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Christianity Abroad



Brazil orders Netflix to pull "Gay Jesus" movie

"a Christmas special, caused such fury among Brazil's conservative Christians
that 2 million signed a petition calling for its removal,
while a group lobbed firebombs at the office of the film's creators on Christmas Eve.

What better way to show
how much love and tolerance you've learned from Jesus
than to throw firebombs on His birthday?

But telling nonbelievers that they are evil and deserve eternal torture?

Not a problem

In other words ...
"Because we are the vast majority
and have a long, bloody history of violence and murder,
we can offend and insult you in the most horrible way imaginable;
but if you dare to insult our imaginary friend
we Ghost Worshipers will do, what we do best ...

Ignore God's Commandment about killing
(He was just joking when He wrote that one anyway)"

UPDATE 1/10/20

Brazilian judge reverses the order to pull Netflix's "Gay Jesus" movie

Uh oh.
I can already smell the vapor of napalm in the air
as Jesus' followers all over Brazil
begin constructing more fire bombs
and prepare to descend upon this poor judge's home.


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President-elect promises Brazil a Christian theocracy

Facism almost seems to require religious domination.

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The dangerous rise of evangelical Christianity in America ...

is being mirrored in Brazil

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Canada demonstrates the courage that America doesn't have ...

by ending government-sponsored prayer

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In Canada, politicians get ridiculed for rejecting evolution (as they should be)

Compare this to America where anti-evolution lunacy
is a requirement for membership in the Republican party.
(that would be the party that is currently in control
of all branches of the American government)

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Canada shows America ... how it's done

That is what America could be like
if only Conservatives could be removed from power.

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Canada Fires All non-Christian Prison Chaplains

Well of course. Assuming Canada is similar to the U.S.,
why would you need non-Christian chaplains when nearly all the inmates are Christian?

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Chinese Christians tried to take a huge bite out of China in 1851 ...

but European Christians came to the rescue and stopped them in 1864

So Christians lose a point for killing a bunch of people to get their land
but other Christians came to the rescue and sided against their own religious brethren;
so I guess we can call this one "a wash."

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Now, China shows America how it's done

Protect the children.
After they grow up, if they want to worship invisible murdering monsters ...

Their choice

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The cancer of Fundamentalist Christianity spreads everywhere;
and you can't find safety from it, even in a McDonalds ... in China (3:32)

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Hindus are flexing their muscles in India under Prime Minister Modi.
Many Christians have been arrested after being accused of using Christmas
to steal Hindu children from their cult and convert them into ...

the Christian cult

Now we are witnessing a real "War on Christmas."
Not that bullshit nonsense that Fox News always uses to pander to their morons.

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I didn't know Ireland was this backward ...

Baptism required before students are allowed to attend school

Let's hope these progressives can move Ireland into the 21st century

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In Kenya, a Christian Cult leader kills his followers by convincing them to ...

starve themselves to death

UPDATE 6/14/23

Cult members continue to kill themselves ... even after rescue

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Kenyan evangelicals demand museum remove Turkana Boy fossils

If their God is real ... why do they have to hide evidence to the contrary?

It doesn't sound like Kenya is all that big on "Teaching the Controversy."

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Ain't religion grand?

Did you catch the part near the end about Muslims not being citizens?
So these guys aren't any worse than George Bush Senior who said the same thing about atheists.

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Aren't Ghost Worshipers precious?

I predict this idiocy will spread like a cancer throughout the world
since religious nutjobs hate to be outdone by other religious nutjobs.

But if you really want to screw up your body
and score major points with The Big Guy,
try one of these ...

a cilice

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All over the world we are witnessing the rise of fascism and religion.

Which makes sense, since they go together like salt and pepper

I could sure use some good news for a change

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In the mid-twentieth century Stalin tried to impose secularism on Russia ... He failed.
The Christian backlash has been substantial.
Their current leader Putin (who apparently plans to hold power for life) is a devout Christian.
The Russian Orthodox Church (Christians) represent about 80% of all Russians -
a higher Christian percentage than found in America (~70%).

So what do Christians do, in a majority Christian nation?
The same thing Muslims do, in a majority Muslim nation -
they attack anyone who refuses to submit to their domination.

Anywhere you go on Earth ... it is what religion does.

Russia passes anti-gay bill

But that's not all.

To consolidate power and insulate themselves from attack,
the Christian Russian Orthodox Church (CROC) is emulating American Evangelicals
by attempting to turn Russia into a "Christian nation."
Unfortunately, Russia does not enjoy the protection
of a "First Amendment" as does America,
so Christians in Russia are marching toward a theocracy nearly unopposed.
Russia is heading back into the Dark Ages.

This is not a good thing.

Insulting religion is now a crime

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"Thou Shalt Not Kill "

The most meaningless of all God's Commandments

It took the Church hundreds of years to admit wrongdoing in the Galileo affair.
This time it only took them 20 years to confess their guilt in Rwanda.
Now, if we could just convince them to stop protecting their child rapists
we might someday see Conservative Catholics
take their place among civilized human beings.

(which means that they would no longer be "Conservative" Catholics)

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Considering that South Korea is ranked near the top of the world in education
this news may not be so surprising (2:36) ...

Christianity and Buddhism are disappearing from Ultra-religious South Korea

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I understand that you South Koreans are grateful to America
for defending you against that family of thugs who run North Korea;
but importing our religion isn't the way to show gratitude.

Evolution Meets Christianity: Christianity Wins

Christianity is like a spreading cancer
that will suck your money and dilute your education,
as this story just demonstrated.
Even Scientology would be less destructive.
Plus you would be entitled to free visits from Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
Compare that to what the Christians are offering you ...
Kirk Cameron and Pat Robertson

Not to mention, that with Scientology,
you don't have to worry about that whole "Eternal Torture" thing.
Seriously Korean dudes, if you are going to screw up your country ...

at least pick the lesser of two evils

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Spanish town of Castrillo Matajudios votes to change its name

The next time you hear someone talk about "Judeo-Christian" values,
as if those two are best friends,
be sure to tell them about this story
which represents the true history of Judeo-Christian relations.

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2 European nations make amends for ancient Christian atrocities

First - Spain

and now - Portugal

As both of these nations are still majority Christian,
they represent the new breed of Christian ...
evolved, modern, progressive Christians

Muslim nations please take note - that's how you do it.

That's right Turkey ... we're lookin at you

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For Catholics, the news just gets worse, and worse, and worse.

The Church Stole and Sold Babies in Spain

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Evangelicals are still running amok ... even in Great Britain

How long must humanity suffer
before the "Feebles" figure it out?

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It's hard to believe how delusional Britain's Prime Minister, David Cameron is.
But when you look around at the world's leaders
and remember some of our own, like the Bush Boys
it just may be ...

a requirement of the job

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Even in a fairly secular modern Britain, Christians secure special privileges

10 worst violations of religious equality in Britain

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Our Conservative politicians are more pandering
than politicians in other countries.

acceptance of evolution among politicians

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Decline of the Christian Empire


One journalist's story of how she came to break free
from the "young-Earth" indoctrination and evangelical brainwashing ...

that she was raised with

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James Haught's latest book chronicles the continuing decline of ...

the Christian Empire

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Southern Baptists (America's largest Christian denomination) ...

saw greatest decline in 100 years

In these disastrous times (over 100,000 Covid-19 deaths, crashing economy, and race riots)
it's nice to finally be able to insert some good news.
What's even nicer, is that for Ghost Worshipers ... it's all bad.

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America is starting to catch up to the rest of the civilized nations ...

Church attendance is at its lowest level ever - 50%

Ghost Worship is fading ... very slowly ... but it is fading.

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"Secularization precedes economic development and not the other way around.
Although this does not demonstrate a causal pathway, it does rule out the reverse.
Furthermore, secularization only predicts future economic development when ...

it is accompanied by a respect and tolerance for individual rights "

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Scientific analysis attempts to predict when Christians will lose their majority in the U.S. (6:55)

Hope for humanity ... after all!

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I didn't expect so much progress this fast;
for the first time in American history ...

"Nones" (34%) surpass "Protestants" (33%) for the top spot

And notice the source of that story ... "Christian"

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How is the battle to free humans from the matrix ... going?

This is one of those times, that when things go down, that may mean ...
that things are looking up

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The largest religious category in Australia is (drum roll please) ...


Bringing sanity to the world ... one country at a time

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Why are conservative Christian congregations growing
while modern, progressive Christian congregations continue to shrink?

They didn't attempt to explain why ... but I will.

There is a gigantic intellectual gap
between Conservative Christians (found mostly in the Republican party)
and modern, progressive Christians (found mostly in the Democratic party).

It is nearly impossible to reason with conservative Christians.
Facts and truth mean nothing to them.
They cannot be educated; nor can they be reasoned with.
They follow the God of the Old Testament and ignore all of Jesus' teachings.

But progressive Christians tend to accept science.
Facts and truth do matter to them.
They try other religions and even no religion.
These Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

For most of the positive changes we see in American society
we can thank, mainly, progressive Christians.
(for example: gay marriage and abortion services)

Most the horrors we see in American society
can be laid at the feet of conservative Christians.
(like white supremacy and the attempts to theocratize our democracy)

Since the Conservative mind refuses to reason,
our best bet is to join modern, progressive Christians in prayer ...

and pray that Fox News accidentally transmits a fatal brain virus to its viewers

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Americans are fleeing "ghost worship" in droves

It wasn't all that long ago that America was nearly 100% Christian

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Which is the least religious country on Earth?


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Venture capitalist Dave Cowan looks at Christianity from ...

a business perspective

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Survey finds Americans are becoming more skeptical of the Bible

So what took them so long? The Bible hasn't changed, has it?

(Oops! I almost forgot about all those dozens of different Bible versions)

I think the real reason why people are waking up
is because of the anonymity granted by the internet,
which has given people a degree of safety never known before.
They can now express themselves with far less fear of reprisal.
They can find support from groups of rational people,
even if they live in a forsaken area like the Bible Belt.

And the best news is the demographic. This age group represents the future.
And the future is looking a whole lot brighter ... than the past.

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Here is a story which is becoming more and more common

Churches transformed into homes

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Quote from Creationist Ken Ham:

"Of course, children believing that the universe and everything in it
were designed by God isn’t acceptable to secularists. Their solution?
One key way is to use picture books to teach children
the evolutionary view of the universe, beginning in kindergarten.
This actually reminds me of a quote attributed to Hitler:
'He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future!'  

Hitler got that one right; which is why you Ghost Worshipers are screwed.

The percentage of nonbelievers among millennials
is higher than that of any generation ever recorded ...

Poll shows that God is fading faster than a desert oasis

So when you die Ken, it looks like you'll be joining those dinosaurs you like so much.
Centuries from now, if anyone does look back at the sad little men
who did their best to hold back civilization ...
your picture will give them something to laugh at.

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So how is the culture war going?

Depends on which side of the fence you're on

Well, they could move to America.
The outcome will probably be the same ...
but they might hold out a little longer.

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According to a U.C. Berkeley study, Americans are abandoning religion ... fast.

Biggest losses are among Catholics

You might remember when I presented evidence
that Gallup was not an unbiased polling organization,
but rather, another arm of the Christian Far Right?

Well, I hate to say I told you so, but ...

I told you so

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Poll results: Quality of life in Ireland

Out of 119 items ... check out what came in last

This is the same country where citizens recently killed each other over religion.
I see this as more proof of evolution.

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The weapon that rational people have waited for,
for thousands of years, is finally in our hands.

Religion may not survive the internet

The internet has provided a degree of anonymity (and therefore safety)
never before available to humans, who are using it to fight back against

Religious Terrorism

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It's not often that I side with a church ... but ...

criminal charges for housing the homeless?

There were better options for handling this situation.

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Are the 10 Commandments the epitome of morality?

Let's take a closer look (9:04)

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I don't think I need to add anything to what Jesus said.

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But here is one thing that Jesus actually got right (Matthew 10:34-36):

Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth:
I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father,
and the daughter against her mother,
and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Anyone who has read the heartbreaking stories
posted daily on the atheist subreddit
knows that Jesus has been far more successful at destroying families ...

than he has been at converting the world to Christianity.

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The Catholics aren't the only Christians who are stealing their followers blind ...

the Mormons are no better

This is money that could have been used for schools, hospitals,
or to help their own children with college and getting a home.
Instead they gave it to religious con artists
whom they are hoping will put in a good word for them with ...

The Big Guy

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As little as 10% of the millions raised each year
by the Catholic Church to help the poor ...

reaches the needy

But you Ghost Worshipers be sure to keep giving
your hard-earned money to the Church ...

because they care about you God Dammit!

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Guess which Australians are most likely to abuse their wives?

Evangelical Christian men

Nothing new to see here folks ... move along.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"Jesus died for our sins "

That may be true. But according to Mark 14:35-36 ...

He didn't want to

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Bad Christian arguments:
"Without God there is no objective morality "

The argument of Objective Morality is self-defeating
because the morality that God tries to impose on humans,
is not even followed by God himself, and is therefore ...

not objective

And objective according to which version?
And according to which denomination?

There are so many to choose from;
and all of them differ ... some drastically.

Here is God's idea of morality ...

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Bad Christian arguments:
"There can be no charity without God "

First, point out that their faith "instructs" them to give. Then ask them:
"Without an invisible ghost to threaten you for disobeying, would you still give?

If they say "yes" - then ask "Then why does one need God to be charitable?"
If they say "no" - then they are only giving out of self-interest.

Or you could just send them this ...

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Great news for fans of Yahweh (The Jewish and Christian God)

Canaanites survived the genocide ordered by God

So while it's true that the Bible got yet another one wrong,
it's also true that Yahweh is off the hook for genocide
(though not for lack of effort)

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This statement was made on the floor of the U.S. senate in 1850
by Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America:

Slavery was established by decree of almighty God ...
It is sanctioned in the Bible, in both testaments, from Genesis to Revelation ....

Well Mr. Davis, I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you:
it has been disestablished by decree of "We the people."
And if you think that's bad, you wouldn't even believe
how many other biblically-sanctioned religious freedoms we've retracted ...

since the day you were mercifully fed to the worms

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I sent the following email to dozens of Conservative Christians:

"In Exodus, your God bragged about murdering countless innocent Egyptian babies.
Then He created a holiday (Passover) to celebrate the slaughter of these babies.
My question isn't about Him though. My question is about you ...
Why would any moral human being worship such a hideous murdering beast?

And a follow-up question:

Since you do - how could you be considered anything other than monsters yourselves? 

For some odd reason, not one of them was willing to stand up and defend his God.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"No morality without God "

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This paragraph was copied from the home page of Christian apologist, Wintery Knight:

"Dr. Craig is willing to debate. Where are the atheist debaters?
Why are atheists afraid of Dr. Craig?
Why are they afraid of his arguments?
What do they have to lose that stops them
from putting their arguments and evidences up against his?

So guess what follows this paragraph on his web site?
video after video of atheists debating Craig!

William Lane Craig
Christopher Hitchens on the existence of God

William Lane Craig
Bart Ehrman on the resurrection of Jesus

William Lane Craig
Sam Harris on morality

Aren't their feeble little minds precious?
No wonder this guy can't find any contradictions in the bible.
He doesn't even know what they are.
I've found the perfect description for "Wintery Knight":

Pick any synonym you like ... they ALL apply

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Remember when the Templeton Foundation spent 2 million dollars
to fund a study on the efficacy of intercessary prayer in 2006?
Remember how disastrous that turned out for them?

Here's a reminder

Well, this one didn't go much better ...

Religious upbringing is associated with less altruism

So now they have an excuse:
"It's not my fault ... I was raised to be a selfish asshole"

And that wasn't the only recent study that dispelled the myth of ...

superior religious morality

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Is your religious liberty being threatened?

10 quick questions will help you find out

So no - you no longer get to exercise your religious liberty to own other humans.

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John Adams was one of our most famous founding fathers.
So naturally, Christian Nationalists try to claim him as one of their own.
So what did Adams have to say about Christianity?

Turning a lemon ... into lemonade (1 page)

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Bad Christian arguments:
"No morality without God "

This poll shows that the more backwards and barbaric the nation,
the more likely they are to connect morality with belief in god.
(and notice how America went out of its way to embarrass itself ... yet again)

Conservative Christians claim that without their God, humans cannot be moral;
yet countless social animals and insects live in peaceful, cooperative societies.
If they can do it, why can't humans?

Lab rats won't press a bar to receive food
if they see that by pressing that bar,
a rat in an adjacent cage will receive a shock.

Bats will regurgitate blood to share with another bat
who wasn't able to find a meal.

If Christian claims are true, then I guess that means
that the rats and bats must have accepted Jesus Christ
as their personal Lord and Savior?

UPDATE - 9/20/17

A religious upbringing is more likely to produce immoral kids

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Mormon Bishop poses as a homeless man
to test the morals of his congregation

I didn't find those results surprising at all. What did catch my attention though ...
was how fast the Mormons removed it from YouTube (I never even got to see it).

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Classic Emails (2 pages)

Re-introducing ... the Westboro Baptist - Banjo Band

"The Jews murdered Jesus!"

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Do we need God to be moral?

Apes provide the answer

Actually, a good case could be made ...
that we have devolved.

Why do many animals live in peaceful, cooperative societies, without Jesus,
but Conservative Christians seem to think that humans are incapable of doing so?

Did you know that some rats won't press a bar to receive food
if they see that the pressing of that bar
delivers a shock to another rat in the next cage?

Did you know that bats will regurgitate some blood
to share with another bat who wasn't able to find a meal?

Conservative Christians claim that you need religion to be moral.
So I guess that means that the rats and bats
must have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

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The horror of Christianity ... made clear (4:12)

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Without the Bible where do Atheists get their morals?
Well, read about this experiment involving lowly rats. As far as I know ...
none of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

The morality of rats

So much for needing Jesus to provide morals.
Morals have existed since way before Jesus ever hammered His first nail;
in societies that never heard of "Him"; since way before humans even existed;
and will likely exist long after humans abandon ghost worship.

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I will agree that the 10 Commandments should be posted
anywhere Christians desire to post them;
including schools, courtrooms, libraries, and outside of any public buildings,
provided that ...

Christians agree to post the REAL 10 Commandments.

That would be the permanent set that God gave Moses (as described in Exodus 34);
not the set in Exodus 20 that Moses smashed.
(That first set of Commandments was in effect for what? A week? Two weeks?)
Anyway, God replaced that first set of Commandments with a permanent set.
Here is that permanent set that God gave Moses: The REAL 10 Commandments;
and the only set referred to in the Bible as ... The 10 Commandments:

Exodus 34: verse ...

14 "For thou shalt worship no other god "

17 "Thou shalt make thee no molten gods "

18 "The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep "

19 "But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb:
and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck 

21 "Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest "

22 "And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks "

23 "Thrice in the year shall all your menchildren appear before the LORD God "

25 "Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven "

26 "The first of the firstfruits of thy land
thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God 

26 "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk "

27-28 "And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words:
for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.
And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights;
he did neither eat bread, nor drink water.
And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant ... The Ten Commandments"

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Southern Baptists finally get around to apologizing for supporting slavery ...

150 years later

Look on the bright side: it took the Catholics over 350 years to apologize to ...


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Reading violent Bible passages brings out the worst ... in the worst

Religiously inspired violence

Notice that this story is not an atheist source ...
but a religious one.

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Who has murdered more people: God or Satan?

It isn't even close

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Fall of the Roman Empire


It turns out that in 1539, Martin Luther tried to warn the world about ...

sodomizing priests

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Constantine saw "The Sign" in the sky in 312 ...

and convened the Council of Nicea in 325

And it has all been downhill ever since.

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Theodosius made Christianity the offical religion of Rome in 380.
The empire lasted only 15 more years before beginning to break apart ...


I think not

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Domestic Christian Terrorism (U.S.)


Connecticut exonerates witches who were hanged in 1600's

I wonder why 1 legislator voted against it?

Based on the widespread belief in witchcraft
(follow link in article)
that persists to this day among the ultra-ignorant ...
I assume that might explain the 1 vote against.

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Christians threaten giant retailer "Target" with violence for ...

displaying gay apparel

Money quote ...

"many Christians have sent me death threats,
and detailed description of violence they would enact on me

Jesus would be so proud.

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That is what America looked like ...
before invading hordes of millions of European Christians
stole 2 continents from them
and murdered them by the tens of millions;
before mercifully allowing the survivors
to live off of isolated patches of desert.

Praise Jesus!

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The "Satanic Panic" (13:23)

More proof that Trump didn't create the lunacy that now dominates America ...

he only revealed it

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Let's put Christian claims of moral superiority to the test, shall we?

Okay, here's the test: Find A Christian and an atheist who each own a lamborghini
(approximate cost brand new ~ a quarter of a million dollars)

The atheist must attach a metallic IXOYE fish where it is plainly visible.
The Christian must attach a metallic Darwin fish where it is plainly visible.
Both must drive around town and then leave their cars parked for hours.
They may go to the Mall, a Bar, a Movie, or wherever they choose,
just as long as they don't return for at least a couple of hours.

If you can find one Christian in America who will accept this challenge ...

please let me know

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Christian terrorists strike in Oregon

Why did I call them "Christian terrorists" instead of militiamen?
Because I believe in calling people what they are
and this quote from the article by Ammon Bundy ... proves me right:

"The Hammond’s need our prayers.
Please take the time and get on your knees as soon as possible
and pray to our Father above for the Hammond’s.
They need our sincere prayers.
They need the Spirit of the Lord to be upon them
that they may have strength and knowledge.

Here's a quote from another one of the Conservative Christian terrorists:

"The man identifying as Captain Moroni said he was inspired by the call,
and that the inspiration was validated by God
in the form of a flock of geese he saw flying.

Yes, these delusional Ghost Worshipers are certifiable ...

and very dangerous

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Republican Conservative Christians went nuts at the "National Prayer Breakfast"
when Obama hit them with historical reality.

Imagine the uproar if Obama had shown them ... this picture

Did you notice the tree full of loving Christians in the background
trying to get a better view of the murder?

ISIS has nothing on those Christians

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This video sent me off in search of my light saber (40:22)

Violence in Defense of Christian Privilege by Ed Brayton

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Christians believe that their invisible ghost can see everything they do,
and can hear every thought they think.
They believe that their invisible ghost
has the power to send them to a place of eternal torture.

That is why they can read countless stories about their God murdering people,
and threatening to torture billions more,
and seriously state that He is a God of love and wisdom.

What could possibly explain how modern humans
could be capable of such blindness?
There is only one emotion that can explain it ... fear.

If you are a member of "Hulu," watch this video and you will see,
that what was presented as science fiction, is only too real.

It's a good life (~29:00; after that the show repeats)

Become a Christian and you will get to live the rest of your life with little Anthony Fremont ...

THAT is the salvation they are offering you

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Foreign Christian Terrorism


Meet Sanal Edamaruku, President of the Indian Rationalist Association

Before you start celebrating the demise of religion ...

think again

What the article left out was ...
that because he would be arrested and tried if he ever returned to India,
Edamaruku was unable to attend the funeral of his mother.

Congratulations Catholics!
It's great to see that you are still spreading joy and happiness ...

wherever you go

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God has apparently changed his mind about
"Thou shalt not kill "
and is okay with it now.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine
has been approved by God according to ...

Russian religious leaders

And I thought that Republican Jesus was bad.
These violent ghost-worshipping little freaks
know they can make God any way that they need him to be;
and their mindless, brainwashed legions of followers will blindly obey.

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The effects of the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) ...

are still discernable today

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American Evangelicals don’t want you to know that ...

the Nazis were Evangelical Christians too

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Christian leaders always trumpet the 10 Commandments ...

and then just ignore them and go right on killing

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The Christian horror of burning witches continues into the 21st century

Witch hunting in Nigeria often targets little children

These Christians make Westboro Baptist seem ... almost human by comparison.

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Christians are still burning witches in the 21st century (3:35)
(Warning: extremely disturbing video starts at 2:20
when they tape people being burned to death)

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More fallout from the Anders Breivik massacre

Norwegians to separate Church and State

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Why are Africans being burned to death for witchcraft and executed for homosexuality?

You can thank the influence of good ole American evangelical idiots

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