(note: unlike other categories in which the most recent articles are posted first,
election articles are posted in chronological order so they can be read as a story)

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2024 Presidential Election

2020 Presidential Election

2018 Midterm Elections

2017 Los Angeles School Board Election

2016 Presidential Election

2014 Midterm Elections

2012 Presidential Election


2024 Presidential Election


Dana reviews some of Trump's greatest moments (4:10)

The fact that the election is a toss-up
rather than being 95%-5%
lends serious credence to the argument that
humans are NOT the smartest creatures on the planet.

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Here's a preview of what's coming if Trump triumphs ...

you can count on insulin deaths skyrocketing (4:51)

Not to mention, all the other medical deaths that will result
when Republicans finally fulfill their wetdream of removing Obamacare.
(And then they can get back to work on eliminating Medicare)

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Robert Reich explains the economic difference between
what Republicans and Democrats are offering Americans ...

in the upcoming election

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Leigh McGowan (Politics Girl) urgently warns American voters about ...

the deadly path that America is heading down (2:57)

This election is only a battle in a long, long war.
But it is a battle that we desperately need to win.

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Leigh McGowan (Politics Girl)

summarizes the report by special counsel Jack Smith (5:09)

Old, obese Trump will be dead soon, but ...
his tens of millions of brainwashed followers
will be with us for a long, long time.


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Betty Bowers lists many of the schemes
that Republicans have attempted to implement ...

in order to rig the election for Trump (5:48)

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Republicans have shifted into overdrive in their efforts to ...

steal the election (4:29)

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With every electoral vote being crucial ...

Republicans attempt a last minute rule change

And these Republicans were the ones screaming about rigged elections.
Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e ?

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A look back at the most disastrous presidency in American history

You might think that dramatic advances in education over the last century
would have ensured that America could not have ended up in this position ...

but you would be wrong

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How Trump plans to steal the 2024 presidential election (16:06)

Unlike Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, who is already in power,
Trump must find a way to first, get back into power,
before the lessons that Republicans are learning in Venezuela
can be used to hold onto that power.
But rest assured, Republicans are studying Maduro's tactics ... furiously.

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For those of you who still can't see that much of a difference
between Republicans and Democrats ...

Kamala Harris will make it easy for you (1:41)

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Interview with a former DOJ attorney under Trump;
authoritarianism is coming and ...

she is terrified (20:26)

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Project 2025 (8:35)

America ... we are in deep, deep, deep ____.

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Aron Ra posted a superb video on
exactly what is at stake ...

in the most important election in American history (29:10)

Battle Stations!

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What a Trump victory in 2024 will mean, economically,
to the vast majority of Americans ...

the non-rich

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Bernie Sanders explains why the 2024 U.S. presidential election is ...

one of the most important elections in our history (8:43)

Sanders just may be, the greatest U.S. politician ...

never elected president

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The 14th Amendment to the Constitution,
which was added after the Civil War,
prohibits insurrectionists (like Trump) ...

from holding office (3:57)

Trump, himself, famously once said,
"You know what we used to do in the old days
when we were smart with spies and treason, right?"

I'm pretty sure Trump meant "execution"

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2020 Presidential Election


Investigations continue to reveal
that the only election fraud going on
seems to always be committed by ...


The last line of the article is too precious not to repeat:
"the Republican Party is the party of law and order."

These are the same people who said "Back the Blue!"
right before injuring hundreds of officers
during their failed insurrection.


Gateway Pundit confesses that there was no fraud in 2020 election

I'll be that cost them a "pretty penny."
I'll also bet that it didn't cost Republicans ... a single vote
(just like Trump predicted)

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Republicans continue to push "The Big Lie" about a stolen election.
And yet, every single time they are asked for evidence ...

they stand there with jizz dripping down their faces

They had about 60 court cases, many judged by Republicans
but they failed every single time.
Now remember, most Republicans still believe in "The Big Lie."
So that should give you a pretty clear picture
as to exactly what we are dealing with here:

a country filled with an enormous number of
easily-brainwashed voters with the minds of little children.

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The Democratic National Committee rigged the debate against Sanders ...

by charging thousands of dollars to attend (6:45)

Trump was right about one thing ... the game is rigged.
People are just too stupid to understand that
the Oligarchs are the ones rigging it.

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The Republican party finally begins to fight back
against the monster that took over their party
and forced its leaders to their knees.

What took them so long? (3:11)

If treason and over 100,000 dead Americans
didn’t give Republicans a spine ... then maybe nothing will.
But if we do nothing, then we guarantee more of the same;
and now some Republicans are finally beginning to see this.


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Trump is trailing Biden badly in the polls (double digits).
To guarantee his reelection, Trump needs a war.

Iran and China form a partnership

Everyone is getting nervous.
Now that Iran has China's support,
where do you think Trump will look to find an easy target?

My money is on Venezuela

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Trump comes to the rescue of ordinary Americans ...

after Republicans refuse to help them

You buy that?
Trump grows a heart and changes his mind on all his strongly-held positions
in order to come to the aid of middle class Americans?

Now you know why Republicans have been refusing to work with Democrats to help Americans.
Trump is trailing badly in all the polls (double-digits); even including Fox polls.
So Republicans simply refuse to negotiate
and Trump comes riding in to the rescue - right before the election.

The most amazing thing about this, is that ...

it will probably work

UPDATE 8/8/20 (same day)

He did it ...

now watch what happens to his poll numbers

The deferring of evictions and student loans
were done to improve his election chances.
But the real meat is in the other 2 orders:
Besides cutting benefits for the masses by 1/3
Trump also gave another huge tax gift to the wealthy.

Pick whichever link you like

Who loses when employers have their payroll taxes deferred?
Those who get Medicare and Social Security benefits.

You asked for this America.
Now bend over and spread'em ...

this is gonna hurt

UPDATE 8/10/20

Why Trump deferred the payroll tax (9:08)

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Never before in American history
has the presidential election been threatened
as it is being threatened now.

Trump threatens action against postal service

All those idiots who call themselves "patriots" (Maga Morons)
are suddenly okay with a dictator ... as long as it is their  dictator:

Do you remember this "patriot?" (3:28)

Maga Morons have no problem trashing every principle that America once stood for.
Between Trump and Covid, the America that emerges may be unrecognizable.

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Trump has devised a gimmick to hold voters hostage ...

and pressure them to vote for him (4:38)

It's like we are living in a nightmare ... only it's real

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It doesn't appear as though Trump plans to leave office
and Republicans appear more than willing ...

to assist in the destruction of our once-proud democracy

It seems like a bad dream ... but it is all too real.
Now I think I finally understand how many Germans felt in the 1930's
as they helplessly watched a dictator end their democracy
and lead them down a path to national annihilation.

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Brett Kavanaugh signals that he is open to stealing the election for Trump

Here is a really interesting tidbit from the article:

George W. Bush’s 2000 election legal team—
which included Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Roberts ....

All 3 are now on the Supreme Court.
All 3 are now in an even better position to steal another election.

We are really screwed

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Never before in American history has our Democracy been attacked this viciously:

Pennsylvania strategy

And nearly half of American voters don't care ...

as long as their tribe wins

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11/3/20 (election day in the U.S.)

U.S. President Donald J. Trump

If Trump wins the election ...

about 40% of American voters will celebrate

1) Trump loses the election, and
2) they are somehow able to remove him from office ...


(with the possible exception of Putin
who will have to find another puppet)

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I found this hilarious Trump meme collection on a Facebook page

The fact that the vast majority of Trump's base remained loyal after 4 devastating years
is all the evidence you need to understand the awesome awesome power of cult ...


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How the few ...

control the many (3:24)

The Oligarchy used to control the people through monarchies and dictators.
But ever since Democracy appeared on the scene over 2,500 years ago,
they have done everything in their power to destroy it.
But until they do ... this video describes some of the tactics that they use to control it.

How Republicans have been rigging the voting in America (5:20)

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The 2020 presidential election and election aftermath was one for the ages ...

hopefully to never happen again

It's difficult to fathom the depths
to which half of American adults have fallen.

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There is no debate among the triple-digit IQ crowd that Biden won the election.
However, that does not mean he will take office.
On Monday, December 14, the House of Representatives votes on the electoral college results.

How the process works

I rarely try to predict the future, but I will give it a shot on this one:
Trump won more states than Biden
and those states could choose to reverse the results
which would result in a Trump victory. But the important point is ...
whichever  side loses in the House will appeal to the Supreme Court ...
which Trump has rigged.

My prediction is that Trump will remain in office
with the Supreme Court voting 5-4
just as they did in the recent church/covid case
in which Roberts refused to go along with his conservative judges.

And you can’t even imagine how much I hope that ...

I will be proven wrong

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2018 Midterm Elections


So how well did democracy fare this election?

Worse than ever

" Even though Democratic Senate candidates in the midterm elections
received 12 million more votes than Republican Senate candidates,
Republicans still gained at least one more Senate seat.

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A misguided Liberal sides with landowners on California's Proposition 10

He urged a "No" vote on rent control (4 pages)

It's hard to believe that this guy isn't secretly working for Fox ... instead of Vox.

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2017 Los Angeles Unified School District Election


The Los Angeles Times has sold out to Trump/Devos
by endorsing candidates who will continue ...

the destruction of our public school system

Thanks in large part to this endorsement,
the Trump/Devos candidates were able to eke out narrow victories.

The Conservative cancer is spreading like an uncontrolled wildfire

In an attempt to appear fair, the article tries to give the impression
that the Trump/DeVos candidates hate Trump.
Whether that is true or false is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that they are promoting
the Trump/DeVos destruction of public education
in one of the largest school systems in the nation.

I sent the following email to the L.A. Times editorial staff:

"I wish someone could explain to me why the L.A. Times editorial board
sold out to the Trump/DeVos agenda by endorsing their candidates.

The excuse I read from the board was that public schools are underperforming.

Well of course they are underperforming.
What else can you expect when millions of dollars are being diverted
from public education into for-profit schools?

Is there any other possible outcome?

Can anyone at the Times explain this sell-out to me and my readers 

No. They did not reply. Maybe I should have said "Please."

This writer makes a great point

I had missed that connection between school choice and segregation.
But considering who is promoting vouchers and charter schools ...

it makes perfect sense

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2016 Presidential Election


There are many ways to compare
two presidential candidates like Clinton and Sanders.
I thought "What would be important to me?"
The feeling I get from the media
is that Clinton is considered to be in the pocket of Big Business
while Sanders is portrayed as the fighter for the masses.
I wanted to know once and for all, was that true or just media hype?

My butt is still burnin' from the greatest transfer of wealth in history
from the masses to the rich ... "The Bailout"

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

It was there that I found what I was looking for.
How did Clinton and Sanders vote?
Did they agree on the transfer of trillions of taxpayer dollars to the rich?

Only one of them did

I'll admit that I'm anxious for America to elect its first female president.
And Clinton would be infinitely preferable to any Republican candidate.
But in my mind, Sanders is by far the best candidate to represent America.

It has been said that you get the government you deserve.
But that is not true.
Throughout history people had little say over who was King.
Now, with half the world's nations theoretically "democratic"
it still isn't true: since most elections are pretty evenly divided
(rarely do you see anything over 70%, or even 60%)
that means that only a little over half the people
are getting the government they deserve.

In the case of Sanders, only a small percentage of Americans deserve him
but it looks like they are going to have to settle for far less.

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The Republican party tries very hard to convince everyone
that they are not a party of racists.
And then Donald Trump comes along and provides the proof ...
that they are:

Donald Trump's poll numbers skyrocket

Donald Trump was so low in the polls a month ago
that he would have had to work overtime just to crawl into last place.
Then Trump went all Aryan Brotherhood, and now we find him ...
near the top of the heap.

So what made Republicans change their minds overnight?
Was it Trump's economic plan?
Was it his stand on Healthcare?
Did he change his position on gay marriage?

Or did his ranking skyrocket when he smeared Hispanics?

If you need any more proof of the rampant racism
in the Confederacy Republican Party
then you are probably beyond hope.

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Ex-New Jersey governor, Chris Christie

At first you might think that this is the stupidest thing you have ever read:
Catholic Chris Christie calls the Pope an Atheist ...

and a Pope who only pretends to believe in Jesus Christ (don't bother clicking ... they've removed the article)

Let's analyze this one:

Imagine little Christie back in second grade playing during recess.
A couple of kids walk by him and make fun of the "fat little kid."

Since it's true, and he has no defense,
what do nearly all little kids do in that situation?

They say, "I know you are but what am I?" or "So are you!"

They simply "Throw it back" in a childish, pathetic attempt to fight back.

Now fast-forward
The Pope is really nailing all of America's phony Christians for their hypocrisy.
These Christians are found mainly (though not exclusively) in the Republican party.
Christie's bizarre response was nothing more than a man child
resorting to the same tactic that served him so well in second grade:

"I'm not a phony Christian ... you are!"

For Republicans, this is what passes as presidential material

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Who are the dumbest rocks on the beach?

The brightest Republican supporters are equal to
the least-educated Democratic supporters

And Trump supporters are the dumbest of the dumb ...

but most of us already had this one figured out

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Trump and Carson get secret service protection

What the article doesn't tell you is that they need protection from ... Republicans.

Carson is the "token negro" that Republicans run briefly every election
to convince voters that they aren't really a party of racist rednecks
(remember Herman Cain, the Pizza Guy, in 2012?)
But Carson is lasting way longer than they had planned.
They also know that half their party would start another Civil War
before voting for a black man,
so now they have to find a way to make him quietly go away.

Trump was supposed to draw attention away from whomever the Koch Brothers
have selected to be our next president, but Trump turned out to be as unpredictable as Sarah Palin
and just as big of an embarrassment, so now they have themselves a problem.

Stay tuned


I must be clairvoyant

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The "token negro" that Republicans run every 4 years
to deflect accusations (which are true) that they are a party of racists,
is hanging around at the top of the list, a lot longer than he was supposed to.

Now Republicans are scrambling to dismantle the Frankenstein they've created
because they know that, as a Republican, an African-American is unelectable:
Democrats wouldn't vote for him because he is completely unqualified,
and most Republicans would die before voting for a black man.

So Republicans are saving Democrats the trouble of bringing Carson down ...

by doing it themselves

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Thanks to the "Citizens United" Supreme Court decision of 2010
this is what the 2016 election primaries look like:

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Here are your 2 GOP front runners: first ...

Ted Cruz displayed his toughness at the GOP debate
and showed just how he would deal with thugs
like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin ...

And here is the other front runner ...

Donald Trump, refused to appear at the debate
because he too was the victim of "mean" questions.
He claims he would stand up to Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin
but he refuses to be hurt any more by vicious questions from ...

Megyn Kelly

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Governor of Ohio, John Kasich

After Jeb! Bush dropped out of the race
Republicans desperately searched through the remaining candidates
looking for an electable, semi-presentable white guy
who could replace the 2 Cubans and the race-baiting, reality TV star.

It looks like they may have settled on this guy

The rich could care less about issues like gay marriage and abortion.
Those issues cost them nothing.
The rich play the useful idiots  like violins
using trumped-up social issues to distract them, while the rich ...

steal them blind

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Ben Carson endorses Donald Trump (2 pages)

This could backfire on Carson if establishment Republicans
are able to defeat the Democratic process and install their "man."
(remember: defeating the Democratic process is a required skill for all GOPers)

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Republicans prove yet again that Democracy is their greatest enemy,
and will attack it whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.
Yet, they don't even bother to try to hide that fact ...

because they know how incredibly stupid the majority of their base is

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Republicans find a judge who helps them defeat their greatest enemy ...


Using this judge's logic:
If delegates are free to vote their conscience
then the entire process of choosing a candidate
(debates, primaries, etc.)
is all a big waste of time and money.

Oh by the way, in case you had any doubt,
this is a Conservative Southern judge ...

appointed by George H.W. Bush

Ah ... The Bush Family ... the gift that just keeps on giving

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I have to admit that I find it very amusing that the Republican party,
which has done everything in its power to fight Democracy
through gerrymandering, various voter suppression tactics, etc.,
is now fighting Democracy by trying to steal the nomination
from the democratically chosen Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
(the irony and karma meters both shot off the charts on that one)

"schadenfreude" is defined as:
"Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune."


Opening night at the Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio

I don't know why the Republicans are in such a huff over The Donald.
After all, as this classic quote from John Fugelsang shows,
look how far The Donald has come:

"Donald Trump worked his way up from nothing ... to be born a millionaire."

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Snopes provides an excellent and detailed explanation regarding ...

Donald Trump's bankruptcies

So Snopes pretty much eliminated that particular attack on Trump.
That only leaves us with about a hundred other avenues to pursue.

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This seems too good to be true ...

Trump supporters can't cancel recurring donations

Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of folks.
When I read stories like that one,
I am almost tempted to believe ...

that there really might be a god

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Here is a story verified by Snopes
that you will never hear from the Trump campaign, or on ...

Fox News

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I'm the last guy whom you would expect
to defend a Republican governor like Matt Bevin.
But as much as I hate to do it,
Liberals have forced me to do so.

Governor Bevin is claiming that a Clinton victory
could very well result in bloodshed.

Here is an article containing the text
of the controversial portion of his speech;
and some Liberal commentary

Now, go back and reread Bevin's statements from the point of view
that Bevin claimed was the proper context.

Now, think about it for a moment with an open mind.
Which makes more logical sense ...
That Bevin was inciting insurrection should Clinton be elected?
Or that her election might result in the loss of life of American servicemen?

The author did not accept Bevin's clarification.
It seems clear to me that it was meant exactly how Bevin claimed.
To believe otherwise requires an absurd level of dishonesty.

To me, the dishonesty is coming from the writer
and those Liberals who are trying to twist Bevin's words into something gruesome.

Here is the video of Bevin's speech.
It is 16:38 long, but you can skip to 11:50 to hear the controversial portion.

Governor Bevin's speech
threatening bloodshed if Clinton is elected

Crap like this is why I refuse to identify with any ideology.
This would be the perfect time to post my favorite quote
(which just happens to be by ... me)

"Overcoming ideological thinking,
whether Liberal or Conservative,
is equivalent to giving your brain an enema.


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Remember the excuse Republicans gave for leaving the Supreme Court one judge short?
They said they were doing it because the American people should choose the next judge.
Now that Trump has fallen far behind Clinton and they realize that they might lose,
do they still think the American people should choose?

No. They do not.
They plan to block nominations for 4 more years.

Keep voting Republican ... the rich sure do appreciate your support.

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Those who fail to learn from history ... are doomed to repeat it.

The choice ... is yours

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2014 Midterm Elections


In the culture war that has been tearing America apart since the Civil War,
I consider Texas to be Ground Zero.
Texas has come a long way since the days when its citizens
were willing to kill and die for, the right to keep human slaves.
Lyndon Johnson (D-TX) was known as the "Civil Rights President"
and Texas recently had a Democrat as governor (a woman no less).

But the Confederacy has fought back hard,
and now has control over this vast and powerful state.
They have nearly eliminated abortions which will send women back into the alleys;
they have refused the Medicaid expansion
which will cost the lives of thousands of Texans;
they have discussed the traitorous act of succession (Perry);
they attempted to crash the American economy (Cruz);
and they constantly attack education through their control of school boards.

Nothing boils my onions more
than seeing these Confederate bastards bullying decent, honest people;
so I sent the following video to Democrats in Texas
who were running for governor, the Senate, and the House.
I offered free use of the video,
but I'm not aware of anyone actually using it (54 seconds).

The 2014 Midterm Elections

Or, if you prefer, you can read the script (1 page)

The 2014 Midterm Elections

The defenders in Texas who are fighting to modernize the state
by removing this Confederate cancer,
remind me of the vastly outnumbered and outgunned heroes of the Alamo.
But just like at the Alamo ... reinforcements are pouring in.
(let's hope that we get a better outcome this time).

Here's my message to Confederate pricks ...
"You ain't gettin' Texas"

They may hold on a little longer, but forces are mounting against them.
We defeated them, militarily, 150 years ago ...

now it's high time we finished the job

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Could any of these Founding Fathers get elected in America in the 21st century?

John Adams
"As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation.
But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends,
have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation
that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed? 

James Madison
"What influence in fact have Christian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society?
In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyrrany.
In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people.
Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty
have found in the clergy convenient auxiliaries.
A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate liberty,
does not need the clergy.

Thomas Jefferson
"The Christian god can easily be pictured
as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations.
The Christian god is a three headed monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious.
If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god,
one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him.
They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites.

Adams and Madison would be beaten worse than Walter Mondale (13 electoral votes in 1984)
and the third (Jefferson) would be burned at the stake.

Here is a quote from a sermon preached by
Episcopal minister Doctor Bird Wilson in New York in 1831:

The founders of our nation were nearly all Infidels,
and that of the presidents who had thus far been elected
[Washington; Adams; Jefferson; Madison; Monroe; Adams; Jackson]
not a one had professed a belief in Christianity ....
Among all our presidents from Washington downward,
not one was a professor of religion, at least not of more than Unitarianism.

What's odd is that, as the country gets less religious,
Christians have gained more power than ever before.
Were the Reverend still here today,
he would be thrilled by the change in American government.
Judging by the quote above, if Jefferson were alive today,

I don't think he would share the Reverend's joy

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Since I've been rather lucky with my predictions lately,
I think I will try to push my luck.

Predictions after Tuesday's "disastrous" Midterm elections
(for the rich: just change that adjective to "glorious")

Obama WILL BE impeached.
Republicans hate him personally with a psychopathic passion.
Like Clinton (another man whom they could not beat),
they know they don't have the votes to successfully remove him from office,
but that's okay because, like Clinton,
their purpose is only to destroy his legacy for all of history
(childish I know, but then again, that's exactly what most Conservatives are).

This will also aid them in their takeover of the only prize left,
that they do not already own ... the presidency.
They control the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court,
most state legislatures, and most state governor's houses.
They will send unpassable bills to Obama forcing him to use his veto power,
and then grandstand in front of the American people
claiming that Obama and Democrats refuse to work with them.

If they succeed in completing their takeover by winning the presidency in 2016:

Dodd-Frank will be reversed, and the tax cuts that were extended to all but the wealthy,
will be re-extended to the wealthy.

More tax loopholes will be opened for corporations, big banks, and Wall Street
until our tax code looks like Swiss cheese.

Conservatives will fill all the judicial nominations, that they blocked under Obama,
with Conservative judges who have no intention of objectively interpreting the law,
but will instead, force the Conservative agenda on Americans.
We have already seen this happen many times recently under the 'Roberts' Court.

And by the way, the Conservative agenda is ... whatever "The Rich" want.

Yes America - we are screwed.
And in what has to be the greatest example of prophecy I've ever seen,
Abraham Lincoln was right ... we did it to ourselves.

"America will never be destroyed from outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

UPDATE - 1/17

I am happy to say that my prediction was wrong.
Amazingly, Obama was neither impeached nor assassinated.
That was a greater miracle than anything Jesus ever pulled off.

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In 2014 Republicans won the most seats in state legislatures
that they have had since 1928 ...

the year before the Great Depression

The remaining safety nets that were put in place by FDR
are the only thing preventing us from experiencing the horror
that our grandparents went through ...
and Republicans are fighting to remove those as well.

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2012 Presidential Election


After a massive prayer rally for rain and jobs,

God answers governor Rick Perry ...

"UH .......... NO."

Texas Wildfire Update (August 31, 2011)

According to the Texas Forest Service,
the State of Texas is "fighting its worst fire season in the state's history."
Since the fire season began in November of 2010,
firefighters have responded to 20,155 fires that have burned 3,529,261 acres.
This number is certain to rise as these various late-August fires continue to grow,
spurred on by the drought-parched fuels and autumn winds.

Perry got tens of thousands to pray to God for water
and God answered by setting the state of Texas on fire.
I get the distinct impression that God may not love Perry
half as much as Perry seems to think He does.

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Romney said he is not worried about the "very poor"
because they have a "safety net."
Romney said he was worried about middle class Americans.

Romney Talks About the "Poor" and the "Middle Class'

Here's my question Mitt:
"If middle class Americans become poor,
according to you they will have a safety net, so ...
why are you worried about them?

Using your logic(?) once they become poor you won't worry about them anymore,
so what exactly is it about middle class Americans that has you worried?

If I could be so bold as to hazard a guess,
I would say you are worried that middle class Americans (the majority)
may not want to vote for a member of the upper 1%
(that would be the same upper 1% that has stripped America of its wealth).

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Will Santorum allow his personal religious beliefs to affect how he governs as President?
Let's let him tell us.

Birth Control
(also notice the 'voting' and 'comments' that follow the article)

I think this statement answers that question:
As president, he would confront "the dangers of contraception" and religious groups who think it's OK.

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If I could be a reporter at a GOP debate,
I would give everything I own to be allowed to ask just this one question:

"Congresswoman Bachmann, as a devout Christian,
how do you justify challenging for the GOP nomination
when Governor Perry has already indicated
that God has chosen him to run for President?"

(and then I would walk outside, and wait to be stoned to death by crowds of angry Christians).

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Is Obama a Muslim or a Christian?

It's hard to believe that people in the 21st century can still be this stupid.

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Welcome to the G.O.P. (1:24)

I love the ending when they flip the last letter of G.O.P. upside down.

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Every once in a great while, a story comes along
that is so unbelievable that you think it must be a gag.
I only wish this were a gag (4:24)

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Clint Eastwood got skewered for his "empty chair" routine.
Actually, it might have been funny
if the GOP had chosen someone much younger and funnier.
But the Dems put the GOP to shame
by demonstrating their ability to humiliate themselves.

Watch Los Angeles Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, humiliate himself

First - when someone says they are going to "suspend the rules,"
giant alarm bells should be going off everywhere.
People only do that when they are up to no good,
and need to break the rules to get away with something.

Second - there is a very good reason why God wasn't in the platform:
it's because He doesn't belong there.
That's why He's not in the Constitution either.
Republicans scream "God" constantly because they are rallying the nation's bottom-dwellers;
those who substitute piety for intelligence.

Third - the reason they attached God to their real objective, support for Israel,
was because they assumed that no one would vote against God,
thereby insuring inclusion of support for Israel
which would allow them to pander to fence-sitting GOP voters.

Fourth - when the voice vote came out even (not even close to two-thirds),
Villaraigosa should have either declared the amendment defeated (the proper thing to do),
or, if he was determined to ram it through anyway,
he should have resorted to a vote that could have been counted.
By repeating the voice vote, did he really believe
that people were going to be pressured into changing their beliefs on the spot?
The only thing it accomplished was that it turned the voting into a shouting match.
So the third vote was still even ... only much louder.

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When was Romney's religion attacked the most viciously, and by whom?
By Conservative Christians during the nomination process.

Now who is attacking our Christian president over his religion?
That's right. The same far-right Christian assholes.

These people act like cannibals - devouring their own.
Well, the Bible did say that God would punish those who refused to obey Him
by causing family members to eat each other.
Since "these people" always seem to do the opposite
of what Jesus instructed them to do ...
I would admit that this cannibalization
might be the first real evidence for the existence of the Christian god.

And here is one of the biggest assholes in the country:
His University fired him over his immoral, unchristian conduct.
His wife is divorcing him over his sordid affair.
His "documentary" and book are filled with easily disproven lies
and believed only by the most gullible Americans.

So naturally he is a hero and role model for the Christian far-right.

Dinesh slandering Obama (1:48)

If we asked D'Souza's wife which person is more pathological
towards traditional Christian morals,
I'd bet my grandmother's ashes she would admit that it is not Obama,
but her ex-"can't keep it in my pants" husband.

I would like to dedicate the following song to Dinesh D'Souza (1:42)

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The Koch Brothers blew $400 million
on Romney's failed 2012 presidential race

That hurt them about as much, as buying a defective barbecue grill ...

would hurt you

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George Carlin paints a damn accurate picture of politics (8:13)

But seeing how we are approaching
the most important election in American history,
I don't know that I would go so far
as to agree with his advice not to vote.
It's going to be hard enough to win as it is,
with all the pre-election rigging that Republicans are doing.

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The true beginning of American democracy
occurred in the early 1920's ...

when women and American indians were give the right to vote

No definition of democracy includes a society
where less than half the people can vote.

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Republicans (still claiming that their 2020 loss was a rigged election) continue to try to ...

rig the election

UPDATE 8/5/24

Now Elon Musk joins in the attempt to rig the election

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Republicans try to ban "ranked choice" voting ...

before it catches on

Republicans always fight against democracy.
This is just another example of that sad fact.

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It's time to pay the piper:
phony election claims are being settled in court ...

first by Dominion and now by Smartmatic

It's hard to believe that anyone could be as stooopid as Conservative voters;
but if they weren't that stooopid ... they wouldn't be Conservative voters, would they?

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The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
attempts to undo the unfairness of the ...

Electoral College system

Republicans will fight against this with everything they have,
as the Electoral College is one of the most important scams
the Oligarchs use to maintain control over the masses.

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Russian Oligarch (Yevgeny Prigozhin) finally admits to election tampering
in the 2016 U.S. presidential election in which they were able to install ...

Donald J. Trump as president

And they're still interfering and have no plans of stopping.

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What you can do to fight against the takeover of the U.S. government ...

by the oligarchy

Battle Stations!

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Republicans are launching an all-out attack against Democracy.
Trump's loss was just a bump in the road ...

to regaining control of the masses

Enjoy it while you have it.
The Oligarchs are quickly regaining control ...


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Republicans continue to defeat democracy by ...

banning drop boxes in Wisconsin

Republicans have gerrymandered Wisconsin to the point
where getting only 45% of the popular vote got them ...

64% of the congressional seats

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Republicans plotted to confiscate voting machines in order to ...

overturn the 2020 presidential election (4:32)

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There was an attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election ...

by Republicans (4:42)

Republicans and their mindless brainwashed zombies scream "Stop the Steal!"
to distract everyone from the fact that they have been caught trying to do exactly that.

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Mitch McConnell's voting lies ...


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Georgia Republicans do everything in their power to ...

suppress anti-Republican voting (9:52)

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The 2020 Presidential Election ... by county

Red States v. Blue States is a false dichotomy.
The true divide in America is between the cities and
the rural hicks and rubes who are easily manipulated by the Oligarchy.

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Republicans continue to get humiliated over the election

Imagine going back in time and telling all these Republicans (when they were little kids)
that they would grow up into adults, to whom truth would no longer have any meaning;
and that they would betray their own country
in support of a would-be dictator who lied every time he took a breath.
If I were one of those kids I would want to slit my wrists right then and there.
So what happened to them between then and now?

Behold the awesome power of brainwashing

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Republicans make no attempt to hide their attack on Democracy

And that tells you everything you need to know about people ...

who identify as "conservative"

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After stinging defeats in November 2020 (losing the presidency)
and in January 2021 (losing the Senate) ...

Republicans are moving swiftly to suppress voting (3:43)

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How badly have Republicans damaged Democracy in America?

They hold as many Senate seats as Democrats while representing ...

41 MILLION fewer Americans

This is just one of the ways that the 1% are able to control the other 99%.

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The Voting Rights Act of 1964 has pretty much been dismantled ...

by conservatives

We thought we defeated The Klan.
It turns out that ...

we were wrong

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Mail-in voting ...

some embarrassing facts for Republicans (5:11)

If Republicans couldn't lie ... you would never hear a peep out of them.

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Republicans practice voter obstruction in Georgia primary in preparation for ...

the main show in November (5:16)

Practice run ... successful!

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Shelby County v. Holder (Supreme Court - 2013):
Conservative judges on the court (5-4)
gutted the 1965 Voting Rights Act ...

allowing Republicans free rein to destroy Democracy

Defeating Democracy, wherever it rears its ugly head,
is of major importance to the Oligarchs,
if they are to remain in control of the masses.
Sadly, they seem to be quite capable of doing this ...

without even breaking much of a sweat

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Biden's victory in Kansas is a warning to Republicans

But not for the reason you may be thinking

Republicans are well aware that their best chance of victory lies in ... suppressing the vote.
Mail-in voting is a huge threat to Republican dominance - as the turnout in Kansas just proved.
Now you know why Republicans fight Democracy with everything they've got. It is their greatest enemy.
They never take any action that supports Democracy and they take every action they can contrive ...

to defeat it

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Republicans kill 3 election security bills ...

in a single day (3:56)

They don't even bother to hide their treason anymore. Why Not?
Because they know they don't have to.
Their base is so brainwashed and well-controlled
that they know they can do anything they want
and never be held accountable.
At least slaves KNEW they were slaves ...

conservatives have yet to figure that out

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Does anyone think this is a coincidence?

Federal Election Commission no longer has enough members for a quorum

There has never been a more corrupt government in American history
and nearly half the people (Republicans) ... don't care.

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Voting Machine Lobbyists realize too late
that they could have saved themselves a ton of money
that they gave to "Moscow" Mitch McConnell to block election security bills.
The last thing Republicans want to do is prevent Russian interference ...

after all - that's how Trump got his job in the first place

Offering McConnell huge sums of cash to block election security
is like offering Donald Trump a no-limit credit card to buy hookers.
In both cases, they would have gladly paid for it themselves.

By the way, remember this one?

Ivanka has a patent on voting machines

(I'm sure they're related to her fashion empire)
After all, what ensemble would be complete without a ... voting machine.

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15 states have signed on to give all their electoral votes to ...

the national popular vote winner (5:10)

Since Republicans will never support the abolition of the Electoral College
Democrats have developed an ingenious workaround to restore Democracy.

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Farron Cousins video (4:47) on ...

Republican voter suppression efforts in Texas, Arizona, and Tennessee

My, my, but they are getting desperate.
So what is the most powerful tactic that Republicans are employing
to ensure that the wealthy maintain control over the masses?

Control of the judiciary ... at all levels

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Facebook is trying to protect American elections from Russian influence

So the Republicans fight back in the House!

And Republicans fight back in the Senate!

When even Facebook is more patriotic than our elected congressmen
it is clear that these Republicans need to be tried for treason.

Keep voting Republican. The rich sure do appreciate ... Your Support!

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Socrates pointed out the flaws in pure Democracy (4:21)

Freedom of speech, Democracy, and most everything else
must be granted conditionally
since humans can find a way to screw up almost anything.

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In 2012 when Republicans took control of The House,
they lost the popular vote to their Democratic opponents ...

by over a million votes

UPDATE - 9/24/15

Republicans now have a lock on the House of Representatives

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The Founding Fathers tried to warn us about the dangers posed by ...

political parties

But did we listen?

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