row of falling dominoes
democracy is being destroyed all over the world
as the Oligarchs tighten their grip on the 99%.

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Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi

"King" Modi is destroying the cancer known as "Democracy"

The resurgence of Fascism in India
began about the same time
as it did here in the U.S. (the 1980's).

Wherever it surges, it always relies on religion
and on selecting an "enemy" to distract the masses
from the fact that the Oligarchs are the real enemy.

The Fascists (Oligarchs) may have lost WW2
to predominantly democratic nations,
but they have now regrouped,
spread like a fast-moving cancer,
and are now close to completing their takeover of Earth.

The dominoes just keep falling ...
and India is one of the biggest dominoes on the planet.

UPDATE 1/27/24

Religion continues to be used worldwide by the Oligarchs
to rile and control the feeble-minded, who unfortunately,
still exist everywhere in large numbers.

Muslim temple replaced by Hindu god Ram Mandir

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Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israel

Israeli Oligarchy moves to control its Supreme Court

UPDATE 3/26/23

The people begin fighting back ... and the Oligarch replies

UPDATE 7/25/23

The resistance increases as Israelis show the world how to fight for their Democracy

UPDATE 1/1/24

Israel's Supreme Court narrowly defeats conservative power grab 8-7 (1:19)

Israel narrowly avoided a complete conservative government takeover.
It will be interesting to see how the SCOTUS
votes on all the Trump issues coming before it;
especially in light of the fact that ...

1/3 of the court was appointed by Trump

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Italy's first female Prime Minister ... Giorgia Meloni

The dominoes of Democracy continue to fall ... worldwide

Before you get too excited over seeing a woman getting a top position,
you should know that ... she bats for the other team.
The Oligarchs are gaining control over most of the world's most powerful nations.

Time is running out

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The next domino is getting ready to fall ...

The Netherlands

The Fall of Democracy, worldwide, continues unabated.

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New Zealand


New Zealand elects a conservative prime minister.
The Oligarchs who are orchestrating the fall of Democracy, worldwide ...

are being enabled by the "feeble" half of the population

The battle to save civilization must be waged on 2 fronts:
Against the Oligarchs themselves, and
against the "feeble" half of the population, whose minds they control.

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Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo

Ortega is putting the finishing touches on his destruction of ...

Democracy in Nicaragua

You can view this the same way as "Project 2025" in the U.S.
It is the Oligarch's worldwide playbook
to return the world back to the time of Kings.
This is how the 1%, always has,
and will continue to control,
the people that make up the other 99%.

Here's a google search revealing Ortega's history of Fascism

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Oligarchs continue to demolish Democracy worldwide ...

today it's Pakistan

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Poland attempts to fight back against the Oligarchs ...

who are destroying their democracy

And the dominoes continue to fall all over the world.
Last week it was Turkiye (Tayyip Erdogan).
Will humans be able to turn the tide of battle before it's too late?

Stay tuned

UPDATE 10/16/23

Finally, one of the dominoes refused to fall.
Poland boots fascists out of power ...

for now

Like the U.S. in 2020, Poland has only won a brief reprieve.
Fascists, worldwide, are going to continue their attacks on Democracy.

Until humans can figure out how to "unbrainwash" the feeble half
whom the Oligarchs are using against the other half (divide-and-conquer),
the dominoes will continue to fall.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin

Putin joins China's Xi Jinping as "ruler for life"

UPDATE 2/6/20

Putin rewrites Russia's Constitution and prepares to become its "Supreme Leader"

I'm sure Trump has already received the instruction booklet from Putin.
It should be no problem since half of America has already signalled its willingness to ...

accept a dictator

You thought I was joking ... didn't you? (3:28)

UPDATE 4/5/21

Putin sets up his dictatorship for life

putting the final nail in democracy's coffin

The Oligarchs now have the human race in a lethal choke hold
and there is no hero anywhere on the horizon.
Trump's recent misstep in the U.S. (the insurrection)
was but a temporary setback.
Time is running out and the world is in deep, deep, deep shit.


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South Korea


Fascist President Yoon Suk Yeol attempts government takeover ...

as parliament attempts to fight back

UPDATE (a few hours later)

President reverses declaration of martial law

UPDATE 12/7/24 (4 days later)

America isn't the only place where we are witnessing ...

party over country

UPDATE 12/14/24 (1 week later)

South Korea finally finds the courage
to do what America cannot ...

they impeach the Fascist

UPDATE 1/6/24 (3 weeks later)

South Korea's "maga" loyalists protect Yoon

America is now watching closely, as this previews what may happen,
now that Trump is back in office and ... intends to stay there.

UPDATE 1/15/24 (1 week later)

Yoon is finally taken into custody

South Korea is showing America how it should have been done.
It's too late for us (Trump returns to power next week).
Hopefully, South Korea will have the courage to do ... what we couldn't.

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Spain's Oligarchy expected to return to power in the next elections

Spain, like so many other nations,
seems to have forgotten the disaster
that Fascism brought to the world
less than a century ago.

But I don't believe it's a case of forgetting,
as much as I think it is more a case of ...
not being able to stop the worldwide tsunami of Fascism
brought upon us by the Oligarchs.

UPDATE - 7/24/23

Spain is on the verge of becoming the next in a long line of dominoes

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Court protects Monarchy from Democracy

And the dominoes just keep on falling
as democracy gets ushered off the planet.

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Ukraine attacked its Oligarchy ...

In less than a year, they were invaded by Russia (9:14)

It's not going to be easy.
Oligarchies have controlled all human civilizations for 10,000 years
and they will destroy the planet before they will give it up.

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United States


The fast-rising Fascism
that America is experiencing in the 21st century ...

is just another iteration of a recurring cancer (7:55)

RELATED - 12/19/23

Thom Hartmann gives a great recap
explaining how America got to the edge of ...

the Fascist precipice (11:06)

RELATED - 5/16/24

Republicans step up their fight against voter registration before the 2024 election


Trump tells Christians they will not be voting again after the 2024 election


The coup that targeted president Franklin Roosevelt (41:58)


They kinda left all these out of my history classes when I was in school

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President-for-life Nicolas Maduro


Maduro has been in power for 11 years
and is now modelling himself after Trump ...

for the coming election

Fascists worldwide are all using the same playbook.

RESULTS 7/29/24

Maduro declares "suspicious" victory

Is this a preview of what is coming to America in 100 days?

Just because someone calls himself a Socialist
that doesn't mean that they are what they claim.
How do we know?

Hitler's party called itself the National Socialist Party.
If you buy that one, then you are ready to attend a Trump rally.

UPDATE 7/31/24

I'm sure Republicans are taking furious notes to see if Maduro's tactics succeed

UPDATE 8/1/24

U.S. recognizes Maduro defeat

UPDATE 8/2/24 - MAGA gets blueprint from Venezuela on "How to do it"

Maduro sends goon squad to opposition hideout

UPDATE 9/8/24 - Maduro increases the pressure and forces Gonzalez to flee

Gonzalez granted political asylum in Spain

UPDATE 11/19/24

The U.S. does not recognize Maduro's presidential legitimacy

RELATED 2/8/25

Access to oil, as

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The World


First, let's hop into the Way Back Machine to Athens, Greece
and take a quick look at what is considered to be ...

the historical beginnings of Democracy (5:19)

So like everything else on this Earth, Democracy isn't perfect.
Here is one example which illustrates a weakness of Democracy:
"3 cannibals and 2 missionaries deciding on ... what to have for dinner."

Governmental and economic systems must be
adjusted and regulated to deal with their imperfections.
For example: the Bill of Rights protects the minority
from the bullying and oppression of the majority
(as in the cannibal example above).

Now, let's zoom ahead to the present


2024 looks to be a "make it or break it" year for democracy around the world.

Here is a quick look back at the recent rise of worldwide democracy

UPDATE 6/2/24

The Oligarchs are body-slamming democracy worldwide ...

Democracy declines for the 20th consecutive year

UPDATE 6/30/24

Halfway through 2024, worldwide election results show democracy ...

losing badly

The lone bright spot in this slaughter is Mexico.
Unfortunately, globally, Mexico has little influence.
Most of the powerful nations have now secured control over their populations
and the United States looks destined to join them in November 2024.

WARNING 7/23/24

Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Applebaum
gives a warning to the world regarding
the imminent destruction of democracy ...


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