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The Rise Of Atheism

Violence Against Atheists



Biology professor PZ Myers has taken quite a bit of heat for about 2 years now
over his dismissal of 'Dictionary' atheists, who are people who solely define atheists,
as people who reject all god claims, as per the dictionary.
Myers prefers a broader definition that he has apparently created himself.
His definition includes a set of morals and beliefs that define what an atheist is.
The more flack he receives, the harder he doubles down on his position.
At this point, there seems to be little hope that he will abandon his position.

However, it is no longer necessary to continue this debate.
Whether he admits it or not, Myers has destroyed his own argument
with a serious of posts in recent months
in which he has lashed out at immature sexual harassers within the atheist community.
Are these people atheists?
By Myers' own admission ... they are.
Do they fit into 'his' definition of atheists?
No. They do not.

This is what happens when you try to redefine words
to be what you need them to be -
a lesson Myers should have learned from the experts in redefinition ... Creationists.

Case closed.

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PZ Myers said:

"I know I’m notorious for complaining about those goofy definitions of atheism
('it just means 'not believing in god, nothing more!', the superficial mob will say) 

My reply:

PZ, I find it disappointing that you consider dictionary definitions "goofy"
just because they don't define the word the way you want them to.

And calling people "superficial" is nothing more than hurling an insult
at those with whom you disagree.

PZ Myers said:

"Because the word has acquired much deeper resonances
that we ignore at our peril,
and has implications far greater than simple rejection of one assertion.

My reply:

PZ, the word that carries the definition you desire is called "Humanism."
It is unnecessary and illogical to attempt to redefine a word
when there exists another word that already fits what you want.

PZ Myers attacks atheists who don't stay in line (again)

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One thing (among so many) that really pisses me off,
is the infighting that I see among atheists
over how best to battle the ignorance and hate promoted by Ghost Worshipers.
I believe that, as the tiniest army on Earth,
we can't afford to divide our meager resources
by alienating comrades who don't agree with our favorite method.
We need to attack with everything we've got: the army, navy, air force, and the marines.
Some people respond best to a soft approach; others need a hammer.

Here is a group that works for progress by using methods completely opposite to what I use;
and I wish them the best of luck.
I think many people will respond to the approach that this group employs.
For those who don't ... some of us carry hammers.

The Humanist 'Church' at Harvard

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Richard Carrier posted a video on YouTube in which he promoted Atheism+.
Personally, I don't care much for the movement
because I disagree with its basic premise;
that Atheism encompasses anything more than a disbelief in gods.
I think they are conflating Atheism with Humanism.
I will admit however, that some of their ideas are good
(for instance, when they line up with humanistic values).

Many atheists reject the premise of Atheism+,
but one group led by 'Thunderfoot', has escalated the dispute into a hissy fit.
They went to the video site and downgraded it.
I commented, chastizing the group for such childish behavior.
Naturally, a few of them responded. Here is one of them:

Read his comments - followed by my replies

I think this is a perfect time to try out my new 'Retard Chart'

I.Q.    Classification
<70                Moron
<50            Imbecile
<25                  Idiot

So where does our first-ever Retard Contestant fit in?

Actually, he survived. He was evaluated above Moron.
You can decide for yourselves ... by how much.

I guess I spoke too soon.
After reading this article he posted a reply
complaining about being labeled ...

a moron

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For years PZ Myers has refused to back down
from his stance against 'Dictionary' atheists.
He maintains that atheism entails far more than simply a rejection of God.
I even did a podcast (#140) trying to explain to him
where I believe his thinking went wrong.

The article below led me to mistakenly believe
that he was finally beginning to see the error of his thinking;
and then I noticed that this story was posted before  the ones above.

Never mind

Myers deeply disappointed in a portion of the atheist community

Atheists may believe in homeopathy, Bigfoot, and alien visitations.
They may hold opinions that are bigoted against gays and women
as demonstrated in the link above.
The only thing you can be sure that they have in common, is a disbelief in God ...

by definition

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Debate: Is the Bible true?

Alex O'Connor VS Dinesh D'Souza (10:53)

O'Connor thoroughly mopped the floor with D'Souza's head

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Pascal's Wager debunked ...

yet again (4:31)

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Helpful resources for atheists

The YouTube channels listed
will provide you all the ammo you will ever need
to easily defeat Ghostworshipers in a debate.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"Atheist leaders are responsible for millions of deaths "

Let's take a closer look at those atheist leaders, shall we?

Stalin was raised Christian and attended Seminary
where he learned from the Bible that mass murder was morally acceptable ...
as long as you could justify it.

Castro was raised Catholic and attended Jesuit schools.

Hitler was raised Catholic, and remained so, until his death.
What did Hitler think about Atheists?

He outlawed them

Maybe Christians will have better luck in the Far East?

Mao Zedong was raised Buddhist.
Chang Kai-chek was raised Methodist.
Sun Yat-sen was raised Congregationalist (Christian).
Pol Pot had a Catholic upbringing.

If these men had been raised without religion,
could things have turned out better?

Who knows?

But we do know, they couldn't have turned out ... much worse.

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"Eight Examples of How I Agree with Religious Fundamentalists"
by Herb Silverman

And my responses to his essay (3 pages)

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This debate was so one-sided that the church which hosted it, refused to post it
until pressured to do so by multiple atheist groups (1:17:41).

Phil Zuckerman vs. David Marshall

Protestants v. Catholics in the late 1500's France = millions dead.
The 30 years war (1618-48) = large fraction of Europe killed.

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15 questions atheists are sick of hearing ...

And some nifty replies

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Neo vs. Joel Saint on "The Existence of God"

Watch (56:26)

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I wonder what God's plans are for the rapture
when his hordes are met with nuclear weapons?

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Have you ever considered that maybe the Bible is nothing more ...
than an alien IQ test?


Thousands of years ago, alien explorers
decided to experiment on ancient humans
to see how advanced they were.

So they gave them a book filled with the most incredible stories
that defied all scientific laws and common sense,
contained fantastic mythical creatures,
and which featured an invisible ghost who was the most evil creature
that has ever been described in any human literature
from anywhere on the planet, at any time in history.

Knowing that if there were any rational people, they would likely reject this book,
the aliens added a threat so unimaginably horrible
that nothing could ever compare to the fear that it would instill.
Then they left, figuring that they would return in a few thousand years
and see how these semi-intelligent beings called humans had reacted to their book.

Now, imagine how our world might have evolved
without interference from those aliens.
By now, we would probably be exploring other star systems.

But as it turned out, the aliens had better hurry back ...
while there is still something to return to.

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The evolution of man

Hinduism (polytheism), Christianity (3 gods), Islam (monotheism), Atheism (no gods).

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The logic in this is so powerful and irresistible
that it looks like my atheist days may soon be over.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"There are no Atheists in foxholes."

It's true that you won't find many,
but what you would find, if you could look ...

is millions of dead Christians.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"How can Atheists be moral without God?"

Ask any Christian if they have done something wrong,
for which Jesus did not forgive them.

When they answer "No" - as they most surely will,
point out that, by their own admission, their morality
allows them to commit any crime, no matter how heinous,
yet they will always be forgiven.
So the ones who are free to commit any immorality are not atheists ...

but Christians

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Bad Christian arguments:
"Atheists are arrogant - Christians are humble."

God created the Universe just for us.
We have been chosen because we are special.
God watches every single thing we do.
God will reward those who believe in Him with an eternity in Heaven;
and for those who do not, with an eternity in Hell.
We have absolute knowledge because the Bible has provided it.
Only Christians are moral.
Non-Christians are immoral and deserve eternal punishment.

We are an insignificant speck in a gigantic Universe.
Our beginnings were humble ... our ancestors were single-celled germs.
Through evolution we came to dominate the other animals,
many of whom, including insects,
continue to exhibit superior social qualities to our own.
We know nothing for certain; only to a degree of certainty.
We choose to be moral, not because we are being threatened by invisible monsters,
but because it is the right thing to do.

Any questions?

Didn't think so

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This list could not have been publicized
until Ghost Worship had subsided to less violent levels.

atheist celebrities

I didn't see my name anywhere.
I'm sure that was just an oversight.

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Some facts about "atheist" killers
that Christians would rather ... you didn't know.

Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Chang Kai-chek, Sun Yat-sen, Castro, Trotsky, and Marx

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For those of you who don't understand the "new atheists" ...

this should clear things up

And here is the simple version

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Bad Christian arguments:
"Without God, atheists would rape and kill "

So if you weren't being threatened by God, you would rape and kill?
Then you should remain a Christian, and keep your Bible clutched tightly in your hands ...

at ALL times

I think Dusty puts it best (4:47)

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My opinion of "Old Blue Eyes" (Frank Sinatra) has just skyrocketed ...

after reading his comments on religion

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Bad Christian arguments: atheists are immoral

This one wasn't even close

Any way you cut it ... atheists, in general, are more moral.

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Information on the religious beliefs of federal inmates
has been released by the government.

Actual prison statistics

Atheists didn't do all that bad ... did we?

UPDATE - 11/6/18

This will add some important perspective to this story

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The rise of atheism


Christianity in America is now at an all-time low of ...


That's down from 95% in the 1950's

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Religious "Nones" are now the largest group in America
proving that evolution may be slow ...

but it is moving in the right direction

Here is a quote from the article that helps explain why
the Oligarchs have stepped up their attacks on American Democracy:

"They are among the most strongly and consistently liberal
and Democratic constituencies in the United States.

As the masses become more enlightened
and less afraid of invisible monsters,
the Oligarchs recognize that they will lose control
unless drastic measures are taken ... and soon.

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England's Christians now make up less than half the population
and are predicted to be smaller than the number of non-religious in less than ...

10 years

Now, if only American Ghost Worshipers could grow up
and get the psychological help that they so desperately need,
we might start to see lots of cultural improvements.

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Study predicts that Secularism
should overtake Christianity in the U.S. within ...

50 years

The main problem with evolution is that ...
it works so incredibly slow.

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I love how this article begins.
It immediately sets religous believers straight:

"Let’s get this cleared up immediately:
Members of The Satanic Temple do not worship Satan.
They don’t even believe in Satan.

The Satanic Temple

Quote from the article:

"In 1961, the Supreme Court concluded that
there are many religions 'that are just not interested in God,'
such as Buddhism, Confucianism and some forms of Judaism ....

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Belief in god hits new all-time low in the U.S. (81%)

In the middle of the twentieth century
the percentage was up near a hundred (98%).
While this may seem awfully slow,
when viewed over long periods of time ...
the change is quite dramatic.

Also, notice that the ones being left behind
(conservatives show almost no change at all)
are the ones who are being controlled by the Oligarchs.

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Here is where it officially all began:
the first named atheist of modern times (born in 1646 in Germany)

Matthias Knutzen

His name should be considered a synonym for "courage"

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America is emerging out of the Middle Ages
at an increasing rate of enlightenment.

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The percentage of Americans who claim "no religion"
has caught up to the number of Catholics and Evangelicals.

All 3 groups are now evenly represented by ~23% of the population

If you read all the way to the end you would have encountered this:
"As America has turned away from the Christian faith,
we have become steadily less moral and steadily less religious.
If we continue down this path, many believe
that the future of our nation is going to be quite bleak indeed.

It sounds to me like the Ghost Worshippers are starting to get a little ...


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Christians retain control of U.S. government ...

but are at their lowest level in modern times

Baby steps

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Hollywood's most famous nonbelievers

F.Y.I. - "Agnostics" and "Non-Religious" do not believe in God.
They are atheists who are wise enough about American culture to choose other labels.

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State-sponsored atheism: China is the only one left

Freedom of religion should be a right.
But the freedom to hurt other people in the name of your religion ...

should not

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For the first time ever, religious "nones" outnumber Catholics ...

among incoming college freshmen

This is why Christians are panicking.
Never in their history has their domination been challenged,
as it is being challenged now.

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The Rise of Atheism

At least we're headed in the right direction.
But we have a long, long way to go.

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Violence Against Atheists


So where did Christians get the idea to kill nonbelievers?
From their predecessors ...

the Romans

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Violence against religious believers by atheists has been documented.
Stalin spent his early years in a Christian seminary in Tiflis, Georgia (Russia).
He was smart enough to see through the bullshit after a few years and became an atheist.
But based on his brutal anti-religious actions once he came to power,
it makes me wonder ... what the Hell did those priests do to him?

USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941)

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Rationalists are being murdered in India ...

while Prime Minister Modi looks the other way

Battle Stations!

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"An agnostic is simply an atheist ... with a wife and kids "

That doesn't tell you all that much about atheists;
but it does tell you everything you need to know about ...

Conservative Christians

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Atheist nutjob murders 3 Muslims over a parking dispute

If there is a silver lining in this horrific tragedy
it is that the incarceration of this craphead
will nearly double the number of atheists in prison;
something that Christians have been hoping for ...

for a long, long time


After an atheist murdered 3 Muslims in North Carolina ...

some writers got it wrong (4 pages)

Her essay generated over 1,000 comments
many of which, tried to tell her the same thing I did.
(maybe that's why she got so "touchy?")

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Early atheists were among the bravest humans who have ever lived.
Let's take a look at the scary lives a few of them lived
as they tried to survive, surrounded by rabid violent Ghost Worshipers.

Casimir Liszinski (1634-1689)

He was tortured and executed publicly by the Catholic Church
for publishing atheist literature.

Jean Meslier (1664-1729)

"a Catholic priest who had renounced Christianity
in a posthumously published Testament.

Baron d'Holbach (1723-1789)

"The authorship of his various anti-religious works
did not become widely known until the early 19th century.

That might explain why he didn't face the guillotine.

Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach (1804-1872)

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

History will look back kindly on these brave heroes ...

but only if we win

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13 countries allow the death penalty for Atheism

Modern civilization? Are you serious?

It will be a long time before humanity can refer to itself as either modern or civilized.
We'll know when that time finally arrives; it will be when rational people are honored ...
rather than hunted and killed.

Here is the list of countries that murder people for being rational ...

Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

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