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Attacking The Internal Revenue Service

Assaults Against Our Medical System

Christians V. Science and Education

Attacking The Internal Revenue Service


The Mormons have been caught, and fined, for ...

hiding billions of investment dollars from the Federal government

In Matthew 22:21, Jesus made himself quite clear when he said ...

"They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them,
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's;
and unto God the things that are God's.

Like all "Conservative Christian" organizations
they distance themselves as far away, as they possibly can,
from the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Because Jesus is bad for business.

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Like all the big corporations,
the Catholic Church enriched itself during the pandemic ...

at taxpayer expense

At least some of the big corporations paid in some taxes.
As we all know, the Church pays in nothing.
But they elbowed their way to the front of the line
to suck on the government tit
while Americans were desperately trying to feed their families.

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Trump administration forced to disclose the full details of the ...

$7.3 Billion church bailout

That is money that should have gone to suffering Americans

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In 1785, James Madison gave 15 reasons
why no one should be forced to pay taxes to support churches.

Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments

We shoulda listened to our Founding Fathers

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Our King (Trump) who rules by decree,
has decreed that churches can engage in politics ...

effectively eliminating the (Lyndon) Johnson Amendment

But like all Trump's decrees, he didn't accomplish a thing because ...

they were already doing it, and have been for the last 9 years

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Trump vows to remove the Johnson Amendment.
That was Lyndon Johnson's amendment that allowed churches a tax break
provided they stayed out of politics.

Since the churches openly flaunt the law
and still demand their government handouts (tax breaks),
it doesn't really matter if Trump does remove it.
The IRS knows that it cannot enforce law against the churches
and the churches know ... that the IRS knows it (that's why they do it).

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Australians overwhelmingly want churches taxed

What do we Americans have to gain by coming to our senses?

Weren't churches already supposed to be doing that?
Since so few of them will follow Jesus' instructions voluntarily,
perhaps taxing them would put them back in Jesus' good graces?

So actually, we would be doing them a favor

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Taxing churches would add 71 BILLION dollars to the American economy

Did you notice that the Mormons give less than 1% to charity?

To put that pitiful statistic into perspective ...

It's less than 1/4 the amount that most Christians give

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Nebraska's longest-serving state senator wants churches to pay property taxes.

Read about Ernie Chambers, and ask yourself, "Where are the others?"

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Religion doesn't want to contribute taxes to help support our nation,
but their hands are always out ...

asking for tax money

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Christians openly laugh in the face of the IRS

Pulpit Freedom Sunday

The reason they break the law with impunity
is because they know, that the government knows,
that if the IRS makes any attempt to enforce the law,
Christian leaders will rally their congregations.
They will remove elected officials, sue appointed officials,
and as history has proven over and over, resort to violence if necessary.
They are openly flaunting the law because they know
that their control of the masses ensures that they can get away with it.

This is why they trumpet their patriotism so loudly.
It is a distraction from the fact that they are the most unpatriotic citizens in America.

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Franklin Graham

This 'Puke' figures he can hijack the current I.R.S. scandal
and use it to his own advantage,
in an attempt to hide the fact that his organization is violating I.R.S. law.
Perhaps 'Puke' was too generous of a description?

I thought this was one of the best comments following the story:

"Mr. Graham and his organizations were audited
because it appeared they were in violation of the tax exempt requirements
by using their money to advance a political position.
These organizations are allowed to raise huge amounts of money and pay no taxes.
In additon, the people who donate to these organizations
deduct the contribution on their taxes
thereby reducing the amount of money the government collects even further.
They should be be happy and willing for anyone to review their records.
This is a privilege the majority of businesses are not allowed.

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Churches laugh in the face of the I.R.S.

Churches know that as long as they control the masses,
and can provoke them to anger and violence if need be,
the government cannot control them.
That's why they openly violate the law and dare the government to act ...

knowing it cannot

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If only America had the balls to do this.

Italian Church Stripped of Tax Exempt Status

In America Christian leaders openly mock the IRS
for failing to enforce laws which prohibit churches
from engaging in political activities (see podcast #206).
They encourage other ministers to continue to violate the law.
These unpatriotic leaders ridicule our Constitution
and its concept of separation of Church and State.
Italy finally found the courage to act against its Ghost Worshipers.

Now, if only America could find its testicles

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Assaults against our Medical System


Catholic horror stories just never seem to end ...

Symphysiotomy in Ireland 1944-1984

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In most states, religious believers are still allowed ...

to legally kill their kids

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California sends a message to the rest of the country,
especially the Bible Belt ...

This is how you protect your women from religious freaks

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Faith healing laws in the U.S.

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Remember how the Supreme Court assured us
that the Hobby Lobby decision was a narrow decision
that did not mean that religious ideology would be allowed to run wild?

Well ... they lied.

And amazingly, they weren't proven to be liars by others,
but by contradicting their own position written only days earlier.

Justice Sotomayor opens up a can of whoop ass

At this point, they don't even bother with appearances anymore.
They simply push their religious beliefs on everyone else,
in smirking defiance of our Constitution.

"Constitution? We don't need no stinking Constitution."

Corporations are people and Jesus is Lord ... so says the Supreme Court.

Am I upset?

You must be kidding.
I could not have been born at a better time;
and there is no place on Earth I would rather be
than at ground zero (Christian America).
I live for combat ... I could not be happier.

Battle Stations!

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It's long overdue:
we MUST protect children from crazy, ignorant religious parents

Religious exemptions

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When "religious freedom" = child abuse
then it should be treated as criminal activity.

Measles returns to the Bible Belt of the Netherlands

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Another sneaky way that the cancer of religion is spreading

And if you haven't reached the boiling point after reading that ...

Try this

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8 nurses fired for refusing flu vaccinations

After reading the article I realized that to make this world a better place,
don't worry so much about religion ... do something about the lawyers.

Also, I couldn't find anything in the article which explained
why this is a religious matter.

I must have missed those verses in the Bible that discuss vaccines

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Typical Christian inconsistency

Christians have been fighting furiously since the late 1970's
to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
They side with the rights of the unborn
over the rights of the parents on the issue of abortion.

In this article, Christians take the contradictory position:
they side with the rights of the parents
over the rights of their own children on the issue of genital mutilation.

Ghost Worshipers will say whatever they have to say,
and take whichever position they have to take, to protect their religious beliefs;
and as this story proves, that includes taking contradictory positions.

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Christians V. Science and Education


Religious conservatives on the Supreme Court
continue to attack the Wall of Separation between Church and State
that The Founding Fathers worked so hard to build centuries ago.

Tax money can now be used to pay for religious education

The Founding Fathers would be turning over in their graves.
Ghost Worshipers in the U.S.
have dropped to their lowest percentage in history
(81% - down from 98%).
But while they are losing influence among the masses
they are compensating for those losses
by gaining increasing political power.

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The penalty for leaving Islam (apostasy) is death.
At Brigham Young University they wanted to show
how much more civilized they were than Muslims,
so instead of the death penalty,
leaving the faith is only punishable by ...

expulsion from the University

Administrators justified their Draconian rule
by saying that it was okay because they informed students "up front."
So I guess Muslims can use that same excuse
when they execute anyone who tries to leave Islam.

"Hey, don't blame us - we told you what would happen."

(Yes, that is what actually passes for logic ... in the religious world)

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Colorado Supreme Court strikes down school vouchers

This decision in Colorado was a razor-thin victory for our Secular Democracy.
The Wall of Separation has just withstood another barrage ... but only barely.
It's just a matter of time before Christians gain control
of the Colorado Supreme Court as they have the United States Supreme Court.
When they do, it is clear exactly what they have in mind:
the demise of public education,
and the return of all children into private religious schools
(that would be "Christian" religious schools)

Welcome ... to Saudi America

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The ghost of George Bush returns to haunt science
(he infamously blocked stem cell research)

U.S. Will Not Fund Embryo Editing

When Francis Collins was appointed to head the National Institutes of Health,
a shudder ran through the scientific community.
Collins had successfully guided the human genome project
and was rewarded with this plum position at NIH.
But many were nervous because of his strong creationist views
which he had expressed through his web site "Biologos."
That site attempted to wed science and faith
(an impossible task without the aid of delusion).
To assuage fears and remove the appearance of a conflict of interest,
Collins resigned from Biologos when he took over the top job at NIH.

Now, something we've all feared might happen, has come to pass.
Collins is using his position, along with help from other Evangelicals,
to stop "embryo editing"
just like George Bush stopped government support of stem cell research.
Collins refuses to fund this incredible new technology,
but has no problem with the NIH funding bullshit pseudosciences
like acupuncture and chiropractic.

Fortunately, China is moving ahead,
and as was the case with stem cell research,
private industry is also proceeding.

The part that really galled me was:

"the journals Science and Nature ...
refused to publish the Chinese study because of the ethical problems.

(I wonder where I've heard something like that before? Oh yeah ...
"the American media refused to publish the Charlie Hebdo cartoons
because of ethical problems.

Yeah, that's the ticket - let's all pretend these things don't exist
and maybe they will just magically go away on their own ...

like global warming

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The school fired him.
The trial court upheld his dismissal.
The appeals court upheld the trial court and the school district ...
but look how close the vote was in the Supreme Court (4-3).
And look at the flimsy excuse the dissent tried to provide for him.

Ohio Supreme Court upholds firing of Creationist teacher

In a country that is 75% Christian,
Christian judges undoubtedly hold most of the judicial seats.
Many Christian judges honor their oath to protect the Constitution;
but unfortunately ... many answer to a higher power.

If you go to the podcast archive (shows #161-163),
you can see the depths to which some judges are willing to sink,
in order to defend their religious convictions.

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Hopefully, this cartoon will get you in the mood to watch the 2-hour video below.

Intelligent Design Trial in Dover, PA (1:53:17)

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Conservative Christians kept trying to force prayers on schoolchildren
even after their Supreme Court defeat in 1948.

It didn't go too well

Then the court smacked them again in 1962 in Engel v. Vitale

And again in 1963 in Abington School District v. Schempp

They continue to fight for control of the youth (the future)
and we will fight even harder ... to free them.

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One of the greatest heroes in American history - Vashti McCollum (56:03)

McCollum v. Board of Education (Supreme Court - 1948)

We owe our freedom to that woman.
Without her courage, we would all be kneeling in the direction of Bethlehem ...

5 times a day

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Everson v. Board of Education

"The 'establishment of religion' clause of the First Amendment means at least this:
Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions or prefer one religion over another.
Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will
or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion.
No person can be punished for entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs,
for church attendance or non-attendance.
No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions,
whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice religion.
Neither a state nor the Federal Government can, openly or secretly,
participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa.
In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law
was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between Church and State.'

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