Here's a look at the brighter side of Islam ...
the side that gives us hope.

(click on a country)

America Bangladesh Egypt
France Indonesia Pakistan
Saudi Arabia Tunisia United Arab Emirates




After a violent racist nutjob killed two good Samaritans
who were trying to protect the two Muslim girls he was harassing,
The Muslim community of Portland raised a half million dollars ...

for the funerals and medical expenses of the victims

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Muslim-Americans show the world how it's done

Almost $100,000 - that's a great start.

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Bangladesh finally takes action against marauding gangs of ...

Muslim machete killers

(5 killed and over 3,000 arrested)

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This kid seems awfully smart for only being 12-years-old (2:50)

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The REAL Greatest Story Ever Told

This should have been front page news.
Instead, the American media buried the story.

Now for a sad update on that story.
Just when I thought they were beginning to emerge from the Dark Ages ...

They go and do this

Sadly, they have a long, long way to go.

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Next time a Muslim woman tries to convince you
how much they really want to wear burkas and hijabs,
you can show them video of how women dressed in Arab nations
before radical imams began pushing Sharia down everyone's throats.
You can also point out how few Muslim women wear those garments
in nations where they are free to dress as they want.

Or you could just send them this video of ...

President Gamal Nassar addressing the issue in 1958 (2:12)

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Holocaust details conveniently omitted until now

Unfortunately, great stories like this one
take a back seat in the American media
to the really important stories about the bad behavior
of dysfunctional movie stars and musicians.

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Pakistan (yes, you read that right - Pakistan)

Pakistani Muslims unite with Christians

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For all you warriors out there who are looking for a way to fight evil ...
this guy shows you one way to do it.

Burka Avenger (2:58)

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Saudi Arabia slowly edging its way into the modern world as they ...

Lift a 35-Year Cinema Ban

"movie theaters, which have been banned for at least 35 years
because of pressure from conservative clerics

Is anyone surprised that religious leaders were behind the ban?

I think this new prince is someone who should be watched more closely
to see if he is for real or is just making minor cosmetic changes.

Women finally being allowed to drive was the first newsworthy advance.
The recent corruption purges (involving hundreds) could be either a good or a bad thing,
depending on whether they were valid or simply political.
Only time will tell. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.

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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia inches into the 21st century

I've read horror stories from many countries
about Islamic religious police who commit brutal atrocities;
from lashing people in the street to killing them.

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Saudi Arabia

spousal abuse criminalized for the first time

Headed in the right direction ... at last.

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Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah slowly bringing Muslims into the 21st century.

Remember, Christians have only recently been civilized themselves, and still have a ways to go.
Muslims, like Christians, must learn to stand up to their religious fanatics
(which is a lot easier to do when you are ... The King).

A man learns the hard way that "King" outranks "Sheik"

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Tunisia takes a bold step into the modern world

Let's hope they do better than Turkey and Egypt

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